#BaalChIP: functions to apply bayesian framework for allele-specific detection
#Ines de Santiago, Wei Liu, Ke Yuan, Florian Markowetz
############### SNP_hit_Peaks: sum read counts ##################
getMergedRepData <- function(id_col, peak_id, SNP_hit_Peaks) {
nrTargets <- length(peak_id)
if (id_col == nrTargets) {
id_REF <- seq(peak_id[id_col]+1,ncol(SNP_hit_Peaks), by=2)
id_TOT <- seq(peak_id[id_col]+1,ncol(SNP_hit_Peaks), by=1)
}else {
id_REF <- seq(peak_id[id_col]+1,peak_id[id_col+1]-1, by=2)
id_TOT <- seq(peak_id[id_col]+1,peak_id[id_col+1]-1, by=1)
if (length(id_REF) ==1) {
return(cbind(SNP_hit_Peaks[,peak_id[id_col]], SNP_hit_Peaks[,id_REF], rowSums(SNP_hit_Peaks[,id_TOT], na.rm=TRUE)))
} else {
return(cbind(SNP_hit_Peaks[,peak_id[id_col]], rowSums(SNP_hit_Peaks[,id_REF], na.rm=TRUE), rowSums(SNP_hit_Peaks[,id_TOT], na.rm=TRUE)))
Sum_read_counts <- function(SNP_hit_Peaks) {
COLname <- colnames(SNP_hit_Peaks)
if(COLname[1] !="ID") {
stop("Please check the column names of SNP table: The first colname should be: ID ")
peak_id <- which(grepl("score", COLname))
mergedReps <- lapply(seq_len(length(peak_id)), getMergedRepData, peak_id=peak_id, SNP_hit_Peaks=SNP_hit_Peaks)
mergedReps <- data.frame("ID" = SNP_hit_Peaks[,1], do.call(cbind, mergedReps), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
COLname <- colnames(SNP_hit_Peaks)
colnames(mergedReps) <- c("ID", unlist(lapply(COLname[peak_id], function (x) {c(x,"Ref","Total")})))
############## apply Bayes #################
applyBayes <- function(snp_start, snp_end, Iter, TF_num,SNP_hit_Peaks_sum, SNP_Bias) {
# beta binomial functions for likelihood
sigmoid <- function(x) {1/(1 + exp(-x))}
invsigmoid <- function(z) {log(z) - log(1-z)}
sigmoidln <- function(x) {-log(1.0 + exp(-x))}
bound_sigmoid <- function(x) {(1-1e-10)*(sigmoid(x)-0.5) + 0.5}
normpdfln <- function(x,m,std) {sum(-0.5*log(2*pi) - log(std) - 0.5*((x-m)/std)**2)}
logit <- function(x) {log(x) - log(1-x)}
sigmoid_trans <- function(x, opt) {
if (opt == "tran_x") {logit(x)}
else if (opt == "orig_x") {bound_sigmoid(x)}
else if (opt == "det_jacob") {log(x) + log(1-x)}
else if (opt == "tran_grad") {x*(1-x)}
else if (opt == "jacob_grad") {1-2*x}
log_factorial <- function(n) {
log_binomial_coefficient <- function(n,x) {
log_factorial(n) - log_factorial(x) - log_factorial(n - x)
log_beta <- function(a,b) {
if (lgamma(a) == Inf) {
}else if (lgamma(b) == Inf) {
lgamma(a) + lgamma(b) - lgamma(a + b)
log_beta_binomial_pdf2 <- function(X, a, b){
if (class(X) == "list") {X <- unlist(X)}
if (X[1] == 1) {
x = X[2]
n = X[3]
return(log(pi) + log_binomial_coefficient(n, x) + log_beta(a + x, b + n - x) - log_beta(a, b))
}else {return(0)}
log_beta_binomial_pdf <- function(x, n, a, b){
log_binomial_coefficient(n, x) + log_beta(a + x, b + n - x) - log_beta(a, b)
log_genotype_llh2 <- function(X_count, bias_in, allele_bias, precision){
mu <- bias_in
xi <- (allele_bias * mu)/(1-allele_bias-mu + 2*allele_bias*mu)
param_a <- xi * precision
param_b <- (1 - xi) * precision
X_count <- lapply(seq(1, length(X_count), by=3), function(x){X_count[x: (x+2)]})
r <- unlist(lapply(X_count, log_beta_binomial_pdf2, a=param_a, b=param_b))
log_genotype_llh <- function(A_count, total_count, bias_in, allele_bias, precision){
mu <- bias_in
xi <- (allele_bias * mu)/(1-allele_bias-mu + 2*allele_bias*mu)
param_a <- xi * precision
param_b <- (1 - xi) * precision
