cancer <- "coad"
platform <- "450k"
what = "both"
idatDir = NULL
n.samples = 5
# a <- .getTCGA.meth(cancer="coad", platform="27k", what="both", rgset=TRUE, n.samples=5, idat=TRUE)
# a <- .getTCGA.meth(cancer="coad", platform="450k", what="both", rgset=TRUE, n.samples=5, idat=TRUE)
.getTCGA.meth <- function(cancer, platform = c("450k", "27k"), what = c("both", "normal", "cancer"), verbose = FALSE, n.samples=NULL, idat=FALSE, idatDir="./", return=TRUE){
platform <- match.arg(platform)
what <- match.arg(what)
cancer <- tolower(cancer)
if (!cancer.exists.meth(cancer = cancer, platform = platform)){
stop("The cancer type is not available for this platform.")
cat(paste0("[getTCGA.meth] Searching for samples ... \n"))
filenames <- .getIdatNames(cancer = cancer, platform = platform)
if (!is.null(n.samples)){
filenames <- lapply(filenames, function(x) x[1:n.samples])
mappings <- getMethMappings(cancer = cancer, platform = platform)
mappings <- mappings[match(filenames$, mappings$barcode),]
if (what == "normal"){
retained.samples <- mappings$barcode[mappings$tissue == "Matched Normal"]
} else if (what == "tumor"){
retained.samples <- mappings$barcode[mappings$tissue != "Matched Normal" & mappings$tissue != "Cell Line Control"]
} else {
retained.samples <- mappings$barcode
mappings <- mappings[match(retained.samples, mappings$barcode),]
indices <- match(retained.samples, filenames[[2]])
filenames[[1]] <- filenames[[1]][indices]
filenames[[2]] <- filenames[[2]][indices]
n <- length(filenames[[1]])
cat(paste0("[getTCGA.meth] ", n," samples have been found \n"))
if (return){
if (platform=="450k"){
cat("[getTCGA.meth] Constructing the RGChannelSet \n")
object <- .read.450k.con(basenames = filenames$, con = filenames$idat.con, verbose = verbose)
pData(object) <- mappings
} else {
cat("[getTCGA.meth] Constructing the MethyLumi object \n")
object <- .read.27k.con(barcodes = filenames$, con = filenames$idat.con)
pData(object) <- mappings
} else {
object <- NULL
# To download the files:
if (idat){
cat("[getTCGA.meth] Saving the IDAT files \n")
.downloadIdat(filenames=filenames, idatDir=idatDir, sleep=1L)
# Function to download the idat files for methylation:
.downloadIdat <- function(filenames, idatDir, sleep=1L, quiet=TRUE){ <- files.grn <- paste0(filenames[[1]], filenames[[2]]) <- paste0(, "_Red.idat")
files.grn <- paste0(files.grn, "_Grn.idat")
files <- c(, files.grn)
for (i in 1:length(files)){
download(files[i], destfile=file.path(idatDir, basename(files[i])), quiet=quiet)
# Function to get the mappings data frame for methylation:
getMethMappings <- function(cancer , platform=c("27k","450k")) {
cancer <- tolower(cancer)
platform <- match.arg(platform)
if (platform == "27k"){
} else {
url <- paste0(root,cancer,tail)
d <- getURL(url)
d <- strsplit(d, split="\n")
d <- unlist(d)
d <- d[grepl("aux",d) & grepl("tar.gz",d) &!grepl("tar.gz.md5",d)]
extract.version <- function(x, cancer){
if (platform=="27k"){
start.patt <- paste0("jhu-usc.edu_",toupper(cancer),".HumanMethylation27.aux.")
} else {
start.patt <- paste0("jhu-usc.edu_",toupper(cancer),".HumanMethylation450.aux.")
stop.patt <- ".tar.gz"
start <- regexpr(start.patt,x)[1] + nchar(start.patt)
stop <- regexpr(stop.patt, x)[1] -1
substr(x, start, stop)
versions <- unlist(lapply(as.list(d),function(x) extract.version(x, cancer=cancer)))
versions <- unlist(strsplit(versions, split="[.]"))
versions <- matrix(as.numeric(versions), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
o <- order(versions[,1], versions[,2], versions[,3])
versions <- versions[o, ,drop=FALSE]
ids <- unique(versions[,1])
retained.versions <- matrix(NA, length(ids), 3)
for (i in 1:length(ids)){
indices <- which(versions[,1]==ids[i])
last.index <- indices[length(indices)]
retained.versions[i,] <- versions[last.index,]
versions <- paste(retained.versions[,1],
retained.versions[,3], sep="."
