#' discoversomaticInteractions
#' Function adapted to maftools where given a .maf file, it graphs the somatic interactions between a group of genes, i.e., the combination of gene expression and mutation data to detect mutually exclusive or co-ocurring events.
#' @param maf maf object generated by read.maf
#' @param top check for interactions among top 'n' number of genes. Defaults to top 25. genes
#' @param genes List of genes among which interactions should be tested. If not provided, test will be performed between top 25 genes.
#' @param pvalue Default c(0.05, 0.01) p-value threshold. You can provide two values for upper and lower threshold.
#' @param getMutexMethod Method for the `getMutex` function (by default "ShiftedBinomial")
#' @param getMutexMixed Mixed parameter for the `getMutex` function (by default TRUE)
#' @param returnAll If TRUE returns test statistics for all pair of tested genes. Default FALSE, returns for only genes below pvalue threshold.
#' @param geneOrder Plot the results in given order. Default NULL.
#' @param fontSize cex for gene names. Default 0.8
#' @param showSigSymbols Default TRUE. Heighlight significant pairs
#' @param showCounts Default FALSE. Include number of events in the plot
#' @param countStats Default 'all'. Can be 'all' or 'sig'
#' @param countType Default 'all'. Can be 'all', 'cooccur', 'mutexcl'
#' @param countsFontSize Default 0.8
#' @param countsFontColor Default 'black'
#' @param colPal colPalBrewer palettes. Default 'BrBG'. See RColorBrewer::display.brewer.all() for details
#' @param showSum show [sum] with gene names in plot, Default TRUE
#' @param colNC Number of different colors in the palette, minimum 3, default 9
#' @param nShiftSymbols shift if positive shift SigSymbols by n to the left, default 5
#' @param sigSymbolsSize size of symbols in the matrix and in legend. Default 2
#' @param sigSymbolsFontSize size of font in legends. Default 0.9
#' @param pvSymbols vector of pch numbers for symbols of p-value for upper and lower thresholds c(upper, lower). Default c(46, 42)
#' @param limitColorBreaks limit color to extreme values. Default TRUE
#' @details Internally, this function run the getMutex function. With the 'getMutexMethod' parameter user might select
#' the 'method' parameter of the getMutex function. For more details run '?getMutex'
#' #' @return A list of data.tables and it will print a heatmap with the results.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' #An example of how to perform the function,
#' #using data from TCGA, Colon Adenocarcinoma in this case.
#' coad.maf <- GDCquery_Maf("COAD", pipelines = "muse") %>% read.maf
#' discoversomaticInteractions(maf = coad.maf, top = 35, pvalue = c(1e-2, 2e-3))
#' }
#' @references Mayakonda A, Lin DC, Assenov Y, Plass C, Koeffler HP. 2018. Maftools:
#' efficient and comprehensive analysis of somatic variants in cancer.
#' Genome Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/gr.239244.118
#' @import maftools
#' @import data.table
#' @import RColorBrewer
#' @import methods
#' @importFrom utils getFromNamespace
#' @export
discoversomaticInteractions <- function (maf, top = 25, genes = NULL, pvalue = c(0.05, 0.01),
getMutexMethod = "ShiftedBinomial",getMutexMixed = TRUE,
returnAll = TRUE, geneOrder = NULL, fontSize = 0.8,
showSigSymbols = TRUE, showCounts = FALSE, countStats = "all",
countType = "all", countsFontSize = 0.8,
countsFontColor = "black", colPal = "BrBG", showSum = TRUE,
colNC = 9, nShiftSymbols = 5, sigSymbolsSize = 2,
sigSymbolsFontSize = 0.9, pvSymbols = c(46, 42),
limitColorBreaks = TRUE){
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
Hugo_Symbol <- NULL
Tumor_Sample_Barcode <- NULL
gene1 <- NULL
gene2 <- NULL
`.` <- NULL
event_ratio <- NULL
`01` <- NULL
`10` <- NULL
`11` <- NULL
pValue <- NULL
pair <- NULL
AlteredSamples <- NULL
par <- NULL
abline <- NULL
mtext <- NULL
Event <- NULL
text <- NULL
points <- NULL
axis <- NULL
stop("not input maf file")
if (is.null(genes)) {
genes = maf@data$Hugo_Symbol
topgenes = maftools::getGeneSummary(x = maf)[1:top, Hugo_Symbol]
if (length(genes) < 2) {
stop("Minimum two genes required!")
