## *** Useful Functions
##' Adjust a nested batch effect
##' When one covariate entirely predicts another, then including both in a
##' linear model will result in an unspecified model. This can happen if we
##' have e.g. groups of cell-lines that represent a genotype. If each of those
##' cell-lines receives a treatment, then we need both the group-level information to
##' test the interesting treatment x genotype interaction, but also the cell-line information
##' to remove any batch effect they represent. To achieve this, we can recode the batch effect
##' so that each genotype has a common set of levels, and then we can include that batch effect
##' in interaction with the grouping factor.
##' If one group has a larger number of sub-treatments, then it will be necessary to remove
##' the columns of the design matrix that are all zero separately
##' @title Adjust a confounded batch effect
##' @param inner A factor representing the variable to be recoded, e.g. the cell-line
##' @param ... The parent factors that 'inner' is inside, e.g. the genotype of the cell-line
##' @return A recoded factor that can now replace the inner (cell-line) variable in your model
##' @author Gavin Kelly
#' @export
load_specs <- function(file="", context) {
if (file.exists(file)) {
e <- as.environment(as.data.frame(colData(context)))
parent.env(e) <- environment()
assign("sample_set", list, envir=e)
assign("model", list, envir=e)
assign("specification", list, envir=e)
function(...) {
as.list( substitute(alist(...)))[-1]
function(...) {
specs <- source(file, local=e)$value
assign("sample_set", expression, envir=e) # avoid evaluating any examples sample_sets.
pkg_defaults <- source(system.file("templates/example.spec", package="DESdemonA"), local=e)$value
new_settings <- setdiff(names(pkg_defaults$settings), names(specs$settings))
if (length(new_settings)>0) {
string_rep <- lapply(pkg_defaults$settings[new_settings], deparse)
warning("New settings (", paste(new_settings), ") can be set in ", file, ", so please update it. The default values that will be used are:\n", paste(names(string_rep), string_rep, sep=": ", collapse="\n"))
specs$settings[new_settings] <- pkg_defaults$settings[new_settings]
rm(list=ls(envir=e), envir=e)
} else {
fml <- paste("~", names(colData(dds))[ncol(colData(dds))])
specs <- list(
sample_sets = list(all=TRUE),
"Naive" = list(
design = as.formula(fml),
comparisons = mult_comp(as.formula(paste("pairwise", fml)))
plot_scale = function(y) {
##' Recode nested factors to avoid matrix-rank problems
##' Following the suggestion in the DESeq2 vignette, recode nested factors so that
##' they take common values in different clusters to avoid rank problems
##' @title Recode nested factors
##' @param inner A factor representing the variable to be recoded, e.g. the cell-line
##' @param ... The parent factors that 'inner' is inside, e.g. the genotype of the cell-line
##' @return A factor with recoded levels
##' @author Gavin Kelly
##' @export
recode_within <- function(inner, ...) {
within <- do.call(interaction, alist(...))
tab <- table(inner, within)!=0 # which batches are in which nest
if (any(rowSums(tab)>1)) {
stop("Some inner levels appear in multiple outer groups.")
factor(apply(tab, 2, cumsum)[cbind(as.character(inner),as.character(within))]) # cumsum to get incrementing index within group.
