#' Get coordinates of exons
#' Get coordinates of exons from ENSEMBL database
#' @param ensdb ENSEMBL database object like EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86
#' @param query GRranges ofject of one interval. "chr20" should be coded as "20"
#' @param biotypes gene biotypes to return
#' @return GRanges object of exon locations
#' @examples
#' library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86)
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' # gene database
#' ensdb = EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86
#' # interval
#' query = GRanges("20", IRanges(62045027,62164563))
#' # get GRanges object of exon locations
#' get_exon_coords( ensdb, query)
#' @export
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures exonsByOverlaps
#' @import GenomicRanges
get_exon_coords = function( ensdb, query, biotypes = c("protein_coding") ){
if( ! is(ensdb, 'EnsDb') ){
stop("ensdb must be an ENSEMBL databsed of type EnsDb")
# get gene info
gr_exon = exonsByOverlaps( ensdb, query, columns=c( "exon_seq_start", "exon_seq_end", "symbol", 'gene_biotype', 'tx_seq_start', 'tx_seq_end', 'tx_cds_seq_start', 'tx_cds_seq_end'))# "gene_id", "exon_id",
if( !is.na(biotypes) ){
# filter by biotype
gr_exon = gr_exon[gr_exon$gene_biotype %in% biotypes]
#' Plot ENSEMBL genes
#' Plot ENSEMBL genes in region
#' @param ensdb ENSEMBL database object like EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86
#' @param minRange start genome coordinate
#' @param maxRange end genome coordinate
#' @param chromosome chrom
#' @param plot_lines_distance veritcal distance between genes
#' @param vp viewport
#' @param splice_variants if TRUE, show multiple transcripts from the same gene
#' @param non_coding if TRUE, also show non-coding genes
#' @return GRanges object of exon locations
#' @examples
#' library(EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86)
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' library(grid)
#' # gene database
#' ensdb = EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86
#' # interval
#' query = GRanges("20", IRanges(62045027,62164563))
#' # plot genes
#' fig = plotEnsGenes( ensdb, start(query), end(query), seqnames(query))
#' grid.draw( fig )
#' @export
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import grid
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf dev.off
plotEnsGenes = function(ensdb, minRange, maxRange, chromosome, plot_lines_distance = 0.03,
vp = viewport(x = 0, y = 0.95, just = c("left", "top")),
splice_variants = TRUE, non_coding = TRUE){
# direct intermidiate windows to null file
vp$xscale <- c(minRange, maxRange)
vp$name <- "transcriptsVP"
Range = maxRange - minRange
map_len <- convertX(vp$width, "npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
gr = GRanges(gsub( "^chr", "", chromosome), IRanges(minRange, maxRange))
# get gene coordinates
if( non_coding ){
biotype = NA
biotype = c("protein_coding")
gr_exons = get_exon_coords( ensdb, gr, biotype )
if( length(gr_exons) > 0){
df = data.table(data.frame(gr_exons))
gene_biotype = 0
symbol = 0
tx_cds_seq_end = 0
tx_cds_seq_start = 0
tx_seq_end = 0
tx_seq_start = 0
if( !splice_variants ){
