#' @include Modstrings.R
# normalize the modification type using the nomenclature type
.norm_seqtype_modtype <- function(mod,
modNames <- switch(nc_type,
"short" = modsshortnames(seqtype),
"nc" = modsnomenclature(seqtype))
modValues <- modNames[match(mod,names(modNames))]
modValues <- modValues[!is.na(modValues)]
if(length(modValues) != length(mod)){
stop("No modification for the identifiers '",
paste(mod[!(mod %in% names(modNames))],
collapse = "','"),
"' for a '",class,"' found.",
call. = FALSE)
.check_stop.on.error <- function(stop.on.error)
if (!.is_a_bool(stop.on.error)){
stop("'stop.on.error' must be TRUE or FALSE",
call. = FALSE)
#' @rdname modifyNucleotides
#' @title Modifying nucleotides in a nucleotide sequence (or set of sequences)
#' at specified locations
#' @description
#' \code{\link{modifyNucleotides}} modifies a nucleotide in a sequence (or set
#' of sequences) based on the type of modification provided. It checks for the
#' identity of the base nucleotide to be
#' @param x a \code{\link{ModString}} or \code{\link{ModStringSet}} object
#' @param at the location where the modification should be made.
#' The same input as in the original \code{\link[Biostrings]{replaceLetterAt}}
#' are expected:
#' If x is a \code{\link{ModString}} object, then at is typically an integer
#' vector with no NAs but a logical vector or Rle object is valid too. Locations
#' can be repeated and in this case the last replacement to occur at a given
#' location prevails.
#' If x is a rectangular \code{\link{ModStringSet}} object, then \code{at} must
#' be a matrix of logicals with the same dimensions as x. If the
#' \code{\link{ModStringSet}} is not rectangular, \code{at} must be a list of
#' logical vectors.
#' @param mod The modification short name or nomenclature
#' If \code{x} is a \code{\link{ModString}} object, then letter must be a
#' \code{\link{ModString}} object or a character vector (with no \code{NA}) with
#' a total number of letters \code{(sum(nchar(letter)))} equal to the number of
#' locations specified in at.
#' If \code{x} is a rectangular \code{\link{ModStringSet}} object, then letter
#' must be a \code{\link{ModStringSet}} object, a list of character vectors or a
#' \code{\link[IRanges:AtomicList-class]{CharacterList}} of the same length as
#' x. In addition, the number of letters in each element of letter must match
#' the number of locations specified in the corresponding row of at
#' \code{(all(width(letter) == rowSums(at)))}.
#' @param nc.type the type of nomenclature to be used. Either "short" or "nc".
#' "Short" for m3C would be "m3C", "nc" for m3C would be "3C". (
#' \code{default = "short"})
#' @param stop.on.error For \code{combineIntoModstrings}: \code{TRUE}(default)
#' or \code{FALSE}: Should an error be raised upon encounter of incompatible
#' positions?
#' @param verbose See \code{\link[Biostrings]{replaceLetterAt}}.
