# Functions in preprocessing module are modified from cytofkit package.
# And here is the reference: Hao Chen, Mai Chan Lau, Michael Thomas Wong,
# Evan W. Newell, Michael Poidinger, Jinmiao Chen. Cytofkit: A Bioconductor Package
# for an Integrated Mass Cytometry Data Analysis Pipeline. PLoS Comput Biol, 2016.
#' Merge the expression matrix from multiple FCS files with preprocessing
#' @name runExprsMerge
#' @description Apply preprocessing on each FCS file including compensation
#' (for FCM data only) and transformation with selected markers, then expression
#' matrix are extracted and merged using one of the methods, \code{all},
#' \code{min}, \code{fixed} or \code{ceil}
#' @param fcsFiles A vector of FCS file names.
#' @param comp If \verb{TRUE}, does compensation by compensation matrix contained
#' in FCS. Agrument also accepts a compensation matrix to be applied.
#' Otherwise \verb{FALSE}.
#' @param transformMethod Data Transformation method, including \code{autoLgcl},
#' \code{cytofAsinh}, \code{logicle} and \code{arcsinh}, or \code{none} to
#' avoid transformation.
#' @param scaleTo Scale the expression to a specified range c(a, b), default is NULL.
#' @param mergeMethod Merge method for mutiple FCS expression data. cells can be
#' combined using one of the four different methods including \code{ceil},
#' \code{all}, \code{min}, \code{fixed}. The default option is \code{ceil},
#' up to a fixed number (specified by \code{fixedNum}) of cells are sampled
#' without replacement from each fcs file and combined for analysis.
#' \code{all}: all cells from each fcs file are combined for analysis.
#' \code{min}: The minimum number of cells among all the selected fcs files
#' are sampled from each fcs file and combined for analysis.
#' \code{fixed}: a fixed num (specified by fixedNum) of cells are sampled
#' (with replacement when the total number of cell is less than fixedNum)
#' from each fcs file and combined for analysis.
#' @param fixedNum The fixed number of cells to be extracted from each FCS file.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{runExprsExtract}
#' @return A matrix containing the merged expression data, with selected markers.
#' @seealso \code{\link{runExprsExtract}}
#' @export
#' @author Chen Hao
#' @references Hao Chen, Mai Chan Lau, Michael Thomas Wong, Evan W. Newell,
#' Michael Poidinger, Jinmiao Chen. Cytofkit: A Bioconductor Package for
#' an Integrated Mass Cytometry Data Analysis Pipeline. PLoS Comput Biol, 2016.
#' @examples
#' # Read fcs files
#' fcs.path <- system.file("extdata", package = "CytoTree")
#' fcs.files <- list.files(fcs.path, pattern = '.FCS$', full = TRUE)
#' fcs.data <- runExprsMerge(fcs.files, comp = FALSE, transformMethod = "none")
runExprsMerge <- function(fcsFiles,
comp = FALSE,
transformMethod = c("autoLgcl", "cytofAsinh", "logicle", "arcsinh", "logAbs", "none"),
scaleTo = NULL,
mergeMethod = c("ceil", "all", "fixed", "min"),
fixedNum = 2000, ...) {
transformMethod <- match.arg(transformMethod)
mergeMethod <- match.arg(mergeMethod)
exprsL <- mapply(runExprsExtract, fcsFiles,
MoreArgs = list(comp = comp,
transformMethod = transformMethod,
scaleTo = scaleTo, ...),
## test if number of events in any fcs less than fixedNum
eventCountTest <- suppressWarnings(any(lapply(exprsL, function(x) if (nrow(x) < fixedNum) {1} else {0})))
## solution 1, change mergeMethod from fixed to ceil
#if(mergeMethod == "fixed" && eventCountTest == TRUE){
# mergeMethod <- "ceil"
## solution 2: use lowest number of fcs events as fixedNum
if(mergeMethod == "fixed" && eventCountTest == TRUE){
warning("One or more FCS files have less events than specified fixedNum; using lowest as fixedNum")
fixedNum <- min(rapply(exprsL, nrow))
ceil = {
mergeFunc <- function(x) {
if (nrow(x) < fixedNum) {
} else {
x[sample(nrow(x), size = fixedNum, replace = FALSE), , drop = FALSE]
merged <- do.call(rbind, lapply(exprsL, mergeFunc))
all = {
merged <- do.call(rbind, exprsL)
fixed = {
mergeFunc <- function(x) {
x[sample(nrow(x), size = fixedNum, replace = ifelse(nrow(x) < fixedNum, TRUE, FALSE)), , drop=FALSE]
merged <- do.call(rbind, lapply(exprsL, mergeFunc))
min = {
minSize <- min(sapply(exprsL, nrow))
mergeFunc <- function(x) {
x[sample(nrow(x), size = minSize, replace = FALSE), , drop=FALSE]
merged <- do.call(rbind, lapply(exprsL, mergeFunc))
#' Extract the expression data from a FCS file with preprocessing
#' @name runExprsExtract
#' @description Extract the FCS expresssion data with preprocessing of
#' compensation (for FCM data only) and transformation. Transformtion
#' methods includes \code{autoLgcl}, \code{cytofAsinh}, \code{logicle}
#' (customizable) and \code{arcsinh} (customizable).
