#' @keywords internal
#' Taken from https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/9162
entry_stop_gradients <- function(target, mask) {
mask_h <- tf$logical_not(mask)
mask <- tf$cast(mask, dtype = target$dtype)
mask_h <- tf$cast(mask_h, dtype = target$dtype)
tf$add(tf$stop_gradient(tf$multiply(mask_h, target)), tf$multiply(mask, target))
#' cellassign inference in tensorflow, semi-supervised version
#' @import tensorflow
#' @return A list of MLE cell type calls, MLE parameter estimates,
#' and log likelihoods during optimization.
#' @keywords internal
inference_tensorflow <- function(Y,
B = 10,
verbose = FALSE,
n_batches = 1,
rel_tol_adam = 1e-4,
rel_tol_em = 1e-4,
max_iter_adam = 1e5,
max_iter_em = 20,
learning_rate = 1e-4,
random_seed = NULL,
min_delta = 2,
dirichlet_concentration = rep(1e-2, C),
threads = 0) {
tf <- tf$compat$v1
tfp <- reticulate::import('tensorflow_probability')
tfd <- tfp$distributions
# Data placeholders
Y_ <- tf$placeholder(tf$float64, shape = shape(NULL, G), name = "Y_")
X_ <- tf$placeholder(tf$float64, shape = shape(NULL, P), name = "X_")
s_ <- tf$placeholder(tf$float64, shape = shape(NULL), name = "s_")
rho_ <- tf$placeholder(tf$float64, shape = shape(G,C), name = "rho_")
sample_idx <- tf$placeholder(tf$int32, shape = shape(NULL), name = "sample_idx")
# Added for splines
B <- as.integer(B)
basis_means_fixed <- seq(from = min(Y), to = max(Y), length.out = B)
basis_means <- tf$constant(basis_means_fixed, dtype = tf$float64)
b_init <- 2 * (basis_means_fixed[2] - basis_means_fixed[1])^2
LOWER_BOUND <- 1e-10
# Variables
## Shrinkage prior on delta
if (shrinkage) {
delta_log_mean <- tf$Variable(0, dtype = tf$float64)
delta_log_variance <- tf$Variable(1, dtype = tf$float64) # May need to bound this or put a prior over this
## Regular variables
delta_log <- tf$Variable(tf$random_uniform(shape(G,C),
minval = -2,
maxval = 2,
seed = random_seed,
dtype = tf$float64),
dtype = tf$float64,
constraint = function(x) {
dtype = tf$float64),
tf$constant(Inf, dtype = tf$float64))
# beta <- tf$Variable(tf$random_normal(shape(G,P),
# mean = 0,
# stddev = 1,
# seed = random_seed,
# dtype = tf$float64),
# dtype = tf$float64)
beta_0_init <- scale(colMeans(Y))
beta_init <- cbind(beta_0_init,
matrix(0, nrow = G, ncol = P-1))
beta <- tf$Variable(tf$constant(beta_init, dtype = tf$float64),
dtype = tf$float64)
theta_logit <- tf$Variable(tf$random_normal(shape(C),
mean = 0,
stddev = 1,
seed = random_seed,
dtype = tf$float64),
dtype = tf$float64)
## Spline variables
a <- tf$exp(tf$Variable(tf$zeros(shape = B, dtype = tf$float64)))
b <- tf$exp(tf$constant(rep(-log(b_init), B), dtype = tf$float64))
# Stop gradient for irrelevant entries of delta_log
delta_log <- entry_stop_gradients(delta_log, tf$cast(rho_, tf$bool))
# Transformed variables
delta = tf$exp(delta_log)
theta_log = tf$nn$log_softmax(theta_logit)
# Model likelihood
base_mean <- tf$transpose(tf$einsum('np,gp->gn', X_, beta) +
base_mean_list <- list()
for(c in seq_len(C)) base_mean_list[[c]] <- base_mean
mu_ngc = tf$add(tf$stack(base_mean_list, 2),
tf$multiply(delta, rho_),
name = "adding_base_mean_to_delta_rho")
mu_cng = tf$transpose(mu_ngc, shape(2,0,1))
mu_cngb <- tf$tile(tf$expand_dims(mu_cng, axis = 3L), c(1L, 1L, 1L, B))
phi_cng <- tf$reduce_sum(a * tf$exp(-b * tf$square(mu_cngb - basis_means)), 3L) +
phi <- tf$transpose(phi_cng, shape(1,2,0))
mu_ngc <- tf$transpose(mu_cng, shape(1,2,0))
mu_ngc <- tf$exp(mu_ngc)
p = mu_ngc / (mu_ngc + phi)
nb_pdf <- tfd$NegativeBinomial(probs = p, total_count = phi)
Y_tensor_list <- list()
for(c in seq_len(C)) Y_tensor_list[[c]] <- Y_
Y__ = tf$stack(Y_tensor_list, axis = 2)
