#' buildTree
#' @name buildTree
#' @param object a CYT object
#' @param method character. Mehtod to build MST.
#' @param dim.type character. Type of dimensions that will be used to build the tree.
#' Five \code{dim.type} are provided, 'raw', 'pca', 'tsne', 'dc' and 'umap'.
#' By default is 'raw'.
#' @param dim.use numeric. Number of dimensions that will be used to build the tree.
#' For example. If \code{dim.use} is 'raw', there is no limit for \code{dim.type}.
#' And if the \code{dim.use} is 'tsne' or 'umap', the default \code{dim.use} is seq_len(2).
#' @param verbose logical. Whether to print calculation progress.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @importFrom igraph cluster_louvain membership graph.adjacency minimum.spanning.tree
#' @return A CYT object with tree
#' @examples
#' cyt.file <- system.file("extdata/cyt.rds", package = "CytoTree")
#' cyt <- readRDS(file = cyt.file)
#' cyt <- buildTree(cyt, dim.type = "raw")
#' # build minimum spanning tree (MST) based on tsne
#' cyt <- buildTree(cyt, dim.type = "tsne", dim.use = seq_len(2))
#' # Using PCA
#' cyt <- buildTree(cyt, dim.type = "pca", dim.use =seq_len(4))
#' # Using UMAP
#' cyt <- buildTree(cyt, dim.type = "umap", dim.use = seq_len(2))
#' # Using Diffusion Maps
#' cyt <- buildTree(cyt, dim.type = "dc", dim.use = seq_len(3))
buildTree <- function(object, method = "euclidean",
dim.type = c("raw", "pca", "tsne", "dc", "umap"),
dim.use = seq_len(2),
verbose = FALSE) {
if (verbose) message(Sys.time(), " Calculating buildTree.")
if (missing(object)) stop(Sys.time(), " CYT object is missing.")
dim.type <- match.arg(dim.type)
if (dim.type %in% c("tsne", "tSNE", "TSNE", "t-SNE","t_SNE", "t") ) {
dim.name <- paste0("tSNE_", dim.use)
tree.mat <- object@tsne.value[, dim.name]
} else if ( dim.type %in% c("PCA", "pca", "p") ) {
dim.name <- paste0("PC_", dim.use)
tree.mat <- object@pca.value[, dim.name]
} else if (dim.type %in% c("dc", "diffusionmap", "diffusion-map", "destiny", "d")) {
dim.name <- paste0("DC_", dim.use)
tree.mat <- object@dm@eigenvectors[, dim.name]
} else if (dim.type %in% c("umap", "UMAP", "u")) {
dim.name <- paste0("UMAP_", dim.use)
tree.mat <- object@umap.value[, dim.name]
} else {
if (verbose) message(Sys.time(), " The log data will be used to calculate trajectory")
tree.mat <- object@log.data[which(object@meta.data$dowsample == 1), object@markers.idx]
if (! "cluster.id" %in% colnames(object@meta.data)) {
stop(Sys.time(), " Invalid cluster.id, please run runCluster first")
cluster.info <- object@meta.data$cluster.id[which(object@meta.data$dowsample == 1)]
mst.mat <- aggregate(tree.mat, list(cluster = cluster.info), mean)
rownames(mst.mat) <- mst.mat[, 1]
adjacency <- stats::dist(mst.mat[, -1], method = method)
fullGraph <- igraph::graph.adjacency(as.matrix(adjacency),
mode = "undirected",
weighted = TRUE)
fullGraph <- simplify(fullGraph)
tree.graph <- igraph::minimum.spanning.tree(fullGraph)
# identify branch
object@meta.data$branch.id <- membership(cluster_louvain(tree.graph))[match(object@meta.data$cluster.id,names(membership(cluster_louvain(tree.graph))))]
# Storing network information
object@network <- list(mst = tree.graph,
method = method,
dim.type = dim.type,
dim.use = dim.use,
mst.mat = mst.mat,
branch.id = membership(cluster_louvain(tree.graph)))
# Initialization for root.cells and leaf cells
if (verbose) message(Sys.time(), " Initialization for root.cells and leaf cells")
object@meta.data$is.root.cells <- 0
object@meta.data$is.leaf.cells <- 0
# update tree meta information
object <- updateClustMeta(object, verbose = FALSE)
if (verbose) message(Sys.time(), " Calculating buildTree completed.")
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