#' @title Mapping new data into a physiological-space
#' @description calculatePhysioMap computes mapped values of each input sample
#' inside of a space,
#' calculated prior from a compendium of known samples.
#' @param InputData A matrix, SummarizedExperiment object or a list,
#' based on the gene expression data (or any other type of high
#' dimensional data, e.g. protein abundance, SNP, Methylation, etc.),
#' to be analysed. InputData has to have a specific format to be
#' properly analysed, these requirements are thoroughly explained
#' in the 'Details' section.
#' @param Space The space in which the 'InputData' will be mapped. Just as
#' 'InputData', it should be a matrix with genes as rows and samples as
#' columns, with corresponding Entrez Gene IDs in 'rownames' of the matrix,
#' and name of each axis of the space written in 'colnames'.
#' @param GenesRatio The ratio of gene expression values to be considered in
#' the calculation. In high dimensional omics data, signal to noise ratio
#' has a direct relation with the relative magnitude of expressions.
#' We aim to remove the noisy genes, hence we only keep the "GenesRatio*100"
#' percent highest and lowest gene expression values of each sample.
#' GenesRatio should be a numerical value between 0 and 1. Default value
#' is 0.05.
#' @param NumbrOfCores Number of cpu-cores to be used.
#' Default is 1 which will result in the program running in serial.
#' If you assign a number higher than 1, BiocParallel::MulticoreParam is
#' called to make a parallel back-end to use.
#' Assigning a number higher than parallel::detectCores() will
#' result in an error.
#' You can also pass a BiocParallelParam instance to be used as parallel
#' back-end.
#' Remember that on Windows, the default MulticoreParam back-end doesn't
#' work so you have to use another back-end, e.g. Snow by calling
#' BiocParallel::SnowParam().
#' For more information, check the examples at the end of this help page or
#' documentation of BiocParallel package.
#' @param TTEST Logical value indicating if t.test should be done in place
#' of the default wilcoxon rank-sum test (more info can be found
#' in the original PhysioSpace: Lenz et. al., PLOS One 2013). Using t.test
#' will speed up calculations. Default value is FALSE.
#' @param STATICResponse Logical value indicating if 'statistic' should be
#' returned rather than the default 'signed p value'. Default value is FALSE.
#' @param ImputationMethod Imputation method to use in case of missing
#' values. Available methods are "PCA" and "KNN". Default is "PCA".
#' @import progress
#' @importFrom BiocParallel MulticoreParam SerialParam bplapply
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @details PhysioSpace is a robust
#' statistical method for relating high dimensional omics data sets from
#' heterogeneous sources using shared physiological
#' processes. It is designed to take advantage of the vast availability of
#' public omics data, which in combination with
#' statistical approaches makes a potent tool capable of analyzing
#' heterogeneous biological data sets.
#' 'calculatePhysioMap' is the main analytical function of the package.
#' It uses a nonlinear mapping function to relate the
#' unknown input data with a physiological space. Physiological spaces
#' are mathematical spaces build upon known
#' physiological data, using the 'spaceMaker' function.
#' When preparing the InputData, specific requirements are needed to be met:
#' 1- In case of a matrix, InputData is supposed to be the
#' gene expressions matrix to be analyzed, with genes as rows and samples
#' as columns. Corresponding Entrez Gene IDs must be assigned to
#' 'rownames' of the matrix, and name of each sample/column should be
#' written in 'colnames'. REMEMBER that the gene expressions in
#' 'InputData' should be relative; e.g. fold change or signed
#' p value of a statistical test.
#' 2- In case of a SummarizedExperiment object, InputData must have a
#' component named 'EntrezID' in its rowData. It is also expected
#' (but not mandatory) for InputData to have a component named
#' 'SampleName' in its colData. The gene expressions
#' in 'InputData' is extracted by the function 'assay()', meaning in
#' case 'InputData' contains multiple assays, only the first one is
#' used. REMEMBER that the assay should contain relative gene
#' expression data; e.g. fold change or signed p value of a
#' statistical test.
#' 3- In case user has their own list of significantly up and down
#' regulated genes, it is also possible for InputData to be a list,
#' containing Entrez IDs (or any other identifier which is used as
#' rownames in 'Space') of up regulated genes in InputData[[1]] and
#' Entrez IDs (or any other identifier which is used as rownames
#' in 'Space') of down regulated genes in InputData[[2]].
#' Having a list InputData is usually slow and restrictive, hence,
#' list input it is not recommended.
#' @return Matrix of mapped 'InputData' values in 'Space', with rows
#' corresponding to axes of 'Space' and columns representing
#' samples in 'InputData'. Mapped values are signed p value when
#' STATICResponse==FALSE, and are 'statistic' value when
#' STATICResponse==TRUE (more info can be found in the original
#' PhysioSpace paper: Lenz et. al., PLOS One 2013).
#' @references Lenz, M., Schuldt, B. M., Müller, F. J., & Schuppert,
#' A. (2013). PhysioSpace: relating gene expression experiments from
#' heterogeneous sources using shared physiological processes.
#' PLoS One, 8(10), e77627.
