# filter_by_union ----
#'@title Select rows matching any column present in another data.frame
#'@description Select values from a data.frame df matching any
#'column from another data.frame or a selection of row indices. If a second
#'data frame and a selection of rows is provided, values from df matching
#'any value in df2[rows, ] are returned. If only rows indices are provided,
#'rows matching any value in df[rows, ] are returned. NAs are not matched.
#'This is a wrapper around dplyr::filter with if_any for the case where the
#'value should be in a reference set, with the option to choose whether to use
#'another data frame or a subset of rows as the reference.
#'@param df A data.frame from which to select matching rows
#'@param df2 Optional, a second data frame
#'@param rows Row indices for subsetting, either df2 if present or df
#'@param by = columns to select from df2
#'@param verbose Print information about how tables are joined? (Default: TRUE)
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@returns The rows of df matching either any value in df2 (if df2 is provided
#' and rows are not), or any value in df2[rows,] (if df2 and rows are provided),
#' or any value in the subset df[rows, ] (if df2 is not provided).
#'# Note: CD274 and PD-L1 are aliases for the same antigen
#'df <- data.frame(Antigen = c("CD274", "CD4", "PD-L1"),
#' Clone = c("29E.2A3", NA, "29E.2A3"))
#'# Filter df to return rows that match any column in df[1, ]
#'filter_by_union(df, rows = 1)
#'# If a second data.frame is provided, rows matching any column in the
#'# second data.frame are returned.
#'# Here, only "PD-L1" is matched as df2 doesn't contain clone information
#'df2 <- data.frame(Antigen = "PD-L1")
#'filter_by_union(df, df2)
filter_by_union <- function(df, df2=NULL, rows=NULL, by=NULL, verbose=TRUE){
if (is.null(df2) & is.null(rows)){ stop("No filtering options provided!") }
if (isTRUE(verbose) & ! is.null(df2) & ! is.null(rows)){
message("Row selection will be made from df2")
tmp <- .tempColName(df)
qdf <- df
if (! is.null(df2)) { qdf <- df2 }
if (! is.null(rows)) qdf <- qdf[rows, , drop=FALSE]
# Check that values of by exist in qdf
if (! is.null(by) & ! all(by %in% colnames(qdf))){
stop("Not all columns in 'by' appear in df2:",
toString(setdiff(by, colnames(qdf))))
# If by is not specified, use all shared columns
if (is.null(by)) by <- intersect(colnames(qdf), colnames(df))
# If there are names, assume they use dplyr join syntax, i.e. names
# refer to columns in df, values to columns in df2
if (! is.null(names(by))){
no_name <- names(by) == ""
names(by)[no_name] <- by[no_name]
# Check that names of "by" exist in df
if (! all(names(by) %in% colnames(df))){
stop("Not all columns in 'by' appear in df:",
toString(setdiff(names(by), colnames(df))))
# Rename columns in qdf to match "by", set by to equal names of by
qdf <- qdf[, by, drop=FALSE]
colnames(qdf) <- names(by)
by <- names(by)
keep_rows <- rowSums(vapply(by, function(x){
df[[x]] %in% qdf[[x]] & ! is.na(df[[x]])
}, logical(nrow(df)))) >= 1
return(df[keep_rows,, drop = FALSE])
