#' @title Generate putative transcript-models derived from splice-junctions.
#' @description Generates splicing-isoforms using the supplied splice-junctions (SJ) within the ProteoDiscography.
#' Supplied junctions will be transformed into novel gene-models based on the nearest (or overlapping) exon with the TxDb
#' of the given {ProteoDiscography}; strand-information is taken into account. If no strand-information is given, the nearest (or overlapping) known
#' exon is assigned.
#' It will derive the putative gene-model based on the assigned exons as annotated within the TxDb.
#' E.g., if matched with the second exon of geneA (+) and the fourth exon of geneB (+) it will generate the following gene-model:
#' geneA-Exon1, geneA-Exon2, geneB-Exon4, geneB-Exon5, ...
#' Users can also specify the max. search-window (in bp) in which the nearest canonical exonic boundary should fall.
#' @param ProteoDiscography (\link[ProteoDisco]{ProteoDiscography}): ProteoDiscography object which stores the annotation and genomic sequences.
#' @param maxDistance (integer): Max. distance (>=0 bp) from splice-junction to nearest (or overlapping) exon in bp.
#' Setting this to high numbers will (erroneously) assign a distant exon as 'neighboring' resulting in unlikely models.
#' If the SJ is beyond this distance, it will be assigned as an cryptic exon and the length of this exon is set with the [maxCrypticSize] parameter.
#' @param maxCrypticSize (integer): The max. extension of bp (respective to orientation) beyond the SJ if it is assigned as a cryptic exon.
#' I.e., the nr. of bp that will be used in determining the putative transcript sequence for each cryptic junction.
#' @param skipCanonical (logical): Should canonical exon-exon junctions be skipped (TRUE) or generated (FALSE)?
#' @param threads (integer): Number of threads.
#' @examples
#' ProteoDiscography.hg19 <- ProteoDisco::generateProteoDiscography(
#' TxDb = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene::TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene,
#' genomeSeqs = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19::BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
#' )
#' # Import splice-junctions (even spanning different chromosomes) based on our format.
#' testSJ <- readr::read_tsv(system.file('extdata', 'validationSetSJ_hg19.txt', package = 'ProteoDisco'))
#' # Add custom SJ to ProteoDiscography.
#' ProteoDiscography.hg19 <- ProteoDisco::importSpliceJunctions(
#' ProteoDiscography = ProteoDiscography.hg19,
#' inputSpliceJunctions = testSJ
#' )
#' # Generate junction-models from non-canonical splice-junctions.
#' ProteoDiscography.hg19 <- ProteoDisco::generateJunctionModels(
#' ProteoDiscography = ProteoDiscography.hg19,
#' # Max. distance from a known exon-boundary before introducing a novel exon.
#' # If an adjacent exon is found within this distance, it will shorten or elongate that exon towards the SJ.
#' maxDistance = 150,
#' # Should we skip known exon-exon junctions (in which both the acceptor and donor are located on known adjacent exons within the same transcript)
#' skipCanonical = TRUE,
#' # Perform on multiple threads (optional)
#' threads = 1
#' )
#' @return {ProteoDiscography} with derived splice-isoforms.
#' @concept methods
#' @keywords methods
#' @author Job van Riet \email{j.vanriet@erasmusmc.nl}
#' @author Wesley van de Geer \email{w.vandegeer@erasmusmc.nl}
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @export
generateJunctionModels <- function(ProteoDiscography, maxDistance = 150, maxCrypticSize = 75, skipCanonical = TRUE, threads = 1){
# Input validation. -------------------------------------------------------
checkmate::assertClass(ProteoDiscography, classes = 'ProteoDiscography')
checkmate::assertNumber(maxDistance, lower = 0, null.ok = FALSE)
checkmate::assertNumber(maxCrypticSize, lower = 0, null.ok = FALSE)
sprintf('ProteoDisco - Generating splice-junctions models based on %s unique (sample-specific or aggregated) splice-junctions.', base::nrow(ProteoDiscography@input.spliceJunctions)) %>% ParallelLogger::logInfo()