if (platform=="27k"){
dir <- paste0("jhu-usc.edu_",toupper(cancer),".HumanMethylation27.aux.",versions,"/")
} else {
dir <- paste0("jhu-usc.edu_",toupper(cancer),".HumanMethylation450.aux.",versions,"/")
csv.file <- paste0(url, dir, toupper(cancer),".mappings.csv")
mappings <- read.csv(text = getURL(csv.file))
if ("X" %in% colnames(mappings)){
mappings[,"X"] <- NULL
#barcodes <- .processBarcodes(mappings$TCGA.ID)
#mappings <- cbind(mappings, barcodes)
#rownames(mappings) <- mappings$
.getIdatNames <- function(cancer, platform=c("27k", "450k")){
cancer <- tolower(cancer)
platform <- match.arg(platform)
if (platform == "27k"){
} else {
extract.version <- function(x, cancer){
if (platform == "27k"){
start.patt <- paste0("jhu-usc.edu_",toupper(cancer),".HumanMethylation27.Level_1")
} else {
start.patt <- paste0("jhu-usc.edu_",toupper(cancer),".HumanMethylation450.Level_1")
stop.patt <- ".tar.gz"
start <- regexpr(start.patt,x)[1] + nchar(start.patt) + 1
stop <- regexpr(stop.patt, x)[1] -1
substr(x, start, stop)
url <- paste0(root,cancer,tail)
d <- getURL(url)
d <- strsplit(d, split="\n")
d <- unlist(d)
if (platform == "27k"){
d <- d[grepl("HumanMethylation27.Level_1",d) & grepl("tar.gz",d) &!grepl("tar.gz.md5",d)]
} else {
d <- d[grepl("HumanMethylation450.Level_1",d) & grepl("tar.gz",d) &!grepl("tar.gz.md5",d)]
versions <- unlist(lapply(as.list(d),function(x) extract.version(x, cancer=cancer)))
versions <- unlist(strsplit(versions, split="[.]"))
versions <- matrix(as.numeric(versions), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
o <- order(versions[,1], versions[,2], versions[,3])
versions <- versions[o, ,drop=FALSE]
ids <- unique(versions[,1])
retained.versions <- matrix(NA, length(ids), 3)
for (i in 1:length(ids)){
indices <- which(versions[,1]==ids[i])
last.index <- indices[length(indices)]
retained.versions[i,] <- versions[last.index,]
versions <- paste(retained.versions[,1],
retained.versions[,3], sep="."
if (platform=="27k") {
subdirs <- paste0("jhu-usc.edu_",toupper(cancer),".HumanMethylation27.Level_1.",versions,"/")
} else {
subdirs <- paste0("jhu-usc.edu_",toupper(cancer),".HumanMethylation450.Level_1.",versions,"/")
idat.con <- c() <- c()
extract.idat.filename <- function(x){
if (platform == "27k"){
start.patt <- 'a href=\\\"'
} else {
start.patt <- 'a href=\\\"'
stop.patt <- ".idat"
start <- regexpr(start.patt,x)[1] + nchar(start.patt) -1
stop <- regexpr(stop.patt, x)[1] -5
substr(x, start, stop)
for (kk in 1:length(subdirs)){
url <- paste0(root,cancer,tail, subdirs[kk])
d <- getURL(url)
d <- strsplit(d, split="\n")
d <- unlist(d)
d <- d[grepl(".idat",d)]
d <- unique(extract.idat.filename(d))
n <- length(d)
idat.con <- c(idat.con, rep(url, n)) <- c(, d)
Sys.sleep(2) # Otherwise TCGA Portal complains.
