ui <- fluidPage(
# Define UI for random distribution app ----
ui <- fluidPage(
# App title ----
titlePanel("RNA Distance & Gene Expression Analysis"),
# Sidebar layout with input and output definitions ----
# Sidebar panel for inputs ----
# Input: Upload files
fileInput(inputId = "normalDot", "Select Normal RNA Structure file", accept = ".csv"),
checkboxInput(inputId = "normalDotHeader", "Header", value = TRUE, width = NULL),
fileInput(inputId = "mutatedDot", "Select Mutated RNA Structure file", accept = ".csv"),
checkboxInput(inputId = "mutatedDotHeader", "Header", value = TRUE, width = NULL),
fileInput(inputId = "geneExp", "Select gene expression file", accept = ".csv"),
checkboxInput(inputId = "geneExpHeader", "Header", value = TRUE, width = NULL),
# Input: Select the random distribution type ----
radioButtons("modelMethod", "Modeling method",
c("Linear model" = "linear",
"Log Transformation" = "log")),
# Input: Select the distance calculation method ----
radioButtons("distaneMethod", "RNA Distance calculation method",
c("gscVisualizer (Zhiwen T)" = "gsc",
"RNA Distance (Walter F)" = "RNADis")),
# br() element to introduce extra vertical spacing ----
# Button
actionButton("Compute", "Compute", icon("refresh")),
# Checkbox for running with example
checkboxInput(inputId = "sampleCompute", "Run Example", value = FALSE, width = NULL),
# Main panel for displaying outputs ----
# Output: Tabset w/ plot, summary, and table ----
tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
plotOutput("scatterPlot"), verbatimTextOutput("summary")),
tabPanel("Gene Expression Visualization",
plotOutput("GeneExpressionBoxPlot"), plotOutput("GeneExpressionDensityPlot")),
tabPanel("RNA Distance Visualization",
plotOutput("RNADistanceBoxPlot"), plotOutput("RNADistanceDensityPlot")),
tabPanel("Gene Expression Data", tableOutput("geneExpData")),
tabPanel("RNA Distance Data", tableOutput("rnaDisData"))
server <- function(input, output) {
# Reactive expression to generate the requested distribution ----
# This is called whenever the inputs change. The output functions
# defined below then use the value computed from this expression
recomputed <- eventReactive(input$Compute, {
if (input$sampleCompute) {
# Display header notation
output$value <- renderText({"Running Example from rseAnalysis package"})
# Read structure data
struct.ori <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "vignetteSampleORI.csv", package = "rseAnalysis"))
struct.alt <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "vignetteSampleALT.csv", package = "rseAnalysis"))
# Read expression Data
expression <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "test.csv", package = "rseAnalysis"), header = TRUE)
} else {
# Read structure data
struct.ori <- read.csv(input$normalDot$datapath, header = input$normalDotHeader)
struct.alt <- read.csv(input$mutatedDot$datapath, header = input$mutatedDotHeader)
# Read expression Data
expression <- read.csv(input$geneExp$datapath, header = input$geneExpHeader)
# Run prediction
RNA.distance <- predictDistance(name = struct.ori[,1]
, struct.ori = struct.ori[,2]
, struct.alt = struct.alt[,2]
, method = input$distaneMethod)
expression <- subset(expression, Read.Type == "reads_per_million_miRNA_mapped")[1:200, ]
result <- Analysis.DISEXP( = struct.alt$X, dis.distance = RNA.distance,
exp.tumor = expression$Sample, exp.sample = expression$Normal, method = input$modelMethod, showPlot = FALSE)
result <- list(stats = result$stats, plots = result$plots
, data = list( RNADistance = cbind(name = struct.ori$X, distance = RNA.distance), geneExpression = expression))
# Plot main result
output$scatterPlot <- renderPlot ({
if ((is.null(input$normalDot) || is.null(input$mutatedDot) || is.null(input$geneExp)) & !input$sampleCompute) return(NULL)
recomputed()$plots$ScatterPlot })
output$summary <- renderPrint ({
if ((is.null(input$normalDot) || is.null(input$mutatedDot) || is.null(input$geneExp)) & !input$sampleCompute) return(NULL)
recomputed()$stats })
# Plot associated plots
output$GeneExpressionBoxPlot <- renderPlot ({
if ((is.null(input$normalDot) || is.null(input$mutatedDot) || is.null(input$geneExp)) & !input$sampleCompute) return(NULL)
recomputed()$plots$GeneExpressionBoxPlot })
output$GeneExpressionDensityPlot <- renderPlot ({
if ((is.null(input$normalDot) || is.null(input$mutatedDot) || is.null(input$geneExp)) & !input$sampleCompute) return(NULL)
recomputed()$plots$GeneExpressionDensityPlot })
output$RNADistanceBoxPlot <- renderPlot ({
if ((is.null(input$normalDot) || is.null(input$mutatedDot) || is.null(input$geneExp)) & !input$sampleCompute) return(NULL)
recomputed()$plots$RNADistanceBoxPlot })
output$RNADistanceDensityPlot <- renderPlot ({
if ((is.null(input$normalDot) || is.null(input$mutatedDot) || is.null(input$geneExp)) & !input$sampleCompute) return(NULL)
recomputed()$plots$RNADistanceDensityPlot })
# Display data
output$geneExpData <- renderTable ({
if ((is.null(input$normalDot) || is.null(input$mutatedDot) || is.null(input$geneExp)) & !input$sampleCompute) return(NULL)
recomputed()$data$RNADistance })
output$rnaDisData <- renderTable ({
if ((is.null(input$normalDot) || is.null(input$mutatedDot) || is.null(input$geneExp)) & !input$sampleCompute) return(NULL)
recomputed()$data$geneExpression })
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
# [END]
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