# @RdocClass ScanAlyze20Data
# @title "The ScanAlyze20Data (ScanAlyze v2.0) class"
# @synopsis
# \description{
# @classhierarchy
# Creates an empty ScanAlyze20Data object.
# }
# \arguments{
# \item{layout}{A @see "Layout" object specifying the spot layout of the
# slides in this data set.}
# }
# \section{Fields and Methods}{
# @allmethods "public"
# }
# @author
# \references{
# [1] \url{http://array.mbb.yale.edu/analysis/manual/inputfiles/}
# }
setConstructorS3("ScanAlyze20Data", function(layout=NULL) {
extend(ScanAlyzeData(layout=layout), "ScanAlyze20Data")
# @RdocMethod write
# @title "Writes a ScanAlyze v2.0 Results Data file (NOT IMPLEMENTED)"
# \description{
# @get "title".
# Not implemented yet!
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
# \item{filename}{The filename of the file to be read.}
# \item{path}{The path to the file.}
# \item{slides}{An @integer specifying which slides to be written to file. Currently, only one slide at the time can be written.}
# \item{...}{Arguments passed to \code{write.table}.}
# }
# \value{Returns nothing.}
# @author
# \seealso{
# To read one or more ScanAlyze v2.0 Results files see @seemethod "read".
# @seeclass
# }
setMethodS3("write", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(this, filename, path=NULL, slides=NULL, row.names=FALSE, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
throw("Sorry, but writing ScanAlyze v2.0 is still not supported.");
setMethodS3("getKnownHeadersWithType", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(static) {
# This methods returns a list of all known headers and their known
# R datatype to be used when read by read.table() etc.
# NOTE: Some datatypes are currently unknown and are therefore set to
# the read generic type NA, which is always understood. Hence, for
# writing some of these types has to be updated before writing.
# Regular expressions of headers. Watch out for "."'s and "+"'s!
# ScanAlyze v 2.0
knownHeaders <- c(
"SPOT" ="integer",
"NAME" ="character",
"Clone ID" ="character",
"Gene Symbol" ="character",
"Gene Name" ="character",
"Cluster ID" ="character",
"Accession" ="character",
"Preferred name" ="character",
"Locuslink ID" ="character",
"CH1I_SD" =NA,
"CH1B_SD" =NA,
"CH2I_SD" =NA,
"CH2B_SD" =NA,
"RAT2_SD" =NA,
"TOP" ="integer",
"BOT" ="integer",
"LEFT" ="integer",
"RIGHT" ="integer",
"SECTOR" ="integer",
"SECTORROW" ="integer",
"SECTORCOL" ="integer",
# ScanAlyze v?.?
knownHeaders <- c(knownHeaders,
"GENE NAME"="character",
"Beginning Coordinate"=NA,
"Ending Coordinate"=NA,
"Forw Biol Primer Seq"=NA,
"Rev Biol Primer Seq"=NA
}, private=TRUE, static=TRUE);
