#' Compute the log fold-change estimates for the zero-inflated log-normal model
#' Run the zero-inflated log-normal model given a MRexperiment object
#' and model matrix. Not for the average user, assumes structure of the model matrix.
#' @param obj A MRexperiment object with count data.
#' @param mod The model for the count distribution.
#' @param coef Coefficient of interest to grab log fold-changes.
#' @param szero TRUE/FALSE, shrink zero component parameters.
#' @param spos TRUE/FALSE, shrink positive component parameters.
#' @return A list of objects including:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{logFC - the log fold-change estimates}
#' \item{adjFactor - the adjustment factor based on the zero component}
#' \item{se - standard error estimates}
#' \item{fitln - parameters from the log-normal fit}
#' \item{fitzero - parameters from the logistic fit}
#' \item{zeroRidge - output from the ridge regression}
#' \item{posRidge - output from the ridge regression}
#' \item{tauPos - estimated tau^2 for positive component}
#' \item{tauZero - estimated tau^2 for zero component}
#' \item{exclude - features to exclude for various reasons, e.g. all zeros}
#' \item{zeroExclude - features to exclude for various reasons, e.g. all zeros}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{cumNorm}} \code{\link{fitFeatureModel}}
positiveMod = mod[,-ncol(mod)]
zeroMod = mod
nf <- normFactors(obj)
mat <- MRcounts(obj, norm=TRUE, log=FALSE,sl=median(nf))
posIndices = mat>0
nr = nrow(mat)
nc = ncol(mat)
exclude = zeroExclude = tauZero = tauPos = posRidge = zeroRidge = NULL
results = array(NA,dim=c(nr,3))
rownames(results) = rownames(mat)
colnames(results) = c("logFC","adjFactor","se")
# calc log-normal component
fitln = calcPosComponent(mat,positiveMod,posIndices)
# Don't calculate shrinkage with special cases
zeros2 = which(fitln[,"s2"]==0)
rs = rowsum(t(1-(1-posIndices)),positiveMod[,coef])
exclude = union(which(rs[1,]<=1),which(rs[2,]<=1))
zeroExclude = which(colSums(rs)>=(nc-3))
exclude = union(zeros2,exclude); if(length(exclude)==0) exclude=NULL
if(length(zeroExclude)==0) zeroExclude=NULL
sdensity = density(fitln[,"s2"],na.rm=TRUE)
smode = sdensity$x[which.max(sdensity$y)]
if(length(zeros2)>0) fitln[zeros2,"s2"] = smode
# shrink positive
tauPos = shrinkPos$tau
vpost = shrinkPos$v.post
fitln[,"s2"] = vpost
posRidge = sapply(seq(nr),function(i){
k = which(posIndices[i,])
y = log(mat[i,k])
x = positiveMod[k,]
l = vpost[i]/(nrow(x)*tauPos)
if(i %in% exclude) return(matrix(rep(NA,ncol(positiveMod))))
ridge = glmnet(y=y,x=x,lambda=l,alpha=0)
posFittedCoefficients = t(posRidge)
rownames(posFittedCoefficients) = rownames(mat)
fitln[rownames(posFittedCoefficients),1:ncol(positiveMod)] = posFittedCoefficients
# calc zero component
sdensity = density(fitzero[,"s2"],na.rm=TRUE)
smode = sdensity$x[which.max(sdensity$y)]
if(length(exclude)>0) fitzero[exclude,"s2"] = smode