##' Subsample
##' Think this should probably be deprecated
##' @title subsample
##' @param dds Not Sure
##' @param subs Not Sure
##' @return Not Sure
##' @author Gavin Kelly
##' @export
subsample <- function(dds, subs) {
if (is_formula(subs)) {
grps <- Reduce(interaction, colData(dds)[all.vars(subs)])
grps <- names(table(grps))[table(grps)!=0]
out <- lapply(setNames(grps,grps), function(x) DESdemonA::subsample(dds, grps==x))
} else {
out <- dds[,subs]
colData(out) <- droplevels(colData(out))
##' Expand an analysis specification into its corresponding subset list
##' Generate a list of DESeq2 objects corresponding to the different
##' subsets specified
##' @title Generate subsets of DESeq2 object
##' @param dds The original DESeq2 object containing all samples
##' @param spec The analysis specificiation
##' @return A list of DESeq2 objects
##' @author Gavin Kelly
##' @export
build_dds_list <- function(dds, spec) {
flat <- unlist(spec$sample_sets)
flat <- flat[sapply(flat, is_formula)]
modelled_terms <- unlist(lapply(flat, all.vars))
if (!"palette" %in% names(spec$settings)) {
if (is.list(spec$settings$palette)) {
default_palette <- spec$settings$palette
} else {
default_palette<- DESdemonA:::df2colorspace(
colData(dds)[, intersect(modelled_terms, colnames(colData(dds))),drop=FALSE],
metadata(colData(dds))$palette <- default_palette
ddsList <- lapply(spec$sample_sets, function(set) {
mdlList <- spec$models
if (is.list(set)) {
ind <- set$subset
mdlList <- c(mdlList, set$models)
} else {
ind <- set
obj <- dds[,ind]
metadata(obj)$full_model <- spec$full_model
colData(obj) <- droplevels(colData(obj))
mdlList <- lapply(mdlList, function(x) modifyList(list(plot_qc=FALSE), x))
if (!any(sapply(mdlList, "[[", "plot_qc"))) {
mdlList[[1]]$plot_qc <- TRUE
metadata(obj)$models <- mdlList
if ("transform" %in% names(set)) {
.mu <- purrr::partial(mutate, .data=as.data.frame(colData(obj)))
tr <- set$transform
tr[[1]] <- .mu
cnames <- colnames(obj)
colData(obj) <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(eval(tr))
metadata(colData(obj)) <- metadata(colData(dds))
colnames(obj) <- cnames
new_cols <- intersect(modelled_terms, setdiff(names(colData(obj)), names(default_palette$Heatmap)))
old_cols <- setdiff(modelled_terms, new_cols)
if (length(old_cols)>0) {
is_modified <- sapply(old_cols,
function(x) {
if (class(colData(obj)[[x]]) != class(colData(dds)[[x]])) return(TRUE)
if (is.factor(colData(obj)[[x]])) return(!all(levels(colData(obj)[[x]]) %in% levels(colData(dds)[[x]])))
if (is.character(colData(obj)[[x]])) return(!all(unique(colData(obj)[[x]]) %in% levels(unique(dds)[[x]])))
new_cols <- c(new_cols, old_cols[is_modified])
if (length(new_cols)>0) {
new_meta <- DESdemonA:::df2colorspace(
colData(obj)[, new_cols, drop=FALSE],
metadata(colData(obj))$palette$Heatmap[new_cols] <- new_meta$Heatmap[new_cols]
metadata(colData(obj))$palette$ggplot[new_cols] <- new_meta$ggplot[new_cols]
if ("collapse" %in% names(set)) {
mf <- model.frame(set$collapse, data.frame(colData(obj)))
ind <- match(do.call(paste, c(mf, sep="\r")),
do.call(paste, c(unique(mf), sep="\r")))
obj <- collapseReplicates(obj, groupby=factor(ind), renameCols=FALSE)
ddsList <- imap(ddsList,
function(obj, dname) {
metadata(obj)$dmc <- list(dataset=dname)
##' Calculate dimension reduction
##' Add a vst transformed assay, and a projection of the samples ont PCA space
##' @title Store dimension-reduction results in DESeq2 object
##' @param dds The original DESeq2 object containing all samples
##' @param n
##' @param family
##' @param batch
##' @param spec The analysis specificiation
##' @return
##' @author Gavin Kelly
##' @export
add_dim_reduct <- function(dds, n=Inf, family="norm", batch=~1) {
var_stab <- assay(vst(dds))
if (batch != ~1) {
var_stab <- residuals(limma::lmFit(var_stab, model.matrix(batch, as.data.frame(colData(dds)))), var_stab)
colnames(var_stab) <- colnames(dds)
assay(dds, "vst") <- var_stab
if (family=="norm") {
pc <- prcomp(t(var_stab), scale=FALSE)
percentVar <- round(100 * pc$sdev^2 / sum( pc$sdev^2 ))
colData(dds)$.PCA <- DataFrame(pc$x)
metadata(colData(dds)$.PCA)$percentVar <- setNames(percentVar, colnames(pc$x))
mcols(dds)$PCA <-DataFrame(pc$rotation)
} else {
co <- counts(dds, norm=FALSE)
pc_glm <- glmpca::glmpca(Y=co[rowSums(co)!=0,],
X=if(batch == ~1)
model.matrix(batch, as.data.frame(colData(dds)))
colData(dds)$.PCA <- DataFrame(pc_glm$factors)
metadata(colData(dds)$.PCA)$percentVar <- setNames(rep(0, ncol(co)), colnames(pc$x))
##' Fit the models of expression
##' Iterate through each model (stored in the 'models' metadata of a
##' DESeqDataSet) and expand the contrasts so each contrast gets a
##' separate nested level.