# ScanAlyze 2.0 file format
# The number of descriptor columns (SPOT, NAME, etc) are variable.
# The data columns start wtih the heading "CH1I_MEAN".
# Each column must be separated by tab
# ---------------------------------------------
# col datatype
# 0-x: variable number of descriptor columns
# field # what it means
# + 0: CH1I_MEAN # Uncorrected mean pixel intensity
# + 1: CH1D_MEDIAN # Median background subtracted intensities
# + 2: CH1I_MEDIAN # CH1 Intensity median
# + 3: CH1_PER_SAT # Percent saturation in CH1 of pixels
# + 4: CH1I_SD # spot intensity standard deviation
# + 5: CH1B_MEAN # Background mean intensity
# + 6: CH1B_MEDIAN # Background median intensity
# + 7: CH1B_SD # Background intensity standard deviation
# + 8: CH1D_MEAN # Ch1 Net intensity mean
# + 9: CH2I_MEAN # Uncorrected mean pixel intensity
# +11: CH2D_MEDIAN # Ch2 Net intensity median
# +12: CH2I_MEDIAN # Ch2 Intensity median
# +13: CH2_PER_SAT # Ch2 percent saturation of pixels
# +14: CH2I_SD # standard deviation of ch2
# +15: CH2B_MEAN # Background mean intensity
# +16: CH2B_MEDIAN # Background median intensity
# +17: CH2B_SD # Background intensity standard deviation
# +10: CH2D_MEAN # Ch2 Net Intensity Mean
# +18: CH2BN_MEDIAN # Ch2 normalized background median
# +19: CH2DN_MEAN # ch2 normalized net mean
# +20: CH2IN_MEAN # ch2 normalized intensity mean
# +21: CH2DN_MEDIAN # normalized ch2 net median
# +22: CH2IN_MEDIAN # normalized ch2 intensity median
# +23: CORR # Correlation between channel1 and channel2
# # pixels within spot
# +24: DIAMETER # spot diameter
# +25: FLAG # User defined spot flag
# +26: LOG_RAT2N_MEAN # log base 2 R/G normalized ratio mean
# +27: LOG_RAT2N_MEDIAN # log base 2 R/G normalized ratio median
# +28: PIX_RAT2_MEAN # R/G mean per pixel
# +29: PIX_RAT2_MEDIAN # R/G median per pixel
# +30: PERGTBCH1I_1SD # % Ch1 pixels > BG + 1SD
# +31: PERGTBCH1I_2SD # % Ch1 pixels > BG + 2SD
# +32: PERGTBCH2I_1SD # % Ch2 pixels > BG + 1SD
# +33: PERGTBCH2I_2SD # % Ch2 pixels > BG + 2SD
# +34: RAT1_MEAN # G/R mean
# +35: RAT1N_MEAN # G/R normalized mean
# +36: RAT2_MEAN # R/G mean
# +37: RAT2_MEDIAN # R/G median
# +38: RAT2_SD # std dev of pixel intensity ratios
# +39: RAT2N_MEAN # R/G normalized mean
# +40: RAT2N_MEDIAN # R/G normalized median
# +41: REGR # Slope of linear regression line to data
# +42: SUM_MEAN # sum of mean intensities
# +43: SUM_MEDIAN # sum of median intensities
# +44: TOT_BPIX # Number of pixels in background
# +45: TOT_SPIX # Number of pixels in spot
# +46: X_COORD # of spot in image
# +47: Y_COORD # of spot in image
# +48: TOP # Coordinates of box containing spot ellipse
# +49: BOT # Coordinates of box containing spot ellipse
# +50: LEFT # Coordinates of box containing spot ellipse
# +51: RIGHT # Coordinates of box containing spot ellipse
# +52: SECTOR # Grid number (left to right, top to bottom)
# +53: SECTORROW # Row of spot in grid
# +54: SECTORCOL # column of spot in grid
# +55: SOURCE
# +56: PLATEID
# +57: PROW
# +58: PCOL
# +59: FAILED
# +62: LUID
# Source: http://array.mbb.yale.edu/analysis/manual/inputfiles/
setMethodS3("readInternal", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(this, filename) {
# This method assumes that there is a bunch of ! lines (comments), followed by
# a HEADER line, (that begins with SPOT). All following lines are then assumed
# to be Spot data lines (beginning with a number and then data entries
# according to the header) /Toby Dylan Hocking, 2003-10-07
fh <- file(filename, "r");
if (!is.null(fh)) {
fh <- NULL;
# Read until the header line (SPOT) is found.
remark <- NULL;
kk <- 0;
isComment <- TRUE;
while (isComment) {
kk <- kk + 1;
line <- scan(file=fh, what=character(0), sep="\t", quote="", quiet=TRUE, strip.white=TRUE, blank.lines.skip=TRUE, nlines=1);
lineType <- line[1];
isComment <- (regexpr("^!",lineType) != -1);
isComment <- isComment || (regexpr("^\"!",lineType) != -1);
if (isComment) {
line <- gsub("^!", "", line);
line <- gsub("=", "\t", line);
remark <- c(remark, line);
fh <- NULL;
if (lineType != "SPOT") {
throw("ScanAlyze file format error: Expected a header line (starting with \"SPOT\") as the first occurance after comments.");
nbrOfHeaderLines <- kk;
header <- line;
# Remove trailing blanks
header <- gsub("[ ]*$", "", header);
# Remove quotation marks
header <- gsub("\"", "", header);
knownHeaders <- getKnownHeadersWithType(this);
# The below code is inspired by the GenePixData code.
saVersion <- NA;
unknownHeaders <- c();
colClasses <- c();
for (kk in seq(along=header)) {
colNames <- names(knownHeaders);
typeIdx <- which(sapply(seq(colNames), FUN=function(i) regexpr(colNames[i], header[kk]) == 1));
if (length(typeIdx) == 0) {
unknownHeaders <- c(unknownHeaders, kk);
colClasses <- c(colClasses, NA);
} else {
typeIdx <- typeIdx[1]; # Bullet proof!