#' @param fcsFile The name of the FCS file.
#' @param verbose If \verb{TRUE}, print the message details of FCS loading.
#' @param comp If \verb{TRUE}, does compensation by compensation matrix
#' contained in FCS. Agrument also accepts a compensation matrix to be
#' applied. Otherwise \verb{FALSE}.
#' @param transformMethod Data Transformation method, including \code{autoLgcl},
#' \code{cytofAsinh}, \code{logicle} and \code{arcsinh}, or \code{none}
#' to avoid transformation.
#' @param showDesc logical. Whether to show \code{desc} name in the output matrix.
#' @param keepRaw logical. Whether to keep raw data for FSC and SSC.
#' @param scaleTo Scale the expression to a specified range c(a, b), default is NULL.
#' @param q Quantile of negative values removed for auto w estimation,
#' default is 0.05, parameter for autoLgcl transformation.
#' @param l_w Linearization width in asymptotic decades, parameter for
#' logicle transformation.
#' @param l_t Top of the scale data value, parameter for logicle transformation.
#' @param l_m Full width of the transformed display in asymptotic decades,
#' parameter for logicle transformation.
#' @param l_a Additional negative range to be included in the display
#' in asymptotic decades, parameter for logicle transformation.
#' @param a_a Positive double that corresponds to the base of the arcsinh
#' transformation, \code{arcsinh} = asinh(a + b * x) + c).
#' @param a_b Positive double that corresponds to a scale factor of the
#' arcsinh transformation, \code{arcsinh} = asinh(a + b * x) + c).
#' @param a_c Positive double that corresponds to another scale factor
#' of the arcsinh transformation, \code{arcsinh} = asinh(a + b * x) + c).
#' @return A transformed expression data matrix
#' @importFrom flowCore read.FCS compensate estimateLogicle logicleTransform
#' @importFrom flowCore parameters transformList arcsinhTransform biexponentialTransform
#' @importMethodsFrom flowCore transform
#' @importClassesFrom flowCore transformList
#' @export
#' @author Chen Hao
#' @references Hao Chen, Mai Chan Lau, Michael Thomas Wong, Evan W. Newell,
#' Michael Poidinger, Jinmiao Chen. Cytofkit: A Bioconductor Package for
#' an Integrated Mass Cytometry Data Analysis Pipeline. PLoS Comput Biol, 2016.
