### An internal function to check the inputs.
GSReg.Check.input <- function(V,
if( !missing(V))
if(!is.numeric(V) || !is.matrix(V))
stop("V must be a numeric matrix. Please transform vectors it to column matrices.")
stop("V must contain finite numbers. NAs,NaN's, and Inf are unacceptable")
#if( !missing(RestMat))
# if(ncol(RestMat)!= nrow(V) || nrow(RestMat)!=nrow(V))
# stop("RestMat must be a square matrix with the row nmumbers of V.")
if(sum(!(Temp %in% c(0,1)))>0)
stop("Elements of the template must be either 0 or 1.")
if(length(intersect(rownames(Temp),colnames(Temp))) < nrow(Temp)) #Check if the template
stop("Template must be sqaure with the same rownames and colnames.")
# if(sum(Temp + t(Temp)+ diag(nrow(Temp))
# != matrix(data = 1,nrow = nrow(Temp), ncol = ncol(Temp)))>0)
# stop(" Temp must be an anti-symetric matrix.")
if(length(intersect(rownames(Temp),rownames(V)))<nrow(V) || nrow(V)!=nrow(Temp))
stop("Template and V must have the same rownames.")
if(!is.list(pathways) || sum(!sapply(pathways,is.character)))
stop("pathways must be list of vectors of characters.")
stop("pathways require names. If you do not know the name of the pathway assign numbers as the names.")
if(!is.numeric(exprsdata) || ! is.matrix(exprsdata) || is.null(rownames(exprsdata)) )
stop("exprsdata must be a numeric matrix with gene names as the rownames");
if(!is.factor(phenotypes) || length(levels(phenotypes))!=2)
stop("The phenotype must be factor consisting of only two levels.")
if(!missing(exprsdata) && !missing(phenotypes))
stop("The length of phenotypes and the column number of exprsdata must match.")
if(!is.character(genenames) || ! is.vector(genenames))
stop("genenames must be a vector of character names.")
if(!is.list(prunedpathways) || sum(!sapply(prunedpathways,is.character)))
stop("pathways must be list of vectors of characters.")
if(length(names(prunedpathways)) == 0)
stop("pathways require names. If you do not know the name of the pathway, please assign numbers as the names.")
stop("The pruned pathways must contain at least two genes. Please remove pathways with less than two genes.")
if(!missing(genenames) && !missing(prunedpathways))
stop("The genes in the pathways must be a subset of the genes in the data expression. Use GSReg.Prune. ")
### internal function for calculating the variance
### of only one pathway. Pathwayexp contains
### expression data. samplesC1 and sampleC2 are the
### indices for class 1 and class 2.
GSReg.Variance <- function(pathwayexp, samplesC1, samplesC2,distFunc = GSReg.kendall.tau.distance,
... ){
distAll <- distFunc(pathwayexp,...)