##' @title Fit the DESeq2 models
##' @param dds The original DESeq2 object containing all samples
##' @param ...
##' @return
##' @author Gavin Kelly
##' @export
fit_models <- function(dds, ...) {
model_comp <- lapply(
function(mdl) {
this_dds <- dds
design(this_dds) <- mdl$design
metadata(this_dds)$model <- mdl
this_dds <- check_model(this_dds)
out <- list()
is_lrt <- sapply(mdl$comparisons, is_formula)
if (any(!is_lrt)) {
comps <- mdl$comparisons[!is_lrt]
is_post_hoc <- sapply(comps, class)=="post_hoc"
if (any(is_post_hoc)) {
comps[is_post_hoc] <- lapply(
function(ph) {emcontrasts(dds=this_dds, spec=ph$spec, extra=ph[-1])}
comps[!is_post_hoc] <- lapply(comps[!is_post_hoc], list) # protect existing lists from unlist
comps <- unlist(comps, recursive=FALSE)
if (any(metadata(this_dds)$model$dropped)) {
design(this_dds) <- metadata(this_dds)$model$mat
this_dds <- DESeq2::DESeq(this_dds, test="Wald", ...)
metadata(this_dds)$models <- NULL
metadata(this_dds)$comparisons <- NULL
out <- lapply(comps, function(cntr) {
metadata(this_dds)$comparison <- cntr
if (any(is_lrt)) {
lrt <- lapply(mdl$comparisons[is_lrt],
function(reduced) {DESdemonA:::fitLRT(this_dds, mdl=mdl, reduced=reduced, ...)}
out <- c(out, lrt)
out <- imap(out, function(obj, cname) {metadata(obj)$dmc$comparison <- cname; obj})
model_comp <- model_comp[sapply(model_comp, length)!=0]
model_comp <- imap(model_comp, function(obj, mname) {
lapply(obj, function(y) {metadata(y)$dmc$model <- mname; y})
##' Check model
##' Run formula through an lm to check it
##' @title Check model
##' @param mdl
##' @param coldat
##' @param dds The original DESeq2 object containing all samples
##' @return
##' @author Gavin Kelly
##' @export
check_model <- function(dds) {
mdl <- metadata(dds)$model
mdl$dropped <- FALSE
if (is_formula(mdl$design) ) {
df <- as.data.frame(colData(dds))
df$.x <- counts(dds, norm=TRUE)[1,]
fml <- as.formula(paste0(".x ~ ", as.character(design(dds)[2])))
fit <- lm(fml, data=df)
mdl$lm <- fit
if ("drop_unsupported_combinations" %in% names(mdl) && mdl$drop_unsupported_combinations==TRUE) {
mdl$dropped <- is.na(coef(fit))
} else {
if (any(is.na(coef(fit)))) {
warning("Can't estimate some coefficients in ", mdl$design, ".\n In unbalanced nested designs, use the option 'drop_unsupported_combinations=TRUE,' in the problematic model. Other causes are complete confounding or conditions with no observations.")
if (any(mdl$dropped)) {
mm <- model.matrix(mdl$design, as.data.frame(colData(dds)))[,!mdl$dropped]
colnames(mm) <- DESdemonA:::.resNames(colnames(mm))
mdl$mat <- mm
metadata(dds)$model <- mdl
##' Post-hoc generator
##' Wrap a formula so that emmeans can auto-expand it
##' @title Mark a formula as a multiple comparison
##' @param spec
##' @param ...
##' @param dds The original DESeq2 object containing all samples
##' @return
##' @author Gavin Kelly
##' @export
mult_comp <- function(spec, ...) {
obj <- list(spec=spec,...)