#' @examples
#' # Read fcs files
#' fcs.file <- system.file("extdata/D0.FCS", package = "CytoTree")
#' # Read FCS files
#' exp.data <- runExprsExtract(fcs.file, showDesc = FALSE, transformMethod = "none")
runExprsExtract <- function(fcsFile,
verbose = FALSE,
comp = FALSE,
transformMethod = c("autoLgcl", "cytofAsinh", "logicle", "arcsinh", "logAbs", "none"),
scaleTo = NULL,
showDesc = TRUE,
keepRaw = TRUE,
q = 0.05,
l_w = 0.1, l_t = 4000, l_m = 4.5, l_a = 0,
a_a = 1, a_b = 1, a_c =0) {
transformMethod <- match.arg(transformMethod)
## load FCS files
name <- sub(".fcs$", "", basename(fcsFile))
if (verbose) {
fcs <- read.FCS(fcsFile, transformation = FALSE)
} else {
fcs <- suppressWarnings(read.FCS(fcsFile, transformation = FALSE))
## compensation
if(is.matrix(comp) || is.data.frame(comp)){
fcs <- applyComp(fcs, comp)
message(" Compensation is applied on", fcsFile, "\n")
}else if(isTRUE(comp)) {
if(!is.null(fcs@description$SPILL)) {
fcs <- applyComp(fcs, fcs@description[["SPILL"]])
message(" Compensation is applied on ", fcsFile, "\n")
}else if(!is.null(fcs@description$SPILLOVER)) {
fcs <- applyComp(fcs, fcs@description[["SPILLOVER"]])
message(" Compensation is applied on ", fcsFile, "\n")
}else if(!is.null(fcs@description$COMP)) {
fcs <- applyComp(fcs, fcs@description[["COMP"]])
message(" Compensation is applied on ", fcsFile, "\n")
warning(Sys.time(), " ", "Cannot find compensation matrix in the FCS files!
Please CHECK the keyword of 'SPILL', 'SPILLOVER', or 'COMP'
in the FCS file and make sure it stores the compensation matrix.")
## match marker names to get marker ID, use all if NULL
pd <- fcs@parameters@data
## Exclude "Time", "Event" channel
exclude_channels <- grep("Time|Event", colnames(fcs@exprs), ignore.case = TRUE)
marker_id <- setdiff(seq_along(colnames(fcs@exprs)), exclude_channels)
size_channels <- grep("FSC|SSC", colnames(fcs@exprs), ignore.case = TRUE)
transMarker_id <- setdiff(marker_id, size_channels)
## exprs transformation
cytofAsinh = {
data <- fcs@exprs
data[ ,transMarker_id] <- apply(data[ ,transMarker_id, drop=FALSE], 2, cytofAsinh)
exprs <- data[ ,marker_id, drop=FALSE]
autoLgcl = {
trans <- autoLgcl(fcs, channels = colnames(fcs@exprs)[transMarker_id], q = q)
transformed <- flowCore::transform(fcs, trans)
exprs <- transformed@exprs[, marker_id, drop=FALSE]
logicle = {
data <- fcs@exprs
trans <- flowCore::logicleTransform(w = l_w, t = l_t, m = l_m, a = l_a)
data[ ,transMarker_id] <- apply(data[ ,transMarker_id, drop=FALSE], 2, trans)
exprs <- data[ ,marker_id, drop=FALSE]
arcsinh = {
data <- fcs@exprs
trans <- flowCore::arcsinhTransform(a = a_a, b = a_b, c = a_c)
data[ ,transMarker_id] <- apply(data[ ,transMarker_id, drop=FALSE], 2, trans)
exprs <- data[ ,marker_id, drop=FALSE]
logAbs = {
data <- fcs@exprs
cs <- apply(abs(data[ ,transMarker_id]), 2, sum)
transMarker_id <- transMarker_id[cs > 0]
cs <- cs[cs > 0]
norm_factors <- (10**ceiling(log10(median(cs))))/cs
data[ ,transMarker_id] <- round(log10(sweep(abs(data[ ,transMarker_id]), 2, norm_factors, "*")+1), digits=3)
exprs <- data[ ,marker_id, drop=FALSE]
none = {
data <- fcs@exprs
exprs <- data[ ,marker_id, drop=FALSE]
## apply linear transformation for the "FSC-x", "SSC-x" channel if exists
if((length(size_channels) > 0) & (keepRaw == FALSE)){
if(any(size_channels %in% marker_id)){
used_size_channel <- size_channels[size_channels %in% marker_id]
used_size_channel_id <- match(used_size_channel, marker_id)
exprs[ ,used_size_channel_id] <- apply(exprs[ , used_size_channel_id, drop=FALSE], 2,
function(x) scaleData(x, range=c(0, 4.5)))
## rescale all data to same range
if (!is.null(scaleTo)) {
exprs <- apply(exprs, 2, function(x) scaleData(x, scaleTo))
## add rownames and colnames
if (showDesc) {
col_names <- paste0(pd$name, "<", pd$desc,">")
} else {
col_names <- paste0(pd$name)
colnames(exprs) <- col_names[marker_id]
row.names(exprs) <- paste(name, seq_len(nrow(exprs)), sep = "_")
#' apply compensation on the FCS expression data
#' @param fcs FCS file.