# Internal functions ------------------------------------------------------
# Internal function to detect nearest / overlapping CDS.
.findCDS <- function(TxDb.CDS, junctions, isJunctionA, maxDistance){
sprintf('Retrieving %s-adjacent or overlapping CDS.', ifelse(isJunctionA, '5\'', '3\'')) %>% ParallelLogger::logTrace()
# Convert splice-junction to GRanges.
junction.GR <- data.frame(site = junctions) %>%
tidyr::separate(col = 'site', into = c('chr', 'start', 'strand'), sep = ':', remove = FALSE) %>%
end = .data$start,
cdsType = NA,
cds_id = NA,
chrDerivedCDS = NA,
startAssignedCDS = NA,
endAssignedCDS = NA,
startDerivedCDS = NA,
endDerivedCDS = NA,
strandDerivedCDS = NA,
distanceAssignedCDS = NA,
junctionType = 'No known adjacent CDS.'
) %>%
GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame(keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
# Clean-up nomenclature chromosomes.
GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(junction.GR) <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlevelsStyle(TxDb.CDS)
# Detect if junction overlaps with an existing CDS.
junction.GR$cds_id <- IRanges::findOverlaps(junction.GR, TxDb.CDS, select = 'first', type = 'within', maxgap = 0, ignore.strand = FALSE)
if(any(!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id))) junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id),]$cdsType <- 'Overlap'
# If no overlapping CDS is found, retrieve the nearest CDS.
# Retrieve all adjacent CDS based on 5' -> 3' coordinates (i.e., in reverse for antisense genes).
if(any(GenomicRanges::strand(junction.GR) != '-')) junction.GR[GenomicRanges::strand(junction.GR) != '-' & is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$cds_id <- IRanges::follow(junction.GR[GenomicRanges::strand(junction.GR) != '-' & is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)], TxDb.CDS, select = 'last')
if(any(GenomicRanges::strand(junction.GR) == '-')) junction.GR[GenomicRanges::strand(junction.GR) == '-' & is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$cds_id <- IRanges::precede(junction.GR[GenomicRanges::strand(junction.GR) == '-' & is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)], TxDb.CDS, select = 'first')
if(any(GenomicRanges::strand(junction.GR) != '-')) junction.GR[GenomicRanges::strand(junction.GR) != '-' & is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$cds_id <- IRanges::precede(junction.GR[GenomicRanges::strand(junction.GR) != '-' & is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)], TxDb.CDS, select = 'first')
if(any(GenomicRanges::strand(junction.GR) == '-')) junction.GR[GenomicRanges::strand(junction.GR) == '-' & is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$cds_id <- IRanges::follow(junction.GR[GenomicRanges::strand(junction.GR) == '-' & is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)], TxDb.CDS, select = 'last')
# Annotate type of overlap.
junction.GR[is.na(junction.GR$cdsType) & !is.na(junction.GR$cds_id),]$cdsType <- 'Nearest'
if(any(is.na(junction.GR$cds_id))) junction.GR[is.na(junction.GR$cds_id),]$cdsType <- 'None'
# Retrieve annotation of assigned CDS.
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$chrDerivedCDS <- GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)])
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$startAssignedCDS <- GenomicRanges::start(TxDb.CDS[match(junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$cds_id, TxDb.CDS$cds_id)])
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$endAssignedCDS <- GenomicRanges::end(TxDb.CDS[match(junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$cds_id, TxDb.CDS$cds_id)])
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$strandDerivedCDS <- GenomicRanges::strand(TxDb.CDS[match(junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$cds_id, TxDb.CDS$cds_id)])
# Derive spliced-CDS and calculate distance from start (if 5' junction) or end (if 3' junction) of overlapping CDS to splice-junction.
