##' @title Shiny correlation plot
##' @description A simple \pkg{shiny} app to show scatter plot of correlations
##' between two genes/miRNAs on local web browser
##' @param gene1 a vector of Ensembl gene ids or miRBase v21 mature miRNA ids
##' @param gene2 a vector of Ensembl gene ids or miRBase v21 mature miRNA ids
##' @param rna.expr \code{\link[limma]{voom}} transformed expression data
##' @param metadata metadata parsed from \code{\link{gdcParseMetadata}}
##' @return a local webpage for visualization of correlation plots
##' @import shiny
##' @export
##' @author Ruidong Li and Han Qu
##' @examples
##' genes <- c('ENSG00000000938','ENSG00000000971','ENSG00000001036',
##' 'ENSG00000001084','ENSG00000001167','ENSG00000001460')
##' samples <- c('TCGA-2F-A9KO-01', 'TCGA-2F-A9KP-01',
##' 'TCGA-2F-A9KQ-01', 'TCGA-2F-A9KR-01',
##' 'TCGA-2F-A9KT-01', 'TCGA-2F-A9KW-01')
##' metaMatrix <- data.frame(sample_type=rep('PrimaryTumor',6),
##' sample=samples,
##' days_to_death=seq(100,600,100),
##' days_to_last_follow_up=rep(NA,6))
##' rnaExpr <- matrix(c(2.7,7.0,4.9,6.9,4.6,2.5,
##' 0.5,2.5,5.7,6.5,4.9,3.8,
##' 2.1,2.9,5.9,5.7,4.5,3.5,
##' 2.7,5.9,4.5,5.8,5.2,3.0,
##' 2.5,2.2,5.3,4.4,4.4,2.9,
##' 2.4,3.8,6.2,3.8,3.8,4.2),6,6)
##' rownames(rnaExpr) <- genes
##' colnames(rnaExpr) <- samples
##' \dontrun{shinyCorPlot(gene1=genes[1:3], gene2=genes[4:5], rna.expr=rnaExpr,
##' metadata=metaMatrix)}
shinyCorPlot <- function (gene1, gene2, rna.expr,metadata) {
ui <- fluidPage(
headerPanel('Expression correlation of ceRNA pairs'),
selectInput('xcol', 'Long non-coding gene', paste(gene1,
' (', ensembl2symbolFun(gene1), ')', sep='')),
selectInput('ycol', 'Protein coding gene', paste(gene2,
' (', ensembl2symbolFun(gene2), ')', sep=''))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
gdcCorPlot(gene1 = strsplit(input$xcol,' (', fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1],
gene2 = strsplit(input$ycol,' (', fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1],
rna.expr = rna.expr,
metadata = metadata)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
##' @title Shiny Kaplan Meier (KM) plot
##' @description A simple \pkg{shiny} app to show KM survival curves
##' on local web browser
##' @param gene a vector of Ensembl gene ids
##' @param rna.expr \code{\link[limma]{voom}} transformed expression data
##' @param metadata metadata parsed from \code{\link{gdcParseMetadata}}
##' @return a local webpage for visualization of KM plots
##' @export
##' @author Ruidong Li and Han Qu
##' @examples
##' genes <- c('ENSG00000000938','ENSG00000000971','ENSG00000001036',
##' 'ENSG00000001084','ENSG00000001167','ENSG00000001460')
##' samples <- c('TCGA-2F-A9KO-01', 'TCGA-2F-A9KP-01',
##' 'TCGA-2F-A9KQ-01', 'TCGA-2F-A9KR-01',
##' 'TCGA-2F-A9KT-01', 'TCGA-2F-A9KW-01')
##' metaMatrix <- data.frame(sample_type=rep('PrimaryTumor',6),
##' sample=samples,
##' days_to_death=seq(100,600,100),
##' days_to_last_follow_up=rep(NA,6))
##' rnaExpr <- matrix(c(2.7,7.0,4.9,6.9,4.6,2.5,
##' 0.5,2.5,5.7,6.5,4.9,3.8,
##' 2.1,2.9,5.9,5.7,4.5,3.5,
##' 2.7,5.9,4.5,5.8,5.2,3.0,
##' 2.5,2.2,5.3,4.4,4.4,2.9,
##' 2.4,3.8,6.2,3.8,3.8,4.2),6,6)
##' rownames(rnaExpr) <- genes
##' colnames(rnaExpr) <- samples
##' \dontrun{shinyKMPlot(gene=genes, rna.expr=rnaExpr,
##' metadata=metaMatrix)}
shinyKMPlot <- function (gene, rna.expr, metadata) {
ui <- fluidPage(
headerPanel('Kaplan Meier plot'),
selectInput('xcol', 'Gene', paste(gene, ' (',
ensembl2symbolFun(gene), ')', sep='')),
selectInput('ycol', 'Separator', sep, selected=sep[2])
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
gdcKMPlot(gene = strsplit(input$xcol,' (', fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1],
sep = input$ycol,
rna.expr = rna.expr,
metadata = metadata)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
##' @title Shiny pathview
##' @description A simple \pkg{shiny} app to show pathways genetrated by
##' \pkg{pathview} package on local web browser
##' @param gene a vector of numeric values (eg. fold change on log2 scale)
##' with names are Ensembl gene ids
##' @param pathways a vector of KEGG pathway ids
##' @param directory the folder to save pathway figures.
##' Default is the working directory
##' @return a local webpage for visualization of KEGG maps
##' @importFrom pathview pathview
##' @export
##' @author Ruidong Li and Han Qu
##' @examples
##' genes <- c('ENSG00000000938','ENSG00000000971','ENSG00000001036',
##' 'ENSG00000001084','ENSG00000001167','ENSG00000001460')
##' pathways <- c("hsa05414~Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)",
##' "hsa05410~Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)",
##' "hsa05412~Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy",
##' "hsa04512~ECM-receptor interaction",
##' "hsa04510~Focal adhesion",
##' "hsa04360~Axon guidance",
##' "hsa04270~Vascular smooth muscle contraction",
##' "hsa05205~Proteoglycans in cancer",
##' "hsa04022~cGMP-PKG signaling pathway",
##' "hsa00480~Glutathione metabolism")
##' \dontrun{shinyPathview(gene=genes, pathways=pathways)}
shinyPathview <- function(gene, pathways, directory='.') {
if (! dir.exists(directory)) {
if ( ! endsWith(directory, '/')) {
directory = paste(directory, '/', sep='')
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput('xcol', 'Pathway', pathways)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$plot1 <- renderImage({
pathwayID <- strsplit(input$xcol, '~', fixed=TRUE)[[1]][1]
outfile <- paste(directory, pathwayID, '.pathview.png', sep='')
if (! file.exists(outfile)) {
pathview(gene.data = gene,
pathway.id = pathwayID,
species = "hsa",
gene.idtype= 'ENSEMBL',
#limit = list(gene=c(min(geneList),max(geneList)),
limit = list(gene=max(abs(gene)), cpd=1),
kegg.dir = directory)
file.move(paste(pathwayID, '.pathview.png', sep=''),
list(src = outfile)
}, deleteFile = FALSE)
shinyApp(ui, server)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.