
Defines functions .evalDiffCorr runFastStat corrMatrix.test runSled2

Documented in corrMatrix.test .evalDiffCorr runFastStat

#' Evaluate Differential Correlation
#' Evaluate Differential Correlation between two subsets of data
#' @param epiSignal matrix or EList of epigentic signal.  Rows are features and columns are samples
#' @param testVariable factor indicating two subsets of the samples to compare
#' @param gRanges GenomciRanges corresponding to the rows of epiSignal
#' @param clustList list of cluster assignments
#' @param npermute array of two entries with min and max number of permutations
#' @param adj.beta parameter for sLED
#' @param rho a large positive constant such that A(X)-A(Y)+diag(rep(rho,p)) is positive definite. Where p is the number of features
#' @param sumabs.seq sparsity parameter
#' @param BPPARAM parameters for parallel evaluation
#' @param method "sLED", "Box", "Box.permute", "Steiger.fisher", "Steiger", "Jennrich", "Factor", "Mann.Whitney", "Kruskal.Wallis", "Cai.max", "Chang.maxBoot", "LC.U", "WL.randProj", "Schott.Frob", "Delaneau", "deltaSLE"
#' @param method.corr Specify type of correlation: "pearson", "kendall", "spearman"
#' @return list of result by chromosome and clustList
#' @details
#' Correlation sturucture between two subsets of the data is evaluated with sparse-Leading-Eigenvalue-Driven (sLED) test:
#' Zhu, Lingxue, Jing Lei, Bernie Devlin, and Kathryn Roeder. 2017. Testing high-dimensional covariance matrices, with application to detecting schizophrenia risk genes. Annals of Applied Statistics. 11:3 1810-1831. doi:10.1214/17-AOAS1062
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86)
#' # load data
#' data('decorateData')
#' # load gene locations
#' ensdb = EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86
#' # Evaluate hierarchical clsutering
#' treeList = runOrderedClusteringGenome( simData, simLocation ) 
#' # Choose cutoffs and return clusters
#' treeListClusters = createClusters( treeList, method = "meanClusterSize", meanClusterSize=c( 10, 20) )
#' # Plot correlations and clusters in region defined by query
#' query = range(simLocation)
#' # Plot clusters
#' plotDecorate( ensdb, treeList, treeListClusters, simLocation, query)
#' # Evaluate Differential Correlation between two subsets of data
#' sledRes = evalDiffCorr( simData, metadata$Disease, simLocation, treeListClusters, npermute=c(20, 200, 2000))
#' # get summary of results
#' df = summary( sledRes )
#' # print results
#' head(df)
#' # extract peak ID's from most significant cluster
#' peakIDs = getFeaturesInCluster( treeListClusters, df$chrom[1], df$cluster[1], "20")
#' # plot comparison of correlation matrices for peaks in peakIDs
#' #  where data is subset by metadata$Disease
#' main = paste0(df$chrom[1], ': cluster ', df$cluster[1])
#' plotCompareCorr( simData, peakIDs, metadata$Disease) + ggtitle(main)
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname evalDiffCorr-methods
setGeneric("evalDiffCorr", function(epiSignal, testVariable, gRanges, clustList, npermute = c(100, 10000, 100000), adj.beta=0, rho = 0, sumabs.seq = 1, BPPARAM = bpparam(), method=c("sLED", "Box", "Box.permute", "Steiger.fisher", "Steiger", "Jennrich", "Factor", "Mann.Whitney", "Kruskal.Wallis", "Cai.max", "Chang.maxBoot", "LC.U", "WL.randProj", "Schott.Frob", "Delaneau", "deltaSLE" ), method.corr=c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman")) standardGeneric("evalDiffCorr"))