class(obj) <- "post_hoc"
##' Expand post-hoc comparisons
##' Use emmeans to expand keywords
##' @title Expand multiple comparisons into their contrasts
##' @param dds The original DESeq2 object containing all samples
##' @param spec
##' @return
##' @author Gavin Kelly
##' @export
emcontrasts <- function(dds, spec, extra=NULL) {
if ("keep" %in% names(extra)) {
keep <- extra$keep
extra$keep <- NULL
} else {
keep <- NA
mdl <- metadata(dds)$model
emfit <- do.call(emmeans::emmeans, c(list(object=mdl$lm, specs= spec),extra))
contr_frame <- as.data.frame(summary(emfit$contrasts))
ind_est <- !is.na(contr_frame$estimate)
if (!is.na(keep[1])) {
ind_est <- ind_est & contr_frame$contrast %in% keep
contr_frame <- contr_frame[ind_est,1:(which(names(contr_frame)=="estimate")-1), drop=FALSE]
contr_mat <- emfit$contrast@linfct[ind_est, !mdl$dropped, drop=FALSE]
colnames(contr_mat) <- DESdemonA:::.resNames(colnames(contr_mat))
contr <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(contr_frame)), function(i) contr_mat[i,,drop=TRUE])
contr <- lapply(contr, function(vect) {attr(vect, "spec") <- spec; vect})
names(contr) <- do.call(paste, c(contr_frame,sep= "|"))
##' Fit an LRT model
##' Insert the 'comparison' formula into the reduced slot
##' @title Fit LRT
##' @param dds The original DESeq2 object containing all samples
##' @param reduced
##' @param ...
##' @return
##' @author Gavin Kelly
fitLRT <- function(dds, mdl, reduced, ...) {
mdl <- metadata(dds)$model
metadata(dds)$comparison <- reduced
if (any(mdl$dropped)) {
full <- mdl$mat
reduced <- model.matrix(reduced, colData(dds))
## unsupported_ind <- apply(reduced==0, 2, all)
## reduced <- reduced[, !unsupported_ind]
## colnames(reduced) <- DESdemonA:::.resNames(colnames(reduced))
reduced <- reduced[,colnames(reduced) %in% colnames(full)]
metadata(dds)$reduced_mat <- reduced
} else {
full <- mdl$design
design(dds) <- full
dds <- DESeq2::DESeq(dds, test="LRT", full=full, reduced=reduced, ...)
colnames(attr(dds, "modelMatrix")),
colnames(attr(dds, "reducedModelMatrix"))
metadata(dds)$models <- NULL
metadata(dds)$comparisons <- NULL
## apply contrast, and transfer across interesting mcols from the dds
##' Generate results object
##' Insert results columns into mcols
##' @title Generate the results for a model and comparison
##' @param dds The original DESeq2 object containing all samples
##' @param mcols
##' @param filterFun
##' @param lfcThreshold
##' @param ...
##' @return
##' @author Gavin Kelly
##' @export
get_result <- function(dds, mcols=c("symbol", "entrez"), filterFun=IHW::ihw, lfcThreshold=0, alpha=0.1, ...) {
if (is.null(filterFun)) filterFun <- rlang::missing_arg()
comp <- metadata(dds)$comparison
if (length(alpha)>1) {
alpha <- sort(alpha)
alpha1 <- alpha[1]
} else {
alpha1 <- alpha
if (!is_formula(comp)) {
if (is.character(comp) && length(comp)==1) { # it's a name
r <- DESeq2::results(dds, filterFun=filterFun, lfcThreshold=lfcThreshold, name=metadata(dds)$comparison, alpha=alpha1, ...)
} else { # it's a contrast
if (is.list(comp) && "listValues" %in% names(comp)) {
r <- DESeq2::results(dds, filterFun=filterFun, lfcThreshold=lfcThreshold, contrast=metadata(dds)$comparison[names(comp) != "listValues"], listValues=comp$listValues, alpha=alpha1, ...)
} else {
r <- DESeq2::results(dds, filterFun=filterFun, lfcThreshold=lfcThreshold, contrast=metadata(dds)$comparison, alpha=alpha1, ...)
} else { # it's LRT
r <- results(dds, filterFun=filterFun, alpha=alpha1, ...)
sigs <- rep("NS", nrow(r))
sigs[r$padj <= alpha1] <- paste("<=", alpha1)
prev_alpha <- alpha1
for (a in alpha[-1]) {
if (missing(filterFun)) {
res_alpha <- DESeq2:::pvalueAdjustment(r, independentFiltering=TRUE, alpha=a, pAdjustMethod="BH")$padj
else {
res_alpha <- filterFun(r, alpha=a)$padj
ind <- sigs=="NS" & res_alpha <= a
sigs[ind] <- paste0(prev_alpha, "-", a)
prev_alpha <- a
my_mcols <- intersect(mcols, colnames(mcols(dds)))
if (length(my_mcols)>0) {
r[my_mcols] <- mcols(dds)[my_mcols]
