# Download HGNC data ----
# Download gene groups and protein-coding genes tables from
# Human Genome Naming Consortium. As at 01.06.2022, the groups
# table is not a subset of the protein-coding genes table.
# Example of a multi-subunit protein - LFA-1 from ITGAL and ITGB2
existing <- ls()
# HGNC proteins
hgnc_proteins_fname <- paste0("http://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/",
hgnc_proteins_f <- sprintf("%s/hgnc_gene_with_protein_product_%s.txt",
downloads, Sys.Date())
if (! file.exists(hgnc_proteins_f)){
download.file(hgnc_proteins_fname, destfile = hgnc_proteins_f)
# HGNC groups
hgnc_groups_fname <- paste(c("https://www.genenames.org/cgi-bin/genegroup/",
"download-all"), collapse = "")
hgnc_groups_f <- sprintf("%s/hgnc_all_groups_%s.csv", downloads, Sys.Date())
if (! file.exists(hgnc_groups_f)){
download.file(hgnc_groups_fname, destfile = hgnc_groups_f)
# Select relevant columns, rename and merge tables ----
hgnc_proteins <- readr::read_delim(hgnc_proteins_f)
hgnc_proteins <- hgnc_proteins[, c("hgnc_id", "symbol", "name", "alias_symbol",
"prev_symbol", "ensembl_gene_id",
"entrez_id", "alias_name", "prev_name",
"uniprot_ids", "locus_type")]
hgnc_proteins <- dplyr::rename(hgnc_proteins,
HGNC_ID = hgnc_id,
HGNC_NAME = name,
ENSEMBL_ID = ensembl_gene_id,
ENTREZ_ID = entrez_id,
UNIPROT_ID = uniprot_ids,
HGNC_SYMBOL = symbol,
ALIAS = alias_symbol,
PREVIOUS_SYMBOL = prev_symbol,
ALIAS_NAME = alias_name,
PREVIOUS_NAME = prev_name,
BIOTYPE = locus_type)
hgnc_groups <- readr::read_delim(hgnc_groups_f)
hgnc_groups <- hgnc_groups %>%
dplyr::rename(HGNC_ID = `HGNC ID`,
HGNC_NAME = `Approved name`,
ENSEMBL_ID = `Ensembl gene ID`,
HGNC_SYMBOL = `Approved symbol`,
ALIAS = `Alias symbols`,
PREVIOUS_SYMBOL = `Previous symbols`,
BIOTYPE = `Locus type`) %>%
# Filter out pseudogenes and RNAs
dplyr::filter(! grepl("^RNA|pseudogene|unknown|retrovirus|readthrough",
! grepl("^MT-", HGNC_SYMBOL)) %>%
dplyr::select(-Status, -`Chromosome`, -`Vega gene ID`,
`Group ID`, -`Group name`, -`Group ID`) %>%
dplyr::mutate(across(c(PREVIOUS_SYMBOL, ALIAS), ~gsub(", ", "\\|", .x)))
hgnc <- dplyr::full_join(hgnc_proteins, hgnc_groups)
# Check that one HGNC ID maps to one ENTREZ/ENSEMBL ID ----
temp <- hgnc %>%
AbNames:::nPerGroup(group = "HGNC_ID",
col = c("ENTREZ_ID", "ENSEMBL_ID")) %>%
dplyr::filter(nENTREZ_ID > 1 | nENSEMBL_ID > 1)
stopifnot(nrow(temp) == 0)
# Check that one HGNC symbol maps to one ID ----
temp <- hgnc %>%
AbNames:::nPerGroup(group = "HGNC_SYMBOL",
col = c("HGNC_ID", "ENTREZ_ID", "ENSEMBL_ID")) %>%
dplyr::filter(nENTREZ_ID > 1 | nENSEMBL_ID > 1 | nHGNC_ID > 1)
stopifnot(nrow(temp) == 0)
# Create and save long version of the HGNC table for querying ----
hgnc <- hgnc %>%
dplyr::mutate(HGNC_SYMBOL2 = HGNC_SYMBOL) %>%
names_to = "symbol_type") %>%
dplyr::filter(! is.na(value)) %>%
# Make one row per alias
AbNames::splitUnnest(ab = "value", split = "\\|") %>%
tidyr::unnest(cols = value) %>%
dplyr::mutate(SOURCE = "HGNC",
BIOTYPE = ifelse(BIOTYPE == "gene with protein product",
"protein_coding", BIOTYPE)) %>%
dplyr::rename(HGNC_SYMBOL = HGNC_SYMBOL2) %>%
unique() %>%
# Remove entries that match the HGNC_SYMBOL, redundant
dplyr::filter(! (value == HGNC_SYMBOL & ! symbol_type == "HGNC_SYMBOL")) %>%
# Only keep ambiguous values if it's an official symbol
dplyr::group_by(value) %>%
dplyr::mutate(ngroups = n_distinct(HGNC_ID)) %>%
dplyr::filter(ngroups == 1 | symbol_type == "HGNC_SYMBOL") %>%
dplyr::select(-ngroups) %>%
# Make ENTREZ ID a character for joining with other tables
dplyr::mutate(ENTREZ_ID = as.character(ENTREZ_ID)) %>%
write_csv(hgnc, file = sprintf("%s/hgnc.csv", downloads))
rm(list = setdiff(ls(), c(existing, "hgnc", "existing")))
#hgnc <- as.data.frame(hgnc)
#usethis::use_data(hgnc, overwrite = TRUE, compress = "bzip2")
# Possible changes:
# Remove genes that do not have a protein ID?
# Filter ambiguous previous symbols then recheck for ambiguity?
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