# shrink zero
tauZero = shrinkZero$tau
vpostZero = shrinkZero$v.post
fitzero[,"s2"] = vpostZero
zeroRidge = sapply(1:nr,function(i){
y = posIndices[i,]
l = 1/(nc*tauZero)
if(i %in% c(zeroExclude,exclude)) return(matrix(rep(NA,ncol(zeroMod))))
ridge = glmnet(y=y,x=zeroMod,lambda=l,family="binomial",alpha=0,
penalty.factor = c(rep(1,(ncol(zeroMod)-1)),0))
zeroFittedCoefficients = t(zeroRidge)
rownames(zeroFittedCoefficients) = rownames(mat)
fitzero[rownames(zeroFittedCoefficients),1:ncol(zeroMod)] = zeroFittedCoefficients
# calc se
se = calcStandardError(zeroMod,fitln,fitzero,coef=coef,exclude=union(exclude,zeroExclude))
se[zeroExclude] = sqrt(fitln[zeroExclude,"s2"])
# calc adjFactor
adjFactor = calcZeroAdjustment(fitln,fitzero,zeroMod,coef,exclude=exclude)
adjFactor[zeroExclude] = 0
# calc logFC
logFC <- fitln[,coef] + adjFactor
#' Positive component
#' Fit the positive (log-normal) component
#' @param mat A matrix of normalized counts
#' @param mod A model matrix
#' @param weights Weight matrix for samples and counts
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitZeroLogNormal}} \code{\link{fitFeatureModel}}
fitln <- lmFit(log(mat),mod,weights=weights)
b = coefficients(fitln)
df = fitln$df
res = residuals(fitln,log(mat))
s2 = sapply(seq(nrow(res)),function(i){
rownames(fitln) = rownames(mat)
#' Zero component
#' Fit the zero (logisitic) component
#' @param mat A matrix of normalized counts
#' @param mod A model matrix
#' @param weights Weight matrix for samples and counts
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitZeroLogNormal}} \code{\link{fitFeatureModel}}
fitzero <- sapply(seq(nrow(mat)), function(i) {
fit <- glm.fit(mod, weights[i,], family=binomial())
cf = coefficients(fit)
df = fit$df.residual
mc = exp(mod %*% cf)
s2 = sum((weights[i, ] - t(mc/(1 + mc)))^2)/df
# s2 = sum(residuals(fit)^2)/df
c(beta= cf, s2 = s2, df = df)
fitzero <- data.frame(t(fitzero))
rownames(fitzero) = rownames(mat)
#' Calculate shrinkage parameters
#' Calculate the shrunken variances and variance of parameters of interest across features.
#' @param fit A matrix of fits as outputted by calcZeroComponent or calcPosComponent
#' @param coef Coefficient of interest
#' @param mins2 minimum variance estimate
#' @param exclude Vector of features to exclude when shrinking
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitZeroLogNormal}} \code{\link{fitFeatureModel}}
shrunkVar <- limma::squeezeVar(fit[,"s2"], fit[,"df"])
v.post = shrunkVar$var.post
tau <-var(fit[,coef],na.rm=TRUE)
} else {
v.post = rep(mins2,nrow(fit))
shrunkVar <- limma::squeezeVar(fit[-exclude,"s2"], fit[-exclude,"df"])
v.post[-exclude] <- shrunkVar$var.post
tau <- var(fit[-exclude,coef],na.rm=TRUE)
#' Calculate the zero-inflated component's adjustment factor
#' Calculate the log ratio of average marginal probabilities for each sample
#' having a positive count. This becomes the adjustment factor for the log
#' fold change.