return(list(idat.con = idat.con, =
# Similar to read.450k but for a remote connexion:
.read.450k.con <- function(basenames, con, extended = FALSE, verbose = FALSE) {
td = tempdir()
basenames <- sub("_Grn\\.idat$", "", basenames)
basenames <- sub("_Red\\.idat$", "", basenames)
G.files <- paste(basenames, "_Grn.idat", sep = "")
R.files <- paste(basenames, "_Red.idat", sep = "")
G.con <- file.path(con, G.files)
R.con <- file.path(con, R.files)
names(G.files) <- basename(basenames)
names(R.files) <- basename(basenames)
stime <- system.time({
G.idats <- lapply(G.con, function(xx) {
if(verbose) cat("[read.450k] Reading", basename(xx), "\n")
tf = tempfile(tmpdir=td, fileext=".idat")
download(xx, destfile=tf, quiet=TRUE)
R.idats <- lapply(R.con, function(xx) {
if(verbose) cat("[read.450k] Reading", basename(xx), "\n")
tf = tempfile(tmpdir=td, fileext=".idat")
download(xx, destfile=tf, quiet=TRUE)
ptime1 <- proc.time()
GreenMean <-, lapply(G.idats, function(xx) xx$Quants[, "Mean"]))
RedMean <-, lapply(R.idats, function(xx) xx$Quants[, "Mean"]))
if(extended) {
GreenSD <-, lapply(G.idats, function(xx) xx$Quants[, "SD"]))
RedSD <-, lapply(R.idats, function(xx) xx$Quants[, "SD"]))
NBeads <-, lapply(G.idats, function(xx) xx$Quants[, "NBeads"]))
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
ptime1 <- proc.time()
if(extended) {
out <- new("RGChannelSetExtended", Red = RedMean, Green = GreenMean,
RedSD = RedSD, GreenSD = GreenSD, NBeads = NBeads)
} else {
out <- new("RGChannelSet", Red = RedMean, Green = GreenMean)
featureNames(out) <- rownames(G.idats[[1]]$Quants)
annotation(out) <- c(array = "IlluminaHumanMethylation450k", annotation = minfi:::.default.450k.annotation)
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
.read.27k.con <- function(barcodes, con){
td = tempdir()
files.grn <- file.path(con, paste(barcodes, "Grn.idat", sep="_")) <- file.path(con, paste(barcodes, "Red.idat", sep="_"))
for (i in 1:length(files.grn)){
download(files.grn[i], destfile = file.path(td, basename(files.grn[i])), quiet=TRUE)
download([i], destfile = file.path(td, basename([i])), quiet=TRUE)
data = methylumi:::methylumIDAT(barcodes, idatPath = td, verbose=FALSE)
