#2013 - Federico Comoglio & Cem Sievers, D-BSSE, ETH Zurich
#' Identify clusters containing high-confidence substitutions and resolve
#' boundaries at high resolution
#' Identifies clusters using the mini-rank norm (MRN) algorithm,
#' which employs thresholding of
#' background coverage differences and finds the optimal cluster boundaries by
#' exhaustively evaluating all putative clusters using a rank-based approach.
#' This method has higher sensitivity and an approximately 10-fold faster
#' running time than the CWT-based cluster identification algorithm.
#' @usage getClusters(highConfSub, coverage, sortedBam, cores =
#' 1, threshold)
#' @param highConfSub GRanges object containing high-confidence substitution
#' sites as returned by the \link{getHighConfSub} function
#' @param coverage An Rle object containing the coverage at each genomic
#' position as returned by a call to \link{coverage}
#' @param sortedBam a GRanges object containing all aligned reads, including
#' read sequence (qseq) and MD tag (MD), as returned by the
#' \link{readSortedBam} function
#' @param cores integer, the number of cores to be used for parallel
#' evaluation. Default is 1.
#' @param threshold numeric, the difference in
#' coverage to be considered noise. If not specified, a Gaussian mixture model
#' is used to learn a threshold from the data. Empirically, 10\% of the minimum
#' coverage required at substitutions (see argument \code{minCov} in the
#' \link{getHighConfSub} function) might suffice to provide highly resolved
#' clusters. However, if \code{minCov} is much lower than the median
#' strand-specific coverage at substitutions \eqn{m}, which can be computed
#' using \code{summary(elementMetadata(highConfSub)[, 'coverage'])['Median']}),
#' 10\% of \eqn{m} might represent an optimal choice.
#' @return GRanges object containing the identified cluster boundaries.
#' @note Clusters returned by this function need to be further merged by the
#' function \code{filterClusters}, which also computes all relevant cluster
#' statistics.
#' @author Federico Comoglio and Cem Sievers
#' @seealso \code{\link{getHighConfSub}}, \code{\link{filterClusters}}
#' @references
#' Sievers C, Schlumpf T, Sawarkar R, Comoglio F and Paro R. (2012) Mixture
#' models and wavelet transforms reveal high confidence RNA-protein interaction
#' sites in MOV10 PAR-CLIP data, Nucleic Acids Res. 40(20):e160. doi:
#' 10.1093/nar/gks697
#' Comoglio F, Sievers C and Paro R (2015) Sensitive and highly resolved identification
#' of RNA-protein interaction sites in PAR-CLIP data, BMC Bioinformatics 16, 32.
#' @keywords core
#' @examples
#' filename <- system.file( "extdata", "example.bam", package = "wavClusteR" )
#' example <- readSortedBam( filename = filename )
#' countTable <- getAllSub( example, minCov = 10, cores = 1 )
#' highConfSub <- getHighConfSub( countTable, supportStart = 0.2, supportEnd = 0.7, substitution = "TC" )
#' coverage <- coverage( example )
#' clusters <- getClusters( highConfSub = highConfSub,
#' coverage = coverage,
#' sortedBam = example,
#' cores = 1,
#' threshold = 2 )
#' @export getClusters
getClusters <- function(highConfSub, coverage, sortedBam, cores = 1, threshold) {
# Error handling
# if method is not within 'coverage' or 'cwt', raise an error
clusters <- getClustersMRN( highConfSub = highConfSub,
coverage = coverage,
sortedBam = sortedBam,
threshold = threshold,
cores = cores )
metadata( ranges( clusters ) ) <- list( 'mrn' ) #fills slot with method info
clusters <- sort( clusters ) #sorting facilitates strand attribution
return( clusters )
getWindow <- function( posTransition, nonZeroPos, diff, jumps ) {
# Given the genomic position of a transition, identify the genomic positions of continuous non-zero coverage that contain the transition