# om = maftools:::createOncoMatrix(m = maf, g = genes)
createOncoMatrix_2 <- getFromNamespace("createOncoMatrix","maftools")
om = createOncoMatrix_2(m = maf, g = genes)
all.tsbs = levels(getSampleSummary(x = maf)[, Tumor_Sample_Barcode])
mutMat = t(om$numericMatrix)
missing.tsbs = all.tsbs[!all.tsbs %in% rownames(mutMat)]
if (nrow(mutMat) < 2) {
stop("Minimum two genes required!")
mutMat[mutMat > 0] = 1
if (length(missing.tsbs) > 0) {
missing.tsbs = as.data.frame(matrix(data = 0, nrow = length(missing.tsbs),
ncol = ncol(mutMat)), row.names = missing.tsbs)
colnames(missing.tsbs) = colnames(mutMat)
mutMat = rbind(mutMat, missing.tsbs)
PM_new <- getPM(t(as.matrix(mutMat)))
# PM_new <- as.matrix(PM_new)
# rownames(PM_new) <- colnames(mutMat)
ffx <- match(topgenes, colnames(mutMat))
miPM <- PM_new[ffx,]
interactions <- getMutex(A = t(as.matrix(mutMat[,topgenes])), PM = miPM,
lower.tail = T,method = getMutexMethod,
mixed = getMutexMixed)
rownames(interactions) <- colnames(interactions) <- topgenes
interactions <- log10(interactions * .5) *(interactions <.5) -
log10((1-interactions) * .5) *(interactions >=.5)
interactions <- as.matrix(interactions)
# TODO: does it make any sense the odds ratio for the Poisson-binomial??
# oddsRatio <- oddsGenes <- sapply(1:ncol(mutMat), function(i) sapply(1:ncol(mutMat),
# function(j) {
# f <- try(fisher.test(mutMat[, i], mutMat[, j]),
# silent = TRUE)
# if (class(f) == "try-error")
# f = NA
# else f$estimate
# }))
# rownames(interactions) = colnames(interactions) = rownames(oddsRatio) = colnames(oddsRatio) = colnames(mutMat)
sigPairs = which(x = 10^-abs(interactions) < 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
sigPairs2 = which(x = 10^-abs(interactions) >= 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
if (nrow(sigPairs) < 1) {
stop("No meaningful interactions found.")
sigPairs = rbind(sigPairs, sigPairs2)
sigPairsTbl = data.table::rbindlist(lapply(X = seq_along(1:nrow(sigPairs)),
function(i) {
x = sigPairs[i, ]
g1 = rownames(interactions[x[1], x[2], drop = FALSE])
g2 = colnames(interactions[x[1], x[2], drop = FALSE])
tbl = as.data.frame(table(apply(X = mutMat[, c(g1,
g2), drop = FALSE], 1, paste, collapse = "")))
combn = data.frame(t(tbl$Freq))
colnames(combn) = tbl$Var1
pval = 10^-abs(interactions[x[1], x[2]])
fest = interactions[x[1], x[2]]
d = data.table::data.table(gene1 = g1, gene2 = g2,
pValue = pval, OddsRatio = fest)
d = cbind(d, combn)
}), fill = TRUE)
sigPairsTbl = sigPairsTbl[!gene1 == gene2]
sigPairsTbl[is.na(sigPairsTbl)] = 0
sigPairsTbl$Event = ifelse(test = sigPairsTbl$oddsRatio >
1, yes = "Co_Occurence", no = "Mutually_Exclusive")
sigPairsTbl$pair = apply(X = sigPairsTbl[, .(gene1, gene2)],
MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) paste(sort(unique(x)),
collapse = ", "))
sigPairsTbl[, `:=`(event_ratio, `01` + `10`)]
sigPairsTbl[, `:=`(event_ratio, paste0(`11`, "/", event_ratio))]
sigPairsTblSig = sigPairsTbl[order(as.numeric(pValue))][!duplicated(pair)]
if (nrow(interactions) >= 5) {
diag(interactions) <- 0
m <- nrow(interactions)
n <- ncol(interactions)
col_pal = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, colPal)
col_pal = grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors = col_pal)
col_pal = col_pal(m * n - 1)
if (!is.null(geneOrder)) {
if (!all(rownames(interactions) %in% geneOrder)) {
stop("Genes in geneOrder does not match the genes used for analysis.")
interactions = interactions[geneOrder, geneOrder]
interactions[lower.tri(x = interactions, diag = TRUE)] = NA
gene_sum = getGeneSummary(x = maf)[Hugo_Symbol %in%
rownames(interactions), .(Hugo_Symbol, AlteredSamples)]
data.table::setDF(gene_sum, rownames = gene_sum$Hugo_Symbol)
gene_sum = gene_sum[rownames(interactions), ]
if (!all(rownames(gene_sum) == rownames(interactions))) {
stop(paste0("Row mismatches!"))
if (!all(rownames(gene_sum) == colnames(interactions))) {
stop(paste0("Column mismatches!"))