# Retrieve coordinates of derived CDS.
# For 5' CDS, this is the start of the adjacent or overlapping CDS until the 5' SJ (-1 bp).
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$startDerivedCDS <- junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$startAssignedCDS
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$endDerivedCDS <- GenomicRanges::start(junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]) - 1
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$distanceAssignedCDS <- junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$endAssignedCDS - junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$endDerivedCDS
# Annotate type of junction (If directly flanking, it's a known junction).
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$junctionType <- ifelse(junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$distanceAssignedCDS == 0, 'Known 5\' CDS-junction', junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$junctionType)
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$junctionType <- ifelse(junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$distanceAssignedCDS > 0, 'Shortening of known 5\' CDS-junction', junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$junctionType)
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$junctionType <- ifelse(junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$distanceAssignedCDS < 0, 'Extension of known 5\' CDS-junction', junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$junctionType)
# Retrieve coordinates of derived CDS.
# For 3' CDS, this is the SJ (+1bp) until the end of the 3'-adjacent CDS.
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$startDerivedCDS <- GenomicRanges::start(junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]) + 1
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$endDerivedCDS <- GenomicRanges::end(TxDb.CDS[match(junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$cds_id, TxDb.CDS$cds_id)])
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$distanceAssignedCDS <- junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$startAssignedCDS - junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$startDerivedCDS
# Annotate type of junction (If directly flanking, it's a known junction).
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$junctionType <- ifelse(junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$distanceAssignedCDS == 0, 'Known 3\' CDS-junction', junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$junctionType)
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$junctionType <- ifelse(junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$distanceAssignedCDS > 0, 'Extension of known 3\' CDS-junction', junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$junctionType)
junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$junctionType <- ifelse(junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$distanceAssignedCDS < 0, 'Shortening of known 3\' CDS-junction', junction.GR[!is.na(junction.GR$cds_id)]$junctionType)
# Set SJ with their distance > maxDistance as cryptic CDSs rather than extension / shortenings of existing CDS.
idNonKnownSJ <- grepl('Extension|Shortening', junction.GR$junctionType) & (abs(junction.GR$distanceAssignedCDS) > maxDistance)
if(sum(idNonKnownSJ) > 0) junction.GR[idNonKnownSJ,]$junctionType <- sprintf('Possible %s cryptic CDS due to distance from known junction', ifelse(isJunctionA, '5\'', '3\''))
# Convert to tibble.
junction.DF <- tibble::as_tibble(GenomicRanges::mcols(junction.GR))
# Add prefix to colnames.
if(isJunctionA) colnames(junction.DF) <- paste0('JunctionA.', colnames(junction.DF))
if(!isJunctionA) colnames(junction.DF) <- paste0('JunctionB.', colnames(junction.DF))
# Convert to tibble and return.
# Retrieve CDS from TxDb --------------------------------------------------
ParallelLogger::logTrace('Retrieving all CDS-records from the TxDb.')
TxDb.CDS <- GenomicFeatures::cds(ProteoDiscography@TxDb, columns = c('cds_id', 'gene_id', 'tx_id', 'exon_rank'))
TxDb.CDS <- GenomicRanges::sort.GenomicRanges(TxDb.CDS)
# Retrieve nearest / overlapping 5' and 3' CDS ----------------------------
# Retrieve imported splice-junctions.
data.SpliceJunctions <- ProteoDiscography@input.spliceJunctions
data.SpliceJunctions.perSample <- base::split(data.SpliceJunctions, data.SpliceJunctions$sample)
# Loop per sample.
data.SpliceJunctions.perSample <- BiocParallel::bplapply(data.SpliceJunctions.perSample, function(x){
ParallelLogger::logTrace('Retrieving overlapping or adjacent CDS for each splice-junction: ', unique(x$sample))
# Retrieve adjacent or overlapping 5' and 3' CDSs.
junctionA <- .findCDS(TxDb.CDS, junctions = x$junctionA, isJunctionA = TRUE, maxDistance = maxDistance)
junctionB <- .findCDS(TxDb.CDS, junctions = x$junctionB, isJunctionA = FALSE, maxDistance = maxDistance)