#' @import limma
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @export
#' @rdname evalDiffCorr-methods
#' @aliases evalDiffCorr,EList,ANY,GRanges,list,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
setMethod("evalDiffCorr", c("EList", "ANY", "GRanges", "list", "ANY", "ANY", 'ANY', "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"), 
	function(epiSignal, testVariable, gRanges, clustList, npermute = c(100, 10000, 100000), adj.beta=0, rho = 0, sumabs.seq = 1, BPPARAM = bpparam(), method=c("sLED", "Box", "Box.permute", "Steiger.fisher", "Steiger", "Jennrich", "Factor", "Mann.Whitney", "Kruskal.Wallis", "Cai.max", "Chang.maxBoot", "LC.U", "WL.randProj", "Schott.Frob", "Delaneau", "deltaSLE" ), method.corr=c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman")){
		.evalDiffCorr( epiSignal$E, testVariable, gRanges, clustList, npermute, adj.beta, rho, sumabs.seq, BPPARAM, method, method.corr)

#' @import BiocParallel
#' @export
#' @rdname evalDiffCorr-methods
#' @aliases evalDiffCorr,matrix,ANY,GRanges,list,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
setMethod("evalDiffCorr", c("matrix", "ANY", "GRanges", "list", "ANY", "ANY", 'ANY', "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"), 
	function(epiSignal, testVariable, gRanges, clustList, npermute = c(100, 10000, 100000), adj.beta=0, rho = 0, sumabs.seq = 1, BPPARAM = bpparam(), method=c("sLED", "Box", "Box.permute", "Steiger.fisher", "Steiger", "Jennrich", "Factor", "Mann.Whitney", "Kruskal.Wallis", "Cai.max", "Chang.maxBoot", "LC.U", "WL.randProj", "Schott.Frob", "Delaneau", "deltaSLE" ), method.corr=c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman")){
		.evalDiffCorr( epiSignal, testVariable, gRanges, clustList, npermute, adj.beta, rho, sumabs.seq, BPPARAM, method, method.corr)

#' @import BiocParallel
#' @export
#' @rdname evalDiffCorr-methods
#' @aliases evalDiffCorr,data.frame,ANY,GRanges,list,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY,ANY-method
setMethod("evalDiffCorr", c("data.frame", "ANY", "GRanges", "list", "ANY", "ANY", 'ANY', "ANY", "ANY", "ANY", "ANY"), 
	function(epiSignal, testVariable, gRanges, clustList, npermute = c(100, 10000, 100000), adj.beta=0, rho = 0, sumabs.seq = 1, BPPARAM = bpparam(), method=c("sLED", "Box", "Box.permute", "Steiger.fisher", "Steiger", "Jennrich", "Factor", "Mann.Whitney", "Kruskal.Wallis", "Cai.max", "Chang.maxBoot", "LC.U", "WL.randProj", "Schott.Frob", "Delaneau", "deltaSLE" ), method.corr=c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman")){
		.evalDiffCorr( epiSignal, testVariable, gRanges, clustList, npermute, adj.beta, rho, sumabs.seq, BPPARAM, method, method.corr)

#' An S4 class that stores results of sLED analysis
#' @slot .Data list of sLED results
#' @export
setClass("sLEDresults", representation("list"))

#' Summarize sLED analysis
#' extract statistic and p-value for each cluster
#' @param object sLEDresults
#' @return data.frame
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @export
setMethod("summary", "sLEDresults", function( object ){

	res = lapply( names(object), function(chrom){
		res = lapply( names(object[[chrom]]), function(clstKey){
			df = object[[chrom]][[clstKey]]
			if( is.null(df$sign) || is.na(df$sign) ){
				df$sign = "0"
			id = unlist(strsplit(clstKey,' '))[1]
			clust = unlist(strsplit(clstKey,' '))[2]
			# multiply by direction of effect

			sgn = switch( df$sign, "pos" = 1, "0" = 0, "neg" = -1)
			data.frame(id=id, chrom=chrom, cluster=clust, pValue = df$pVal, stat=df$stats, n.perm=length(df$Tn.permute), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
		do.call("rbind", res)
	res = do.call("rbind", res)

	res$p.adjust = p.adjust( res$pValue, "fdr" )
	res = res[order(res$pValue),]
	rownames(res) = c()

setMethod("print", "sLEDresults", function( x ){
	message("Hypothesis tests of each cluster\n\n")
	for( chrom in names(x) ){
	    nTest = length(x[[chrom]])
	    message(paste0(chrom, ': Tests of'),nTest, "clusters\n" )

setMethod("show", "sLEDresults", function( object ){
	print( object )

