##' set layout for reassortment plot
##' @title set_layout
##' @param virus_info virus information
##' @param flow_info flow information
##' @param layout layout method
##' @return updated virus_info
##' @importFrom igraph graph.data.frame
##' @importFrom igraph V
##' @importFrom igraph layout.auto
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
set_layout <- function(virus_info, flow_info, layout="layout.auto") {
if (is.character(layout)) {
layout <- get_fun_from_pkg("igraph", layout)
g <- graph.data.frame(flow_info)
coord <- layout(g)
i <- match(as.character(V(g)), virus_info$id)
virus_info$x <- virus_info$y <- NA
virus_info$x[i] <- max(coord[,1]) - coord[,1]
virus_info$y[i] <- max(coord[,2]) - coord[,2]
##' visualize virus reassortment events
##' @title hyrid_plot
##' @param flow_info flow information
##' @param parse whether parse label, only works if 'label' and 'label_position' exist
##' @param t_size size of text label
##' @param t_color color of text label
##' @inheritParams geom_genotype
##' @return ggplot object
##' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot
##' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_segment
##' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_text
##' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_blank
##' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_
##' @importFrom grid unit
##' @importFrom grid arrow
##' @importFrom yulab.utils get_fun_from_pkg
##' @export
##' @examples
##' library(tibble)
##' n <- 8
##' virus_info <- tibble(id = 1:7,
##' x = c(rep(1990, 4), rep(2000, 2), 2009),
##' y = c(1,2,3,5, 1.5, 3, 4),
##' segment_color = list(rep('purple', n),
##' rep('red', n), rep('darkgreen', n), rep('lightgreen', n),
##' c('darkgreen', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'purple', 'red', 'purple'),
##' c('darkgreen', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'darkgreen', 'darkgreen', 'purple', 'red', 'purple'),
##' c('darkgreen', 'lightgreen', 'lightgreen', 'darkgreen', 'darkgreen', 'purple', 'red', 'purple')))
##' flow_info <- tibble(from = c(1,2,3,3,4,5,6), to = c(5,5,5,6,7,6,7))
##' hybrid_plot(virus_info, flow_info)
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
hybrid_plot <- function(virus_info, flow_info, v_color="darkgreen", v_fill="steelblue", v_shape="ellipse",
l_color="black", asp=1, parse=FALSE, g_height=0.65, g_width=0.65, t_size=3.88, t_color="black") {
ggplot(virus_info, aes_(x=~x, y=~y)) +
geom_hybrid(virus_info, flow_info, v_color, v_fill, v_shape,
l_color, asp, parse, g_height, g_width, t_size, t_color)
##' geom layer of genotype
##' @title geom_genotype
##' @param virus_info virus information
##' @param v_color the color of outer boundary of virus; can use expression (e.g. v_color=~Host) to color virus by specific variable
##' @param v_fill the color to fill viruses; can use expression (e.g. v_fill=~Host) to fill virus by specific variable
##' @param v_shape one of 'hexagon' or 'ellipse'
##' @param l_color color of the lines that indicate genetic flow
##' @param asp aspect ratio of the plotting device
##' @param g_height height of regions to plot gene segments relative to the virus
##' @param g_width width of gene segment relative to width of the virus (the hexagon)
##' @return geom layer
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
##' @examples
##' library(tibble)
##' library(ggplot2)
##' n <- 8
##' virus_info <- tibble(id = 1:7,
##' x = c(rep(1990, 4), rep(2000, 2), 2009),
##' y = c(1,2,3,5, 1.5, 3, 4),
##' segment_color = list(rep('purple', n),
##' rep('red', n), rep('darkgreen', n), rep('lightgreen', n),
##' c('darkgreen', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'purple', 'red', 'purple'),
##' c('darkgreen', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'darkgreen', 'darkgreen', 'purple', 'red', 'purple'),
