# (C) 2016 Gabriel E. Hoffman
# Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

#' Effective sample size
#' Compute effective sample size based on correlation structure in linear mixed model
#' @param fit model fit from lmer()
#' @param method "full" uses the full correlation structure of the model. The "approximate" method makes the simplifying assumption that the study has a mean of m samples in each of k groups, and computes m based on the study design.  When the study design is evenly balanced (i.e. the assumption is met), this gives the same results as the "full" method.
#' @return
#' effective sample size for each random effect in the model
#' @details
#' Effective sample size calculations are based on:
#' Liu, G., and Liang, K. Y. (1997). Sample size calculations for studies with correlated observations. Biometrics, 53(3), 937-47.
#' "full" method: if \deqn{V_x = var(Y;x)} is the variance-covariance matrix of Y, the response, based on the covariate x, then the effective sample size corresponding to this covariate is \deqn{\Sigma_{i,j} (V_x^{-1})_{i,j}}.  In R notation, this is: \code{sum(solve(V_x))}.  In practice, this can be evaluted as sum(w), where R %*% w == One and One is a column vector of 1's
# "fast" method: takes advantage of the fact that the eigen decompostion of a sparse, low rank, symmetric matrix. May be faster for large datasets.
#' "approximate" method: Letting m be the mean number of samples per group, \deqn{k} be the number of groups, and \deqn{\rho} be the intraclass correlation, the effective sample size is \deqn{mk / (1+\rho(m-1))}
#' Note that these values are equal when there are exactly m samples in each group.  If m is only an average then this an approximation.
#' @examples
#' library(lme4)
#' data(varPartData)
#' # Linear mixed model
#' fit <- lmer(geneExpr[1, ] ~ (1 | Individual) + (1 | Tissue) + Age, info)
#' # Effective sample size
#' ESS(fit)
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname ESS-method
  signature = "fit",
  function(fit, method = "full") {

#' @export
#' @rdname ESS-method
#' @aliases ESS,lmerMod-method
  "ESS", "lmerMod",
  function(fit, method = "full") {
    if (!(method %in% c("full", "approximate"))) {
      stop(paste("method is not valid:", method))

    # get correlation terms
    vp <- calcVarPart(fit)

    n_eff <- c()

    if (method %in% c("full")) {
      # get structure of study design
      sigG <- get_SigmaG(fit)

      # number of samples
      N <- nrow(sigG$Sigma)

      # create vector of ones
      One <- matrix(1, N, 1)

      ids <- names(coef(fit))
      for (key in ids) {
        i <- which(key == ids)

        # guarantee that fraction is positive
        # by adding small value
        # the fast sum_of_ginv() fails if this value is exactly zero
        fraction <- vp[[key]] + 1e-10

        if (method == "full") {
          C <- sigG$G[[i]] * fraction
          diag(C) <- 1 # set diagonals to 1
          # n_eff[i] = sum(ginv(as.matrix(C)))

          # Following derivation at https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2014/12/effective_sample_size.html
          # sum(solve(R)) is equivalent to sum(w) where R %*% w = 1
          # This uses sparse linear algebra and is extremely fast: ~10 x faster than
          # sum_of_ginv with sparse pseudo inverse
          # November 29th, 2016
          n_eff[i] <- sum(solve(C, One))
        # Disabled in this version
        # "fast" is exact and can be much faster for > 500 samples.
        # else{
        # 	# November 22, 2016
        # 	A = sigG$G[[i]] * fraction
        # 	value = 1 - A[1,1]
        # 	k = nlevels(fit@frame[[key]])
        # 	n_eff[i] = sum_of_ginv( A, value, k)
        # }
      names(n_eff) <- ids
    } else {
      ids <- names(coef(fit))
      for (key in ids) {
        i <- which(key == ids)
        rho <- vp[[key]]
        k <- nlevels(fit@frame[[key]])
        m <- nrow(fit@frame) / k
        n_eff[i] <- m * k / (1 + rho * (m - 1))
      names(n_eff) <- ids

    # I think summing these values doesn't make sense
    # March 5, 2015
    # n_eff = c(n_eff, Total = sum(n_eff))


# # Compute sum( solve(A) + diag(value)) for low rank, sparse, symmetric A
# # sum( solve(A + diag(value, nrow(A))))
# sum_of_ginv = function(A, value, k){

# 	# # full rank
# 	# decompg = svd(A)
# 	# sum((decompg$u) %*% (((1/(decompg$d +value)))* t(decompg$v)))

# 	# # low rank, dense matrix
# 	# decompg = svd(A, nu=k, nv=k)
# 	# sum((decompg$u[,1:k]) %*% (((1/(decompg$d[1:k] +value)))* t(decompg$v[,1:k])))

# 	# low rank, sparse matrix
# 	decomp = eigs_sym(A, k)
# 	sum((decomp$vectors) %*% ((1/(decomp$values +value))* t(decomp$vectors)))
# }
GabrielHoffman/variancePartition documentation built on Jan. 6, 2025, 6:01 a.m.