dist1 <- distAll[samplesC1,samplesC1]
n1 <- length(samplesC1)
E1 <- sum(dist1)/(n1*(n1-1))
Dis1P2 <- sum(dist1^2)
E1P2 <- Dis1P2/(n1*(n1-1))
E1DCross <- (sum(apply(dist1,1,sum)^2)-Dis1P2)/(n1*(n1-1)*(n1-2))
VarD1 <- E1P2 - E1^2
CovE1Cross <- E1DCross - E1^2
VarEta1 <- 4*((n1*(n1-1))/2*VarD1 + n1*(n1-1)*(n1-2)*CovE1Cross)/((n1*(n1-2))^2)
dist2 <- distAll[samplesC2,samplesC2]
n2 <- length(samplesC2)
E2 <- sum(dist2)/(n2*(n2-1))
Dis2P2 <- sum(dist2^2)
E2P2 <- Dis2P2/(n2*(n2-1))
E2DCross <- (sum(apply(dist2,1,sum)^2)-Dis2P2)/(n2*(n2-1)*(n2-2))
VarD2 <- E2P2 - E2^2
CovE2Cross <- E2DCross - E2^2
VarEta2 <- 4*((n2*(n2-1))/2*VarD2 + n2*(n2-1)*(n2-2)*CovE2Cross)/((n2*(n2-2))^2)
vartotal <- VarEta2 + VarEta1;
zscore <- (E1-E2)/sqrt(abs(vartotal+0.0000001));
################ To be checked
##### EVA2
dist12 <- distAll[samplesC1,samplesC2]
E12 = sum(dist12)/n1/n2
#ED1D12 = mean(apply(dist1,1,mean)*apply(dist12,1,mean))
ED1D12 = sum(apply(dist12,1,sum)*apply(dist1,1,sum))/n1/(n1-1)/n2
CovE1E12 = ED1D12 - E1*E12
#ED2D12 = mean(apply(dist2,1,mean)*apply(dist12,2,mean))
ED2D12 = sum(apply(dist12,2,sum)*apply(dist2,1,sum))/n2/(n2-1)/n1
CovE2E12 = ED2D12 - E2*E12
#CovD12D12p = mean(apply(dist12,2,mean)^2)- E12^2
CovD12D12p <- (sum(apply(dist12,1,sum)^2)-sum(dist12^2))/n1/n2/(n2-1) - E12^2
#CovD12D1p2 = mean(apply(dist12,1,mean)^2)- E12^2
CovD12D1p2 <- (sum(apply(dist12,2,sum)^2)-sum(dist12^2))/n2/n1/(n1-1) - E12^2
VarD1D2 <- var(c(dist12))
### Test
nAll = n1 + n2
EAll <- sum(distAll)/(nAll*(nAll-1))
DisAllP2 <- sum(distAll^2)
EAllP2 <- DisAllP2/(nAll*(nAll-1))
EAllDCross <- (sum(apply(distAll,1,sum)^2)-DisAllP2)/(nAll*(nAll-1)*(nAll-2))
CovEAllCross <- EAllDCross - EAll^2
## endTest
### D12 - D11
D12D1 = (E12-E1)
lambda = n1/(n1+n2)
### Test
### updated
#vartotD12D1 = (4/lambda * CovE1Cross - 4/lambda * CovE1E12
# + 1/lambda * CovD12D12p + 1 / (1-lambda) * CovD12D1p2)/(n1+n2)
### vartotD12D1 = (1/lambda+1/(1-lambda))*CovEAllCross/nAll
vartotD12D1 = CovD12D12p/n1 + CovD12D1p2/n2 + VarEta1 - 4/n1 *CovE1E12# + VarD1D2/n1/n2
#vartotal <- 4*(1/lambda+1/(1-lambda))*CovEAllCross/nAll;
zscore <- (E1-E2)/sqrt(abs(vartotal+0.0000001));
### endTest
zscoreD12D1 = D12D1/sqrt(abs(vartotD12D1)+0.0000001)
lambda = n2/(n1+n2)
D12D2 = (E12-E2)
### Test
#vartotD12D2 = (4/lambda * CovE2Cross - 4/lambda * CovE2E12
# + 1/lambda * CovD12D1p2 + 1 / (1-lambda) * CovD12D12p)/(n1+n2)
#vartotD12D2 = (1/lambda+1/(1-lambda))*CovEAllCross/nAll
vartotD12D2 = CovD12D12p/n1 + CovD12D1p2/n2 + VarEta2 - 4/n2 *CovE2E12#+ VarD1D2/n1/n2
### endTest
zscoreD12D2 = D12D2/sqrt(abs(vartotD12D2)+0.0000001)
myvartotal = 4*(1/lambda+1/(1-lambda))*CovEAllCross/nAll