##' c('darkgreen', 'lightgreen', 'lightgreen', 'darkgreen', 'darkgreen', 'purple', 'red', 'purple')))
##' ggplot() + geom_genotype(virus_info)
geom_genotype <- function(virus_info, v_color="darkgreen", v_fill="steelblue", v_shape="ellipse",
l_color="black", asp=1, g_height=0.65, g_width=0.65) {
ASP <- asp_(virus_info, asp)
virus_info <- set_virus_size(virus_info, ASP, v_shape)
capsule_data <- get_capsule_data(virus_info, ASP, v_shape)
geom_genotype_internal(virus_info, capsule_data, ASP, v_color, v_fill, v_shape, g_height, g_width)
geom_genotype_internal <- function(virus_info, capsule_data, ASP, v_color, v_fill, v_shape, g_height=0.65, g_width=0.65) {
default_aes <- aes_(x=~x, y=~y)
virus_capsule <- geom_virus_capsule(default_aes, virus_info, capsule_data, v_color, v_fill, ASP)
virus_segment <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(virus_info)), function(i)
g_height = g_height,
g_width = g_width,
v_shape = v_shape)
##' geom layer for reassortment events
##' @title geom_hybrid
##' @inheritParams hybrid_plot
##' @return geom layer
##' @export
##' @examples
##' library(tibble)
##' library(ggplot2)
##' n <- 8
##' virus_info <- tibble(id = 1:7,
##' x = c(rep(1990, 4), rep(2000, 2), 2009),
##' y = c(1,2,3,5, 1.5, 3, 4),
##' segment_color = list(rep('purple', n),
##' rep('red', n), rep('darkgreen', n), rep('lightgreen', n),
##' c('darkgreen', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'purple', 'red', 'purple'),
##' c('darkgreen', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'darkgreen', 'darkgreen', 'purple', 'red', 'purple'),
##' c('darkgreen', 'lightgreen', 'lightgreen', 'darkgreen', 'darkgreen', 'purple', 'red', 'purple')))
##' flow_info <- tibble(from = c(1,2,3,3,4,5,6), to = c(5,5,5,6,7,6,7))
##' ggplot() + geom_hybrid(virus_info, flow_info)
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
geom_hybrid <- function(virus_info, flow_info, v_color="darkgreen", v_fill="steelblue", v_shape="ellipse",
l_color="black", asp=1, parse=FALSE, g_height=0.65, g_width=0.65, t_size=3.88, t_color="black") {
ASP <- asp_(virus_info, asp)
virus_info <- set_virus_size(virus_info, ASP, v_shape)
capsule_data <- get_capsule_data(virus_info, ASP, v_shape)
genotype <- geom_genotype_internal(virus_info, capsule_data, ASP, v_color, v_fill, v_shape, g_height, g_width)
virus_link <- NULL
if (!is.null(flow_info)) {
if (!all(c('from', 'to') %in% colnames(flow_info)))
stop("'from' and 'to' columns are required in 'flow_info'...")
d <- generate_segment_data(virus_info, flow_info, capsule_data, ASP)
virus_link <- geom_segment(aes_(x=~x, xend=~xend, y=~y, yend=~yend), data=d, arrow=arrow(length=unit(.3, 'cm')), color=l_color)
virus_label <- NULL
if (all(c('label', 'label_position') %in% colnames(virus_info))) {
ld <- generate_label_data(virus_info, capsule_data)
if (parse == 'emoji') {
emoji <- get_fun_from_pkg("emojifont", "emoji")
ld$label <- emoji(ld$label)
ld$vjust <- ld$vjust - 0.25
parse <- FALSE
family <- "EmojiOne"
} else {
family <- 'sans'
virus_label <- geom_text(aes_(x=~x, y=~y, label=~label, vjust=~vjust, hjust=~hjust),
data=ld, parse=parse, family=family, size=t_size,
color=t_color, inherit.aes=FALSE)
##' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_polygon
##' @importFrom utils modifyList
geom_virus_capsule <- function(mapping, virus_info, hex_data, color, fill, ASP=1, alpha=0.5, size=1) {
hex.df <- do.call('rbind', hex_data)
if (typeof(color) == "language") {
vcol <- all.vars(color)
if (!vcol %in% colnames(virus_info)) {
stop("color variable not available...")
hex.df[, vcol] <- virus_info[[vcol]][match(hex.df$id, virus_info$id)]
mapping <- modifyList(mapping, aes_(color=color))
if (typeof(fill) == "language") {
vf <- all.vars(fill)
if (!vf %in% colnames(virus_info)) {
stop("fill variable not available...")