#' @import sLED
runSled2 = function( itObj, npermute, adj.beta, rho, sumabs.seq, BPPARAM){

	Y1 = itObj$Y[as.numeric(itObj$group)==1,]
	Y2 = itObj$Y[as.numeric(itObj$group)==2,]

	if( ncol(itObj$Y) >= 3 ){

	  	# perform permutations until p-values is precise enough
	  	# if not precise enough
	  	a = log10(npermute[1])
	  	b = log10(npermute[2])
	  	permArray = 10^seq(a,b, length.out=b-a +1)

	  	for( nperm in round(permArray) ){
	      	# compare correlation structure with sLED
	      	res = .sLED(X=Y1, Y=Y2, npermute=nperm, verbose=FALSE, adj.beta=adj.beta, rho=rho, sumabs.seq=sumabs.seq, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)

	      	if( res$pVal * nperm > 10){

	    # stats is always positive, so multiply by -1 if negative
	    res$stats = (-1)^(res$sign=='neg') * res$stats

	  	res = list(pVal=NA, stats=NA, count=NA)
	res$id = itObj$ID
	res$chrom = itObj$CHROM
	res$cluster = itObj$CLST

#' Test difference between two correlation matricies
#' Test difference between two correlation matricies using one of 5 tests
# @param C1 correlation matrix
# @param C2 correlation matrix
# @param N1 number of samples use to estimate C1
# @param N2 number of samples use to estimate C2
#' @param Y data matrix
#' @param group a factor defining groups
#' @param method Specify test: "Box", "Box.permute", "Steiger.fisher", "Steiger", "Jennrich", "Factor", "Mann.Whitney" "Kruskal.Wallis", "Cai.max", "Chang.maxBoot", "LC.U", "WL.randProj", "Schott.Frob", "Delaneau", "deltaSLE"
#' @param method.corr Specify type of correlation: "pearson", "kendall", "spearman"
#' @importFrom psych cortest.normal cortest.jennrich cortest.mat 
#' @importFrom stats wilcox.test kruskal.test median
#' @importFrom heplots boxM
#' @importFrom sLED Cai.max.test Chang.maxBoot.test LC.U.test WL.randProj.test Schott.Frob.test 
#' @export
corrMatrix.test = function( Y, group, method = c("Box", "Box.permute", "Steiger.fisher", "Steiger", "Jennrich", "Factor", "Mann.Whitney", "Kruskal.Wallis", "Cai.max", "Chang.maxBoot", "LC.U", "WL.randProj", "Schott.Frob", "Delaneau", "deltaSLE"), method.corr = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman") ){ 

	method = match.arg( method )
	method.corr = match.arg( method.corr )

	if( method %in% c("Box", "Box.permute") ){

		# scale each variable, so that covariance equals correlation
		# boxM() test difference in *covariance*
		# scaling makes it test difference in *correlation*
		# Y_scale = Y
		# for( key in levels(group)){
		# 	Y_scale[group==key,] = scale(Y[group==key,])
		# }

		if( method == "Box"){
			fit = boxM( Y, group, method=method.corr )
			fit = boxM_permute( Y, group, method=method.corr )

		res = list(pVal=fit$p.value, stats=fit$stat_logdet, count=NA, sign=NA)
		res$sign = ifelse( res$stats > 0, "pos", "neg")

		# if( nlevels(group) == 2){
		# 	# get correlations
		#   	C1 = cor( Y[group==levels(group)[1],], method=method.corr )
		#   	C2 = cor( Y[group==levels(group)[2],], method=method.corr )
		#   	res$stats = median(C1 - C2)
		#   	res$sign = ifelse( res$stats > 0, "pos", "neg")
		# }


		if( (nlevels(group) > 2) & !(method %in% c("Delaneau", "deltaSLE")) ){
			out = paste0("Method '", method, "' is only able to compare 2 groups.\nThere are ", nlevels(group), " levels in the group variable: ", paste(levels(group), collapse=', '))
			stop( out )

		if( method %in% c("Steiger.fisher", "Steiger" , "Jennrich", "Factor" , "Mann.Whitney", "Kruskal.Wallis", "Cai.max", "Chang.maxBoot", "LC.U", "WL.randProj", "Schott.Frob") ){	