pvalueD12D1 = 2*(1-pnorm(abs(zscoreD12D1)))
pvalueD12D2 = 2*(1-pnorm(abs(zscoreD12D2)))
pvalueTotal = apply(cbind(pvalue,pvalueD12D2,pvalueD12D1),
FUN = function(x) min(c(min(x)*3,1)))
return(list(E1=E1,E2=E2,E12 = E12,
zscore=zscore, zscoreD12D1=zscoreD12D1, zscoreD12D2 = zscoreD12D2,
VarEta1=VarEta1,VarEta2=VarEta2, #EVA 1
sdtotal=sqrt(abs(vartotal)),#EVA 1 sd
CovD12D12p = CovD12D12p,
CovD12D1p2 = CovD12D1p2,
CovD1D12 = CovE1E12,
CovD2D12 = CovE2E12,#EVA 2
vartotD12D1 = vartotD12D1, vartotD12D2 = vartotD12D2,
pvalueD12D1 = pvalueD12D1,
pvalueD12D2 = pvalueD12D2,
pvalueTotal = pvalueTotal,
mysdtotal = sqrt(myvartotal)))#, myzscore = (E1-E2)/sqrt(abs(myvartotal+0.0000001)),
# ##################################################
# ##################################################
# ### Calculate the normalized DIRAC
# ### columns of V
# ### Outcome: \frac{\sum_{i,j} max(P(X_i<X_j),P(X_i>X_j))}{\sum_i 1}
# ##################################################
# GSReg.DIRAC.mu<-function(V, alpha = 0.0)
# {
# #Checking if V is a numeric matrix
# GSReg.Check.input(V)
# n <- dim(V)[1]
# m <- dim(V)[2]
# # TODO convert for Rcpp
# d <-.C("Nij",
# as.double(V),
# as.integer(dim(V)[1]),
# as.integer(dim(V)[2]),
# as.double(matrix(data= 0 ,ncol=n,nrow=n)))
# pij = d[[4]]/m #pij = p(V_i<V_j)
# dim(pij)<-c(n,n)
# return(sum(pmin(pij,t(pij)))/(n*(n-1)))
# }
# ####################################
# ####################################
# ##### Implements DIRAC analysis for
# ##### one pathway.
# ####################################
# ####################################
# GSReg.DIRAC.Pathways<-function(geneexpres,pathways,phenotypes){
# samplesC1 <- which(phenotypes==levels(phenotypes)[1])
# samplesC2 <- which(phenotypes==levels(phenotypes)[2])
# mu1 <- sapply(pathways,function(x) GSReg.DIRAC.mu(geneexpres[x,samplesC1]))
# mu2 <- sapply(pathways,function(x) GSReg.DIRAC.mu(geneexpres[x,samplesC2]))
# names(mu1) <- names(pathways)
# names(mu2) <- names(pathways)
# return(list(mu1=mu1,mu2=mu2,diffmu=mu1-mu2))
# }
### Calculate the normalized DIRAC
### columns of V
### Outcome: \frac{\sum_{i,j} max(P(X_i<X_j),P(X_i>X_j))}{\sum_i 1}
GSReg.DIRAC.mu<-function(V, alpha = 0.0)
#Checking if V is a numeric matrix
n <- dim(V)[1]
m <- dim(V)[2]
d <- Nij(V)
pij <- d/m
dim(pij) <- c(n,n)
rownames(pij) <- rownames(V)
colnames(pij) <- rownames(V)
mu <- (pij> 0.5 + alpha/m) #Template
mu <- mu - diag(diag(mu))
distances <- GSReg.kendall.tau.distance.template(V = V, mu)
meandists <- mean(distances)
vardists <- var(distances)
return(list( mu = mu, mean = meandists, var = vardists))