# group_by_any ----
# Group data.frame by a match in any of the grouping columns
# Not tested on more than 2 groups
# Pairwise comparison necessary?
# df - data.frame
# groups - character vector of grouping columns
# ignore e.g. Cat_Number == "custom_made". Names should be column names
# in df, if they are not they are ignored. Regex?
#'@importFrom stats na.omit
group_by_any <- function(df, groups, new_col="group", ignore=NULL,
if (length(groups) < 2){
if (isTRUE(verbose)){
message("With only one group, group_by_any is ",
"equivalent to group_by\n")
result <- df %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym(groups)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(!!new_col := dplyr::cur_group_id())
idx <- purrr::map(groups,
~dplyr::group_by(df, !!sym(.x)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(idx = dplyr::cur_group_id()) %>%
idx <- do.call(dplyr::bind_cols, structure(idx, names = groups))
idx[is.na(df[, groups])] <- NA
# Remove groupings that should be ignored
idx <- .ignore_groups(df, ignore, idx)
new_idxs <- idx[[ groups[1] ]]
curr_idxs <- idx[[ groups[1] ]]
for (gp in groups[2:length(groups)]){
merge_idxs <- idx[[gp]]
for (val in sort(unique(na.omit(new_idxs)))){
merge_vals <- na.omit(unique(merge_idxs[curr_idxs == val]))
v_to_replace <- new_idxs[merge_idxs %in% merge_vals]
if (any(v_to_replace)) {
rp_id <- merge_idxs %in% merge_vals |
new_idxs %in% na.omit(v_to_replace)
new_idxs[rp_id] <- min(v_to_replace, na.rm = TRUE)
df[[new_col]] <- new_idxs
df %>% dplyr::group_by(!!sym(new_col))
# .ignore_groups ----
# Remove indices that should be ignored. If names in "ignore" don't match
# columns of df, they are ignored
.ignore_groups <- function(df, ignore, idx){
if (is.null(idx)) return(idx)
for (nm in intersect(names(ignore), colnames(df))){
vals <- ignore[[nm]]
vals <- do.call(paste, list(vals, collapse = "|"))
idx[grepl(vals, df[[nm]]), nm] <- NA
# left_join_any ----
# Join by matches in any set of columns
# Perform successive inner joins
# Allows cols in groups, e.g. "Cat_Number", c("Antigen", "Clone"), ...
# Cols must be a list. Assume that rows can be uniquely identified
# shared: which function to use for shared columns? rows_patch (fill NA) or
# rows_update (overwrite)
# ignore option for patching? Set patch_cn to NULL?
# What to do if Antigen matches one row and Clone matches a different one?
# Probably should include both rows
# Do we expect columns to be NA if they do not match? Not necessarily,
# Antigen may differ
# As is, only one column is given the chance to match
#'@author Helen Lindsay
#'@importFrom dplyr if_all
#'@importFrom dplyr everything
left_join_any <- function(x, y, cols, shared=c("patch", "update")){
update_fun <- match.arg(shared)
update_fun <- if (update_fun == "patch"){
} else {
# For each join, we only want to include the join column of interest in y
cn_y <- colnames(y)
cn_x <- colnames(x)
join_cns <- unique(unlist(cols))
if (! all(join_cns %in% cn_x) & all(join_cns %in% cn_y)){
stop("Columns for joining must appear in both x and y")
# Columns to add are columns not already in in x and not used for joining
# Shared columns are treated differently, by patching NA values
patch_cn <- intersect(cn_x, setdiff(cn_y, join_cns))
add_cn <- setdiff(cn_y, c(join_cns, patch_cn))
aj_cn <- c()
res <- vector("list", length = length(cols))
# Inner join separately with each col set
for (i in seq_along(cols)){
col_set <- cols[[i]]
y_subs <- y %>%
dplyr::select(all_of(c(add_cn, col_set))) %>%
new_res <- x %>%
dplyr::inner_join(y_subs, by=col_set, na_matches="never",
multiple="all", relationship="many-to-many")
# If columns are shared, either update or patch values in x from y
if (length(patch_cn) > 0){
y_patch <- y %>%
dplyr::select(all_of(c(patch_cn, col_set))) %>%
dplyr::filter(if_all(everything(), complete.cases)) %>%
new_res <- update_fun(new_res, y_patch,
unmatched="ignore", by=col_set)
res[[i]] <- new_res
res <- do.call(dplyr::bind_rows, res)
x_aj <- dplyr::anti_join(x, res, by=setdiff(cn_x, patch_cn))
# Add the unmatched rows back in
res <- dplyr::bind_rows(x_aj, res) %>%
# rows_patch_any ----
# simple wrapper for coalesce, rearranging rows
# match returns the first match, there may be many
# only works for a single match column
# apply where, to match columns, coalesce, discard if multiple values?
rows_patch_any <- function(x, y, match_col){
row_order <- match(x[[match_col]], y[[match_col]])
y <- y[row_order,]
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