#' simData
#' Simulation of complex scRNA-seq data
#' \code{simData} simulates multiple clusters and samples
#' across 2 experimental conditions from a real scRNA-seq data set.
#' @param x a \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}}.
#' @param ng number of genes to simulate. Importantly, for the library sizes
#' computed by \code{\link{prepSim}} (= \code{exp(x$offset)}) to make sense,
#' the number of simulated genes should match with the number of genes
#' in the reference. To simulate a reduced number of genes, e.g. for
#' testing and development purposes, please set \code{force = TRUE}.
#' @param nc number of cells to simulate.
#' @param nk number of clusters to simulate; defaults to the number
#' of available reference clusters (\code{nlevels(x$cluster_id)}).
#' @param ns number of samples to simulate; defaults to as many as
#' available in the reference to avoid duplicated reference samples.
#' Specifically, the number of samples will be set to
#' \code{n = nlevels(x$sample_id)} when \code{dd = FALSE},
#' \code{n} per group when \code{dd, paired = TRUE}, and
#' \code{floor(n/2)} per group when \code{dd = TRUE, paired = FALSE}.
#' When a larger number samples should be simulated, set \code{force = TRUE}.
#' @param probs a list of length 3 containing probabilities of a cell belonging
#' to each cluster, sample, and group, respectively. List elements must be
#' NULL (equal probabilities) or numeric values in [0, 1] that sum to 1.
#' @param dd whether or not to simulate differential distributions; if TRUE,
#' two groups are simulated and \code{ns} corresponds to the number of
#' samples per group, else one group with \code{ns} samples is simulated.
#' @param p_dd numeric vector of length 6.
#' Specifies the probability of a gene being
#' EE, EP, DE, DP, DM, or DB, respectively.
#' @param paired logical specifying whether a paired design should
#' be simulated (both groups use the same set of reference samples)
#' or not (reference samples are drawn at random).
#' @param p_ep,p_dp,p_dm numeric specifying the proportion of cells
#' to be shifted to a different expression state in one group (see details).
#' @param p_type numeric. Probability of EE/EP gene being a type-gene.
#' If a gene is of class "type" in a given cluster, a unique mean
#' will be used for that gene in the respective cluster.
#' @param lfc numeric value to use as mean logFC
#' (logarithm base 2) for DE, DP, DM, and DB type of genes.
#' @param rel_lfc numeric vector of relative logFCs for each cluster.
#' Should be of length \code{nlevels(x$cluster_id)} with
#' \code{levels(x$cluster_id)} as names.
#' Defaults to factor of 1 for all clusters.
#' @param phylo_tree newick tree text representing cluster relations
#' and their relative distance. An explanation of the syntax can be found
#' \href{http://evolution.genetics.washington.edu/phylip/newicktree.html}{here}.
#' The distance between the nodes, except for the original branch, will be
#' translated in the number of shared genes between the clusters belonging to
#' these nodes (this relation is controlled with \code{phylo_pars}).
#' The distance between two clusters is defined as the sum
#' of the branches lengths separating them.
#' @param phylo_pars vector of length 2 providing the parameters that control
#' the number of type genes. Passed to an exponential PDF (see details).
#' @param force logical specifying whether to force simulation
#' when \code{ng} and/or \code{ns} don't match the number of
#' available reference genes and samples, respectively.
#' @details The simulation of type genes can be performed in 2 ways;
#' (1) via \code{p_type} to simulate independent clusters, OR
#' (2) via \code{phylo_tree} to simulate a hierarchical cluster structure.
#' For (1), a subset of \code{p_type} \% of genes are selected per cluster
#' to use a different references genes than the remainder of clusters,
#' giving rise to cluster-specific NB means for count sampling.
#' For (2), the number of shared/type genes at each node
#' are given by \code{a*G*e^(-b*d)}, where \itemize{
#' \item{\code{a} -- controls the percentage of shared genes between nodes.
