ScanAlyze20Data: The ScanAlyze20Data (ScanAlyze v2.0) class

Description Usage Arguments Fields and Methods Author(s) References


Package: aroma
Class ScanAlyze20Data


Directly known subclasses:

public static class ScanAlyze20Data
extends ScanAlyzeData

Creates an empty ScanAlyze20Data object.





A Layout object specifying the spot layout of the slides in this data set.

Fields and Methods


getArea -
getBackground -
getBackgroundSD -
getBgArea -
getDiameter -
getForeground -
getForegroundSD -
getGrid -
getSpotColumn -
getSpotPosition Gets physical positions of the spots.
getSpotRow -
read Reads one or several ScanAlyze v2.0 files.
write Writes a ScanAlyze v2.0 Results Data file (NOT IMPLEMENTED).

Methods inherited from ScanAlyzeData:
append, as.RawData, getArea, getBackground, getBgArea, getCircularity, getDiameter, getForeground, getGrid, getRawData, getSpotColumn, getSpotPosition, getSpotRow, normalizeGenewise, plotSpatial, plotSpatial3d, read, write

Methods inherited from MicroarrayData:
addFlag, append, applyGenewise, applyGroupwise, applyPlatewise, applyPrintdipwise, applyPrinttipwise, as.character,, boxplot, clearCache, clearFlag, createColors, dataFrameToList, equals, extract, getBlank, getCache, getChannelNames, getColors, getExcludedSpots, getExtra, getExtreme, getFieldNames, getFlag, getInclude, getLabel, getLayout, getProbeWeights, getSignalWeights, getSlideNames, getSlidePairs, getSpotPosition, getSpotValue, getTreatments, getView, getWeights, getWeightsAsString, hasExcludedSpots, hasLayout, hasProbeWeights, hasSignalWeights, hasWeights, highlight, hist, isFieldColorable, keepSlides, keepSpots, listFlags, lowessCurve, nbrOfDataPoints, nbrOfFields, nbrOfSlides, nbrOfSpots, nbrOfTreatments, normalizePlatewise, normalizePrintorder, normalizeQuantile, plot, plotDensity, plotGene, plotPrintorder, plotReplicates, plotSpatial, plotSpatial3d, plotXY, points, putGene, putSlide, qqnorm, quantile, range, range2, read, readHeader, readToList, removeSlides, removeSpots, resetProbeWeights, resetSignalWeights, select, seq, setCache, setExcludedSpots, setExtra, setFlag, setLabel, setLayout, setProbeWeights, setSignalWeights, setSlideNames, setTreatments, setView, setWeights, size, str, subplots, summary, text, updateHeader, validateArgumentChannel, validateArgumentChannels, validateArgumentGroupBy, validateArgumentSlide, validateArgumentSlides, validateArgumentSpotIndex, validateArgumentWeights, write, writeHeader

Methods inherited from Object:
$, $<-, [[, [[<-, as.character, attach, attachLocally, clearCache, clone, detach, equals, extend, finalize, gc, getEnvironment, getFields, getInstanciationTime, getStaticInstance, hasField, hashCode, ll, load, objectSize, print, save


Henrik Bengtsson (



HenrikBengtsson/aroma documentation built on May 7, 2019, 12:56 a.m.