remove_rc <- function(seqs) {
temp <- cbind(as.character(seqs), as.character(reverseComplement(seqs)))
temp[temp[, 1] > temp[, 2], 1] <- temp[temp[, 1] > temp[, 2], 2]
DNAStringSet(unique(temp[, 1]))
match_kmers_inner_helper <- function(kmers, seqs, var = FALSE) {
if (is.character(kmers))
kmers <- DNAStringSet(kmers)
stopifnot(inherits(kmers, "DNAStringSet"))
if (!all_true(width(kmers) == width(kmers[1])) || var) {
indices <- vwhichPDict(kmers, seqs, fixed = FALSE)
indices_rc <- vwhichPDict(kmers,
fixed = FALSE)
} else {
pd <- PDict(kmers)
indices <- vwhichPDict(pd, seqs)
indices_rc <- vwhichPDict(pd, reverseComplement(seqs))
indices <- merge_lists(indices, indices_rc, by = "order")
indices <- lapply(indices, unique)
out <- sparseMatrix(i = unlist(lapply(seq_along(indices),
rep(x, length(indices[[x]]))),
use.names = FALSE),
j = unlist(indices, use.names = FALSE),
x = TRUE,
dims = c(length(seqs), length(kmers)),
dimnames = list(NULL, as.character(kmers)))
get_kmer_positions <- function(kmer, peaks, seqs) {
matches <- vmatchPattern(DNAString(kmer), seqs, fixed = FALSE)
rc_matches <- vmatchPattern(reverseComplement(DNAString(kmer)),
seqs, fixed = FALSE)
tmp1 <- elementNROWS(matches)
tmp2 <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(peaks), function(x) rep(x, tmp1[x])),
use.names = FALSE)
f_pos <- resize(shift(peaks[tmp2], shift = start(unlist(matches))) + 1,
width = 1)
BiocGenerics::strand(f_pos) <- "+"
tmp1 <- elementNROWS(rc_matches)
tmp2 <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(peaks), function(x) rep(x, tmp1[x])),
use.names = FALSE)
r_pos <- resize(shift(peaks[tmp2], shift = start(unlist(rc_matches)) - 1),
width = 1)
BiocGenerics::strand(r_pos) <- "-"
return(BiocGenerics::sort(c(f_pos, r_pos)))
match_kmers_helper <- function(seqs, kmers, out, ranges) {
if (out == "matches") {
kmer_ix <- match_kmers_inner_helper(kmers, seqs)
if (is.null(ranges)) {
out <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = list(matches = kmer_ix),
colData = DataFrame(name = kmers))
} else {
out <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = list(matches = kmer_ix),
rowRanges = ranges,
colData = DataFrame(name = kmers))
} else if (out == "positions") {
out <- lapply(kmers, get_kmer_positions, ranges, seqs)
#' matchKmers
#' Find kmer matches in the DNA string-based subject
#' @param subject either \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GenomicRanges}},
#' \code{\link[Biostrings]{DNAStringSet}}, \code{\link[Biostrings]{DNAString}},
#' or character vector
#' @param k k
#' @param genome BSgenome object, only used if subect is
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GenomicRanges}}
#' @param out what to return? see details
#' @param ranges if subject is not GenomicRanges, ranges to use when out is
#' positions
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @seealso \code{\link{getAnnotations}}, \code{\link{computeDeviations}}
#' @details Can either return a SummarizedExperiment with just sparse matrix
#' with values set to 1 for a match (if return == 'matches'), or a
#' GenomicRanges object with all the positions of matches
#' @return SummarizedExperiment with matches assay storing which peaks contain
#' which kmers
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load very small example counts (already filtered)
#' data(mini_counts, package = "chromVAR")
#' # Get peak-kmer annotation matrix for 6mers
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' kmer_ix <- matchKmers(6, mini_counts,
#' genome = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
function(k, subject, ...) standardGeneric("matchKmers"))
#' @describeIn matchKmers For DNAStringSet Objects
#' @export
setMethod("matchKmers", signature(k = "character", subject = "DNAStringSet"),
out = c("matches", "positions"),
ranges = NULL) {
out <- match.arg(out)
match_kmers_helper(subject, k, out, ranges)
#' @describeIn matchKmers For character strings
#' @export
setMethod("matchKmers", signature(k = "character", subject = "character"),
out = c("matches", "positions"),
ranges = NULL) {
out <- match.arg(out)
match_kmers_helper(subject, k, out, ranges)
#' @describeIn matchKmers For DNA String objects
#' @export
setMethod("matchKmers", signature(k = "character", subject = "DNAString"),
out = c("matches", "positions"),
ranges = NULL) {
out <- match.arg(out)
seqs <- as.character(subject)
match_kmers_helper(seqs, k, out, ranges)
#' @describeIn matchKmers For GenomicRanges
#' @export
setMethod("matchKmers", signature(k = "character", subject = "GenomicRanges"),
genome = GenomeInfoDb::genome(subject),
out = c("matches", "positions")) {
out <- match.arg(out)
GenomicRanges::strand(subject) <- "+"
genome <- validate_genome_input(genome)
seqs <- getSeq(genome, subject)
match_kmers_helper(seqs, k, out, subject)
#' @describeIn matchKmers For RangedSummarizedExperiment (containing GRanges in
#' rowRanges)
#' @export
setMethod("matchKmers", signature(k = "character",
subject = "RangedSummarizedExperiment"),
function(k, subject,
...) {
matchKmers(k, rowRanges(subject), ...)
#' @describeIn matchKmers Catch-all for other un-documented types
#' @export
setMethod("matchKmers", signature(k = "numeric", subject = "ANY"),
function(k, subject, ...) {
kmers <- DNAStringSet(mkAllStrings(c("A", "C", "G", "T"),
width = k))
kmers <- remove_rc(kmers)
matchKmers(kmers, subject,...)
#' @describeIn matchKmers Catch-all for other un-documented types with
#' DNAStringSet
#' @export
setMethod("matchKmers", signature(k = "DNAStringSet", subject = "ANY"),
...) {
kmers <- as.character(k)
matchKmers(kmers, subject, ...)
#' @describeIn matchKmers Catch-all for other un-documented types with DNAString
#' @export
setMethod("matchKmers", signature(k = "DNAString", subject = "ANY"),
...) {
kmers <- as.character(k)
matchKmers(kmers, subject, ...)
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