#' @importFrom flowCore fr_append_cols flowSet
.match_ffs <- function(ffs, fix_chs) {
chs <- lapply(ffs, colnames)
if (!all(mapply(identical, chs[1], chs[-1]))) {
"Channel names don't match between FCS files; ",
"panel discrepancies will be fixed ",
"keeping ", fix_chs, " channels.")
common = {
chs_use <- Reduce(intersect, chs)
mtx <- matrix(TRUE, length(chs_use), length(ffs))
for (i in seq_along(ffs))
ffs[[i]] <- ffs[[i]][, chs_use]
all = {
chs_use <- unique(unlist(chs))
mtx <- vapply(chs, \(.) chs_use %in% ., logical(chs_use))
for (i in seq_along(ffs)) {
chs2add <- setdiff(chs_use, chs[[i]])
if (length(chs2add) != 0) {
n <- nrow(ffs[[i]])
y <- vapply(chs2add, \(.) numeric(n), numeric(n))
ffs[[i]] <- fr_append_cols(ffs[[i]], y)
ffs[[i]] <- ffs[[i]][, chs_use]
} else mtx <- NULL
fs <- flowSet(ffs)
return(list(fs, mtx))
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom flowCore isFCSfile read.FCS
.read_fs <- function(x, fix_chs, ...) {
if (is(x, "flowFrame")) {
fs <- flowSet(x)
} else if (is.list(x)) {
stopifnot(all(vapply(x, function(u)
is(u, "flowFrame"), logical(1))))
fs <- flowSet(x)
} else if (is(x, "flowSet")) {
fs <- x
} else if (is.character(x)) {
if (length(x) == 1 && dir.exists(x)) {
fcs <- list.files(x,
pattern = ".fcs$",
full.names = TRUE,
ignore.case = TRUE)
if (length(fcs) == 0)
stop("Couldn't find any FCS files",
" in the specified directory.")
} else {
fcs <- x
stopifnot(all(vapply(fcs, isFCSfile, logical(1))))
args <- list(...)
defs <- c("transformation", "truncate_max_range")
for (. in defs) if (is.null(args[[.]])) args[[.]] <- FALSE
ffs <- lapply(fcs, \(fnm) do.call(read.FCS, c(fnm, args)))
tmp <- .match_ffs(ffs, fix_chs)
fs <- tmp[[1]]; mtx <- tmp[[2]]
} else {
stop("Invalid argument 'x'; should be either a flowSet",
" or a character string specifying the path to",
" a directory containing a set of FCS files.")
if (!exists("mtx"))
mtx <- NULL
return(list(fs, mtx))
#' @importFrom SingleCellExperiment int_metadata<-
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay assay<- rowData
.transform <- function(x, cf,
ain = "counts", aout = "exprs",
dir = c("forwards", "backwards")) {
dir <- match.arg(dir)
chs <- channels(x)
stopifnot(is.numeric(cf), cf > 0)
if (length(cf) == 1) {
int_metadata(x)$cofactor <- cf
cf <- rep(cf, nrow(x))
} else {
stopifnot(!is.null(names(cf)), chs %in% names(cf))
cf <- cf[match(chs, names(cf))]
int_metadata(x)$cofactor <- cf
if (dir == "forwards") {
fun <- asinh
op <- "/"
} else {
fun <- sinh
op <- "*"
y <- assay(x, ain)
y <- fun(sweep(y, 1, cf, op))
assay(x, aout, FALSE) <- y
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