#' Estimates promoter counts and activity in a single command
#' @param files A character vector. The list of input files for
#' which the junction read counts will be calculated
#' @param promoterAnnotation A PromoterAnnotation object containing the
#' intron ranges, promoter coordinates and the promoter id mapping
#' @param fileLabels A character vector. The labels of input files
#' for which the junction read counts will be calculated. These labels will be
#' used as column names for each output data.frame object. If not provided,
#' filenames will be used as labels. Defaults to NULL
#' @param condition A character vector. The condition to which each sample
#' belong to. Must correspond to the order of the files. If supplied,
#' results are summarized by condition. Defaults to NULL
#' @param genome A character. Genome version. Must be specified if input file
#' type is a BAM file. Defaults to NULL
#' @param ncores A numeric value. The number of cores to be used for
#' counting junction reads. Defaults to 1 (no parallelization). This parameter
#' will be used as an argument to BiocParallel::bplapply
#' @export
#' @return A SummarizedExperiment object with assays giving promoter counts
#' and activity with gene expression. rowData contains
#' promoter metadata and absolute promoter activity summarized across
#' conditions (if condition is provided)
#' @examples
#' files <- list.files(system.file('extdata/vignette/junctions',
#' package = 'proActiv'),
#' full.names = TRUE, pattern = 'replicate5')
#' promoterAnnotation <- promoterAnnotation.gencode.v34.subset
#' result <- proActiv(files = files,
#' promoterAnnotation = promoterAnnotation,
#' condition = rep(c('A549', 'HepG2'), each=1),
#' fileLabels = NULL,
#' ncores = 1)
proActiv <- function(files, promoterAnnotation, fileLabels = NULL,
condition = NULL, genome = NULL, ncores = 1) {
parser <- parseFile(files, fileLabels, genome)
fileLabels <- parser$fileLabels
fileType <- parser$fileType
result <- buildSummarizedExperiment(promoterAnnotation, files, fileLabels,
fileType, genome, ncores)
if (!is.null(condition)) {
if (length(condition) != length(files)) {
warning('Condition argument is invalid.
Please ensure a 1-1 map between each condition and each file.
Returning results not summarized across conditions.')
} else {
result <- summarizeAcrossCondition(result, condition)
#' Integrate multiple proActiv runs
#' @param res1 A summarizedExperiment object returned by proActiv
#' @param res2 A summarizedExperiment object returned by proActiv
#' @param ... Additional summarizedExperiment objects returned by proActiv
#' @param promoterAnnotation Promoter annotation object used to create
#' proActiv runs
#' @param renormalize Whether to renormalize counts after merging. Defaults to
#' @export
#' @return A SummarizedExperiment object with assays giving promoter counts
#' and activity with gene expression. rowData contains
#' promoter metadata and absolute promoter activity summarized across
#' conditions (if condition is provided)
#' @examples
#' f1 <- list.files(system.file('extdata/vignette/junctions',
#' package = 'proActiv'),
#' full.names = TRUE, pattern = 'A549')
#' f2 <- list.files(system.file('extdata/vignette/junctions',
#' package = 'proActiv'),
#' full.names = TRUE, pattern = 'HepG2')
#' promoterAnnotation <- promoterAnnotation.gencode.v34.subset
#' res1 <- proActiv(files = f1, promoterAnnotation = promoterAnnotation,
#' condition = rep('A549',3))
#' res2 <- proActiv(files = f2, promoterAnnotation = promoterAnnotation,
#' condition = rep('HepG2',3))
#' res <- integrateProactiv(res1, res2, promoterAnnotation = promoterAnnotation)
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays `assays<-` cbind rowData `rowData<-`
integrateProactiv <- function(res1, res2, ...,
renormalize = TRUE) {
combined <- cbind(res1, res2, ...)
if (renormalize) {
promoterCounts <- assays(combined)$promoterCounts
normalizedPromoterCounts <- normalizePromoterReadCounts(promoterCounts)
absolutePromoterActivity <- getAbsolutePromoterActivity(
normalizedPromoterCounts, promoterAnnotation)
geneExpression <- getGeneExpression(absolutePromoterActivity)
relativePromoterActivity <- getRelativePromoterActivity(
absolutePromoterActivity, geneExpression)
rownames(geneExpression) <- rownames(promoterCounts)
fileLabels <- combined$sampleName
assays(combined) <- list(promoterCounts = promoterCounts,
normalizedPromoterCounts = normalizedPromoterCounts,
absolutePromoterActivity = absolutePromoterActivity[, fileLabels,
relativePromoterActivity = relativePromoterActivity[, fileLabels,
geneExpression = geneExpression[, fileLabels, drop=FALSE])
## Settle rowData
rowData(combined) <- rowData(combined)[-grep("mean|class",
combined <- summarizeAcrossCondition(combined, combined$condition)
# Helper function to impute file labels and infer file type
parseFile <- function(files, fileLabels, genome) {
checkFile <- file.exists(files)
if (any(!checkFile)) {
stop(paste0('Error: Please specify valid file paths.