			Y1 = Y[group==levels(group)[1],]
			Y2 = Y[group==levels(group)[2],] 

			# get correlations
		  	C1 = cor( Y1, method=method.corr )
		  	C2 = cor( Y2, method=method.corr )

		  	N1 = sum(group==levels(group)[1])
		  	N2 = sum(group==levels(group)[2])

	  	if( (method.corr != "pearson") && (method %in% c("Cai.max", "Chang.maxBoot", "LC.U", "WL.randProj", "Schott.Frob")) ){
	  		stop(paste0("Comparison of correlation matricies using method: ", method, "\nis only compatiable with Pearson correlation"))
		res = switch( method, 
			"Steiger.fisher"= {
					fit = cortest.normal(C1, C2, n1=N1, n2=N2, fisher=TRUE)				
					list(prob = fit$prob, stat=fit$chi2)
			"Steiger" 		= {
					fit = cortest.normal(C1, C2, n1=N1, n2=N2, fisher=FALSE)			
					list(prob = fit$prob, stat=fit$chi2)
			"Jennrich"		= {
					fit = cortest.jennrich(C1, C2, n1=N1, n2=N2)			
					list(prob = fit$prob, stat=fit$chi2)
			"Factor" 		= {
					fit = cortest.mat(C1, C2, n1=N1, n2=N2)			
					list(prob = fit$prob, stat=fit$chi2)
			"Mann.Whitney"	= { 
					fit = wilcox.test( C1[lower.tri(C1)], C2[lower.tri(C2)], paired=TRUE, conf.int=TRUE)
					list(prob = fit$p.value, stats = fit$estimate)
			"Kruskal.Wallis"	= {
					fit = kruskal.test( C1[lower.tri(C1)], C2[lower.tri(C2)]) 
					list(prob = fit$p.value, stats = fit$estimate)
			"Cai.max" = { 
					fit = Cai.max.test( (Y1), (Y2) )
					list(prob = fit$pVal, stat=fit$test.stat)
			"Chang.maxBoot" = { 
					fit = Chang.maxBoot.test( (Y1), (Y2) )
					list(prob = fit$pVal, stat=fit$test.stat)
			"LC.U" = { 
					fit = LC.U.test( (Y1), (Y2) )
					list(prob = fit$pVal, stat=fit$test.stat)
			"WL.randProj" = {
				 fit = WL.randProj.test( (Y1), (Y2) )
					list(prob = fit$pVal, stat=fit$test.stat)
			"Schott.Frob" = { 
					fit = Schott.Frob.test( (Y1), (Y2) )
					list(prob = fit$pVal, stat=fit$test.stat)
			"Delaneau" = {
					fit = delaneau.test( Y, group, method.corr)
					list(prob = fit$p.value, stat=fit$estimate)
			"deltaSLE" = {
					fit = sle.test( Y, group, method.corr)
					list(prob = fit$p.value, stat=fit$estimate)

		res = list(pVal=res$prob, stats=res$stat, count=NA)
		res$sign = ifelse( res$stats > 0, "pos", "neg")


#' Test difference in correlation using closed form tests
#' Test difference in correlation using closed form tests
#' @param itObj iterator
#' @param method Specify test: "Box", "Box.permute", Steiger.fisher", "Steiger", "Jennrich", "Factor" "Mann.Whitney", "Kruskal.Wallis", "Cai.max", "Chang.maxBoot", "LC.U", "WL.randProj", "Schott.Frob"
#' @param method.corr Specify type of correlation: "pearson", "kendall", "spearman"
runFastStat = function( itObj, method = c("Box", "Box.permute", "Steiger.fisher", "Steiger", "Jennrich", "Factor", "Mann.Whitney", "Kruskal.Wallis", "Cai.max", "Chang.maxBoot", "LC.U", "WL.randProj", "Schott.Frob", "Delaneau", "deltaSLE"), method.corr = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman") ){ 

    method <- match.arg(method)
    method.corr <- match.arg(method.corr)

	if( ncol(itObj$Y) >= 2 ){
	  	# test correlations
	  	res = corrMatrix.test( itObj$Y, itObj$group, method, method.corr)
	  	res = list(pVal=NA, stats=NA, count=NA, sign=NA)
	res$id = itObj$ID
	res$chrom = itObj$CHROM
	res$cluster = itObj$CLST