#' @examples
#' SimulatedGeneExpressionData <- matrix(
#' rnorm(n = 10000, mean = 0,
#' sd = 100),
#' ncol = 10,
#' dimnames = list(1:1000, 1:10)
#' )
#' SimulatedReferenceSpace <- matrix(
#' rnorm(n = 10000, mean = 0,
#' sd = 100),
#' ncol = 10,
#' dimnames = list(1:1000, 11:20)
#' )
#' calculatePhysioMap(InputData = SimulatedGeneExpressionData,
#' Space = SimulatedReferenceSpace)
#' if (parallel::detectCores() > 1) {
#' #More than one core is needed for parallel processing
#' calculatePhysioMap(
#' InputData = SimulatedGeneExpressionData,
#' Space = SimulatedReferenceSpace,
#' NumbrOfCores = 2,
#' GenesRatio = 0.01,
#' STATICResponse = FALSE,
#' )
#' }
#' library(SummarizedExperiment)
#' SimulatedGeneExpressionData_SE <- SummarizedExperiment(
#' assays = list(GEX = SimulatedGeneExpressionData),
#' rowData = data.frame("EntrezID" =
#' rownames(SimulatedGeneExpressionData)),
#' colData = data.frame("SampleName" =
#' colnames(SimulatedGeneExpressionData))
#' )
#' calculatePhysioMap(InputData = SimulatedGeneExpressionData_SE,
#' Space = SimulatedReferenceSpace)
#' #Examples for user-defined parallel back-ends:
#' if (parallel::detectCores() > 1) {
#' #More than one core is needed for parallel processing
#' library(BiocParallel)
#' calculatePhysioMap(
#' InputData = SimulatedGeneExpressionData,
#' Space = SimulatedReferenceSpace,
#' NumbrOfCores = SnowParam(2), #Use this on Windows
#' GenesRatio = 0.01,
#' STATICResponse = FALSE,
#' )
#' calculatePhysioMap(
#' InputData = SimulatedGeneExpressionData,
#' Space = SimulatedReferenceSpace,
#' NumbrOfCores = MulticoreParam(2),
#' GenesRatio = 0.01,
#' STATICResponse = FALSE,
#' )
#' }
#' @export
#Pre-function for dispaching the calculating to the right function:
calculatePhysioMap <- function(InputData, Space, GenesRatio = 0.05,
NumbrOfCores = 1, TTEST = FALSE,
ImputationMethod = "PCA"){
##The main function for calculating PhysioScores:
#' @export
calculatePhysioMap.default <- function(InputData, Space, GenesRatio = 0.05,
NumbrOfCores = 1, TTEST = FALSE,
ImputationMethod = "PCA"){
.inptChecker(InputData, Space)
#Imputing missing values:
if(anyNA(InputData)) InputData <-
if(anyNA(Space)) Space <-
NGenes <- nrow(InputData)
NSamples <- ncol(InputData)
#Initializing BiocParallel back-end:
if(is.numeric(NumbrOfCores)) {
if(NumbrOfCores > 1){
if(NumbrOfCores <= detectCores()){
BPParam <- MulticoreParam(workers = NumbrOfCores)
} else {
stop("'NumbrOfCores' can not be higher than ",
"the available number of cores, which is ",
} else {
BPParam <- SerialParam()
#wanted to ckeck if
#attr(x = class(NumbrOfCores),which = "package") is "BiocParallel"
#but biocCheck doesn't allow it, reformat to:
} else if(isS4(NumbrOfCores)){
BPParam <- NumbrOfCores
} else {
stop("'NumbrOfCores' is expected to be an integer, or a ",
"back-end param object made using BiocParallel package")
#Initializing progress-bar:
pb <- progress_bar$new(format = "(:spin) [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
total = NSamples,
clear = FALSE)
physioMap <- bplapply(X = seq_len(ncol(InputData)),
FUN = .singleThreadOfPhysioCalc,
InputData = InputData, Space=Space,
GenesRatio=GenesRatio, NGenes=NGenes,
STATICResponse=STATICResponse, pb=pb,
physioMap <- matrix(data = unlist(physioMap), ncol(Space), NSamples)
rownames(physioMap) = colnames(Space)
colnames(physioMap) = colnames(InputData)
##PhysioSpace for gene lists as a Input:
#' @export
calculatePhysioMap.list <- function(InputData, Space, GenesRatio = 0.05,
NumbrOfCores = 1, TTEST = FALSE,
ImputationMethod = "PCA"){
UpIndx <- na.omit(match(InputData[[1]],rownames(Space)))
DownIndx <- na.omit(match(InputData[[2]],rownames(Space)))
if(length(UpIndx) < 2){
stop("Not enough up regulated genes were",
"found in rownames of Space")
if(length(DownIndx) < 2) {
stop("Not enough down regulated genes",
"were found in rownames of Space")
as.matrix(apply(X = Space, MARGIN = 2,
FUN = if(TTEST) .tTest else .wilTest,
iplus=UpIndx, iminus = DownIndx,
STATICResponse = STATICResponse))
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