r$sig <- sigs
if ("LRTPvalue" %in% names(mcols(dds))) {
r$class <- mcols(dds)$class
r$class[is.na(r$padj) | is.na(r$pvalue) | r$baseMean==0] <- NA
term <- metadata(dds)$LRTterms
# take the biggest fold-change vs baseline, for MA and reporting?
if (all(term %in% names(mcols(dds)))) {
effect_matrix <- cbind(I=rep(0, nrow(dds)),as.matrix(mcols(dds)[,term,drop=FALSE]))
split_effects <- strsplit(term, "_vs_")
# if a main effect is dropped, then all the terms are probably named A vs (intercept)
# we can make the class a bit more interpretable by renaming the case where e.g.
# B vs A is the largest and C vs A the smallest as B v C. So change effect columns to
# enable this.
if (all(sapply(split_effects, length)==2)) {
if (length(unique(sapply(split_effects, "[", 2)))==1) {
colnames(effect_matrix) <- c(split_effects[[1]][2], sapply(split_effects, "[", 1))
maxmin <- cbind(
apply(effect_matrix, 1, which.max),
apply(effect_matrix, 1, which.min))
#imax imin between them locate the max and min. imin is the 'earlier' term, to allow for negative and positive fc's
imax <- apply(maxmin, 1, max)
imin <- apply(maxmin, 1, min)
r$maxLog2FoldChange <- effect_matrix[cbind(1:length(imax), imax)] -
effect_matrix[cbind(1:length(imin), imin)]
maxlfcSE <- sqrt(
(as.matrix(mcols(dds)[,paste0("SE_", c("Intercept", term))])[cbind(1:length(imax), imax)])^2 +
(as.matrix(mcols(dds)[,paste0("SE_", c("Intercept", term))])[cbind(1:length(imin), imin)])^2
fit <- ashr::ash(r$maxLog2FoldChange, maxlfcSE, mixcompdist = "normal",
method = "shrink")
r$shrunkLFC <- fit$result$PosteriorMean
r$shrunkSE <- fit$result$PosteriorSD
r$class <- paste(colnames(effect_matrix)[imax], "V", colnames(effect_matrix)[imin])
} else {
warning("Couldn't work out relevant group ordering in LRT")
r$shrunkLFC <- lfcShrink(dds, res=r, type="ashr", quiet=TRUE)$log2FoldChange
r$class <- ""
} else {
r$shrunkLFC <- lfcShrink(dds, res=r, type="ashr", quiet=TRUE)$log2FoldChange
r$class <- ifelse(r$log2FoldChange >0, "Up", "Down")
ind <- which(r$padj<metadata(r)$alpha)
r$class[ind] <- paste0(r$class[ind], "*")
r$class[is.na(r$padj)] <- "Low Count"
r$class[is.na(r$pvalue)] <- "Outlier"
r$class[r$baseMean==0] <- "Zero Count"
mcols(dds)$results <- r
.resNames <- function(names) {
names[names == "(Intercept)"] <- "Intercept"
##' Tabulate genelists
##' Get genelist sizes - up, down and classed
##' @title Tabulate the size of the differential lists
##' @param dds
##' @return
##' @author Gavin Kelly
##' @export
summarise_results <- function(dds) {
res <- mcols(dds)$results
Significant=factor(ifelse(grepl("\\*$",res$class), "Significant", "not"), levels=c("Significant","not"))
)) %>%
tidyr::spread(Significant, Freq) %>%
dplyr::mutate(Total=not+Significant) %>%
dplyr::select(-not) %>%
tidy_significant_dds <- function(dds, res, tidy_fn=NULL, weights=NULL) {
ind <- grepl("\\*$", res$class)
mat <- assay(dds, "vst")[ind,,drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(weights)) {
if (is.numeric(weights)) {
offset <- mat %*% weights
mat <- mat - as.vector(offset)
tidy_dat <- tidy_per_gene(mat, as.data.frame(colData(dds)), tidy_fn)
tidy_per_gene <- function(mat, pdat, tidy_fn) {
if (is.null(tidy_fn)) {
return(list(mat=mat, pdat=pdat))
if (inherits(tidy_fn, "fseq")) {
pdat_long <- dplyr::group_by(cbind(pdat,
.gene, .add=TRUE)
summ_long <- dplyr::ungroup(tidy_fn(pdat_long), .gene)
tidy_pdat <- summ_long[summ_long$.gene==summ_long$.gene[1],]
tidy_mat <- mat[, tidy_pdat$.sample,drop=FALSE]
tidy_mat[cbind(summ_long$.gene, summ_long$.sample)] <- summ_long$.value
