#' @include EpiTxDb-class.R
#' @include makeEpiTxDb.R
#' @name makeEpiTxDbFromtRNAdb
#' @title Create a \code{EpiTxDb} object from tRNAdb resources
#' @description
#' \code{makeEpiTxDbFromtRNAdb} will make use of the tRNAdb online
#' resources and extract the modification information from the RNA database.
#' If a named \code{\link[Biostrings:XStringSet-class]{DNAStringSet}} is
#' provided as \code{sequences}, the result from the tRNAdb will be matched
#' against the sequences. Valid matches will be used as transcript identifiers
#' and returned after a check of modification compatibility with the provided
#' sequence. By this process multiple copies of transcripts can be associated
#' with a single modification.
#' \code{makeEpiTxDbFromtRNAdb} uses the functions provided by the
#' \code{\link[tRNAdbImport:tRNAdbImport]{tRNAdbImport}} package.
#' \code{\link[tRNAdbImport:import.tRNAdb]{import.tRNAdb}} will be used with
#' \code{database = "RNA"} and the three different values for \code{origin}.
#' @param organism A \code{character} value for an organism available on the
#' tRNAdb website.
#' @param sequences A named \code{DNAStringSet} or \code{RNAStringSet}, which
#' will be used to associate a tRNAdb result with a specific transcript.
#' @param dbURL The URL to the tRNA db website.
#' @param metadata See \code{\link[=makeEpiTxDb]{makeEpiTxDb}}
#' @references
#' Juehling F, Moerl M, Hartmann RK, Sprinzl M, Stadler PF, Puetz J. 2009.
#' "tRNAdb 2009: compilation of tRNA sequences and tRNA genes." Nucleic Acids
#' Research, Volume 37 (suppl_1): D159–162. doi:10.1093/nar/gkn772.
#' @return a \code{EpiTxDb} object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # getting just the annotation data
#' etdb <- makeEpiTxDbFromtRNAdb("Saccharomyces cerevisiae")
#' # For associating the result with transcripts, provide and additional
#' # named DNAStringSet object. Matching will be done against each sequence
#' # allowing 5 mismatches and indels. The final result will be checked for
#' # validity regarding the identity of the modifications
#' etdb <- makeEpiTxDbFromtRNAdb("Saccharomyces cerevisiae",
#' some_transcript_sequences)
#' }
# makeEpiTxDbFromtRNAdb --------------------------------------------------------
.add_reference_information_tRNAdb <- function(mod, gr){
# collect references
f_ref <- mcols(gr)$tRNAdb_reference != ""
f_pmid <- mcols(gr)$tRNAdb_pmid != ""
ref_type <- list(IRanges::CharacterList(as.list(rep("tRNAdb_ID",
ref_type[[2]][!f_ref] <- ""
ref_type[[3]][!f_pmid] <- ""
ref_type <- do.call(pc,ref_type)
ref_type <- ref_type[ref_type != ""]
references <- list(mcols(gr)$tRNAdb_ID,
references[[2]][!f_ref] <- ""
references[[3]][!f_pmid] <- ""
references <- do.call(pc,references)
references <- references[references != ""]
m <- as.integer(S4Vectors::match(seqnames(mod), seqnames(gr)))
mcols(mod)$ref_type <- ref_type[m]
mcols(mod)$ref <- references[m]
#' @importFrom Biostrings subseq vwhichPDict
.map_modifications_to_sequences <- function(mod, gr, sequences){
seq <- as(gr$tRNA_seq,"RNAStringSet")
width <- nchar(seq)
width[gr$tRNA_CCA.end] <- width[gr$tRNA_CCA.end] - 3L
seq <- Biostrings::subseq(seq, 1L, width)
# remove sequences which are definitly to long
max_length <- max(lengths(seq))
min_length <- min(lengths(seq))
sequences[lengths(sequences) > (max_length + 50)] <-
list(paste0(rep("A",(max_length + 50)),collapse = "")))
sequences[lengths(sequences) < min_length] <-
list(paste0(rep("A",(max_length + 50)),collapse = "")))
hits <- Biostrings::vwhichPDict(sequences, seq,
with.indels = TRUE, max.mismatch = 5L)
hits <- Hits(unlist(hits),as.integer(unlist(Map(rep.int,seq_along(hits),lengths(hits)))),
length(sequences), length(seq))
hits_mod <- findMatches(seqnames(mod),names(seq))
