#' Combine transcript candidates across samples
#' @param readClassList readClassList
#' @param stranded stranded
#' @param min.readCount minimum number of read counts per transcript
#' @param min.readFractionByGene minimum fraction of transcript usage
#' @param bpParameters biocParallel parameters
#' @param verbose verbose
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rbind
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble mutate_if select mutate %>% filter
#' @importFrom tidyr separate
#' @noRd
isore.combineTranscriptCandidates <- function(readClassList,
stranded, ## stranded used for unspliced reduce
min.readCount , min.readFractionByGene,
min.txScore.multiExon, min.txScore.singleExon, bpParameters ,verbose){
combinedSplicedTranscripts <-
combineSplicedTranscriptModels(readClassList, bpParameters,
min.readCount, min.readFractionByGene,
min.txScore.multiExon, min.txScore.singleExon, verbose) %>% data.table()
combinedSplicedTranscripts[,confidenceType := "highConfidenceJunctionReads"]
combinedUnsplicedTranscripts <-
combineUnsplicedTranscriptModels(readClassList, bpParameters,
stranded, min.readCount, min.readFractionByGene,
min.txScore.multiExon, min.txScore.singleExon, verbose) %>% data.table()
combinedUnsplicedTranscripts[, confidenceType := "unsplicedNew"]
combinedTranscripts <- as_tibble(rbindlist(list(combinedSplicedTranscripts,
combinedUnsplicedTranscripts), fill = TRUE))
#' combine spliced transcript models
#' @noRd
combineSplicedTranscriptModels <- function(readClassList, bpParameters,
min.readCount, min.readFractionByGene, min.txScore.multiExon,
min.txScore.singleExon, verbose){
bpParameters$progressbar = FALSE
options(scipen = 999) #maintain numeric basepair locations not sci.notfi.
start.ptm <- proc.time()
n_sample <- length(readClassList)
nGroups = max(ceiling(n_sample/10),min(bpworkers(bpParameters),
indexList <- sample(rep(seq_len(nGroups), length.out=n_sample))
indexList <- splitAsList(seq_len(n_sample), indexList)
combinedFeatureTibbleList <- bplapply(seq_along(indexList), function(g){
indexVec <- indexList[[g]]
indexVec, intraGroup = TRUE,
min.readCount = min.readCount,
min.readFractionByGene = min.readFractionByGene,
min.txScore.multiExon = min.txScore.multiExon,
min.txScore.singleExon = min.txScore.singleExon))
}, BPPARAM = bpParameters)
combinedFeatureTibble <-
indexList = NULL, intraGroup = FALSE)
combinedFeatureTibble <- updateStartEndReadCount(combinedFeatureTibble)
end.ptm <- proc.time()
if (verbose) message("combing spliced feature tibble objects across all ",
"samples in ", round((end.ptm - start.ptm)[3] / 60, 1)," mins.")
#' Sequentially combine feature tibbles
#' @noRd
sequentialCombineFeatureTibble <- function(readClassList,
min.txScore.multiExon, min.txScore.singleExon){
combinedFeatureTibble <- NULL
for (s in seq_along(readClassList)){
combinedListNew <- readClassList[[s]]
combinedListNew <-
extractFeaturesFromReadClassSE(readClassSe = combinedListNew,
sample_id = indexList[s], min.readCount = min.readCount,
min.readFractionByGene = min.readFractionByGene,
min.txScore.multiExon = min.txScore.multiExon,
min.txScore.singleExon = min.txScore.singleExon)
combinedFeatureTibble <- combineFeatureTibble(combinedFeatureTibble,
combinedListNew, index = indexList[s], intraGroup)
#' @noRd
updateStartEndReadCount <- function(combinedFeatureTibble){
combinedFeatureTibble <- combinedFeatureTibble %>%
mutate(rowID = row_number())
startEndCountTibble <- combinedFeatureTibble %>%
select(rowID, starts_with("start"),starts_with("end"),
starts_with("readCount")) %>%
starts_with("readCount")), names_to = c(".value","set"),
names_pattern = "(.*)\\.(.)") %>%
group_by(rowID) %>%
mutate(sumReadCount = sum(readCount,na.rm = TRUE))
startTibble <- select(startEndCountTibble, rowID, start, readCount,
sumReadCount) %>%
arrange(start) %>%
filter(cumsum(readCount)/sumReadCount>=0.5) %>%
endTibble <- select(startEndCountTibble, rowID, end, readCount,
sumReadCount) %>%
arrange(end) %>%
filter(cumsum(readCount)/sumReadCount>=0.5) %>%
