#' Identifies alternative promoters.
#' @param result A SummarizedExperiment object with assays giving promoter
#' counts, activity and gene expression (output from proActiv). rowData
#' contains promoter metadata and absolute promoter activity summarized
#' across conditions. Condition must be provided.
#' @param referenceCondition A character vector. The reference condition to be
#' compared. Samples corresponding to all other conditions will be compared
#' to this samples in this current condition.
#' @param minAbs A numeric value. Minimum value for promoter to be active in
#' absolute terms. Defaults to 0.25.
#' @param minRel A numeric value. Minimum value for promoter to be active in
#' relative terms. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @param maxPval A numeric value. Adjusted p-value threshold for detecting
#' alternative promoters. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @param promoterFC A numeric value. Minimum fold change for a promoter in the
#' current condition compared to all other conditions. Promoters must have at
#' least this magnitude of fold change for alternative usage.
#' @param geneFC A numeric value. Maximum fold change for gene expression. To
#' identify alternative promoter usage independent of changes in gene
#' expression, limit the gene expression fold change.
#' @export
#' @return A list of length 2. Each entry is a dataframe summarizing
#' up-regulated and down-regulated promoters and their corresponding genes,
#' if any.
#' @examples
#' files <- list.files(system.file('extdata/vignette/junctions',
#' package = 'proActiv'),
#' full.names = TRUE, pattern = 'replicate5')
#' promoterAnnotation <- promoterAnnotation.gencode.v34.subset
#' result <- proActiv(files = files,
#' promoterAnnotation = promoterAnnotation,
#' condition = rep(c('A549', 'HepG2'), each=1),
#' fileLabels = NULL,
#' ncores = 1)
#' alternativePromoters <- getAlternativePromoters(result, "A549")
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData
getAlternativePromoters <- function(result, referenceCondition,
minAbs = 0.25, minRel = 0.05,
maxPval = 0.05,
promoterFC = 2.0, geneFC = 1.5) {
condition <- result$condition
if (is.null(condition)) {
stop("The input summarized experiment must contain sample condition.
Run proActiv with a condition vector.")
id <- which(condition == referenceCondition)
if (length(id) == 0 ) {
stop(paste0("Invalid input condition. Should correspond to one of: ",
paste(unique(condition), collapse = ' ')))
condition[id] <- referenceCondition
condition[-id] <- 'other'
condition <- relevel(as.factor(condition), ref = 'other')
resultAbs <- fitPromoters(result, referenceCondition,
type = "absolute", thres = minAbs)
resultRel <- fitPromoters(result, referenceCondition,
type = "relative", thres = minRel)
altPro <- rep(0, nrow(result))
resultAbs$padj < maxPval & resultRel$padj < maxPval &
resultAbs$abs.cond > (promoterFC * resultAbs$abs.other) &
resultAbs$abs.cond > minAbs &
resultAbs$gexp.cond < (geneFC * resultAbs$gexp.other) &
resultAbs$gexp.cond > (resultAbs$gexp.other / geneFC)] <- 1
resultAbs$padj < maxPval & resultRel$padj < maxPval &
resultAbs$abs.other > (promoterFC * resultAbs$abs.cond) &
resultAbs$abs.other > minAbs &
resultAbs$gexp.other < (geneFC * resultAbs$gexp.cond) &
resultAbs$gexp.other > (resultAbs$gexp.cond / geneFC)] <- -1
rdata <- data.frame(rowData(result))
upReg <- which(altPro > 0)
upSet <- rdata[upReg,seq_len(2)]
upSet <- cbind(upSet, padjAbs=resultAbs[upReg,"padj"],
padjRel=resultRel[upReg, "padj"])
downReg <- which(altPro < 0)
downSet <- rdata[downReg,seq_len(2)]
downSet <- cbind(downSet, padjAbs=resultAbs[downReg,"padj"],
padjRel=resultRel[downReg, "padj"])
if (length(upReg) == 0 && length(downReg) == 0) {
message("No alternative promoters detected with current parameters.
Consider relaxing thresholds.")
return(list(upReg = upSet, downReg = downSet))
# Fits promoter activity to condition
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays rowData
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @importFrom stats lm p.adjust relevel
fitPromoters <- function(result, referenceCondition, type, thres) {
if (type == "absolute") {
raw.assay <- assays(result)$absolutePromoterActivity
} else if (type == "relative") {
raw.assay <- assays(result)$relativePromoterActivity
rdata <- rowData(result)
condition <- result$condition
nonInternalId <- which(rdata$internalPromoter == FALSE)
pval <- rep(NaN, nrow(rdata))
## Regression - restrict to non-internal
message(paste0("Fitting ", type, " promoter activity to condition..."))
assay <- raw.assay[nonInternalId, ]
num.pros <- nrow(assay)
pval[nonInternalId] <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(num.pros), function(i)
tryCatch(summary(lm(unlist(assay[i,]) ~ condition))$coef[2,4],
warning = function(cond) 1,
error = function(cond) NaN)))
padj <- p.adjust(pval, method = "BH")
## Other metrics
## - mean absolute promoter activity each in group
## - gene expression
id <- which(condition == referenceCondition)
mean.cond <- rowMeans(raw.assay[,id, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
mean.other <- rowMeans(raw.assay[,-id, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
gexp <- assays(result)$gene
gexp <- as.matrix(gexp[, result$sampleName])
rownames(gexp) <- rowData(result)$geneId
mean.gexp.cond <- rowMeans(gexp[,id, drop = FALSE], na.rm=TRUE)
mean.gexp.cond <- mean.gexp.cond[match(rdata$geneId, rownames(gexp))]
mean.gexp.other <- rowMeans(gexp[,-id, drop = FALSE], na.rm=TRUE)
mean.gexp.other <- mean.gexp.other[match(rdata$geneId, rownames(gexp))]
result <- data.frame(promoterId = rdata$promoterId,
geneId = rdata$geneId,
pval = pval,
padj = padj,
abs.cond = mean.cond,
abs.other = mean.other,
gexp.cond = mean.gexp.cond,
gexp.other = mean.gexp.other)
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