#' Internal .evalDiffCorr
#' @param epiSignal matrix or EList of epigentic signal.  Rows are features and columns are samples
#' @param testVariable factor indicating two subsets of the samples to compare
#' @param gRanges GenomciRanges corresponding to the rows of epiSignal
#' @param clustList list of cluster assignments
#' @param npermute array of two entries with min and max number of permutations
#' @param adj.beta parameter for sLED
#' @param rho a large positive constant such that A(X)-A(Y)+diag(rep(rho,p)) is positive definite. Where p is the number of features
#' @param sumabs.seq sparsity parameter
#' @param BPPARAM parameters for parallel evaluation
#' @param method "sLED", "Box", "Box.permute", "Steiger.fisher", "Steiger", "Jennrich", "Factor", "Mann.Whitney", "Kruskal.Wallis", "Cai.max", "Chang.maxBoot", "LC.U", "WL.randProj", "Schott.Frob", "Delaneau", "deltaSLE" 
#' @param method.corr Specify type of correlation: "pearson", "kendall", "spearman"
#' @return list of result by chromosome and clustList
#' @import BiocParallel
#' @import foreach
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
.evalDiffCorr = function(epiSignal, testVariable, gRanges, clustList, npermute = c(100, 10000, 1e5), adj.beta=0, rho=0, sumabs.seq=1, BPPARAM = bpparam(), method=c("sLED", "Box", "Box.permute", "Steiger.fisher", "Steiger", "Jennrich", "Factor", "Mann.Whitney", "Kruskal.Wallis", "Cai.max", "Chang.maxBoot", "LC.U", "WL.randProj", "Schott.Frob", "Delaneau", "deltaSLE" ), method.corr=c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman")){

	method = match.arg( method )

	if( nrow(epiSignal) != length(gRanges)){
		stop("Number of rows in epiSignal must equal number of entries in gRanges")
	if( is.factor(testVariable) ){
		testVariable = droplevels(testVariable)
	if( length(testVariable) != ncol(epiSignal) ){
		stop("Number of columns in epiSignal must equal number of entries in testVariable")

	if( !(method %in% c("Delaneau", "deltaSLE") )){
		if( !is(testVariable, 'factor') ){
			stop("Entries in testVariable must be a factor with entries in at least two levels")
		if( min(table(testVariable)) < 10){
			stop("Need at last 10 samples in smallest class of testVariable")
		if( (nlevels(testVariable) < 2) || (nlevels(testVariable) > 2 && ! (method %in% c("Box", "Box.permute"))) ){
			out = paste0("Method '", method, "' is only able to compare 2 groups.\nThere are ", nlevels(testVariable), " levels in the group variable: ", paste(levels(testVariable), collapse=', '))
			stop( out )
	if( method == "sLED" && (length(npermute) < 2 || is.unsorted(npermute) ) ){
		stop("npermute must have 2 or 3 increasing entries")
	if( any(!unique(unlist(lapply(clustList, names))) %in% seqnames(gRanges)@values) ){
		stop("Chromosomes from clustList must be in gRanges")
	if( length(adj.beta) > 1 ){
		stop("adj.beta must be a scalar")
	if( length(sumabs.seq) > 1 ){
		stop("sumabs.seq must be a scalar")

	method.corr = match.arg( method.corr )

	if( method.corr != "pearson" && method == "sLED"){
		stop("sLED only evalutes pearson correlation")

	# allClusters = unlist(lapply(names(clustList), function(x) paste0(x, '_', unique(clustList[[x]]))))

	# Divide data into two sets
	set1 = which(testVariable == levels(testVariable)[1])
	set2 = which(testVariable == levels(testVariable)[2])

	# create single data.table with cluster and peak info
	dfClust = lapply(names(clustList), function(id){
		res = lapply( names(clustList[[id]]), function(chrom){
			data.frame(id=id, chrom=chrom, cluster=clustList[[id]][[chrom]], peak=names(clustList[[id]][[chrom]]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
		do.call("rbind", res)
	dfClust = data.table(do.call('rbind', dfClust))