return(log_beta_binomial_pdf(A_count, total_count, param_a, param_b))
MH_iter <- function(Iter,TF_num,SNP_hit_Peaks_sum, SNP_Bias, SNP_id) {
if (identical(SNP_Bias[SNP_id,"RAF"],0)) { SNP_Bias[SNP_id,"RAF"] <- 0.01}
if (identical(SNP_Bias[SNP_id,"RAF"],1)) { SNP_Bias[SNP_id,"RAF"] <- 0.99}
bias <- matrix(0,Iter,1)
bias[1] <- 0.5
llh <- matrix(0,Iter,1)
llh[1] <- log_pro_density_bias(bias[1],TF_num,SNP_hit_Peaks_sum, SNP_Bias, SNP_id)
for (iter in 2:Iter) {
bias_new <- bias[iter-1] + rnorm(1,mean=0, sd = 0.2)
llh_new <- log_pro_density_bias(bias_new,TF_num,SNP_hit_Peaks_sum, SNP_Bias, SNP_id)
ratio <- llh_new -llh[iter-1]
U <- log(runif(1))
if(U < min(0,ratio)) {
bias[iter] <- bias_new
llh[iter] <- llh_new
bias[iter] <- bias[iter-1]
llh[iter] <- llh[iter-1]
log_pro_density_bias <- function(allele_bias,TF_num,SNP_hit_Peaks_sum, SNP_Bias, SNP_id) {
temp <- matrix(0,1,TF_num)
i <- SNP_id
precision <- 1000
pi <- 0.5
bias_in <- SNP_Bias[i,"RAF"]
for (id_tf in c(1:TF_num) ) {
if (SNP_hit_Peaks_sum[i, 2+3*(id_tf-1)]==1) {
Ref_count <- SNP_hit_Peaks_sum[i,2+3*(id_tf-1)+1]
total_count <- SNP_hit_Peaks_sum[i, 2+3*(id_tf-1)+2]
temp[id_tf] <- log(pi) + log_genotype_llh(Ref_count, total_count, bias_in,
allele_bias, precision) # likelihood for each TF
# refBias as model prior
mu <- SNP_Bias[i,"RMbias"]
var <- 0.05
alpha <- ( (1-mu)/var- 1/mu) * mu^2
beta <- alpha*(1/mu - 1)
prior <- log(dbeta(allele_bias,alpha,beta))
# total posterior = prior * likelihood
total_pos <- sum(temp) + prior + log(bias_in/(allele_bias*bias_in+(1-allele_bias)*(1-bias_in)) - allele_bias*bias_in*(2*bias_in-1)/(allele_bias*bias_in+(1-allele_bias)*(1-bias_in))^2)
log_pro_density_bias2 <- function(allele_bias,TF_num,SNP_hit_Peaks_sum, SNP_Bias, SNP_id) {
i <- SNP_id
precision <- 1000
pi <- 0.5
bias_in <- SNP_Bias[i,"RAF"]
X_count <- SNP_hit_Peaks_sum[i, 2:ncol(SNP_hit_Peaks_sum)]
temp <- log_genotype_llh2(X_count,bias_in, allele_bias, precision)
temp <- matrix(data=unlist(temp), nrow=1, ncol=TF_num)
# refBias as model prior
mu <- SNP_Bias[i,"RMbias"]
var <- 0.05
alpha <- ( (1-mu)/var- 1/mu) * mu^2
beta <- alpha*(1/mu - 1)
prior <- log(dbeta(allele_bias,alpha,beta))
# total posterior = prior * likelihood
total_pos <- sum(temp) + prior + log(bias_in/(allele_bias*bias_in+(1-allele_bias)*(1-bias_in)) - allele_bias*bias_in*(2*bias_in-1)/(allele_bias*bias_in+(1-allele_bias)*(1-bias_in))^2)
############## parellel computing #################
foreach(SNP_id=snp_start:snp_end, .combine='cbind')%dopar%
MH_iter(Iter,TF_num,SNP_hit_Peaks_sum, SNP_Bias,SNP_id)
runBayes <- function(counts, bias, Iter=5000, conf_level=0.99, cores=4)
### RunBayes for each cell/individual
#cl <- startMPIcluster(count=10)
cores = cores# how many cores to use parallelly
cl <- makeCluster(cores)
##------calculate args
TF_num = sum(grepl("score", colnames(counts))) # number of TFs
START = 1 # start SNP
END = nrow(counts) # end SNP. Using the whole table:
##------ pool data between replicates
counts.pooled <- Sum_read_counts(counts)
##------run bayesian model
iter_matrix <- applyBayes(START,END,Iter,TF_num,counts.pooled,bias)
##------generate report
# significant level
threshold_lower = 0.4
threshold_upper = 0.6
# parameters for MCMC plot
burnin = 0.2*Iter
maxlag = 150
SNP_check = 4
Bayes_report <- Bayesian_report(iter_matrix,conf_level,threshold_lower,threshold_upper,burnin,maxlag,SNP_check, counts)
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