#' @param compMatrix Compensation matrix.
#' @noRd
#' @return Compensated expression value
applyComp <- function(fcs, compMatrix) {
comp_fcs <- compensate(fcs, compMatrix)
#' rescale the data
#' @param x data.
#' @param range The range of the data.
#' @noRd
#' @return scaled data
#' @author Chen Hao
#' @references Hao Chen, Mai Chan Lau, Michael Thomas Wong, Evan W. Newell,
#' Michael Poidinger, Jinmiao Chen. Cytofkit: A Bioconductor Package for
#' an Integrated Mass Cytometry Data Analysis Pipeline. PLoS Comput Biol, 2016.
scaleData <- function(x, range = c(0, 4.5)) {
(x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x)) * (range[2] - range[1]) + range[1]
#' Noise reduced arsinh transformation
#' Inverse hyperbolic sine transformation (arsinh) with a cofactor of 5,
#' reduce noise from negative values. Adopted from Plos Comp reviewer
#' @param value A vector of numeric values.
#' @param cofactor Cofactor for asinh transformation, default 5 for mass cytometry data.
#' @noRd
#' @return transformed value
#' @importFrom stats rnorm median quantile
#' @author Chen Hao
#' @references Hao Chen, Mai Chan Lau, Michael Thomas Wong, Evan W. Newell,
#' Michael Poidinger, Jinmiao Chen. Cytofkit: A Bioconductor Package for
#' an Integrated Mass Cytometry Data Analysis Pipeline. PLoS Comput Biol, 2016.
cytofAsinh <- function(value, cofactor = 5) {
value <- value-1
loID <- which(value < 0)
if(length(loID) > 0)
value[loID] <- rnorm(length(loID), mean = 0, sd = 0.01)
value <- value / cofactor
value <- asinh(value) # value <- log(value + sqrt(value^2 + 1))
#' a modified version of "estimateLogicle" from flowCore
#' Used boxplot outlier detection to filter outliers in negative values
#' before calculating the r using the fifth percentile of the negative values.
#' @param x A flowFrame object.
#' @param channels Channel names to be transformed.
#' @param m The full width of the transformed display in asymptotic decades.
#' \code{m} should be greater than zero.
#' @param q The percentile of negative values used as reference poiont of negative range.
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom flowCore logicleTransform
#' @importFrom stats IQR
#' @noRd
#' @return a list of autoLgcl transformations
#' @author Chen Hao
#' @references Hao Chen, Mai Chan Lau, Michael Thomas Wong, Evan W. Newell,
#' Michael Poidinger, Jinmiao Chen. Cytofkit: A Bioconductor Package for
#' an Integrated Mass Cytometry Data Analysis Pipeline. PLoS Comput Biol, 2016.
autoLgcl <- function(x, channels, m = 4.5, q = 0.05) {
if (!is(x, "flowFrame"))
stop("x has to be an object of class \"flowFrame\"")
if (missing(channels))
stop("Please specify the channels to be logicle transformed")
indx <- channels %in% colnames(x@exprs)
if (!all(indx))
stop(paste("Channels", channels[!indx], "were not found in the FCS file.\n ",
sep = " "))
trans <- lapply(channels, function(p) {
data <- x@exprs[, p]
w <- 0
t <- max(data)
ndata <- data[data < 0]
## use 1.5 * IQR to filter outliers in negative values
nThres <- quantile(ndata, 0.25) - 1.5 * stats::IQR(ndata)
ndata <- ndata[ndata >= nThres]
transId <- paste(p, "autolgclTransform", sep = "_")
if (length(ndata)) {
r <- .Machine$double.eps + quantile(ndata, q)
## Check to avoid failure of negative w
if (10^m * abs(r) <= t) {
w <- 0
} else {
w <- (m - log10(t/abs(r)))/2
if(is.nan(w) || w>2) {
warning(Sys.time(), " ", paste0("autoLgcl failed for channel: ", p, "; using default logicle transformation!"))
w <- 0.1
t <- 4000
m <- 4.5
logicleTransform(transformationId = transId,
w = w, t = t, m = m, a = 0)
transformList(channels, trans)
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