y_log_prob_raw <- nb_pdf$log_prob(Y__)
y_log_prob <- tf$transpose(y_log_prob_raw, shape(0,2,1))
y_log_prob_sum <- tf$reduce_sum(y_log_prob, 2L) + theta_log
p_y_on_c_unorm <- tf$transpose(y_log_prob_sum, shape(1,0))
gamma_fixed = tf$placeholder(dtype = tf$float64, shape = shape(NULL,C))
Q = -tf$einsum('nc,cn->', gamma_fixed, p_y_on_c_unorm)
p_y_on_c_norm <- tf$reshape(tf$reduce_logsumexp(p_y_on_c_unorm, 0L), shape(1,-1))
gamma <- tf$transpose(tf$exp(p_y_on_c_unorm - p_y_on_c_norm))
## Priors
if (shrinkage) {
delta_log_prior <- tfd$Normal(loc = delta_log_mean * rho_,
scale = delta_log_variance)
delta_log_prob <- -tf$reduce_sum(delta_log_prior$log_prob(delta_log))
theta_log_prior <- tfd$Dirichlet(concentration = tf$constant(dirichlet_concentration,
dtype = tf$float64))
theta_log_prob <- -theta_log_prior$log_prob(tf$exp(theta_log) + THETA_LOWER_BOUND)
## End priors
Q <- Q + theta_log_prob
if (shrinkage) {
Q <- Q + delta_log_prob
optimizer = tf$train$AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate)
train = optimizer$minimize(Q)
# Marginal log likelihood for monitoring convergence
L_y = tf$reduce_sum(tf$reduce_logsumexp(p_y_on_c_unorm, 0L))
L_y <- L_y - theta_log_prob
if (shrinkage) {
L_y <- L_y - delta_log_prob
# Split the data
splits <- split(sample(seq_len(N), size = N, replace = FALSE), seq_len(n_batches))
# Start the graph and inference
session_conf <- tf$ConfigProto(intra_op_parallelism_threads = threads,
inter_op_parallelism_threads = threads)
sess <- tf$Session(config = session_conf)
init <- tf$global_variables_initializer()
fd_full <- dict(Y_ = Y, X_ = X, s_ = s, rho_ = rho)
log_liks <- ll_old <- sess$run(L_y, feed_dict = fd_full)
for(i in seq_len(max_iter_em)) {
ll <- 0 # log likelihood for this "epoch"
for(b in seq_len(n_batches)) {
fd <- dict(Y_ = Y[splits[[b]], ],
X_ = X[splits[[b]], , drop = FALSE],
s_ = s[splits[[b]]],
rho_ = rho)
g <- sess$run(gamma, feed_dict = fd)
# M-step
gfd <- dict(Y_ = Y[splits[[b]], ],
X_ = X[splits[[b]], , drop = FALSE],
s_ = s[splits[[b]]],
rho_ = rho,
gamma_fixed = g)
Q_old <- sess$run(Q, feed_dict = gfd)
Q_diff <- rel_tol_adam + 1
mi = 0
while(mi < max_iter_adam && Q_diff > rel_tol_adam) {
mi <- mi + 1
sess$run(train, feed_dict = gfd)
if(mi %% 20 == 0) {
if (verbose) {
message(paste(mi, sess$run(Q, feed_dict = gfd)))
Q_new <- sess$run(Q, feed_dict = gfd)
Q_diff = -(Q_new - Q_old) / abs(Q_old)
Q_old <- Q_new
} # End gradient descent
l_new = sess$run(L_y, feed_dict = gfd) # Log likelihood for this "epoch"
ll <- ll + l_new
ll_diff <- (ll - ll_old) / abs(ll_old)
if(verbose) {
message(sprintf("%i\tL old: %f; L new: %f; Difference (%%): %f",
mi, ll_old, ll, ll_diff))
ll_old <- ll
log_liks <- c(log_liks, ll)
if (ll_diff < rel_tol_em) {
# Finished EM - peel off final values
variable_list <- list(delta, beta, phi, gamma, mu_ngc, a, tf$exp(theta_log))
variable_names <- c("delta", "beta", "phi", "gamma", "mu", "a", "theta")
if (shrinkage) {
variable_list <- c(variable_list, list(delta_log_mean, delta_log_variance))
variable_names <- c(variable_names, "ld_mean", "ld_var")
mle_params <- sess$run(variable_list, feed_dict = fd_full)
names(mle_params) <- variable_names
mle_params$delta[rho == 0] <- 0
if(is.null(colnames(rho))) {
colnames(rho) <- paste0("cell_type_", seq_len(ncol(rho)))
colnames(mle_params$gamma) <- colnames(rho)
rownames(mle_params$delta) <- rownames(rho)
colnames(mle_params$delta) <- colnames(rho)
rownames(mle_params$beta) <- rownames(rho)
names(mle_params$theta) <- colnames(rho)
cell_type <- get_mle_cell_type(mle_params$gamma)
rlist <- list(
cell_type = cell_type,
mle_params = mle_params,
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