##### Implements DIRAC analysis for
##### one pathway.
GSReg.DIRAC.Pathways<-function(geneexpres,pathways,phenotypes,alpha = 0.0){
samplesC1 <- which(phenotypes==levels(phenotypes)[1])
samplesC2 <- which(phenotypes==levels(phenotypes)[2])
n1 <- length(samplesC1)
n2 <- length(samplesC2)
inf1 <- lapply(pathways,function(x) GSReg.DIRAC.mu(geneexpres[x,samplesC1],alpha=alpha/n1))
inf2 <- lapply(pathways,function(x) GSReg.DIRAC.mu(geneexpres[x,samplesC2],alpha=alpha/n2))
names(inf1) <- names(pathways)
names(inf2) <- names(pathways)
temp1 <- sapply(X = inf1,FUN = function(x) x$mu)
temp2 <- sapply(X = inf2,FUN = function(x) x$mu)
mu1 <- sapply(X = inf1,FUN = function(x) x$mean)
mu2 <- sapply(X = inf2,FUN = function(x) x$mean)
var1 <- sapply(X = inf1,FUN = function(x) x$var)
var2 <- sapply(X = inf2,FUN = function(x) x$var)
zscores <- (mu1-mu2)/sqrt(var1/n1+var2/n2+1e-7/n1/n2)
pvalues <- 2*(1-pnorm(abs(zscores)))
return(list(mu1=mu1,mu2=mu2,diffmu=mu1-mu2, zscores = zscores, pvalues=pvalues ))
## GSReg.Prune function prunes the pathway list
## based on the genenames
GSReg.Prune <- function(pathways,genenames, minGeneNum=5)
prunedpathways <- lapply( pathways,function(x) intersect(x,genenames))
emptypathways <- which(sapply(prunedpathways,length)<minGeneNum)
message(paste("After pruning the pathways, there exist pathways with zero or one gene!\n Small pathways were deleted. Deleted pathways:","\n",paste(names(emptypathways),collapse='\n')))
}else{ return(prunedpathways)}
### Calculate the normalized kendall-tau-distance between
### columns of V
### Outcome: Z(i,j) = #(I(I(V_l^i<V_k^i)!=I(V_l^j<V_k^j)))/(n(n-1)/2)
GSReg.kendall.tau.distance.internal <- function(V){
#Checking if V is a numeric matrix
n <- dim(V)[1]
m <- dim(V)[2]
dist <- kendalltaudist(V)
dim(dist) <- c(m,m)
rownames(dist) <- colnames(V)
colnames(dist) <- colnames(V)
### Calculate the normalized kendall-tau-distance between
### Restricted with RestMat
### columns of V
### Outcome: Z(i,j) = #((I(I(V_l^i<V_k^i)!=I(V_l^j<V_k^j)))
## | Rest(i,j)==1)/(#Rest(i,j)=1)
GSReg.kendall.tau.distance.Restricted.internal <- function(V, RestMat){
#Checking if V is a numeric matrix
inter = intersect(rownames(V),rownames(RestMat))
if( length(inter)< 2)
stop("No common restrictions.")
V = V[inter,]
RestMat = RestMat[inter,inter]
n <- dim(V)[1]
m <- dim(V)[2]
dist <- kendalltaudistRestricted(V, RestMat)
dim(dist) <- c(m,m)
rownames(dist) <- colnames(V)
colnames(dist) <- colnames(V)
### Calculate the normalized kendall-tau-distance between
### columns of V
### Outcome: Z(i,j) = #(I(I(V_l^i<V_k^i)!=I(V_l^j<V_k^j)))/(n(n-1)/2)
GSReg.kendall.tau.distance.Restricted.Sparse.internal <- function(V, RestMat){
#Checking if V is a numeric matrix
inter = intersect(rownames(V),rownames(RestMat))
if( length(inter)< 2)
stop("No common restrictions.")
V = V[inter,]
RestMat <- as(RestMat[inter,inter],"matrix")
n <- dim(V)[1]
m <- dim(V)[2]
dist <- kendalltaudistRestricted(V, RestMat)
dim(dist) <- c(m,m)
rownames(dist) <- colnames(V)
colnames(dist) <- colnames(V)
### Calculate the normalized kendall-tau-distance between
### columns of V
### Outcome: Z(i,j) = #(I(I(V_l^i<V_k^i)!=I(V_l^j<V_k^j)))/(n(n-1)/2)
GSReg.kendall.tau.distance.template.internal <- function(V, Temp){
#Checking if V is a numeric matrix
#GSReg.Check.input(V, Temp = Temp)
n <- dim(V)[1]
m <- dim(V)[2]
matchedTemp <- Temp[rownames(V),rownames(V)]
mydist <- kendalltaudistFromTemp(V, matchedTemp)
names(mydist) <- colnames(V)
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