test_that("CCA", {
# .remove_special_functions_from_terms
'argument "terms" is missing, with no default')
c(abc = "abc"))
c("Condition(abc)" = "abc"))
c(abc = "abc", def = "def"))
c("Condition(abc)" = "abc", def = "def"))
skip_if_not(requireNamespace("vegan", quietly = TRUE))
data(dune, dune.env, package = "vegan")
sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(counts = t(dune)),
colData = DataFrame(dune.env))
# .get_variables_based_on_formula
test <- mia:::.get_formula_and_covariates(sce, formula = NULL, NULL)[[2]]
expect_true(nrow(test) == ncol(sce))
expect_s4_class(test, "DFrame")
form <- dune ~ Condition(Management) + Manure + A1
expect_error(mia:::.get_variables_based_on_formula(formula = form),
'argument "x" is missing, with no default')
actual <- mia:::.get_variables_based_on_formula(sce, form)
expect_s4_class(actual, "DataFrame")
expect_named(actual, c("Management", "Manure", "A1"))
mcca <- vegan::cca(form, dune.env)
sce <- addCCA(sce, formula = form)
actual <- reducedDim(sce,"CCA")
ref <- mcca$CCA$wa
actual <- actual[, seq_len(ncol(ref)), drop = FALSE]
expect_equal(actual, ref)
mcca <- vegan::cca(form, dune.env, scale = TRUE)
mrda <- vegan::rda(form, dune.env, scale = FALSE)
sce <- addCCA(sce, formula = form)
actual <- reducedDim(sce,"CCA")
ref <- mcca$CCA$u
actual <- attr(actual, "constraints")[, seq_len(ncol(ref)), drop = FALSE]
expect_equal(actual, ref)
# Check that test.signif works
expect_error( addCCA(sce, test.signif = 1) )
expect_error( addCCA(sce, test.signif = "TRUE") )
expect_error( addCCA(sce, test.signif = NULL) )
expect_error( addCCA(sce, test.signif = c(TRUE, TRUE)) )
mat <- getRDA(sce, test.signif = FALSE)
# Check that significance calculations are correct
sce <- addCCA(sce, variables = "Manure", full = TRUE)
actual <- reducedDim(sce,"CCA")
res <- attributes(actual)$significance
# Create a function that calculates significances
calc_signif <- function(obj, assay, betadisp_group){
permanova <- vegan::anova.cca(obj, permutations = 999)
permanova2 <- vegan::anova.cca(obj, permutations = 999, by = "margin")
dist <- vegan::vegdist(t(assay), method = "euclidean")
betadisp <- vegan::betadisper(dist, group = betadisp_group)
betadisp_permanova <- vegan::permutest(betadisp, permutations = 999)
betadisp_anova <- anova(betadisp)
betadisp_tukeyhsd <- TukeyHSD(betadisp)
res <- list(
permanova = permanova,
permanova_variables = permanova2,
betadisper = betadisp,
betadisper_permanova = betadisp_permanova,
betadisper_anova = betadisp_anova,
betadisper_tukeyhsd = betadisp_tukeyhsd
test <- calc_signif(attributes(actual)$obj, assay(sce), colData(sce)[["Manure"]])
# Permanova
expect_equal(res$permanova$model, test$permanova)
expect_equal(res$permanova$variables, test$permanova_variables)
# Betadisper (homogeneity of groups)
expect_equal(res$homogeneity$variables$Manure$betadisper$vectors, test$betadisper$vectors)
# Significance of betadisper with different permanova, anova and tukeyhsd
expect_equal(res$homogeneity$variables$Manure$permanova, test$betadisper_permanova)
sce <- addCCA(sce, formula = form, full = TRUE, homogeneity.test = "anova")
actual <- reducedDim(sce,"CCA")
res <- attributes(actual)$significance
expect_equal(res$homogeneity$variables$Manure$anova, test$betadisper_anova)
sce <- addCCA(sce, formula = form, full = TRUE, homogeneity.test = "tukeyhsd")
actual <- reducedDim(sce,"CCA")
res <- attributes(actual)$significance
expect_equal(res$homogeneity$variables$Manure$tukeyhsd, test$betadisper_tukeyhsd)
sce <- addRDA(sce, formula = form)
actual <- reducedDim(sce,"RDA")
ref <- mrda$CCA$u |> as.vector()
actual <- attr(actual, "obj")$CCA$u |> as.vector()
expect_equal(abs(actual), abs(ref))
sce <- addRDA(sce, formula = form, distance = "bray", name = "rda_bray")
actual <- reducedDim(sce,"rda_bray")
rda_bray <- vegan::dbrda(form, dune.env, distance = "bray")
ref <- vegan::scores(rda_bray, display = "sites")
actual <- actual[, seq_len(ncol(ref)), drop = FALSE]
expect_equal(as.vector(actual), as.vector(ref))
sce <- addRDA(sce)
test <- reducedDim(sce,"RDA")
# Test that eigenvalues match
test <- attr(test, "obj")$CA$eig
res <- vegan::rda(t(assay(sce)))$CA$eig
expect_equal(unname(test), unname(res))
data(GlobalPatterns, package="mia")
GlobalPatterns <- addAlpha(GlobalPatterns, index = "shannon")
expect_error(getRDA(GlobalPatterns, variables = c("Primer", "test")))
res1 <- getRDA(GlobalPatterns, variables = c("shannon", "SampleType"))
res1 <- attr(res1, "obj")$CCA
res2 <- getRDA(GlobalPatterns, formula = data ~ shannon + SampleType)
res2 <- attr(res2, "obj")$CCA
expect_equal(res1, res2)
# Test that data is subsetted correctly
data("enterotype", package = "mia")
variable_names <- c("ClinicalStatus", "Gender", "Age")
res <- addRDA(enterotype, variables = variable_names, na.action = na.exclude)
expect_equal(colnames(res), colnames(enterotype))
# Expect warning since samples are removed because na.omit was used.
res <- addRDA(
enterotype, variables = variable_names, na.action = na.omit)
enterotype <- enterotype[, complete.cases(colData(enterotype)[, variable_names])]
expect_equal(colnames(res), colnames(enterotype))
# Test that variables with spaces work
tse <- enterotype
tse[["Clinical status"]] <- tse[["ClinicalStatus"]]
res1 <- getCCA(
tse, formula = data ~ ClinicalStatus, na.action = na.exclude)
res2 <- getCCA(
tse, col.var = "Clinical status", na.action = na.exclude)
expect_equal(res1, res2, check.attributes = FALSE)
res1 <- getRDA(
tse, formula = data ~ ClinicalStatus, na.action = na.exclude)
res2 <- getRDA(
tse, col.var = "Clinical status", na.action = na.exclude)
expect_equal(res1, res2, check.attributes = FALSE)
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