	# check size of clusters
	message("Note that clusters of 2 or fewer features are omitted from analysis\n\n")

	# only get peaks that are in the the epiSignal dataset
	peak = NA
	dfClust = dfClust[peak %in% rownames(epiSignal),]

	# get unique chrom and size of cluster
	.N = NA
	dfClustCounts = dfClust[,.N, by=c("id", "chrom", "cluster")]

	# sort by size within chromosomes
	# evaluate sLED starting with largest gene set decreasing
	# 	this makes time estimate more accurate
	# dfClustCountsSort = dfClustCounts[,.SD[order(N, decreasing=TRUE),],by="chrom"]
	# sort by size across chromosomes
	.SD = N = NA
	dfClustCountsSort = dfClustCounts[,.SD[order(N, decreasing=TRUE),]]

	n_clusters = nrow(dfClustCountsSort)

	message("# Clusters:", n_clusters, '\n')

	# Evaluate statistics with permutations

	# res = mclapply( seq_len(nrow(dfClustUnique)), runSled, dfClustUnique, dfClust, epiSignal, set1, set2, npermute=c(10, 100), mc.cores=1)

	# lapply(1, runSled, dfClustUnique, dfClust, epiSignal, set1, set2, npermute)

	 # runSled(1, dfClustUnique, dfClust, epiSignal, set1, set2, npermute)

	# combinedResults = bplapply( seq_len(nrow(dfClustUnique)), runSled, dfClustUnique, dfClust, epiSignal, set1, set2, npermute, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
	if( method == "sLED"){
		message("Initial pass through all clusters...\n")
		# run with iterators
		it = clustIter( dfClustCountsSort, dfClust, epiSignal, testVariable )
		combinedResults = bpiterate( it$nextElem, runSled2, npermute, adj.beta, rho, sumabs.seq, SerialParam(), BPPARAM=BPPARAM)

		# create data.frame
		df = list()
		df$permCounts = vapply(combinedResults, function(x) x$count, numeric(1))
		df$id = vapply(combinedResults, function(x) x$id, 'character')
		df$chromArray = vapply(combinedResults, function(x) x$chrom, 'character')
		df$clustArray = vapply(combinedResults, function(x) x$cluster, numeric(1))
		df = data.table(data.frame(df, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

		numPassCutoff = sum(df$permCounts < 10, na.rm=TRUE)

		if( numPassCutoff > 0 ){
			message("Intensive second pass...\n")

			# parallelize run of each cluster
			pb <- progress_bar$new(format = ":current/:total [:bar] :percent ETA::eta",	total = numPassCutoff, width= 60, clear=FALSE)

			itGlobal = clustIter( dfClustCountsSort, dfClust, epiSignal, testVariable )
			npermute2 = sort(c(npermute[2]*10, npermute[3]))

			count = 0
			while( ! is.null( it <- itGlobal$nextElem() ) ){ 

				# fit location in df of the features set in it
				i = which( (df$id == it$ID) & (df$chromArray == it$CHROM) & (df$clustArray == it$CLST))

				prmCnt = df$permCounts[i]
				# if permCounts is too small, run intensive parallel analysis
				if( !is.na(prmCnt) & (prmCnt< 10) & (length(npermute) >=3) ){

					# update progress bar
					pb$update( min(count / numPassCutoff, 1) )
					count = count + 1

					# run analysis
					# suppress progressbar
					combinedResults[[i]] <- runSled2( it,npermute2, adj.beta, rho, sumabs.seq, BPPARAM )
			pb$update( 1.0 )

		# test run to throw errors before parallel evaluation
		itTmp = clustIter( dfClustCountsSort, dfClust, epiSignal, testVariable )
		runFastStat( itTmp$nextElem(), method, method.corr )

		# Real run 
		# run with iterators
		# it = clustIter( dfClustCountsSort, dfClust, epiSignal, testVariable )
		# combinedResults = bpiterate( it$nextElem, runFastStat, method, method.corr, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)