# transfer names of sequences to seqnames for modifications and expand the
# result with multiple matches
sn_name <- names(sequences)[queryHits(hits)]
sn_name <- IRanges::CharacterList(split(sn_name,subjectHits(hits)))
sn_name <- vapply(sn_name,paste,character(1),collapse=",")
hits_mod <- hits_mod[subjectHits(hits_mod) %in% unique(subjectHits(hits))]
mcols(mod)[queryHits(hits_mod),"sn_name"] <- sn_name[as.character(subjectHits(hits_mod))]
sn_name <- IRanges::CharacterList(strsplit(as.character(mcols(mod)$sn_name),","))
# expand results
mod <- mod[unlist(Map(rep,seq_along(sn_name),lengths(sn_name)))]
# assemble new result
mcols <- mcols(mod)[,colnames(mcols(mod)) != "sn_name"]
mod <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(seqnames = unlist(sn_name),
ranges = IRanges::ranges(mod),
strand = strand(mod),
mcols(mod)$mod_id <- seq_along(mod)
.add_tRNAdb_metadata_columns <- function(gr){
# assemble metadata columns
mcols <- mcols(gr)
colnames(mcols) <- gsub("^mod$","mod_type",colnames(mcols))
mcols$mod_name <- paste0(mcols$mod_type,"_",start(gr),"_",seqnames(gr))
mcols$mod_id <- seq_len(nrow(mcols))
mcols(gr) <- mcols
#' @rdname makeEpiTxDbFromtRNAdb
#' @importFrom tRNAdbImport import.tRNAdb
#' @export
gettRNAdbDataAsGRanges <- function(organism, sequences = NULL,
dbURL = tRNAdbImport::TRNA_DB_URL){
if(!is.character(organism) || length(organism) > 1L ||
!(organism %in% listAvailableOrganismsFromtRNAdb())){
stop("'organism' must be a single character value and match an entry ",
"from listAvailableOrganismsFromtRNAdb()")
# get tRNAdb information
message("Loading data from tRNAdb ...")
gr <- lapply(c("allothers","plastid","mitochondrial"),
try(tRNAdbImport::import.tRNAdb(organism = organism,
database = "RNA",
origin = origin,
dbURL = dbURL),
silent = TRUE)
gr <- gr[!vapply(gr,is,logical(1),"try-error")]
if(length(gr) == 0L){
stop("No results returned from tRNAdb. Check the output of ",
"tRNAdbImport::import.tRNAdb with database set to 'RNA' from ",
"all available origins.",
call. = FALSE)
gr <- suppressWarnings(do.call(c,gr))
message("Assembling data ...")
mod <- separate(gr$tRNA_seq)
mod <- .add_reference_information_tRNAdb(mod, gr)
message("Trying to associate tRNAdb entries with sequences ...")
if(is.null(names(sequences)) ||
anyDuplicated(names(sequences)) ||
any(names(sequences) == "")){
stop("names() of 'sequences' must be set, unique and not empty.",
call. = FALSE)
mod <- .map_modifications_to_sequences(mod, gr, sequences)
# assemble metadata columns
mod <- .add_tRNAdb_metadata_columns(mod)
#' @rdname makeEpiTxDbFromtRNAdb
#' @export
makeEpiTxDbFromtRNAdb <- function(organism, sequences = NULL, metadata = NULL,
dbURL = tRNAdbImport::TRNA_DB_URL){
gr <- gettRNAdbDataAsGRanges(organism, sequences = sequences, dbURL = dbURL)
gr <- gr[!duplicated(paste0(as.character(gr),"-",gr$mod_type))]
colnames(mcols(gr)) <- gsub("mod_type","mod",colnames(mcols(gr)))
gr <- Modstrings::removeIncompatibleModifications(gr, sequences)
colnames(mcols(gr)) <- gsub("^mod$","mod_type",colnames(mcols(gr)))
makeEpiTxDbFromGRanges(gr, metadata = metadata, reassign.ids = FALSE)
#' @rdname makeEpiTxDbFromtRNAdb
#' @importFrom httr modify_url POST content
#' @importFrom xml2 xml_find_all
#' @export
listAvailableOrganismsFromtRNAdb <- function(){
res <- httr::POST(paste0(httr::modify_url(tRNAdbImport::TRNA_DB_URL),
html <- httr::content(res)
organsisms <- as.character(xml2::xml_find_all(html,'.//div[@id="inhalt"]//span[count(.//span)=0]//a//b/text()'))
rna_seq <- as.character(xml2::xml_find_all(html,'.//div[@id="inhalt"]//span[count(.//span)=0]//a//small/text()'))
rna_n <- vapply(regmatches(rna_seq,regexec("genes,[ ]{1}([0-9]+)[ ]{1}RNA",rna_seq)),"[",character(1),2)
organsisms[rna_n != 0]
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