#' @param fitln A matrix with parameters from the log-normal fit
#' @param fitzero A matrix with parameters from the logistic fit
#' @param mod The zero component model matrix
#' @param coef Coefficient of interest
#' @param exclude List of features to exclude
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitZeroLogNormal}} \code{\link{fitFeatureModel}}
b = fitln[,1:(ncol(mod)-1)]
beta = fitzero[,1:ncol(mod)]
# calculate for zero adjust factor
mod1 <- mod
mod1[,coef] <- 1
theta1 <- mod1 %*% t(beta)
p1 <- exp(theta1) / (1+exp(theta1))
p1 <- t(p1)
if(ncol(b)>2) p1 = p1*exp(t(mod[,3:(ncol(mod)-1)]%*%t(b[,3:ncol(b)])))
mean_p1 <- rowMeans(p1)
mod0 <- mod
mod0[,coef] <- 0
theta0 <- mod0 %*% t(beta)
p0 <- exp(theta0) / (1+exp(theta0))
p0 <- t(p0)
if(ncol(b)>2) p0 = p0*exp(t(mod[,3:(ncol(mod)-1)]%*%t(b[,3:ncol(b)])))
mean_p0 <- rowMeans(p0)
adjFactor <- log(mean_p1/mean_p0)
if(!is.null(exclude)) adjFactor[exclude] = NA
#' Calculate the zero-inflated log-normal statistic's standard error
#' Calculat the se for the model. Code modified from
#' "Adjusting for covariates in zero-inflated gamma and
#' zero-inflated log-normal models for semicontinuous data", ED Mills
#' @param mod The zero component model matrix
#' @param fitln A matrix with parameters from the log-normal fit
#' @param fitzero A matrix with parameters from the logistic fit
#' @param coef Coefficient of interest
#' @param exclude List of features to exclude
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitZeroLogNormal}} \code{\link{fitFeatureModel}}
mod0 = mod1 = mod
mod1[,coef] <- 1
mod0[,coef] <- 0
ve = rep(NA,nrow(fitln))
features = seq(nrow(fitln))
if(length(exclude)>0) features = features[-exclude]
# a) need to speed up
# b) need to include more covariates
fullvar = sapply(features,function(i){
beta = fitzero[i,1:ncol(mod)]
b = fitln[i,1:(ncol(mod)-1)]
s = as.numeric(fitln[i,"s2"])
mu0 = as.vector(exp(mod0[,-ncol(mod)]%*%t(b) + .5*s))
mu1 = as.vector(exp(mod1[,-ncol(mod)]%*%t(b) + .5*s))
# calculate for zero adjust factor
theta <- mod %*% t(beta)
theta1 <- mod1 %*% t(beta)
theta0 <- mod0 %*% t(beta)
p <- t(exp(theta) / (1+exp(theta)))
p1 <- t(exp(theta1) / (1+exp(theta1)))
p0 <- t(exp(theta0) / (1+exp(theta0)))
checkInverse <- function(m){
inherits(try(qr.solve(m),silent=T), "matrix")
Dp2 <- diag(length(p))*as.vector(p*(1-p))
infz = t(mod)%*%Dp2%*%mod
Dp <- diag(length(p))*as.vector(p)
infln = t(mod[,-ncol(mod)])%*%Dp%*%mod[,-ncol(mod)]
if(checkInverse(infz)) {
invinf_z <-qr.solve(infz)
} else {
if(checkInverse(infln)) {
} else {
invInfFull = as.matrix( bdiag(invinf_z,invinf_ln, (2*s^2/sum(p))) )
logRatioBeta0<- (mean(p1*(1-p1)*mu0)/mean(p1*mu0)) - (mean(p0*(1-p0)*mu0)/mean(p0*mu0))
logRatioBeta2<- (mean(mod[,3]*p1*(1-p1)*mu0)/mean(p1*mu0)) - (mean(mod[,3]*p0*(1-p0)*mu0)/mean(p0*mu0))
# logRatioB2<- (mean(mod[,3]*t(p1)*exp(mod0%*%t(b)))/mean(t(p1)*exp(mod0%*%t(b))))-
# (mean(mod[,3]*t(p0)*exp(mod0%*%t(b)))/mean(t(p0)*exp(mod0%*%t(b))))
# logRatioFull = t(c(logRatioBeta0,logRatioBeta1,logRatioBeta2,0,1,logRatioB2,0))
logRatioFull = t(c(logRatioBeta0,logRatioBeta1,logRatioBeta2,0,1,0))
logRatioVar = logRatioFull%*%invInfFull%*%t(logRatioFull)
ve[features] = fullvar
} else {
ve = fullvar
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