hex.df[,vf] <- virus_info[[vf]][match(hex.df$id, virus_info$id)]
mapping <- modifyList(mapping, aes_(fill=fill))
mapping <- modifyList(mapping, aes_(group=~id))
params <- list(mapping=mapping, data=hex.df, alpha=alpha, size=size, inherit.aes=FALSE)
if (typeof(color) == "character") {
params <- modifyList(list(color=color), params)
if (typeof(fill) == "character") {
params <- modifyList(list(fill=fill), params)
do.call(geom_polygon, params)
##' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_rect
geom_gene_segment <- function(hexd, color, height=0.68, g_height=0.65, g_width=0.8, v_shape="hexagon") {
n <- length(color)
y <- hexd$y
## if (v_shape == "ellipse") y <- unique(y)
## y <- y[ y >= quantile(y, .25) & y <= quantile(y, .75)]
yh <- diff(range(y))/4 * g_height/0.5
y <- y[y >= mean(y) - yh & y <= mean(y) + yh]
ymin <- ymax <- seq(min(y), max(y), length.out=n+1)
ymin <- ymin[-(n+1)]
ymax <- ymax[-1]
adjust <- (ymax - ymin) * (1 - height)/2
ymin <- ymin + adjust
ymax <- ymax - adjust
x <- hexd$x
xx <-x[hexd$y == max(y)]
## x <- hexd$x
xmin <- min(x)
xmax <- max(x)
xadj <- (xmax - xmin) * (1-g_width)/2
d <- data.frame(xmin = max(xmin + xadj, min(xx)),
xmax = min(xmax - xadj, max(xx)),
ymin = ymin,
ymax = ymax,
color = rev(color)) ## position (from ymin to ymax) is bottom up, while color is specify by top-down
## ## cannot coexists with aes(fill=VAR)
## geom_rect(aes(xmin=xmin, ymin=ymin, xmax=xmax, ymax=ymax, fill=I(color)),
## data= d, inherit.aes=F, show.legend=FALSE)
dd <- split(d, d$color)
lapply(seq_along(dd), function(i)
geom_rect(aes_(xmin=~xmin, ymin=~ymin, xmax=~xmax, ymax=~ymax),
data= dd[[i]], fill=dd[[i]]$color[1], inherit.aes=FALSE, show.legend=FALSE)
set_virus_size <- function(virus_info, ASP, v_shape="ellipse") {
v_shape <- match.arg(v_shape, c("hexagon", "ellipse"))
require_col <- c('x', 'y', 'id', 'segment_color')
if (!all(require_col %in% colnames(virus_info)))
stop("'x', 'y', 'id' and 'segment_color' columns are required in 'virus_info'...")
if (!'virus_size' %in% colnames(virus_info))
virus_info$virus_size <- 1
if (ASP < 1) {
virus_info$virus_size <- virus_info$virus_size /20 * diff(range(virus_info$y))
} else {
virus_info$virus_size <- virus_info$virus_size /20 * diff(range(virus_info$x))
if (v_shape == "ellipse")
virus_info$virus_size <- virus_info$virus_size * .5
get_capsule_data <- function(virus_info, ASP, v_shape) {
lapply(seq_len(nrow(virus_info)), function(i) {
x <- generate_capsule_data(
x = virus_info$x[i],
y = virus_info$y[i],
size = virus_info$virus_size[i],
shape = v_shape)
x$id <- virus_info$id[i]
generate_capsule_data <- function(x, y, size, ASP, shape) {
if (shape == "ellipse") {
res <- generate_ellipse_data(x, y, size, ASP)
} else {
res <- generate_hex_data(x, y, size, ASP)
generate_hex_data <- function(x, y, size, ASP) {
asp <- estimate_asp(ASP)
data.frame(x = c(rep(-sqrt(3)/2, 2), 0, rep(sqrt(3)/2, 2), 0) * size * asp[1] + x,
y = c(0.5, -0.5, -1, -0.5, 0.5, 1)* size * asp[2] + y)
generate_ellipse_data <- function(x, y, size, ASP) {
asp <- estimate_asp(ASP)
a <- 3
b <- 4
xx <- seq(-sqrt(a), sqrt(a), length.out=500)
yy <- sqrt(b * (1 - xx^2 / a))
data.frame(x = c(xx,rev(xx)) * size * asp[1] + x,
y = c(yy, rev(-yy)) * size * asp[2] + y)
generate_segment_data <- function(virus_info, flow_info, hex_data, ASP=1) {
x <- virus_info$x
y <- virus_info$y
x.from <- x[match(flow_info$from, virus_info$id)]
x.to <- x[match(flow_info$to, virus_info$id)]
y.from <- y[match(flow_info$from, virus_info$id)]
y.to <- y[match(flow_info$to, virus_info$id)]
width <- vapply(hex_data, function(x) max(x$x), numeric(1)) - x
height <- vapply(hex_data, function(x) max(x$y), numeric(1)) - y
names(width) <- names(height) <- virus_info$id
