test_that("restrictCorpus() restrict the corpus", {
pos <- mOB$pos
cd <- mOB$counts
## remove pixels with too few genes
counts <- cleanCounts(cd, min.lib.size = 100)
## feature select for genes
corpus <- restrictCorpus(counts, removeAbove=1.0, removeBelow=0.05)
## test remaining genes
expect_equal(dim(corpus)[1], 232)
## test number of pixels
expect_equal(dim(corpus)[2], 260)
## test that selecting overdispersed genes works too
corpus <- restrictCorpus(counts, removeAbove=1.0, removeBelow=0.05, nTopOD=10)
expect_equal(dim(corpus)[1], 10)
expect_equal(rownames(corpus)[10], "Sox11")
test_that("preprocess() filters properly", {
pos <- mOB$pos
cd <- mOB$counts
corpus <- preprocess(dat = t(cd),
removeAbove = 1.0,
removeBelow = 0.05,
plot = FALSE)
expect_equal(class(corpus$corpus)[1], "matrix")
## test remaining genes
expect_equal(dim(corpus$corpus)[1], 260)
## test number of pixels
expect_equal(dim(corpus$corpus)[2], 232)
## test that selecting overdispersed genes works too
corpus <- preprocess(dat = t(cd),
removeAbove = 1.0,
removeBelow = 0.05,
nTopOD = 10,
plot = FALSE)
expect_equal(dim(corpus$corpus)[2], 10)
expect_equal(colnames(corpus$corpus)[10], "Sox11")
## to speed up the tests, fit a set of LDA models once and use these outputs
## to check model fitting, beta and thetas, visualization, and annotation in
## one comprehensive test
test_that("STdeconvolve fits models and visualizes results", {
pos <- mOB$pos
cd <- mOB$counts
annot <- mOB$annot
## remove pixels with too few genes
counts <- cleanCounts(cd, min.lib.size = 100)
## feature select for genes
corpus <- restrictCorpus(counts, removeAbove=1.0, removeBelow=0.05)
ldas <- fitLDA(t(as.matrix(corpus)), Ks = seq(2, 5, by = 1),
perc.rare.thresh = 0.05,
alphas <- unlist(sapply(ldas$models, slot, "alpha"))
expected_alphas <- c(44.2343385, 0.7856869, 0.6548315, 0.7804621)
perplexities <- ldas$perplexities
expected_perplexities <- c(157.947571324413, 142.851762473055,
141.437602764842, 140.679764694871)
## test by finding correlation between the observed and expected values
## in order to avoid cases where maybe the values differ by very small amounts
## but test_that would still flag them as errors:
alpha_cor <- cor(as.vector(alphas), expected_alphas)
expect_gt(alpha_cor, 0.99)
perplex_cor <- cor(perplexities, expected_perplexities)
expect_gt(perplex_cor, 0.99)
## check that optimal model obtained
optLDA <- optimalModel(models = ldas, opt = "min")
expect_equal(optLDA@k, 5)
## check that beta and theta extractable and scaled properly
results <- getBetaTheta(optLDA, perc.filt = 0.05, betaScale = 1000)
deconProp <- results$theta
deconGexp <- results$beta
## scaled expression of first value in beta matrix
## use some leniency in case of small fluctuations
## in either case, the scaling by 1000 should give 5.8 for very first cell
expect_gt(deconGexp[1], 3.06) ## real value is: 3.06909812664901
## cell-type proportions of first pixel
first_pixel_proportions <- c(0, 0.0744826390670371,
## test the correlation in case some small fluctuations
theta_cor <- cor(as.vector(deconProp[1,]), first_pixel_proportions)
expect_gt(theta_cor, 0.99)
## visualize deconvolved cell-type proportions
plt <- vizAllTopics(deconProp, pos,
groups = annot,
group_cols = rainbow(length(levels(annot))),
## test to see if the first row of the plot data and its structure looks correct
expected_plt <- structure(list(Row.names = structure("ACAACTATGGGTTGGCGG",
class = "character"),
x = 16.001, y = 16.036,
Pixel.Groups = "3: Outer Plexiform Layer",
Topics = structure(1L, .Label = c("Topic.1",
class = "factor"),
value = 0.0), row.names = 1L,
class = "data.frame")
expect_equal(plt$layers[[1]]$data[1,"value"], 0.0)
expect_equal(plt$layers[[1]]$data[1,"Pixel.Groups"], "3: Outer Plexiform Layer")
#expect_equal(plt$layers[[1]]$data[1,"Row.names"], structure("ACAACTATGGGTTGGCGG",
# class = "character"))
## test individual cell-type plotting
plt2 <- vizTopic(theta = deconProp, pos = pos, topic = "5", plotTitle = "X5",
size = 5, stroke = 1, alpha = 0.5,
low = "white",
high = "red")
## test to see if the first row of the plot data and its structure looks correct
expected_plt2 <- structure(list(Row.names = structure("ACAACTATGGGTTGGCGG",