# single body per gene
suppressWarnings(df_wide <- df[,data.frame(
gene_name = unique(symbol),
chrom = unique(seqnames),
strand = unique(strand),
exonStarts = paste(start, collapse=','),
exonEnds = paste(end, collapse=','),
exonCount = length(start),
biotype = unique(gene_biotype),
txStart = min(tx_seq_start, na.rm=TRUE),
txEnd = max(tx_seq_end, na.rm=TRUE),
cdsStart = as.integer(min(tx_cds_seq_start, na.rm=TRUE)),
cdsEnd = as.integer(max(tx_cds_seq_end, na.rm=TRUE)),
# multiple transcripts per gene
suppressWarnings(df_wide <- df[,data.frame(
gene_name = unique(symbol),
chrom = unique(seqnames),
strand = unique(strand),
exonStarts = paste(start, collapse=','),
exonEnds = paste(end, collapse=','),
exonCount = length(start),
biotype = unique(gene_biotype),
txStart = tx_seq_start,
txEnd = tx_seq_end,
cdsStart = as.integer(min(tx_cds_seq_start, na.rm=TRUE)),
cdsEnd = as.integer(max(tx_cds_seq_end, na.rm=TRUE)),
stringsAsFactors=FALSE),by=c("symbol", 'tx_seq_start', 'tx_seq_end')])
t = data.frame(df_wide, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
t$plot_line <- 0
t$plot_line[1] <- 1
t = data.frame()
plot_lines_no <- 1
# browser()
if (dim(t)[1] > 1) {
for (i in 2:dim(t)[1]) {
gene_name_width <- Range/map_len * convertWidth(grobWidth(textGrob(paste(t[1,"gene_name"], " "), gp = gpar(fontsize = 7))),
"npc", valueOnly = TRUE)
for (j in 1:plot_lines_no) {
if (max(t[1:(i - 1), ][t[, "plot_line"] == j, "txEnd"], na.rm = TRUE) < t[i, "txStart"] - gene_name_width*2) {
t[i, "plot_line"] <- j
if (!t[i, "plot_line"])
t[i, "plot_line"] <- plot_lines_no <- plot_lines_no + 1
height = plot_lines_no * plot_lines_distance
vp$height <- unit(height, "npc")
# txt = "UCSC Genes Based on RefSeq, UniProt, GenBank, CCDS and Comparative Genomics"
gene_plot_title <- textGrob(txt,
gp = gpar(fontsize = 7, fontfamily = "mono"),
just = c("centre", "center"), name = "gene_plot_title",
default.units = "native")
Transcripts <- gTree(children = gList(gene_plot_title), name = "transcripts",
vp = vp)
for(i in seq_len(nrow(t)) ){
tx_upArrows <- tx_downArrows <- tx_exons <- tx_cds <- tx_leftArrow <- tx_rightArrow <- NULL
y = 1 - t[i, "plot_line"]/plot_lines_no
txStart <- max(minRange, t[i, "txStart"], na.rm=TRUE)
txEnd <- min(maxRange, t[i, "txEnd"], na.rm=TRUE)
cdsStart <- max(minRange, t[i, "cdsStart"], na.rm=TRUE)
cdsEnd <- min(maxRange, t[i, "cdsEnd"], na.rm=TRUE)
exonStarts <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(t[i, "exonStarts"]),
exonStarts[exonStarts < minRange] <- minRange
exonStarts[exonStarts > maxRange] <- maxRange
exonEnds <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(t[i, "exonEnds"]),
exonEnds[exonEnds < minRange] <- minRange
exonEnds[exonEnds > maxRange] <- maxRange
tx_name <- textGrob(x = txStart, y = y, paste(t[i, "gene_name"],
" ", sep = ""), just = c("right", "center"), gp = gpar(fontsize = 7,
fontfamily = "mono"), default.units = "native", name = "gene_name")
tx_region <- linesGrob(x = c(txStart, txEnd), y = c(y,
y), gp = gpar(lwd = 1, lineend = "butt"), default.units = "native",
name = "tx_region")
distance_between_arrows <- Range * (10/6)/convertX(unit(map_len,
"npc"), "millimeters", valueOnly = TRUE)
no_arrows <- floor(1/distance_between_arrows * (txEnd -