combinedFeatureTibble <- combinedFeatureTibble %>%
dplyr::select(intronStarts, intronEnds, chr, strand, maxTxScore,
maxTxScore.noFit, NSampleReadCount, NSampleReadProp,
NSampleTxScore, rowID) %>%
full_join(select(startTibble, rowID, start), by = "rowID") %>%
full_join(select(endTibble, rowID, end, readCount=sumReadCount),
by = "rowID") %>%
#' Function to combine featureTibble and create the NSample variables
#' @noRd
combineFeatureTibble <- function(combinedFeatureTibble,
featureTibbleSummarised, index=1, intraGroup = TRUE){
if (is.null(combinedFeatureTibble)) {
combinedTable <- featureTibbleSummarised %>%
select(intronStarts, intronEnds, chr, strand, maxTxScore,
maxTxScore.noFit, NSampleReadCount, NSampleReadProp,NSampleTxScore,
starts_with('start'), starts_with('end'), starts_with('readCount'))
} else {
combinedTable = full_join(combinedFeatureTibble,
featureTibbleSummarised, by = c('intronStarts', 'intronEnds', 'chr',
'strand'), suffix=c('.combined','.new')) %>%
mutate(NSampleReadCount=pmax0NA(NSampleReadCount.combined) +
NSampleReadProp = pmax0NA(NSampleReadProp.combined) +
NSampleTxScore = pmax0NA(NSampleTxScore.combined) +
maxTxScore = pmax(maxTxScore.combined,
maxTxScore.new, na.rm = TRUE),
maxTxScore.noFit = pmax(maxTxScore.noFit.combined,
maxTxScore.noFit.new, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
select(intronStarts, intronEnds, chr, strand,
NSampleReadCount, NSampleReadProp, NSampleTxScore, maxTxScore,
maxTxScore.noFit, starts_with('start'), starts_with('end'),
combinedTable <-
rename_with(combinedTable, ~gsub('^(end|start|readCount)$',
paste0('\\1\\.',index), .x))
#' pmax replace NAs with 0
#' @noRd
pmax0NA <- function(vec){
vec[is.na(vec)] <- 0
#' pmin replace NAs with 0
#' @noRd
pmin0NA <- function(vec){
vec[is.na(vec)] <- 0
#' extract important features from readClassSe object for each sample
#' @noRd
extractFeaturesFromReadClassSE <- function(readClassSe, sample_id,
min.readCount, min.readFractionByGene,
min.txScore.multiExon, min.txScore.singleExon){
if (is.character(readClassSe))
readClassSe <- readRDS(file = readClassSe)
dimNames <- list(rownames(readClassSe), colnames(readClassSe))
rowRangesSe <- rowRanges(readClassSe)
rowData <- as_tibble(rowData(readClassSe)) %>%
mutate(start = unname(min(start(rowRangesSe))),
end= unname(max(end(rowRangesSe))))
group_var <- c("intronStarts", "intronEnds", "chr", "strand")
sum_var <- c("start","end","NSampleReadCount", "maxTxScore",
"maxTxScore.noFit", "readCount","NSampleReadProp",
featureTibble <- rowData %>%
dplyr::select(chr = chr.rc, start, end, strand = strand.rc,
intronStarts, intronEnds, confidenceType, readCount, geneReadProp,
txScore, txScore.noFit, numExons) %>%
filter(readCount >= 1, # only use readCount>1 and highconfidence reads
confidenceType == "highConfidenceJunctionReads") %>%
mutate(NSampleReadCount = (readCount >= min.readCount),
# number of samples passed read count criteria
NSampleReadProp = (geneReadProp >= min.readFractionByGene),
NSampleTxScore = ((txScore > min.txScore.multiExon & numExons >= 2) |
(txScore > min.txScore.singleExon & numExons == 1)),
maxTxScore = txScore, maxTxScore.noFit = txScore.noFit) %>%
select(all_of(c(group_var, sum_var)))
#' combine unspliced transcript models
#' @importFrom tidyr separate
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% select mutate
#' @importFrom summarizedExperiment rowRanges
#' @importFrom biocParallel bplapply
#' @noRd
combineUnsplicedTranscriptModels <-
function(readClassList, bpParameters, stranded, min.readCount,
min.readFractionByGene, min.txScore.multiExon,
min.txScore.singleExon, verbose){
start.ptm <- proc.time()
bpParameters$progressbar = FALSE
newUnsplicedSeList <-
bplapply(seq_along(readClassList), function(sample_id)
extractNewUnsplicedRanges(readClassSe =
readClassList[[sample_id]], sample_id = sample_id),
BPPARAM = bpParameters)
end.ptm <- proc.time()
if (verbose) message("extract new unspliced ranges object for all ",
"samples in ", round((end.ptm - start.ptm)[3] / 60, 1)," mins.")