		.eval_batch = function( obj, method, method.corr){

			# for each cluster
			lapply( seq_len(countClusters(obj$clustObj)) , function(i){

				# extract feature names
				cl = getClusterSubset( obj$clustObj, i)
				df = attr(cl, 'getClusterNames')

				peakIDs = getFeaturesInCluster( cl, df$chrom, as.character(df$cluster), as.character(df$parameter))

				res = runFastStat( list(Y = t(obj$signalObj[peakIDs,,drop=FALSE]), group = obj$testVariable), method, method.corr)

				res$id = as.character(df$parameter)
				res$cluster = df$cluster
				res$chrom = df$chrom

		# run with iterators
		it = clustIterBatch( clustList, epiSignal, testVariable, n_chunks = 100 )
		message(paste0("Dividing work into ",attr(it, "n_chunks")," chunks...\n"))

		res1 = bpiterate( it, .eval_batch, method, method.corr, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
		combinedResults = unlist(res1, recursive=FALSE)

	# return list of lists

	message("Combining results...\n")

	resList = list()
	chromArray = unique(dfClustCounts$chrom)
	idArray = unique(dfClustCounts$id)

	# unique(vapply(combinedResults, function(x) x$chrom, "character"))
	for( chrom in chromArray){
		key = vapply(combinedResults, function(x) paste(x$id, x$cluster), 'character')
		idx = vapply(combinedResults, function(x){ 
			(paste(x$id, x$cluster) %in% key) && (x$chrom == chrom)
			}, logical(1)) 
		resList[[chrom]] = combinedResults[idx]
		names(resList[[chrom]]) = vapply(resList[[chrom]], function(x) paste(x$id, x$cluster), 'character')
	names(resList) = chromArray
	new("sLEDresults", resList)

#' @import sLED
.sLED = function (X, Y, adj.beta=0, rho = 0, sumabs.seq = 1,
    npermute = 100, seeds = NULL,
    verbose = TRUE, niter = 20, trace = FALSE, BPPARAM=SerialParam()){
    D.hat <- sLED:::getDiffMatrix(X, Y, adj.beta)

    pma.results <- sLED:::sLEDTestStat(Dmat = D.hat, rho = rho, sumabs.seq = sumabs.seq, niter = niter, trace = trace)
    Tn <- pma.results$stats
    n1 <- nrow(X)
    n2 <- nrow(Y)
    Z <- rbind(X, Y)
    permute.results <- .sLEDpermute(Z = Z, n1 = n1, n2 = n2, adj.beta = adj.beta,
        rho = rho, sumabs.seq = sumabs.seq, npermute = npermute,
        seeds = seeds, verbose = verbose,
        niter = niter, trace = trace, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)

    count = rowSums(permute.results$Tn.permute > Tn)
    pVal = (count+1) / (npermute+1)
    return(c(pma.results, permute.results, list(Tn = Tn, count=count, pVal = pVal)))

#' @import sLED
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
.sLEDpermute = function (Z, n1, n2, adj.beta=0, rho = 0, sumabs.seq = 1,
    npermute = 100, seeds = NULL,
    verbose = TRUE, niter = 20, trace = FALSE, BPPARAM=SerialParam()){
    if (verbose) {
        message(npermute, "permutation started:\n")
    perm.results <- bplapply(seq_len(npermute), sLED:::sLEDOnePermute,
        Z = Z, n1 = n1, n2 = n2, seeds = seeds, sumabs.seq = sumabs.seq,
        adj.beta = adj.beta, rho = rho, verbose = FALSE,
        niter = niter, trace = trace, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)   
    ntest <- length(sumabs.seq)
    Tn.permute <- matrix(NA, nrow = ntest, ncol = npermute)
    Tn.permute.sign <- matrix(NA, nrow = ntest, ncol = npermute)
    for (i in seq_len(npermute)) {
        Tn.permute[, i] <- perm.results[[i]]$Tn.permute
        Tn.permute.sign[, i] <- perm.results[[i]]$Tn.permute.sign
    if (verbose) {
        message("permutations finished.", fill = TRUE)
    return(list(Tn.permute = Tn.permute, Tn.permute.sign = Tn.permute.sign))
GabrielHoffman/decorate documentation built on May 23, 2023, 1:29 a.m.