#' @include EpiTxDb-class.R
#' @name modifications
#' @aliases modifications modificationsBy
#' @title Getting modification data from a \code{EpiTxDb-object}
#' @description \code{modifications} and \code{modificationsBy} are functions to
#' extract modification annotation from a \code{\link[=EpiTxDb-class]{EpiTxDb}}
#' object.
#' \code{modifiedSeqsByTranscript} returns a
#' \code{\link[Modstrings:ModStringSet]{ModRNAStringSet}} from a \code{EpiTxDb}
#' object and compatible \code{RNAStringSet} object. This used the
#' \code{\link[Modstrings:separate]{combineIntoModstrings()}} function from the
#' \code{Modstrings} package.
#' @param x a \code{\link[=EpiTxDb-class]{EpiTxDb}}
#' @param columns Columns to include in the result. If the vector is named,
#' those names are used for the corresponding column in the element metadata
#' of the returned object. (default: \code{columns =
#' c("mod_id","mod_type","mod_name")})
#' @param by By which information type should the result be split into? A
#' \code{character} value from one of the following values:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{seqnames}
#' \item{mod_type}
#' \item{reaction}
#' \item{specifier}
#' \item{specifier_type}
#' }
#' @param filter Either NULL or a named list of vectors to be used to restrict
#' the output. Valid names for this list are: "mod_id", "mod_type",
#' "mod_name", "sn_id", "sn_name", "rx_genename", "rx_ensembl",
#' "rx_ensembltrans", "rx_entrezid", "spec_genename", "spec_type",
#' "spec_ensembl", "spec_ensembltrans", "spec_entrezid" , "ref_type" and
#' "ref". (default: \code{filter = NULL})
#' @param use.names \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, the
#' modification names are set as the names of the returned object. (default:
#' \code{use.names = FALSE})
#' @param sequences A \code{RNAStringSet}, which can be used as input for
#' \code{\link[Modstrings:separate]{combineIntoModstrings()}}. See
#' \code{\link[Modstrings:separate]{?combineIntoModstrings}} for additional
#' details.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return a \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}} object for
#' \code{modifications} and a
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRangesList-class]{GRangesList}} for
#' \code{modificationsBy}.
#' @examples
#' etdb_file <- system.file("extdata", "EpiTxDb.Hs.hg38.snoRNAdb.sqlite",
#' package="EpiTxDb")
#' etdb <- loadDb(etdb_file)
#' etdb
# helper functions for extracting feature data ---------------------------------
.extract_modifications <- function(epitxdb, table, mcolumns = character(0),
filter = list(), core_columns){
schema_version <- EpiTxDb_schema_version(epitxdb)
names(mcolumns) <- EPITXDB_column2table(mcolumns, from_table = table,
schema_version = schema_version)
proxy_column <- orderby <- c(modification = "_mod_id")
## 1st SELECT: extract stuff from the proxy table.
columns1 <- union(core_columns, mcolumns[names(mcolumns) == table])
df1 <- EpiTxDb_SELECT_from_LEFT_JOIN(epitxdb, table, columns1,
filter = filter, orderby = orderby)
## Additional SELECTs: 1 additional SELECT per satellite table
foreign_columns <- mcolumns[names(mcolumns) != table]
foreign_columns <- split(foreign_columns, names(foreign_columns))
satellite_tables <- names(foreign_columns)
names(satellite_tables) <- satellite_tables
df_list <- lapply(satellite_tables, function(satellite_table) {
columns2 <- foreign_columns[[satellite_table]]
if (length(filter) == 0L) {
filter2 <- list()
} else {
filter2 <- list(df1[[proxy_column]])
names(filter2) <- proxy_column
if (satellite_table %in% c("seqnames","reaction","specifier",
"reference")) {
columns2 <- c(proxy_column, columns2)
EpiTxDb_SELECT_from_LEFT_JOIN(epitxdb, satellite_table, columns2,
filter = filter2, orderby = orderby)
} else {
stop(satellite_table, ": unsupported satellite table")
df1 <- list(df1)
names(df1) <- table
ans <- c(df1, df_list)
# .extract_features_as_GRanges() -----------------------------------------------
.make_DataFrame_from_df_list <- GenomicFeatures:::.make_DataFrame_from_df_list
.assignMetadataList <- GenomicFeatures:::.assignMetadataList
.as_db_columns <- function(columns)
sub("^(mod_id|sn_id|rx_id|spec_id|ref_id)$", "_\\1", columns)
.extract_modifications_as_GRanges <- function(epitxdb, mcolumns = character(0),
filter = list(),
use.names = FALSE)
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.names)) {
stop("'use.names' must be TRUE or FALSE")
table <- c("modification")
# save the selected metadata columns for subsetting later on
mcolumns0 <- mcolumns
# add the seqnames columns, since the always need to be extracted
mcolumns <- unique(c(mcolumns,"sn_id","sn_name"))
db_mcolumns <- db_mcolumns0 <- .as_db_columns(mcolumns)
core_columns <- EPITXDB_table_columns(table)
names(filter) <- .as_db_columns(names(filter))
df_list <- .extract_modifications(epitxdb, table, db_mcolumns, filter,
DF <- .make_DataFrame_from_df_list(df_list)
DF$seqnames <- .get_seqnames(DF)
ans <- GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(
seqinfo = .get_EpiTxDb_seqinfo(epitxdb),
seqnames.field = "seqnames",
start.field = "mod_start",
end.field = "mod_end",
strand.field = "mod_strand")
if (use.names) {
ans_names <- DF[ ,"mod_name"]
names(ans) <- ans_names
mcols(ans) <- DF[db_mcolumns0]
colnames(mcols(ans)) <- mcolumns
# subset to the selected columns
mcols(ans) <- mcols(ans)[,colnames(mcols(ans)) %in% mcolumns0,drop = FALSE]
# translate external to internal column names
translateCols <- function(columns, epitxdb){
## preserve any names
oriColNames <- names(columns)
## and save the original column strings
oriCols <- columns
oriLen <- length(columns) ## not always the same as length(oriCols)
## get the available abbreviations as a translation vector (exp)
names <- .makeColAbbreviations(epitxdb)
exp <- sub("^_","", names(names))
names(exp) <- names
## Then replace only those IDs that match the UC names
m <- match(oriCols, names(exp))
idx = which(!is.na(m))
columns[idx] <- exp[m[idx]]
if(length(columns) == oriLen && is.null(oriColNames)) {
names(columns) <- oriCols
} else if(length(columns) == oriLen && !is.null(oriColNames)) {
names(columns) <- oriColNames
} else if(length(columns) != oriLen) {
stop("names were lost in translateCols() helper")
.extractFromEpiTxDb <- function(epitxdb, mcolumns = NULL,
filter = NULL, use.names = FALSE){
user_mcolumns <- mcolumns
mcolumns <- translateCols(mcolumns, epitxdb)
if (is.null(filter))
filter <- list()
names(filter) <- translateCols(names(filter), epitxdb)
ans <- .extract_modifications_as_GRanges(epitxdb, mcolumns, filter,
names(mcols(ans)) <- if (is.null(names(user_mcolumns))) user_mcolumns
else names(user_mcolumns)
.assignMetadataList(ans, epitxdb)
#' @rdname modifications
#' @export
setMethod("modifications", "EpiTxDb",
function(x, columns = c("mod_id","mod_type","mod_name"),
filter = NULL, use.names = FALSE){
.extractFromEpiTxDb(x, mcolumns = columns, filter = filter,
use.names = use.names)
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