#' By default, at most 10\% of the genes are reserved as type genes
#' (when \code{b} = 0). However, it is advised to tune this parameter
#' depending on the input \code{prep_sce}.}
#' \item{\code{b} -- determines how the number of shared genes
#' decreases with increasing distance d between clusters
#' (defined through \code{phylo_tree}).}}
#' @return a \code{\link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}}
#' containing multiple clusters & samples across 2 groups
#' as well as the following metadata: \describe{
#' \item{cell metadata (\code{colData(.)})}{a \code{DataFrame} containing,
#' containing, for each cell, it's cluster, sample, and group ID.}
#' \item{gene metadata (\code{rowData(.)})}{a \code{DataFrame} containing,
#' for each gene, it's \code{class} (one of "state", "type", "none") and
#' specificity (\code{specs}; NA for genes of type "state", otherwise
#' a character vector of clusters that share the given gene).}
#' \item{experiment metadata (\code{metadata(.)})}{
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{experiment_info}}{a \code{data.frame}
#' summarizing the experimental design.}
#' \item{\code{n_cells}}{the number of cells for each sample.}
#' \item{\code{gene_info}}{a \code{data.frame} containing, for each gene
#' in each cluster, it's differential distribution \code{category},
#' mean \code{logFC} (NA for genes for categories "ee" and "ep"),
#' gene used as reference (\code{sim_gene}), dispersion \code{sim_disp},
#' and simulation means for each group \code{sim_mean.A/B}.}
#' \item{\code{ref_sids/kidskids}}{the sample/cluster IDs used as reference.}
#' \item{\code{args}}{a list of the function call's input arguments.}}}}
#' @examples
#' data(example_sce)
#' library(SingleCellExperiment)
#' # prep. SCE for simulation
#' ref <- prepSim(example_sce)
#' # simulate data
#' (sim <- simData(ref, nc = 200,
#' p_dd = c(0.9, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 0),
#' ng = 100, force = TRUE,
#' probs = list(NULL, NULL, c(1, 0))))
#' # simulation metadata
#' head(gi <- metadata(sim)$gene_info)
#' # should be ~10% DE
#' table(gi$category)
#' # unbalanced sample sizes
#' sim <- simData(ref, nc = 100, ns = 2,
#' probs = list(NULL, c(0.25, 0.75), NULL),
#' ng = 10, force = TRUE)
#' table(sim$sample_id)
#' # one group only
#' sim <- simData(ref, nc = 100,
#' probs = list(NULL, NULL, c(1, 0)),
#' ng = 10, force = TRUE)
#' levels(sim$group_id)
#' # define phylogram specifying cluster relations
#' phylo_tree <- "(('cluster1':0.1,'cluster2':0.1):0.4,'cluster3':0.5);"
#' # verify syntax & visualize relations
#' library(phylogram)
#' plot(read.dendrogram(text = phylo_tree))
#' # let's use a more complex phylogeny
#' phylo_tree <- "(('cluster1':0.4,'cluster2':0.4):0.4,('cluster3':
#' 0.5,('cluster4':0.2,'cluster5':0.2,'cluster6':0.2):0.4):0.4);"
#' plot(read.dendrogram(text = phylo_tree))
#' # simulate clusters accordingly
#' sim <- simData(ref,
#' phylo_tree = phylo_tree,
#' phylo_pars = c(0.1, 3),
#' ng = 500, force = TRUE)
#' # view information about shared 'type' genes
#' table(rowData(sim)$class)
#' @author Helena L Crowell & Anthony Sonrel
#' @references
#' Crowell, HL, Soneson, C, Germain, P-L, Calini, D,
#' Collin, L, Raposo, C, Malhotra, D & Robinson, MD:
#' On the discovery of population-specific state transitions from
#' multi-sample multi-condition single-cell RNA sequencing data.
#' \emph{bioRxiv} \strong{713412} (2018).
#' doi: \url{https://doi.org/10.1101/713412}
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate_all mutate_at
#' @importFrom edgeR DGEList estimateDisp glmFit
#' @importFrom purrr modify_depth set_names
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix rgamma setNames
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment SingleCellExperiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData
#' @importFrom S4Vectors split unfactor
#' @export
simData <- function(x,
ng = nrow(x), nc = ncol(x),
ns = NULL, nk = NULL, probs = NULL,
dd = TRUE, p_dd = diag(6)[1, ], paired = FALSE,
p_ep = 0.5, p_dp = 0.3, p_dm = 0.5,
p_type = 0, lfc = 2, rel_lfc = NULL,
phylo_tree = NULL, phylo_pars = c(ifelse(is.null(phylo_tree), 0, 0.1), 3),
force = FALSE) {
# throughout this code...
# k: cluster ID
# s: sample ID
# g: group ID
# c: DD category
# 0: reference
# add mock cluster/sample ID if missing
if (is.null(x$cluster_id)) {
x$cluster_id <- factor("foo")
no_k <- TRUE
} else {
x$cluster_id <- droplevels(factor(x$cluster_id))
no_k <- nlevels(x$cluster_id) == 1
if (is.null(x$sample_id)) {
x$sample_id <- factor("foo")
no_s <- TRUE
} else {
x$sample_id <- droplevels(factor(x$sample_id))
no_s <- nlevels(x$sample_id) == 1
# store all input arguments to be returned in final output
args <- c(as.list(environment()))
# check validity of input arguments
.check_sce(x, req_group = FALSE)
args_tmp <- .check_args_simData(as.list(environment()))
nk <- args$nk <- args_tmp$nk
# reference IDs
nk0 <- length(kids0 <- set_names(levels(x$cluster_id)))
ns0 <- length(sids0 <- set_names(levels(x$sample_id)))
# get number of samples to simulate
ns <- .get_ns(ns0, ns, dd, paired, force)
# simulation IDs
nk <- length(kids <- set_names(paste0("cluster", seq_len(nk))))
sids <- set_names(paste0("sample", seq_len(ns)))
gids <- set_names(c("A", "B"))
# sample reference clusters & samples
ref_kids <- setNames(sample(kids0, nk, nk > nk0), kids)
if (!dd || paired) {
# use same set of reference samples for both groups
ref_sids <- sample(sids0, ns, ns > ns0)
ref_sids <- cbind(ref_sids, ref_sids)
} else {
# draw reference samples at random for each group
sidsA <- sample(sids0, ns, force && ns > ns0)
if (force) {
sidsB <- sample(sids0, ns, ns > ns0)
} else {
sidsB <- setdiff(sids0, sidsA)
sidsB <- sample(sidsB, ns)
ref_sids <- cbind(sidsA, sidsB)
dimnames(ref_sids) <- list(sids, gids)
if (is.null(rel_lfc))
rel_lfc <- rep(1, nk)
if (is.null(names(rel_lfc))) {
names(rel_lfc) <- kids
} else {
stopifnot(names(rel_lfc) %in% kids0)
# initialize count matrix
gs <- paste0("gene", seq_len(ng))
cs <- paste0("cell", seq_len(nc))
y <- matrix(0, ng, nc, dimnames = list(gs, cs))
# sample cell metadata
cd <- .sample_cell_md(
n = nc, probs = probs,
ids = list(kids, sids, gids))
rownames(cd) <- cs
cs_idx <- .split_cells(cd, by = colnames(cd))
n_cs <- modify_depth(cs_idx, -1, length)
# split input cells by cluster-sample
cs_by_ks <- .split_cells(x)
# sample nb. of genes to simulate per category & gene indices
n_dd <- table(sample(cats, ng, TRUE, p_dd))
n_dd <- replicate(nk, n_dd)
colnames(n_dd) <- kids
gs_idx <- .sample_gene_inds(gs, n_dd)
# for ea. cluster, sample set of genes to simulate from
gs_by_k <- setNames(sample(rownames(x), ng, ng > nrow(x)), gs)
gs_by_k <- replicate(nk, gs_by_k)
colnames(gs_by_k) <- kids
# when 'phylo_tree' is specified, induce hierarchical cluster structure
if (!is.null(phylo_tree)) {
res <- .impute_shared_type_genes(x, gs_by_k, gs_idx, phylo_tree, phylo_pars)
gs_by_k <- res$gs_by_k
class <- res$class
specs <- res$specs
# otherwise, simply impute type-genes w/o phylogeny
} else if (p_type != 0) {
res <- .impute_type_genes(x, gs_by_k, gs_idx, p_type)
stopifnot(!any(res$class == "shared"))
gs_by_k <- res$gs_by_k
class <- res$class
specs <- res$specs
} else {
class <- rep("state", ng)
specs <- rep(NA, ng)
names(class) <- names(specs) <- gs
# split by cluster & categroy
gs_by_k <- split(gs_by_k, col(gs_by_k))
gs_by_k <- setNames(map(gs_by_k, set_names, gs), kids)
gs_by_kc <- lapply(kids, function(k)
lapply(unfactor(cats), function(c)
gs_by_k[[k]][gs_idx[[c, k]]]))
# sample logFCs
lfc <- vapply(kids, function(k)