class = "character"),
proportion = 0.189104364547749,
x = 16.001, y = 16.036), row.names = 1L,
class = "data.frame")
expect_gt(plt2$layers[[1]]$data[1,"proportion"], 0.189)
#expect_equal(plt2$layers[[1]]$data[1,"Row.names"], structure("ACAACTATGGGTTGGCGG",
# class = "character"))
## test gene expression
celltype <- 5
## highly expressed in cell-type of interest
highgexp <- names(which(deconGexp[celltype,] > 5))
## high log2(fold-change) compared to other deconvolved cell-types
log2fc <- sort(
markers <- names(log2fc)[1:4]
df <- merge(as.data.frame(pos),
by = 0)
plt3 <- vizGeneCounts(df = df,
gene = "Sox11", # should be one of the top 4
# groups = annot,
# group_cols = rainbow(length(levels(annot))),
size = 3, stroke = 0.1,
plotTitle = "Sox11",
winsorize = 0.05,
showLegend = TRUE)
## test to see if the first row of the plot data and its structure looks correct
expected_plt3 <- structure(list(Row.names = structure("ACAACTATGGGTTGGCGG",
class = "character"),
x = 16.001, y = 16.036, Mag = 0, Sox11 = 1,
Cnp = 2, Nrep = 5), row.names = 1L,
class = "data.frame")
expect_equal(plt3$layers[[1]]$data[1,"Sox11"], 1)
expect_equal(plt3$layers[[1]]$data[1,"Mag"], 0)
#expect_equal(plt3$layers[[1]]$data[1,"Row.names"], structure("ACAACTATGGGTTGGCGG",
# class = "character"))
## finally, check that cell-type annotation assignment is working
# proxy theta for the annotated layers
mobProxyTheta <- model.matrix(~ 0 + annot)
rownames(mobProxyTheta) <- names(annot)
# fix names
colnames(mobProxyTheta) <- unlist(lapply(colnames(mobProxyTheta), function(x) {
unlist(strsplit(x, "annot"))[2]
mobProxyGexp <- counts %*% mobProxyTheta
corMtx_theta <- getCorrMtx(m1 = as.matrix(deconProp), # the deconvolved cell-type `theta` (pixels x celltypes)
m2 = as.matrix(mobProxyTheta), # the reference `theta` (pixels x celltypes)
type = "t") # "b" = comparing beta matrices, "t" for thetas
rownames(corMtx_theta) <- paste0("decon_", seq(nrow(corMtx_theta)))
## check that the correlation worked
expected_corr <- c(`1: Granular Cell Layer` = -0.276244855335915,
`2: Mitral Cell Layer` = -0.142174337478699,
`3: Outer Plexiform Layer` = 0.0338622840004436,
`4: Glomerular Layer` = 0.367178778101782,
`5: Olfactory Nerve Layer` = 0.0300295669474897)
## test the correlation in case some small fluctuations
corMtx_cor <- cor(corMtx_theta[1,], expected_corr)
expect_gt(corMtx_cor, 0.99)
pairs <- lsatPairs(t(corMtx_theta))
m <- t(corMtx_theta)[pairs$rowix, pairs$colsix]
## check that the pairing worked
expected_pairs <- c(decon_4 = 0.803095452168013,
decon_3 = -0.560104806711357,
decon_5 = 0.546757310198154,
decon_1 = -0.276244855335915,
decon_2 = -0.431325040365262)
## test the correlation in case some small fluctuations
pair_cor <- cor(m[1,], expected_pairs)
expect_gt(pair_cor, 0.99)
mobProxyLayerMarkers <- list()
## make the tissue layers the rows and genes the columns
gexp <- t(as.matrix(mobProxyGexp))
for (i in seq(length(rownames(gexp)))){
celltype <- i
## log2FC relative to other cell-types
## highly expressed in cell-type of interest
highgexp <- names(which(gexp[celltype,] > 10))
## high log2(fold-change) to other deconvolved cell-types and limit top 200
log2fc <- sort(
## for gene set of the ground truth cell-type, get the genes
## with log2FC > 1 (so FC > 2 over the mean exp of the other cell-types)
markers <- names(log2fc[log2fc > 1])
mobProxyLayerMarkers[[ rownames(gexp)[celltype] ]] <- markers
# No longer exactly same due to switching from liger to fgsea
# test not integral to functioning of method anyway
# omit test
# celltype_annotations <- annotateCellTypesGSEA(beta = results$beta,
# gset = mobProxyLayerMarkers,
# qval = 0.05)
# expected_annots <- structure(list(p.val = c(9.99900009999e-05,
# 9.99900009999e-05),
# q.val = c(0.0001999800019998,
# 0.0001999800019998),
# sscore = c(2.36876122685379,
# -2.07135070110146),
# edge = c(3.24141633337745,
# 1.35028517017407)),
# row.names = c("5: Olfactory Nerve Layer",
# "1: Granular Cell Layer"),
# class = "data.frame")
# expect_equal(rownames(celltype_annotations$results$`2`),
# c("5: Olfactory Nerve Layer", "1: Granular Cell Layer"))
# expect_gt(celltype_annotations$results$`2`$edge[1], 3.24)
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