if (showSum) {
rownames(gene_sum) = paste0(apply(gene_sum, 1, paste,
collapse = " ["), "]")
par(bty = "n", mar = c(1, 4, 4, 2) + 0.1, las = 2, fig = c(0,
1, 0, 1))
breaks = NA
if (limitColorBreaks) {
minLog10pval = 3
breaks <- seq(-minLog10pval, minLog10pval, length.out = m *
n + 1)
interactions4plot = interactions
interactions4plot[interactions4plot < (-minLog10pval)] = -minLog10pval
interactions4plot[interactions4plot > minLog10pval] = minLog10pval
interactions = interactions4plot
image(x = 1:n, y = 1:m, interactions, col = col_pal,
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", xlim = c(0,
n + 1), ylim = c(0, n + 1), breaks = seq(-3,
3, length.out = (nrow(interactions) * ncol(interactions))))
abline(h = 0:n + 0.5, col = "white", lwd = 0.5)
abline(v = 0:n + 0.5, col = "white", lwd = 0.5)
mtext(side = 2, at = 1:m, text = rownames(gene_sum),
cex = fontSize, font = 3)
mtext(side = 3, at = 1:n, text = rownames(gene_sum),
cex = fontSize, font = 3)
if (showCounts) {
countStats = match.arg(arg = countStats, choices = c("all",
countType = match.arg(arg = countType, choices = c("all",
"cooccur", "mutexcl"))
if (countStats == "sig") {
w = arrayInd(which(10^-abs(interactions) < max(pvalue)),
rep(m, 2))
for (i in 1:nrow(w)) {
g1 = rownames(interactions)[w[i, 1]]
g2 = colnames(interactions)[w[i, 2]]
g12 = paste(sort(c(g1, g2)), collapse = ", ")
if (countType == "all") {
e = sigPairsTblSig[pValue < max(pvalue)][pair %in%
g12, event_ratio]
else if (countType == "cooccur") {
e = sigPairsTblSig[pValue < max(pvalue)][Event %in%
"Co_Occurence"][pair %in% g12, `11`]
else if (countType == "mutexcl") {
e = sigPairsTblSig[pValue < max(pvalue)][Event %in%
"Mutually_Exclusive"][pair %in% g12, `11`]
if (length(e) == 0) {
e = 0
text(w[i, 1], w[i, 2], labels = e, font = 3,
col = countsFontColor, cex = countsFontSize)
else if (countStats == "all") {
w = arrayInd(which(10^-abs(interactions) < max(pvalue)),
rep(m, 2))
w2 = arrayInd(which(10^-abs(interactions) >=
max(pvalue)), rep(m, 2))
w = rbind(w, w2)
for (i in 1:nrow(w)) {
g1 = rownames(interactions)[w[i, 1]]
g2 = colnames(interactions)[w[i, 2]]
g12 = paste(sort(c(g1, g2)), collapse = ", ")
if (countType == "all") {
e = sigPairsTblSig[pair %in% g12, event_ratio]
else if (countType == "cooccur") {
e = sigPairsTblSig[pair %in% g12, `11`]
else if (countType == "mutexcl") {
e = sigPairsTblSig[pair %in% g12, `01` +
if (length(e) == 0) {
e = 0
text(w[i, 1], w[i, 2], labels = e, font = 3,
col = countsFontColor, cex = countsFontSize)
if (showSigSymbols) {
w = arrayInd(which(10^-abs(interactions) < min(pvalue)),
rep(m, 2))
points(w, pch = pvSymbols[2], col = "black", cex = sigSymbolsSize)
w = arrayInd(which((10^-abs(interactions) < max(pvalue)) &
(10^-abs(interactions) > min(pvalue))), rep(m,
points(w, pch = pvSymbols[1], col = "black", cex = sigSymbolsSize)
if (showSigSymbols) {
points(x = n - nShiftSymbols, y = 0.7 * n, pch = pvSymbols[2],
cex = sigSymbolsSize)
text(x = n - nShiftSymbols, y = 0.7 * n, paste0(" P < ",
min(pvalue)), pos = 4, cex = sigSymbolsFontSize,
adj = 0)
points(x = n - nShiftSymbols, y = 0.65 * n, pch = pvSymbols[1],
cex = sigSymbolsSize)
text(x = n - nShiftSymbols, y = 0.65 * n, paste0(" P < ",
max(pvalue)), pos = 4, cex = sigSymbolsFontSize)
par(fig = c(0.4, 0.7, 0, 0.4), new = TRUE)
image(x = c(0.8, 1), y = seq(0, 1, length.out = 200),
z = matrix(seq(0, 1, length.out = 200), nrow = 1),
col = col_pal, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), axes = FALSE,
xlab = NA, ylab = NA)
atLims = seq(0, 1, length.out = 7)
axis(side = 4, at = atLims, tcl = -0.15, labels = c("> 3 (Mutually exclusive)",
2, 1, 0, 1, 2, ">3 (Co-occurence)"), lwd = 0.5,
cex.axis = sigSymbolsFontSize, line = 0.2)
text(x = 0.4, y = 0.5, labels = "-log10(P-value)", srt = 90,
cex = sigSymbolsFontSize, xpd = TRUE)
if (!returnAll) {
sigPairsTblSig = sigPairsTblSig[pValue < min(pvalue)]
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