# Combine the information from both junctions.
x <- x %>%
dplyr::left_join(junctionA, by = c('junctionA' = 'JunctionA.site')) %>%
dplyr::left_join(junctionB, by = c('junctionB' = 'JunctionB.site')) %>%
# Return.
}, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = threads, stop.on.error = TRUE, progressbar = TRUE))
# Generate potential splice-isoform ---------------------------------------
# Loop per sample.
data.SpliceTranscripts.perSample <- BiocParallel::bplapply(data.SpliceJunctions.perSample, function(sample.SJ){
ParallelLogger::logTrace(sprintf('Generating splice-transcripts from %s SJ: %s', base::nrow(sample.SJ), base::unique(sample.SJ$sample)))
# Remove SJ prior to any known CDS or after any known CDS.
sample.SJ <- sample.SJ %>% dplyr::filter(.data$JunctionA.cdsType != 'None' & .data$JunctionB.cdsType != 'None')
## Loop per SJ ----
sample.SJ.withSeq <- dplyr::bind_rows(BiocParallel::bplapply(base::seq_len(base::nrow(sample.SJ)), function(i){
SJ <- sample.SJ[i,]
### Retrieve the upstream and downstream CDS sequences ----
cds.A <- TxDb.CDS[TxDb.CDS$cds_id == as.integer(SJ$JunctionA.cds_id)]
cds.B <- TxDb.CDS[TxDb.CDS$cds_id == as.integer(SJ$JunctionB.cds_id)]
### Check if SJ forms a pre-existing canonical junction. ----
# Check if Tx match and the exon-ranks are following.
if(base::any(base::unlist(DelayedArray::unique(c(BiocGenerics::paste(cds.A$tx_id, cds.A$exon_rank + 1), BiocGenerics::paste(cds.A$tx_id, cds.A$exon_rank - 1)))) %in% base::unlist(BiocGenerics::paste(cds.B$tx_id, cds.B$exon_rank)))){
ParallelLogger::logTrace('Skipping due to canonical status: ', base::ifelse(!is.na(SJ$identifier), SJ$identifier, sprintf('A:%s;B:%s', SJ$junctionA, SJ$junctionB)))
SJ$identifierFASTA <- NA
SJ$Tx.SequenceMut <- NA
SJ$AA.SequenceMut <- NA
# Return empty sequences.
# Define CDS A.
if(!base::grepl('cryptic', SJ$JunctionA.junctionType)){
# Replace non-cryptic CDS with derived coordinates from near-adjacent CDS.
IRanges::ranges(cds.A) <- IRanges::IRanges(
start = SJ$JunctionA.startDerivedCDS,
end = SJ$JunctionA.endDerivedCDS
# Replace cryptic CDS with SJ-coordinates + user-given maxCrypticSize.
IRanges::ranges(cds.A) <- IRanges::IRanges(
start = (as.integer(Biostrings::strsplit(SJ$junctionA, ':')[[1]][2]) - 1) - maxCrypticSize,