# Args:
# pos.transition: numeric, the genomic position of the transition being considered
# nonzero.pos: numeric vector, the positions in the coverage function that exhibit a non-zero coverage
# diff: numeric vector, the difference between nonzero.pos
# jumps: numeric vector, which of the above is not a consecutive index
# Returns:
# A numeric vector with the sequence of genomic positions within the window
# Error handling
# ...
#1-localize the transition within positions of non-zero coverage (guaranteed to be non-empty)
hit <- which( nonZeroPos == posTransition )
#2-localize the left and right boundaries of the window
leftIdx <- tail( jumps[ jumps < hit ], 1 ) + 1
rightIdx <- jumps[ jumps > hit ][1]
if( length( leftIdx ) == 0 || is.na( leftIdx ) | length(rightIdx) == 0 || is.na( rightIdx ) ) { #rare instances where from chr start to first transition coverage always > 0 OR from last transition to chr end coverage always > 0
leftIdx <- hit
rightIdx <- hit
#3-transform relative to absolute indices
left <- nonZeroPos[ leftIdx ]
right <- nonZeroPos[ rightIdx ]
#4-construct the window
window <- left : right
getSEcoverage <- function( sortedBam ) {
# Computes the start and the end coverage functions, obtained from considering read start and end only, respectively
# Args:
# sortedBam: a GRanges object as read in by the readSortedBam function
# Returns:
# a list with two slots. Each slot is an Rle object containing the start and end coverage, respectively.
# Error handling
# if no sortedBam is provided, raise an error
if( missing( sortedBam ) )
stop('No sorted BAM file provided. Please read BAM files using the readSortedBam function and provide the returned GRanges object as input.')
#1-resize GRanges object to contain start position of reads only and compute coverage
strand( sortedBam ) <- '*' #in order to use the resize function, s.t. start of reads on the - strand is not the read end
sortedBamResized <- resize( sortedBam, width = 1, fix = 'start' )
coverStart <- coverage( sortedBamResized )
#1-resize GRanges object to contain end position of reads only and compute coverage
sortedBamResized <- resize( sortedBam, width = 1, fix = 'end' )
coverEnd <- coverage( sortedBamResized )
return( list( coverStart = coverStart, coverEnd = coverEnd ) )
learnThreshold <- function( highConfSubset, coverage ) {
# Fit a two-components Gaussian Mixture Model to learn a global threshold used to estimate background/noise jumps in the coverage function during the MRN cluster boundaries identification
# Args:
# highConfSubset: a GRanges object containing a subset of highConfSub to be used to estimate the threshold
# coverage: Rle object containing sequencing coverage
# Returns:
# a numeric value of the threshold, in [0,1]
# Error handling
# ...
subset <- resize( highConfSubset, 50, fix = 'center' )
subset <- reduce( subset )
subset <- as.data.frame( subset )[, 2 : 3]
chr <- as.character( seqnames( highConfSubset[ 1 ] ) )
diffChr <- diff( coverage[[ chr ]] )
X <- apply(subset, 1, function( interval ) {
xd <- diffChr[ interval[ 1 ] : interval[ 2 ] ]
xd <- xd[ xd > 0 ]
if( length( xd ) > 0 ) {
max <- max( xd )
as.numeric( xd / max )
X <- unlist( X )
fit <- Mclust( X, G = 2, modelNames = 'V' )
threshold <- min( X[ fit$classification == 2 ] )
return( threshold )
getClustersMRN <- function( highConfSub, coverage, sortedBam, threshold, cores ) {
# Identify clusters using the 'coverage' method
# Args:
# highConfSub: GRanges object containing high-confidence transitions
# coverage: Rle object containing sequencing coverage
# sortedBam: list, contains BAM file slots as read in by the readSortedBam function
# threshold: numeric, the difference in coverage to be considered noise. Default is no value specified, hence learning it from data
