context("contamination removal")
make_random_data <- function() {
d <- tempdir()
seqs <- replicate(100,
paste(sample(c("A", "C", "G", "T"), 100, replace = TRUE),
collapse = ""))
quals <- replicate(100, paste(rep("@", 100), collapse = ""))
sr <- ShortReadQ(sread = DNAStringSet(seqs),
quality = BStringSet(quals),
id = BStringSet(paste0("S", 1:100)))
old_files <- list.files(d, "fastq", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
writeFastq(sr, file.path(d, "f.fastq.gz"))
writeFastq(sr, file.path(d, "r.fastq.gz"))
index_folder <- system.file("extdata/genomes", package = "mbtools")
phix <- readFasta(file.path(index_folder, "phiX.fa.gz"))
phix <- substr(as.character(sread(phix)[1]), 1, 100)
sr <- ShortReadQ(sread = DNAStringSet(c(seqs[1:99], phix)),
quality = BStringSet(quals),
id = BStringSet(paste0("S", 1:100)))
sr_rev <- ShortReadQ(sread = reverseComplement(sread(sr)),
quality = reverse(quality(sr)),
id = id(sr))
f2 <- file.path(d, "f2.fastq.gz")
r2 <- file.path(d, "r2.fastq.gz")
writeFastq(sr, f2)
writeFastq(sr_rev, r2)
dset <- data.table(forward = file.path(d, c("f.fastq.gz", "f2.fastq.gz")),
reverse = file.path(d, c("r.fastq.gz", "r2.fastq.gz")),
id = c("random", "single"))
test_that("sequences can be removed", {
data <- make_random_data()
d <- tempdir()
outpath <- file.path(d, "out")
unlink(file.path(outpath), recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(outpath, showWarnings = FALSE)
index_folder <- system.file("extdata/genomes", package = "mbtools")
reads <- data[1]
conf <- config_reference(
out_dir = outpath,
reference = file.path(index_folder, "phiX.fa.gz")
counts <- filter_reference(reads, conf)
expect_equal(counts$counts, data.table(reads = 100, removed = 0,
id = "random", lane = NA))
unlink(file.path(outpath, "*"), recursive = TRUE)
counts <- filter_reference(reads[, .(forward, id)], conf)
expect_equal(counts$counts, data.table(reads = 100, removed = 0,
id = "random", lane = NA))
unlink(file.path(outpath, "*"), recursive = TRUE)
reads <- data[2]
counts <- filter_reference(reads, conf)
expect_equal(counts$counts, data.table(reads = 100, removed = 1,
id = "single", lane = NA))
unlink(file.path(outpath, "*"), recursive = TRUE)
test_that("filtering works on full data sets", {
data <- make_random_data()
d <- tempdir()
dir.create(file.path(d, "out"), showWarnings = FALSE)
outpath <- file.path(d, "out")
index_folder <- system.file("extdata/genomes", package = "mbtools")
conf <- config_reference(
out_dir = outpath,
reference = file.path(index_folder, "phiX.fa.gz")
counts <- filter_reference(data, conf)
expect_equal(counts$counts[, sum(reads)], 200)
expect_equal(counts$counts[, sum(removed)], 1)
expect_equal(counts$counts[, uniqueN(id)], 2)
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