tidy_pdat <- as.data.frame(dplyr::select(tidy_pdat, -.gene, -.value, -.sample))
} else {
facts <- c(tidy_fn$by, tidy_fn$rhs, setdiff(tidy_fn$all, unlist(tidy_fn[c("by", "rhs")])))
ord <- do.call(order, as.list(pdat[,facts, drop=FALSE]))
return(list(mat=mat[,ord, drop=FALSE], pdat=pdat[ord,facts,drop=FALSE]))
list(mat=tidy_mat, pdat=tidy_pdat)
full_model <- function(mdlList) {
rhs <- lapply(mdlList, function(mdl) deparse(mdl$design[[2]]))
fml <- stats::update(as.formula(paste("~", paste(rhs, collapse=" + "))), ~ . )
retrieve_contrast <- function (object, expanded = FALSE, listValues=c(1,-1)) {
comparison <- metadata(object)$comparison
resNames <- resultsNames(object)
resReady <- FALSE
if (is.character(comparison)) {
if (length(comparison)==1) {
contrast <- ifelse(resNames==comparison, 1, 0)
resReady <- TRUE
} else {
contrastFactor <- comparison[1]
contrastNumLevel <- comparison[2]
contrastDenomLevel <- comparison[3]
contrastBaseLevel <- levels(colData(object)[, contrastFactor])[1]
hasIntercept <- attr(terms(design(object)), "intercept") == 1
firstVar <- contrastFactor == all.vars(design(object))[1]
noInterceptPullCoef <- !hasIntercept & !firstVar & (contrastBaseLevel %in%
c(contrastNumLevel, contrastDenomLevel))
if (!expanded & (hasIntercept | noInterceptPullCoef)) {
contrastNumColumn <- make.names(paste0(contrastFactor, "_", contrastNumLevel, "_vs_", contrastBaseLevel))
contrastDenomColumn <- make.names(paste0(contrastFactor, "_", contrastDenomLevel, "_vs_", contrastBaseLevel))
if (contrastDenomLevel == contrastBaseLevel) {
name <- if (!noInterceptPullCoef) {
make.names(paste0(contrastFactor, "_", contrastNumLevel, "_vs_", contrastDenomLevel))
else {
make.names(paste0(contrastFactor, contrastNumLevel))
contrast <- ifelse(resNames==name, 1,0)
resReady <- TRUE
else if (contrastNumLevel == contrastBaseLevel) {
swapName <- if (!noInterceptPullCoef) {
make.names(paste0(contrastFactor, "_", contrastDenomLevel,
"_vs_", contrastNumLevel))
else {
make.names(paste0(contrastFactor, contrastDenomLevel))
contrast <- ifelse(resNames==swapName, -1, 0)
resReady <- TRUE
else {
contrastNumColumn <- make.names(paste0(contrastFactor, contrastNumLevel))
contrastDenomColumn <- make.names(paste0(contrastFactor, contrastDenomLevel))
if (!resReady) {
if (is.numeric(comparison)) {
contrast <- comparison
else if (is.list(comparison)) {
contrastNumeric <- rep(0, length(resNames))
contrastNumeric[resNames %in% comparison[[1]]] <- listValues[1]
contrastNumeric[resNames %in% comparison[[2]]] <- listValues[2]
contrast <- contrastNumeric
else if (is.character(comparison)) {
contrastNumeric <- rep(0, length(resNames))
contrastNumeric[resNames == contrastNumColumn] <- 1
contrastNumeric[resNames == contrastDenomColumn] <- -1
contrast <- contrastNumeric
##' Change a factor's reference level
##' Rather than change the order of the levels, this changes the way
##' the factor is parametrised, so that the levels are in the natural order
##' but the coefficients can reflect experimental design considerations
##' @title Rebase a factor's level
##' @param x A factor to be rebased
##' @param lev The level of the factor that is to be regarded as the 'control' to which all others will be compared
##' @return A factor with a new contrast attribute
##' @author Gavin Kelly
##' @export
rebase <- function(x, lev) {
i <- which(levels(x)==lev)
if (length(i)==0) {
stop(lev, " is not a level of your factor ", deparse(substitute(x)))
contrasts(x) <- contr.treatment(nlevels(x), i)
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