colClasses <- c(colClasses, knownHeaders[typeIdx]);
if (length(unknownHeaders) > 0) {
unknown <- paste(header[unknownHeaders], collapse=", ");
warning(paste(sep="", "ScanAlyze file format warning: Some of the field names are not recognized. It might be because it is a new/old version. The unknown fields are: ", unknown, "."));
fh <- file(filename, "r");
if (!is.null(fh)) {
fh <- NULL;
nbrOfColumns <- length(header);
# df <- scan(file=fh, what=rep(list(""), nbrOfColumns+1), sep="\t", quote="", quiet=TRUE, strip.white=TRUE, blank.lines.skip=TRUE, skip=nbrOfHeaderLines);
fh <- NULL;
df <- read.table(filename, sep="\t", quote="", comment.char="", skip=nbrOfHeaderLines, colClasses=colClasses, header=FALSE, na=c("NA", "NaN", "Error"));
names(df) <- header;
# Convert all columns.
for (kk in 1:nbrOfColumns) {
x <- type.convert(as.character(df[[kk]]), na.strings=c("Inf","NA"));
# if (!all(is.na(x)))
# x[df[[kk]] == "Inf"] <- Inf;
df[[kk]] <- x;
# Add a 'slide' column
slide <- rep(1, length(df[[1]]));
df <- c(list(slide), df);
# Put names on columns
names(df) <- c(header);
names(df) <- c("slide", header);
list(header=header, remark=remark, spot=as.data.frame(df), version="2.0");
}, private=TRUE, static=TRUE);
# @RdocMethod read
# @title "Reads one or several ScanAlyze v2.0 files"
# \description{
# @get "title".
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
# \item{...}{Same arguments as read() in ScanAlyzeData class.}
# }
# \value{Returns a @see "ScanAlyze20Data" object.}
# @author
# \references{
# \url{http://array.mbb.yale.edu/analysis/manual/inputfiles/}
# }
# \seealso{
# For pattern formats see @see "base::list.files".
# @see "ScanAlyzeData".
# @seeclass
# }
setMethodS3("read", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(static, ...) {
# Entering here 'static' is a ScanAlyze20Data object, which is then
# explicitly passed to read() in the super class where it is used
# to identify the correct readOneFile() method.
read.ScanAlyzeData(static, ...);
}, static=TRUE);
# S I G N A L E S T I M A T E S
setMethodS3("getForeground", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(this, which=c("median", "mean", "auto"), slides=NULL) {
slides <- validateArgumentSlides(this, slides=slides);
which <- match.arg(which);
if (which == "auto")
which <- "median";
if (which == "mean") {
fields <- c("CH2I.MEAN", "CH1I.MEAN");
} else if (which == "median") {
fields <- c("CH2I.MEDIAN", "CH1I.MEDIAN");
# Assert that the fields do really exist.
if (!all(fields %in% getFields(this))) {
throw("The foreground estimates ", paste(fields, collapse=" and "),
" is not part of this ", data.class(this), " object.");
rg <- RGData(R=this[[fields[1]]][,slides], G=this[[fields[2]]][,slides], layout=getLayout(this));
if (all(is.na(rg$R) & is.na(rg$G))) {
warning("Could not find any median foreground estimates. Revert to the mean.");
getForeground(this, which="mean", slides=slides);
} else {
setMethodS3("getForegroundSD", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(this, slides=NULL, index=NULL) {
slides <- validateArgumentSlides(this, slides=slides);
if (is.null(index))
index <- 1:nbrOfSpots(this);
list(RSD=this[["CH2I.SD"]][index,slides], GSD=this[["CH1I.SD"]][index,slides]);
setMethodS3("getBackground", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(this, which=c("median", "mean", "auto"), slides=NULL) {
slides <- validateArgumentSlides(this, slides=slides);
which <- match.arg(which);
if (which == "auto")
which <- "median";
if (which == "mean") {
fields <- c("CH2B.MEAN", "CH1B.MEAN");
} else if (which == "median") {
fields <- c("CH2B.MEDIAN", "CH1B.MEDIAN");