#' @return the input \code{\link{ModString}} or \code{\link{ModStringSet}}
#' object with the changes applied
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # modify nucleotides in a ModDNAString
#' seq <- ModDNAString("AGTC")
#' seq
#' mseq1 <- modifyNucleotides(seq,c(1,2,4),c("1mA","7mG","3mC"))
#' mseq1
#' # This fails since m7G requires a G at the selected position in the sequence
#' \dontrun{
#' mseq <- modifyNucleotides(seq,c(3),c("7mG"))
#' }
#' # modify nucleotides in a ModRNAString
#' seq <- ModRNAString("AGUC")
#' seq
#' mseq1 <- modifyNucleotides(seq,c(1,2,4),c("m1A","m7G","m3C"))
#' mseq1
#' # This fails since m7G requires a G at the selected position in the sequence
#' \dontrun{
#' mseq <- modifyNucleotides(seq,c(3),c("m7G"))
#' }
signature = "ModString",
definition = function(x, at, mod, nc.type = c("short","nc"),
stop.on.error = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
nc.type <- match.arg(nc.type)
at <- .norm_replace_pos_ModString(x,at)
stop("'mod' must all be non empty characters.", call. = FALSE)
if(length(at) != length(mod)){
stop("lengths of 'at' and 'mod' need to be equal.",
call. = FALSE)
# check if originating base matches the modification
modValues <- .norm_seqtype_modtype(mod, seqtype(x), nc.type, class(x))
codec <- modscodec(seqtype(x))
f <- values(codec)[match(modValues, values(codec))]
current_letter <- lapply(at,
current_letter <- vapply(current_letter,as.character,character(1))
class <- paste0(class(x),"Set")
current_letter <- as(do.call(class, list(current_letter)),
current_letter <- as.character(current_letter)
if(any(originatingBase(codec)[f] != current_letter)){
mismatch <- originatingBase(codec)[f] != current_letter
n <- min(5L, sum(mismatch))
msg <- paste0("Modification type does not match the originating base:",
" for ",
collapse = ""))
if(sum(mismatch) > 5L){
msg <- paste0(msg,"\nand more ...")
stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
} else {
warning(paste0(msg,"\nSkipping these position(s) ..."), call. = FALSE)
} else {
mismatch <- rep(FALSE,length(f))
letter <- letters(codec)[f]
letter <- vapply(letter,
for(i in seq_along(at[!mismatch])){
x <- .call_XString_replace_letter_at(x, at[!mismatch][i],
letter[!mismatch][[i]], verbose)
#' @rdname modifyNucleotides
#' @export
signature = "ModStringSet",
definition = function(x, at, mod, nc.type = c("short","nc"),
stop.on.error = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
nc.type <- match.arg(nc.type)
if (length(x) == 0L){
stop("'x' has no element")
if (is(mod, "ModStringSet")) {
tmp <- separate(mod, nc.type = nc.type)
mod <- split(unname(mcols(tmp)$mod), seqnames(tmp))
if (!is.list(mod) && !is(mod,"CharacterList")){
stop("'mod' must be a ModStringSet object, a list of character vectors ",
"or a CharacterList of the same length as 'x'",
call. = FALSE)
# a preamptive check - return value is not used
.norm_seqtype_modtype(unlist(mod), seqtype(x), nc.type, class(x))
unlisted_x <- unlist(x, use.names = FALSE)
at <- unlist(IRanges::LogicalList(at)) # apparently a bit more efficient
} else {
at <- as.vector(t(at))
unlisted_ans <- modifyNucleotides(unlisted_x,
nc.type = nc.type,
stop.on.error = stop.on.error,
verbose = verbose)
relist(unlisted_ans, x)
#' @rdname modifyNucleotides
#' @export
signature = "DNAString",
definition = function(x, at, mod, nc.type = c("short","nc"),
stop.on.error = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
modifyNucleotides(as(x,"ModDNAString"), at, mod, nc.type = nc.type,
stop.on.error = stop.on.error, verbose = verbose)
#' @rdname modifyNucleotides
#' @export
signature = "RNAString",
definition = function(x, at, mod, nc.type = c("short","nc"),
stop.on.error = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
modifyNucleotides(as(x,"ModRNAString"), at, mod, nc.type = nc.type,
stop.on.error = stop.on.error, verbose = verbose)
#' @rdname modifyNucleotides
#' @export
signature = "DNAStringSet",
definition = function(x, at, mod, nc.type = c("short","nc"),
stop.on.error = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
modifyNucleotides(as(x,"ModDNAStringSet"), at, mod, nc.type = nc.type,
stop.on.error = stop.on.error, verbose = verbose)
#' @rdname modifyNucleotides
#' @export
signature = "RNAStringSet",
definition = function(x, at, mod, nc.type = c("short","nc"),
stop.on.error = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
modifyNucleotides(as(x,"ModRNAStringSet"), at, mod, nc.type = nc.type,
stop.on.error = stop.on.error, verbose = verbose)
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