# cores: numeric, the number of cores to be used for parallel evaluation
# Returns:
# A GRanges object containing clusters
# Error handling
# ...
message( 'Computing start/end read positions' )
SEcoverage <- getSEcoverage( sortedBam )
highConfSubSplit <- split( highConfSub, seqnames( highConfSub ) )
#0-if the background threshold should be learnt, consider transitions on the first chromosome for this purpose
treshold.provided <- TRUE
if( missing( threshold ) ) {
treshold.provided <- FALSE
message( 'Learning background threshold by fitting a GMM' )
subset <- highConfSubSplit[[ 1 ]]
sampleSize <- length( subset )
sampleSize <- ifelse( sampleSize > 1e3, 1e3, sampleSize )
subset <- subset[ 1 : sampleSize ]
threshold <- learnThreshold( subset, coverage )
message( ' Estimated threshold (% of maximum local coverage differences) from ', sampleSize, ' sampled transitions: ', signif( threshold * 100, 3 ) )
chrom <- as.character( unique( seqnames( highConfSub ) ) )
message( 'Number of chromosomes exhibiting high confidence transitions: ', length( chrom ) )
#backend for doMC (windows)
if ( suppressWarnings( require( "doMC" ) ) ) {
registerDoMC( cores = cores )
} else {
lev = NULL; rm( lev ) #pass Rcheck
clusters <- foreach( lev = chrom, .combine = rbind ) %dopar% {
message( '...Processing = ', lev )
tempGR <- highConfSubSplit[[ lev ]]
chrPileup <- coverage[[ lev ]]
startPileup <- SEcoverage$coverStart[[ lev ]]
endPileup <- SEcoverage$coverEnd[[ lev ]]
nonZeroPos <- which( chrPileup != 0 )
nonZeroPosDiff <- diff( nonZeroPos )
jumps <- which( nonZeroPosDiff != 1 )
n <- length( tempGR )
#0-preallocate output
startVector <- rep( Inf, n )
endVector <- startVector
starts <- start( tempGR )
strands <- strand( tempGR )
for( i in seq_len( n ) ) {
posTransition <- starts[ i ] #w.r.t. genomic coordinates
window <- getWindow( posTransition, nonZeroPos, nonZeroPosDiff, jumps )
if( length( window ) > 1 ) { #if = 1, then hcTC observed at start/end chromosome (p << 1e-4)
pw <- which(window == posTransition) #position of the transition in the window
#1-get start and end coverage in window
ws <- as.numeric( startPileup[ window ] )
we <- as.numeric( endPileup[ window ] )
#2-filter positions that exhibit differences higher than background threshold (yields candidate boundaries)
if( !treshold.provided ) {
deltaS <- floor( threshold * max( ws[ 1 : pw ] ) )
deltaE <- floor( threshold * max( we[ pw : length( we ) ] ) )
putativeStartIdx <- which( ws >= deltaS )
putativeEndIdx <- which( we >= deltaE )
putativeStartIdx <- putativeStartIdx[ putativeStartIdx <= pw ]
putativeEndIdx <- putativeEndIdx[ putativeEndIdx >= pw ]
else { #threshold provided
putativeStartIdx <- which( ws >= threshold )
putativeEndIdx <- which( we >= threshold )
#1b-if no suitable position found, lower threshold to 1 (implies always feasible solution)
if( length( putativeStartIdx[ putativeStartIdx <= pw ] ) == 0 | length( putativeEndIdx[ putativeEndIdx >= pw ] ) == 0 ) {
putativeStartIdx <- which( ws >= 1 )
putativeEndIdx <- which( we >= 1 )
putativeStartIdx <- putativeStartIdx[ putativeStartIdx <= pw ]
putativeEndIdx <- putativeEndIdx[ putativeEndIdx >= pw ]
#3-consider the SEcoverage values at the positions
sCov <- ws[ putativeStartIdx ]
eCov <- we[ putativeEndIdx ]
#4-rank coverage values (directional rank)
rankS <- rank( -sCov, ties.method = 'first' )
rankE <- rev( rank( rev( -eCov ), ties.method = 'first' ) ) #reversing = apply "first" 3' --> 5'
#5-consider the cartesian product of the ranks
cart <- expand.grid( rankS, rankE )
cartSE <- expand.grid( putativeStartIdx, putativeEndIdx )
#6-compute theoretical cluster size for each combination
clustSize <- apply( cartSE, 1, function(x) x[2] - x[1] + 1 )
#7-rank cluster sizes and augment cart
rankCs <- rank( clustSize, ties.method = 'min' )
cart <- cbind( cart, rankCs, cartSE, clustSize )
#8-consider the subset (ideally singleton) of cart that minimizes l2 norm
l2 <- apply( cart[, 1 : 3] - 1, 1, function(x) sqrt( sum( x ^ 2 ) ) ) #-1, obj opt: (1,1,1)
candidates <- which( l2 == min( l2 ) )
#9-if ties, then select the larger window
selected <- as.numeric( cart[candidates, ][ which.max( cart[ candidates, 6 ] )[ 1 ], 4 : 5 ] )
#10-add to the list of cluster boundaries
startVector[ i ] <- window[ selected[1] ]
endVector[ i ] <- window[ selected[2] ]
else {
startVector[ i ] <- window
endVector[ i ] <- window
cbind( rep( lev, length( startVector ) ), startVector, endVector, as.character( strands ) )
clusters <- GRanges( seqnames = as.vector( clusters[, 1] ),
ranges = IRanges( as.numeric( as.vector( clusters[, 2] ) ),
as.numeric( as.vector( clusters[, 3] ) ) ),
strand = clusters[, 4] )
return( clusters )
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