txStart)) - 1
if (no_arrows > 0) {
arrow_heads_x0 <- unit(txStart + 1:no_arrows * distance_between_arrows,
arrow_heads_x1 <- unit(txStart + 1:no_arrows * distance_between_arrows,
"native") + unit(0.5, "millimeters")
if (t[i, "strand"] == "+") {
change_y0 = unit(0.5, "millimeters")
change_y1 <- unit(0, "native")
else {
change_y0 <- unit(0, "native")
change_y1 <- unit(0.5, "millimeters")
tx_upArrows <- segmentsGrob(x0 = arrow_heads_x0,
x1 = arrow_heads_x1, y0 = unit(y, "native") +
change_y0, y1 = unit(y, "native") + change_y1,
name = "tx_upArrows")
tx_downArrows <- segmentsGrob(x0 = arrow_heads_x0,
x1 = arrow_heads_x1, y0 = unit(y, "native") -
change_y0, y1 = unit(y, "native") - change_y1,
name = "tx_downArrows")
tx_exons <- segmentsGrob(x0 = exonStarts, x1 = exonEnds,
y0 = y, y1 = y, gp = gpar(lwd = 5, lineend = "butt"),
default.units = "native", name = "tx_exons")
cds0 <- cds1 <- NULL
for (j in 1:length(exonStarts)) {
if (cdsStart < exonEnds[j] && cdsEnd > exonStarts[j]) {
cds0 <- c(cds0, max(exonStarts[j], cdsStart))
cds1 <- c(cds1, min(exonEnds[j], cdsEnd))
if (!is.null(cds0))
tx_cds <- segmentsGrob(x0 = cds0, x1 = cds1, y0 = y,
y1 = y, gp = gpar(lwd = 10, lineend = "butt"),
default.units = "native", name = "tx_cds")
if (t[i, "txStart"] < minRange)
tx_leftArrow <- polygonGrob(x = unit.c(unit(minRange,
"native") + unit(1, "millimeters"), unit(minRange,
"native") + unit(2, "millimeters"), unit(minRange,
"native") + unit(2, "millimeters"), unit(minRange,
"native") + unit(2, "millimeters"), unit(minRange,
"native") + unit(3, "millimeters"), unit(minRange,
"native") + unit(3, "millimeters")), y = rep(unit.c(unit(y,
"native"), unit(y, "native") + unit(1, "millimeters"),
unit(y, "native") - unit(1, "millimeters")),
2), rep(1:2, each = 3), gp = gpar(fill = "white"),
name = "tx_leftArrow")
if (t[i, "txEnd"] > maxRange)
tx_rightArrow <- polygonGrob(x = unit.c(unit(maxRange,
"native") - unit(1, "millimeters"), unit(maxRange,
"native") - unit(2, "millimeters"), unit(maxRange,
"native") - unit(2, "millimeters"), unit(maxRange,
"native") - unit(2, "millimeters"), unit(maxRange,
"native") - unit(3, "millimeters"), unit(maxRange,
"native") - unit(3, "millimeters")), y = rep(unit.c(unit(y,
"native"), unit(y, "native") + unit(1, "millimeters"),
unit(y, "native") - unit(1, "millimeters")),
2), rep(1:2, each = 3), gp = gpar(fill = "white"),
name = "tx_rightArrow")
gene_color <- "grey50"
if( t[i,'biotype'] == "protein_coding"){
gene_color = rgb(12, 12, 120, maxColorValue = 255)
}else if( t[i,'biotype'] == "miRNA"){
gene_color = rgb(80, 80, 160, maxColorValue = 255)
}else if( t[i,'biotype'] == "lincRNA"){
gene_color = rgb(130, 130, 120, maxColorValue = 255)
}else if( t[i,'biotype'] == "processed_transcript"){
gene_color = rgb(255, 51, 255, maxColorValue = 255)
transcript <- gTree(children = gList(tx_name, tx_region,
tx_upArrows, tx_downArrows, tx_exons, tx_cds, tx_leftArrow,
tx_rightArrow), gp = gpar(col = gene_color))#, vp=vp)#, name = t[i,
# "name"])
# browser()
Transcripts <- addGrob(Transcripts, transcript)
attr(Transcripts, 'height') = height + (1-as.numeric(vp$y))
Add the following code to your website.
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