# Assert that the fields do really exist.
if (!all(fields %in% getFields(this))) {
throw("The background estimates ", paste(fields, collapse=" and "),
" is not part of this ", data.class(this), " object.");
RGData(R=this[[fields[1]]][,slides], G=this[[fields[2]]][,slides], layout=getLayout(this));
setMethodS3("getBackgroundSD", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(this, slides=NULL, index=NULL) {
slides <- validateArgumentSlides(this, slides=slides);
if (is.null(index))
index <- 1:nbrOfSpots(this);
list(RSD=this[["CH2B.SD"]][index,slides], GSD=this[["CH1B.SD"]][index,slides]);
# S P O T G E O M E T R Y
setMethodS3("getArea", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(this, slides=NULL, include=NULL, ...) {
slides <- validateArgumentSlides(this, slides=slides);
if (is.null(include))
include <- seq(nbrOfSpots(this));
# "+45: TOT.SPIX # Number of pixels in spot"
setMethodS3("getBgArea", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(this, slides=NULL, include=NULL, ...) {
slides <- validateArgumentSlides(this, slides=slides);
if (is.null(include))
include <- seq(nbrOfSpots(this));
# "+44: TOT.BPIX # Number of pixels in background"
setMethodS3("getDiameter", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(this, slides=NULL, include=NULL, ...) {
slides <- validateArgumentSlides(this, slides=slides);
if (is.null(include))
include <- seq(nbrOfSpots(this));
setMethodS3("getGrid", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(this, slides=NULL, include=NULL, ...) {
slides <- validateArgumentSlides(this, slides=slides);
if (is.null(include))
include <- seq(nbrOfSpots(this));
setMethodS3("getSpotRow", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(this, slides=NULL, include=NULL, ...) {
slides <- validateArgumentSlides(this, slides=slides);
if (is.null(include))
include <- seq(nbrOfSpots(this));
setMethodS3("getSpotColumn", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(this, slides=NULL, include=NULL, ...) {
slides <- validateArgumentSlides(this, slides=slides);
if (is.null(include))
include <- seq(nbrOfSpots(this));
# @RdocMethod getSpotPosition
# @title "Gets physical positions of the spots"
# \description{
# Gets physical positions (in pixels) of the spots on one or several
# slides.
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
# \item{slides}{Specifying which for slides the spot positions should
# be extracted. If @NULL, all slides are considered.}
# \item{index}{The spots for which the position is returned.
# If @NULL all spots are considered.}
# }
# \value{Returns a @see "SpotPosition" object containing the
# positions of the spots on the specified slides.}
# @author
# \seealso{
# @seeclass
# }
setMethodS3("getSpotPosition", "ScanAlyze20Data", function(this, slides=NULL, index=NULL) {
slides <- validateArgumentSlides(this, slides=slides);
if (is.null(index)) {
index <- 1:nbrOfSpots(this);
} else if (any(index < 1) || any(index > nbrOfSpots(this))) {
throw("Argument 'index' is out of range.");
xField <- "X.COORD";
yField <- "Y.COORD";
if (hasField(this, xField) && hasField(this, yField) &&
!all(is.na(this[[xField]])) && !all(is.na(this[[yField]]))) {
x <- this[[xField]][index,slides];
y <- this[[yField]][index,slides];
SpotPosition(x=x, y=y);
} else {
# 2005-07-19
# o Replaced all path="" arguments to path=NULL.
# 2003-10-27
# o Added support to read ScanAlyze v2.0 files. Still have to document it.
# o Since ScanAlyze v2.0 is soo different from before, I decided to make it
# its own class ScanAlyze20Data.
# Right now it inherits from ScanAlyzeData, because then one can just
# override broken methods and reuse the others (=most).
# o Created from ScanAlyzeData.R.
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