xadj <- diff(range(virus_info$x)) * 0.01
yadj <- diff(range(virus_info$y)) * 0.01
asp <- estimate_asp(ASP)
xdiff <- (x.to - x.from) / xadj #* asp[1]
ydiff <- (y.to - y.from) / yadj #* asp[2]
idx <- abs(ydiff) > abs(xdiff)
x.from.adj <- width[flow_info$from] + xadj
x.from.adj[idx] <- 0
x.to.adj <- width[flow_info$to] + xadj
x.to.adj[idx] <- 0
y.from.adj <- rep(0, nrow(flow_info))
y.from.adj[idx] <- height[flow_info$from][idx] + yadj
y.to.adj <- rep(0, nrow(flow_info))
y.to.adj[idx] <- height[flow_info$to][idx] + yadj
ii <- x.from != x.to
x.direction <- sign(x.to - x.from)
x.from <- x.from + x.from.adj * x.direction
x.to <- x.to - x.to.adj * x.direction
y.direction <- sign(y.to - y.from)
y.from <- y.from + y.from.adj * y.direction
y.to <- y.to - y.to.adj * y.direction
d <- data.frame(x = x.from, xend=x.to,
y = y.from, yend=y.to)
xyadjust <- function(d, x, y, width, height, id) {
d$id <- id
ii <- which(duplicated(d[, c(x, y, 'id')]))
if (length(ii)) {
ii <- ii[!duplicated(d[ii,'id'])]
for (i in ii) {
j <- d$id == d$id[i] & d[,x] == d[i, x] & d[,y] == d[i, y]
if (all(idx[j])) { ## d$xend[j] > d$x[j])) {
## adjust x
w <- width[d$id[j]][1]/2
offset <- seq(-w, w, length.out=sum(j)+2)
offset <- offset[-c(1, length(offset))]
if (x == 'x') {
jj <- order(d[j, 'xend'], decreasing=FALSE)
} else {
jj <- order(d[j, 'x'], decreasing=FALSE)
d[j,x] <- d[j,x] + offset[jj]
} else {
## left to right, adjust y
h <- height[d$id[j]][1]/2
offset <- seq(-h, h, length.out=sum(j)+2)
offset <- offset[-c(1, length(offset))]
if (y == 'y') {
jj <- order(d[j, 'yend'], decreasing=FALSE)
} else {
jj <- order(d[j, 'y'], decreasing=FALSE)
d[j,y] <- d[j,y] + offset[jj]
d <- xyadjust(d, 'x', 'y', width, height, flow_info$from)
d <- xyadjust(d, 'xend', 'yend', width, height, flow_info$to)
d$from <- flow_info$from
d$to <- flow_info$to
i <- match(d$to, d$from)
jj <- which(d$xend == d$x[i] & d$yend == d$y[i])
if (length(jj) > 0) {
jj <- which(!duplicated(d$to[jj]))
for (j in jj) {
if (idx[j]) {
## topdown/bottomup line
## adjust x
h <- height[d$to[j]]/2
offset <- seq(-h, h, length.out=4)
if (d$x[j] > d$xend[i[j]]) {
d$xend[j] <- d$xend[j]+offset[3]
d$x[i[j]] <- d$x[i[j]]+offset[2]
} else {
d$xend[j] <- d$xend[j]+offset[2]
d$x[i[j]] <- d$x[i[j]]+offset[3]
} else {
## adjust y
w <- width[d$to[j]]/2
offset <- seq(-w, w, length.out=4)
if (d$y[j] > d$yend[i[j]]) {
d$yend[j] <- d$yend[j]+offset[3]
d$y[i[j]] <- d$y[i[j]]+offset[2]
} else {
d$yend[j] <- d$yend[j]+offset[2]
d$y[i[j]] <- d$y[i[j]]+offset[3]
return(d[, c("x", "y", "xend", "yend")])
generate_label_data <- function(virus_info, hex_data) {
x <- virus_info$x
y <- virus_info$y
width <- vapply(hex_data, function(x) max(x$x), numeric(1)) - x
height <- vapply(hex_data, function(x) max(x$y), numeric(1)) - y
xadj <- diff(range(virus_info$x)) * 0.02
yadj <- diff(range(virus_info$y)) * 0.02
hjust <- vjust <- 0.5
i <- virus_info$label_position == "left"
if (any(i)) {
x[i] <- x[i] - width[i] - xadj
hjust[i] <- 1
i <- virus_info$label_position == "right"
if (any(i)) {
x[i] <- x[i] + width[i] + xadj
hjust[i] <- 0
i <- virus_info$label_position == "below"
if (any(i)) {
y[i] <- y[i] - height[i] - yadj
vjust[i] <- 1
i <- virus_info$label_position == "upper"
if (any(i)) {
y[i] <- y[i] + height[i] + yadj
vjust[i] <- 0
d <- data.frame(x=x, y=y, label=virus_info$label, vjust=vjust, hjust=hjust)
d <- d[virus_info$label_position != 'none',]
estimate_asp <- function(ASP) {
if (ASP < 1) {
asp.x <- ASP
asp.y <- 1
} else {
asp.x <- 1
asp.y <- 1/ASP
return(c(asp.x, asp.y))
asp_ <- function(virus_info, asp = 1) {
diff(range(virus_info$x)) / diff(range(virus_info$y)) / asp
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