lapply(unfactor(cats), function(c) {
n <- n_dd[c, k]
if (c == "ee") return(rep(NA, n))
signs <- sample(c(-1, 1), n, TRUE)
lfcs <- rgamma(n, 4, 4/lfc) * signs
names(lfcs) <- gs_by_kc[[k]][[c]]
lfcs * rel_lfc[k]
}), vector("list", length(cats)))
# compute NB parameters
bs <- rowData(x)$beta
if (!is.null(bs$sample_id)) {
bs$sample_id <- cbind(0, bs$sample_id)
names(bs$sample_id) <- sids0
if (!is.null(bs$cluster_id)) {
bs$cluster_id <- cbind(0, bs$cluster_id)
names(bs$cluster_id) <- kids0
os <- x$offset
b0 <- bs$beta0
ds <- rowData(x)$disp
# initialize list of depth two to store
# simulation means in each cluster & group
sim_mean <- lapply(kids, function(k)
lapply(gids, function(g)
setNames(numeric(ng), gs)))
# run simulation -----------------------------------------------------------
for (k in kids) {
for (s in sids) {
# get output cell indices
ci <- cs_idx[[k]][[s]]
# get reference samples, clusters & cells
s0 <- ref_sids[s, ]
k0 <- ref_kids[k]
cs0 <- cs_by_ks[[k0]][s0]
# get NB parameters
bs_ks <- cbind(b0,
for (c in cats[n_dd[, k] != 0]) {
# sample cells to simulate from
cs_g1 <- sample(cs0[[1]], n_cs[[k]][[s]][[1]], TRUE)
cs_g2 <- sample(cs0[[2]], n_cs[[k]][[s]][[2]], TRUE)
# get reference genes & output gene indices
gs0 <- gs_by_kc[[k]][[c]]
gi <- gs_idx[[c, k]]
# get NB parameters
ds_kc <- ds[gs0]
lfc_kc <- lfc[[c, k]]
bs_ksc <- exp(rowSums(bs_ks[gs0, , drop = FALSE]))
ms_g1 <- outer(bs_ksc, exp(os[cs_g1]), "*")
ms_g2 <- outer(bs_ksc, exp(os[cs_g2]), "*")
re <- .sim(c, cs_g1, cs_g2, ms_g1, ms_g2, ds_kc, lfc_kc, p_ep, p_dp, p_dm)
y[gi, unlist(ci)] <- re$cs
for (g in gids) sim_mean[[k]][[g]][gi] <- ifelse(
is.null(re$ms[[g]]), NA, list(re$ms[[g]]))[[1]]
# construct gene metadata table storing ------------------------------------
# gene | cluster_id | category | logFC, gene, disp, mean used for sim.
gi <- data.frame(
gene = unlist(gs_idx),
cluster_id = rep.int(rep(kids, each = length(cats)), c(n_dd)),
category = rep.int(rep(cats, nk), c(n_dd)),
logFC = unlist(lfc),
sim_gene = unlist(gs_by_kc),
sim_disp = ds[unlist(gs_by_kc)]) %>%
mutate_at("gene", as.character)
# add true simulation means
sim_mean <- sim_mean %>%
map(bind_cols) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "cluster_id") %>%
mutate(gene = rep(gs, nk))
gi <- full_join(gi, sim_mean, by = c("gene", "cluster_id")) %>%
rename("sim_mean.A" = "A", "sim_mean.B" = "B") %>%
mutate_at("cluster_id", factor)
# reorder
o <- order(as.numeric(gsub("[a-z]", "", gi$gene)))
gi <- gi[o, ]; rownames(gi) <- NULL
# construct SCE ------------------------------------------------------------
# cell metadata including group, sample, cluster IDs
cd$group_id <- droplevels(cd$group_id)
cd$sample_id <- if (dd) {
factor(paste(cd$sample_id, cd$group_id, sep = "."))
} else factor(cd$sample_id)
m <- match(levels(cd$sample_id), cd$sample_id)
gids <- cd$group_id[m]
o <- order(gids)
sids <- levels(cd$sample_id)[o]
cd <- cd %>%
mutate_at("sample_id", factor, levels = sids) %>%
mutate_at("cluster_id", factor, levels = kids)
if (!dd) {
cd$group_id <- NULL
ref_sids <- ref_sids[, 1]
if (no_s) cd$sample_id <- NULL
if (no_k) cd$cluster_id <- NULL
# gene metadata storing gene classes & specificities
rd <- DataFrame(class = factor(class,
levels = c("state", "shared", "type")))
rd$specs <- as.list(specs)
# simulation metadata including used reference samples/cluster,
# list of input arguments, and simulated genes' metadata
ei <- data.frame(sample_id = sids, group_id = gids[o])
md <- list(
experiment_info = ei,
n_cells = table(cd$sample_id),
gene_info = gi,
ref_sids = ref_sids,
ref_kids = ref_kids,
args = args)
# return SCE
assays = list(counts = as.matrix(y)),
colData = cd, rowData = rd, metadata = md)
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