# # Similar to read.27k but for a remote connexion:
# .read.27k.con <- function(barcodes, con){
# td = tempdir()
# myIDATsToDFs <- function(barcodes, con, fileExts=list(Cy3="Grn.idat", Cy5="Red.idat")) {
# names(barcodes) = as.character(barcodes)
# #listOfDFs = lapply(barcodes, methylumi:::IDATtoDF, fileExts=fileExts, idatPath=getwd())
# listOfDFs <- list()
# n <- length(barcodes)
# for (kk in 1:n){
# listOfDFs[[kk]] <- myIDATtoDF(barcode = barcodes[kk], con = con[kk])
# }
# names(listOfDFs) = as.character(barcodes)
# return(listOfDFs)
# }
# myIDATtoDF <- function(barcode,fileExts=list(Cy3="Grn.idat", Cy5="Red.idat"), con) {
# processed = lapply(fileExts, function(chan) {
# con.file <- file.path(con, paste(barcode, chan, sep="_"))
# tf <- tempfile(tmpdir = td, fileext=".idat")
# download(con.file, destfile=tf, quiet=TRUE)
# dat = methylumi:::methylumIDAT(tf)
# return(list($Quants),
# RunInfo=dat$RunInfo,
# ChipType=dat$ChipType))
# })
# =, function(x) x[['Quants']]))
# attr(, 'RunInfo') = processed[[1]][['RunInfo']]
# attr(, 'ChipType') = processed[[1]][['ChipType']]
# return(
# }
# mlumi <- methylumi:::NChannelSetToMethyLumiSet(
# #methylumi:::DFsToNChannelSet(
# #myIDATsToDFs(barcodes = barcodes, con = con),
# methylumi:::DataToNChannelSet(
# myIDATsToDFs(barcodes = barcodes, con = con),
# return(mlumi[ sort(featureNames(mlumi)), ])
# }
# addClinical <- function(object){
# if (!is(object,"RGChannelSet") &
# !is(object, "MethylSet") &
# !is(object, "RatioSet") &
# !is(object, "GenomicRatioSet") &
# !is(object, "GenomicMethylSet")
# ) {stop("Object must be an RGChannelSet or a (Genomic)RatioSet or (Genomic)MethylSet")}
# pd <- pData(object)
# if (!("diseaseabr" %in% colnames(pd))){
# stop("diseaseabr must be provided in the phenotype data")
# }
# cancer <- tolower(unique(pd$diseaseabr))
# clinicalData <- getClinicalData(cancer)
# <- substr(pd$TCGA.ID, 1,12)
# pd.clinical <- clinicalData[match(, clinicalData$bcr_patient_barcode),]
# new.var <- colnames(pd.clinical)
# if (sum(new.var %in% colnames(pd))>0){
# stop("Automatic addition of clinical data has already been done or cannot be done.")
# }
# if (ncol(pd.clinical) !=0){
# pd <- cbind(pd, pd.clinical)
# }
# n <- ncol(pd.clinical)
# cat(paste0(n, " clinical variables have been added \n"))
# pData(object) <- pd
# object
# }
# # Old function:
# # This function extracts the links to download the tar.gz files containing the samples:
# extract.links <- function(platform=c("27k", "450k")){
# if (platform == "27k"){
# cancers <- c("brca", "coad", "gbm", "kirc", "kirp", "laml",
# "luad", "lusc", "ov", "read", "stad", "ucec")
# } else {
# cancers <- c("acc", "blca", "brca","coad","cesc", "dlbc","esca", "gbm","hnsc","kich",
# "kirc","kirp","laml","lgg","lihc","luad","lusc", "meso","ov","paad",
# "pcpg","prad","read","sarc","skcm","stad","thca","ucec","ucs","uvm")
# }
# m <- length(cancers)
# root=""
# if (platform == "27k"){
# tail="/cgcc/"
# } else {
# tail="/cgcc/"
# }
# links <- vector("list", m)
# for (kk in 1:m){
# extract.version <- function(x, cancer){
# if (platform == "27k"){
# start.patt <- paste0("jhu-usc.edu_",toupper(cancer),".HumanMethylation27.Level_1")
# } else {
# start.patt <- paste0("jhu-usc.edu_",toupper(cancer),".HumanMethylation450.Level_1")
# }
# stop.patt <- ".tar.gz"
# start <- regexpr(start.patt,x)[1] + nchar(start.patt) + 1
# stop <- regexpr(stop.patt, x)[1] -1
# substr(x, start, stop)
# }
# cancer <- cancers[kk]
# url <- paste0(root,cancer,tail)
# d <- getURL(url)
# d <- strsplit(d, split="\n")
# d <- unlist(d)
# if (platform == "27k"){
# d <- d[grepl("HumanMethylation27.Level_1",d) & grepl("tar.gz",d) &!grepl("tar.gz.md5",d)]
# } else {
# d <- d[grepl("HumanMethylation450.Level_1",d) & grepl("tar.gz",d) &!grepl("tar.gz.md5",d)]
# }
# versions <- unlist(lapply(as.list(d),function(x) extract.version(x, cancer=cancer)))
# versions <- unlist(strsplit(versions, split="[.]"))
# versions <- matrix(as.numeric(versions), ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
# o <- order(versions[,1], versions[,2], versions[,3])
# versions <- versions[o, ,drop=FALSE]
# ids <- unique(versions[,1])
# retained.versions <- matrix(NA, length(ids), 3)
# for (i in 1:length(ids)){
# indices <- which(versions[,1]==ids[i])
# last.index <- indices[length(indices)]
# retained.versions[i,] <- versions[last.index,]
# }
# versions <- paste(retained.versions[,1],
# retained.versions[,2],
# retained.versions[,3], sep="."
# )
# if (platform=="27k") {
# files <- paste0("jhu-usc.edu_",toupper(cancer),".HumanMethylation27.Level_1.",versions,".tar.gz")
# } else {
# files <- paste0("jhu-usc.edu_",toupper(cancer),".HumanMethylation450.Level_1.",versions,".tar.gz")
# }
# links[[kk]] <- paste0(url,files)
# print(kk)
# }
# names(links) <- cancers
# links
# }
# # Deprecated function.
# .oldDownloadIdat <- function(cancer, idatDir, platform=c("27k","450k")){
# cat("Updating the downloads from the TCGA portal \n")
# if (platform=="27k"){
# links <- extract.links(platform="27k")
# } else {
# links <- extract.links(platform="450k")
# }
# indices <- match(cancer.types, names(links))
# links <- unlist(links[indices])
# m <- length(links)
# for (i in 1:m){
# url <- links[i]
# cancer <- substr(url, regexpr("tumor", url) +6, regexpr("cgcc", url)-2 )
# if (platform == "27k"){
# start.patt <- paste0("jhu-usc.edu_",toupper(cancer),".HumanMethylation27.Level_1")
# } else {
# start.patt <- paste0("jhu-usc.edu_",toupper(cancer),".HumanMethylation450.Level_1")
# }
# stop.patt <- ".tar.gz"
# start <- regexpr(start.patt,url)[1] + nchar(start.patt) + 1
# stop <- regexpr(stop.patt, url)[1] -1
# name <- paste0(start.patt, substr(url, start, stop), stop.patt)
# download(url, destfile=file.path(destdir, name))
# print(i)
# }
# }
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.