rangesList <- bplapply(newUnsplicedSeList, function(newUnsplicedSe){
rr <- unlist(rowRanges(newUnsplicedSe))
rr$row_id <- names(rr)
}, BPPARAM = bpParameters)
colDataNames <-unlist(lapply(newUnsplicedSeList, colnames))
start.ptm <- proc.time()
combinedNewUnsplicedSe <- reduceUnsplicedRanges(rangesList, stranded)
end.ptm <- proc.time()
if (verbose) message("reduce new unspliced ranges object across all ",
"samples in ", round((end.ptm - start.ptm)[3] / 60, 1)," mins.")
start.ptm <- proc.time()
combinedUnsplicedTibble <-
colDataNames, min.readCount, min.readFractionByGene,
min.txScore.multiExon, min.txScore.singleExon, bpParameters)
end.ptm <- proc.time()
if (verbose) message("combine new unspliced tibble object across all ",
"samples in ", round((end.ptm - start.ptm)[3] / 60, 1)," mins.")
#' extract new unspliced ranges from readClassSe object for each sample
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble
#' @importFrom summarizedExperiment rowData rownames
#' @noRd
extractNewUnsplicedRanges <- function(readClassSe, sample_id){
if (is.character(readClassSe))
readClassSe <- readRDS(file = readClassSe)
rowData <- as_tibble(rowData(readClassSe))
pre_names <- rownames(readClassSe)
rownames(readClassSe) <- paste0("s",sample_id,"-",pre_names)
newUnsplicedSe <-
readClassSe[which(rowData$confidenceType == "unsplicedNew" &
rowData$readCount > 1 &
#' reduce unspliced ranges
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble %>% mutate group_by summarise ungroup
#' @noRd
reduceUnsplicedRanges <- function(rangesList, stranded){
unlistedSe <- do.call("c",rangesList)
combinedNewUnsplicedSe <-
reduce(unlistedSe, with.revmap=TRUE,ignore.strand = !stranded)
## map it back to find the corresponding sample and id, update name
rcNames <- as_tibble(as.data.frame(combinedNewUnsplicedSe$revmap)) %>%
mutate(row_id = unlistedSe$row_id[value]) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarise(combinedName = paste(row_id, collapse = "+")) %>%
## at each iteration update the new combined name of unspliced se
combinedNewUnsplicedSe$row_id <- rcNames$combinedName
combinedNewUnsplicedSe$revmap <- NULL
#' make unspliced tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr separate_rows pivot_wider
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble rename mutate select %>% group_by left_join
#' ungroup
#' @noRd
makeUnsplicedTibble <- function(combinedNewUnsplicedSe,newUnsplicedSeList,
colDataNames,min.readCount, min.readFractionByGene,
min.txScore.multiExon, min.txScore.singleExon, bpParameters){
bpParameters$progressbar = FALSE
newUnsplicedTibble <- as_tibble(combinedNewUnsplicedSe) %>%
rename(chr = seqnames) %>% select(chr, start, end, strand, row_id) %>%
separate_rows(row_id, sep = "\\+")
rowDataCombined <-
do.call("rbind",bplapply(newUnsplicedSeList, function(newUnsplicedSe) {
rr <- rowData(newUnsplicedSe[intersect(rownames(newUnsplicedSe),
rr <- as_tibble(rr) %>% select(confidenceType,readCount,
geneReadProp, txScore, txScore.noFit) %>%
mutate(row_id = rownames(rr))
} , BPPARAM = bpParameters))
newUnsplicedTibble <- newUnsplicedTibble %>%
left_join(rowDataCombined, by = "row_id") %>%
separate(row_id, c("sample","rcName"), sep = "\\-") %>%
mutate(sample_id = as.integer(gsub("s","",sample))) %>%
mutate(sample_name = colDataNames[sample_id]) %>%
select(-sample, -sample_id) %>%
mutate(readCount_tmp = readCount) %>%
group_by(chr,strand, start, end, sample_name) %>%
summarise(readCount = sum(readCount),
geneReadProp = sum(geneReadProp),
txScore = weighted.mean(txScore, readCount_tmp),
txScore.noFit = weighted.mean(txScore.noFit, readCount_tmp)) %>%
group_by(chr, strand, start, end) %>%
summarise(readCount = sum(readCount),
maxTxScore = txScore,
maxTxScore.noFit = txScore.noFit,
NSampleReadCount = sum(readCount >= min.readCount),
NSampleReadProp = sum(geneReadProp >=
NSampleTxScore = sum(maxTxScore > min.txScore.singleExon))
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