The following file does not exist: ', files[!checkFile]))
if (is.null(fileLabels)) {
fileLabels <- make.names(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(files),
compression = TRUE),
unique = TRUE)
ext <- unique(tools::file_ext(files))
if (length(ext) != 1) {
stop("Error: More than one file type detected from given file path")
if (ext == 'gz' | ext == 'bz2' | ext == 'xz'){
files.tmp <- gsub(paste0('\\.', ext), '', files)
ext <- unique(tools::file_ext(files.tmp))
if (ext == 'bam') {
fileType <- 'bam'
if (is.null(genome)) {
stop('Error: Please specify genome.')
} else if (ext == 'bed') {
fileType <- 'tophat'
} else if (ext == 'junctions' | ext == 'tab') {
fileType <- 'star'
} else {
stop('Invalid input files: Input must either be a BAM file (.bam),
Tophat junctions file (.bed) or
STAR junctions file (.junctions / .tab)')
parsed <- list(fileLabels = fileLabels, fileType = fileType)
# Call functions to get activity and build summarized experiment
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment 'rowData<-'
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table .N ':='
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom S4Vectors 'metadata<-'
buildSummarizedExperiment <- function(promoterAnnotation,
files, fileLabels, fileType,
genome, ncores) {
promoterCounts <- calculatePromoterReadCounts(promoterAnnotation,
files, fileLabels, fileType,
genome, ncores)
normalizedPromoterCounts <- normalizePromoterReadCounts(promoterCounts)
absolutePromoterActivity <- getAbsolutePromoterActivity(
geneExpression <- getGeneExpression(absolutePromoterActivity)
relativePromoterActivity <- getRelativePromoterActivity(
result <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = list(
promoterCounts = promoterCounts,
normalizedPromoterCounts = normalizedPromoterCounts,
absolutePromoterActivity = absolutePromoterActivity[,
fileLabels, drop = FALSE],
relativePromoterActivity = relativePromoterActivity[,
fileLabels, drop = FALSE],
geneExpression = geneExpression[, fileLabels, drop = FALSE]))
message('Calculating positions of promoters...')
promoterCoordinates <- promoterCoordinates(promoterAnnotation)
promoterIdMapping <- promoterIdMapping(promoterAnnotation)
promoterCoordinates$geneId <- promoterIdMapping$geneId[match(
promoterCoordinates$promoterId, promoterIdMapping$promoterId)]
promoterCoordinates <- as.data.table(promoterCoordinates)
promoterPosition <- geneId <- strand <- NULL
promoterCoordinates[, promoterPosition := ifelse(strand == '+', seq_len(.N),
rev(seq_len(.N))), by=geneId]
## Build row data
rowData(result) <- data.frame(
absolutePromoterActivity[,c('promoterId', 'geneId')],
promoterCoordinates[,c("seqnames","start", "strand",
"internalPromoter", "promoterPosition")])
transcriptByPromoter <- split(promoterIdMapping$transcriptName,
rowData(result)$txId <- transcriptByPromoter[match(rowData(result)$promoterId,
# Helper function to summarize results across condition
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame metadata
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData colData 'colData<-' assays
summarizeAcrossCondition <- function(result, condition) {
if (any(make.names(condition) != condition)) {
warning("Condition is modified to be syntactically valid")
condition <- make.names(condition)
colData(result) <- DataFrame(sampleName = colnames(result),
colnames(result) <- colData(result)$sampleName
message('Summarising expression and activity across conditions...')
for (group in unique(condition)) {
rowData(result)[,paste0(group, '.mean')] <-
rowData(result)[,paste0(group, '.gene.mean')] <-
rowData(result) <- categorizePromoters(rowData(result), condition)
# Helper function to categorize promoters
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble '%>%' slice_max
categorizePromoters <- function(rdata, condition) {
rdata <- as_tibble(rdata)
for (group in unique(condition)) {
message(paste0('Categorizing ', group, ' promoters...'))
mean <- paste0(group, '.mean')
class <- paste0(group, '.class')
max_rows <- rdata %>%
group_by(.data$geneId) %>%
slice_max(!!as.name(mean), with_ties = FALSE)
rdata[[class]] <- ifelse(rdata[[mean]] < 0.25, 'Inactive', 'Minor')
rdata[[class]][match(max_rows$promoterId, rdata$promoterId)] <- "Major"
rdata[[class]][which(rdata[[mean]] < 0.25)] <- "Inactive"
rdata[[class]][which(rdata$internalPromoter)] <- NA
rdata[[class]][which(is.na(rdata$internalPromoter))] <- NA
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