end = as.integer(Biostrings::strsplit(SJ$junctionA, ':')[[1]][2]) - 1
# Define CDS B.
if(!base::grepl('cryptic', SJ$JunctionB.junctionType)){
# Replace non-cryptic CDS with derived coordinates from near-adjacent CDS.
IRanges::ranges(cds.B) <- IRanges::IRanges(
start = SJ$JunctionB.startDerivedCDS,
end = SJ$JunctionB.endDerivedCDS
# Replace cryptic CDS with SJ-coordinates + user-given maxCrypticSize.
IRanges::ranges(cds.B) <- IRanges::IRanges(
start = as.integer(Biostrings::strsplit(SJ$junctionB, ':')[[1]][2]) + 1,
end = GenomicRanges::start(cds.B) + maxCrypticSize
# Retrieve the sequences of the two CDS (already takes care of strand).
cdsSeq.A <- Biostrings::getSeq(ProteoDiscography@genomeSeqs, cds.A)
cdsSeq.B <- Biostrings::getSeq(ProteoDiscography@genomeSeqs, cds.B)
# Perform three-frame translation for +/+ and -/- junctions (based on strand).
if(all(GenomicRanges::strand(cds.A) == GenomicRanges::strand(cds.B))){
# Combine sequences (A -> B)
if(all(GenomicRanges::strand(cds.A) == '+')) cdsSeq.Combined <- Biostrings::xscat(cdsSeq.A, cdsSeq.B)
# Combine sequences (A <- B)
if(all(GenomicRanges::strand(cds.A) == '-')) cdsSeq.Combined <- Biostrings::xscat(cdsSeq.B, cdsSeq.A)
# Three frame-translation (A -> B (+/+) or B <- A (-/-))
# Cut mutant sequence(s) to first terminal.
cdsSeq.Combined.AA <- base::list(base::unlist(BiocGenerics::lapply(base::seq_len(3), function(p) base::gsub('\\*', '', as.character(base::suppressWarnings(Biostrings::translate(Biostrings::subseq(cdsSeq.Combined, p))))))))
SJ$Tx.SequenceMut <- base::as.character(cdsSeq.Combined)
SJ$AA.SequenceMut <- cdsSeq.Combined.AA
# Perform six-frame translation if +/- / -/+ junctions.
cdsSeq.Combined <- Biostrings::xscat(cdsSeq.A, cdsSeq.B)
# Six-frame translation.
# Cut mutant sequence(s) to first terminal.
cdsSeq.Combined.AA <- base::unlist(BiocGenerics::lapply(base::seq_len(3), function(p) base::gsub('\\*', '', base::as.character(base::suppressWarnings(Biostrings::translate(Biostrings::subseq(c(cdsSeq.Combined, Biostrings::reverseComplement(cdsSeq.Combined)), p)))))))
SJ$Tx.SequenceMut <- base::as.character(cdsSeq.Combined)
SJ$AA.SequenceMut <- base::list(cdsSeq.Combined.AA)
# Generate identifier.
SJ$identifierFASTA <- sprintf(
ifelse(!is.na(SJ$identifier), sprintf('%s|', SJ$identifier), ''),
BiocGenerics::paste(unique(cds.A$gene_id), collapse = ', '),
BiocGenerics::paste(unique(cds.B$gene_id), collapse = ', '),
BiocGenerics::paste(GenomicRanges::seqnames(cds.A), GenomicRanges::start(cds.A), GenomicRanges::end(cds.A), GenomicRanges::strand(cds.A), sep = ':'),
BiocGenerics::paste(GenomicRanges::seqnames(cds.B), GenomicRanges::start(cds.B), GenomicRanges::end(cds.B), GenomicRanges::strand(cds.B), sep = ':')
# Return the SJ with putative AA-sequences.
}, BPPARAM = BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers = threads, stop.on.error = TRUE, progressbar = TRUE)))
# Print message.
base::sprintf('%s - Out of %s given SJ, we converted %s SJ to splice-transcripts%s.', unique(sample.SJ.withSeq$sample), base::nrow(sample.SJ.withSeq), base::nrow(sample.SJ.withSeq %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$Tx.SequenceMut))), ifelse(skipCanonical, ' (non-canonical only)', '')) %>% ParallelLogger::logInfo()
# Filter out non-used SJ.
sample.SJ.withSeq <- sample.SJ.withSeq %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$Tx.SequenceMut))
# Convert to DataFrame.
sample.SJ.withSeq <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(sample.SJ.withSeq)
# Return statement.
# Combine all samples.
data.SpliceTranscripts.combined <- BiocGenerics::do.call(BiocGenerics::rbind, data.SpliceTranscripts.perSample)
# Add generated SJ-transcript to ProteoDisco ------------------------------
ProteoDiscography <- ProteoDisco::setMutantTranscripts(x = ProteoDiscography, transcripts = data.SpliceTranscripts.combined, slotType = 'spliceJunctions')
# Return statement --------------------------------------------------------
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