#' @title Find Camera Hit
#' @description This function implements the method by proposed by Wu and
#' Smyth (2012).
#' The original \code{\link[limma]{camera}} method is a gene set
#' test, here is applied in the contest of a genetic screening
#' and so it erforms a competitive barcode set test.
#' The paper can be found here
#' \href{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3458527/}{CAMERA}
#' @param screenR_Object The ScreenR object obtained using the
#' \code{\link{create_screenr_object}}
#' @param matrix_model The matrix that will be used to perform the
#' linear model analysis created using
#' \code{\link[stats]{model.matrix}}
#' @param contrast A vector or a single value indicating the index or the name
#' of the column the model_matrix with which perform the
#' analysis
#' @param thresh The threshold for the False Discovery Rate (FDR) that has to be
#' used to select the statistically significant hits.
#' @param lfc The Log2FC threshold.
#' @param number_barcode Number of barcode that as to be differentially
#' expressed (DE)in order to consider the gene associated
#' DE. Example a gene is associated
#' with 10 shRNA we consider a gene DE if it has at least
#' number_barcode = 5 shRNA DE.
#' @param direction String containing the direction of the variation,
#' "Down" for the down regulation "Up" for the up regulation.
#' @importFrom edgeR estimateDisp
#' @importFrom edgeR glmFit
#' @importFrom edgeR glmLRT
#' @importFrom tibble rownames_to_column
#' @importFrom limma camera
#' @importFrom purrr map_lgl
#' @return The data frame containing the hit found using the camera method
#' @export
#' @concept find
#' @examples
#' object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR"))
#' matrix <- model.matrix(~ slot(object, "groups"))
#' colnames(matrix) <- c("Control", "T1/T2", "Treated")
#' result <- find_camera_hit(
#' screenR_Object = object,
#' matrix_model = matrix, contrast = "Treated"
#' )
#' head(result)
find_camera_hit <- function(screenR_Object, matrix_model,
contrast, number_barcode = 3, thresh = 1e-04, lfc = 1,
direction = "Down") {
# We have to convert the screenR obj into an edgeR obj
DGEList <- ScreenR::create_edger_obj(screenR_Object)
xglm <- edgeR::estimateDisp(DGEList, matrix_model)
fit <- edgeR::glmFit(xglm, matrix_model)
lrt <- edgeR::glmLRT(fit, coef = seq(1, length(colnames(matrix_model))))
camera_hit <- compute_camera(
xglm = xglm, lrt = lrt, DGEList = DGEList,
matrix_model = matrix_model, contrast = contrast,
number_barcode = number_barcode, thresh = thresh,
lfc = lfc
camera_hit <- camera_hit %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column("Gene") %>%
dplyr::tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(Direction = factor(.data$Direction)) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$Direction == direction)
#' @title Compute Camera
#' @description This internal function computes the actual hits using the
#' camera method.
#' @param xglm object created with \code{\link[edgeR]{estimateDisp}}
#' @param lrt object created with \code{\link[edgeR]{glmFit}}
#' @param DGEList edgeR object
#' @inheritDotParams find_camera_hit lfc number_barcode thresh
#' contrast matrix_model
#' @importFrom edgeR topTags
#' @return The list of hits found by the camera method
#' @keywords internal
compute_camera <- function(xglm, lrt, DGEList, matrix_model, contrast,
number_barcode = 3, thresh = 1e-04, lfc = 1) {
# Take all the Tags in descending order
top <- edgeR::topTags(lrt, n = Inf)
topids <- top$table[top$table$FDR < thresh & top$table$logFC <= lfc, 1]
# Select only the first column
genesymbols <- DGEList$genes[, 1]
genesymbollist <- unique_gene_symbols(genesymbols, number_barcode)
# Perform the camera test
camera.res <- limma::camera(xglm,
index = genesymbollist, matrix_model,
contrast = contrast
#' @title Unique gene Symbols
#' @description Compute a unique gene symbol for gene
#' @param gene_symbols The gene symbols list
#' @inheritDotParams find_camera_hit number_barcode
#' @return A list of unique gene symbols
#' @keywords internal
unique_gene_symbols <- function(gene_symbols, number_barcode = 3) {
un_genesymbols <- unique(gene_symbols)
un_genesymbols <- un_genesymbols[!is.na(un_genesymbols)]
gene_symbol_list <- lapply(
X = un_genesymbols, FUN = select_number_barcode,
gene_symbols, number_barcode
names(gene_symbol_list) <- un_genesymbols
# sapply(gene_symbol_list, is.null)
gene_symbol_list[purrr::map_lgl(gene_symbol_list, is.null)] <- NULL
#' @title Select number of Barcode
#' @description Compute a unique gene symbol for gene
#' @param gene The gene name
#' @inheritDotParams unique_gene_symbols gene_symbols number_barcode
#' @return The barcode of the gene passed as input
#' @keywords internal
select_number_barcode <- function(gene, gene_symbols, number_barcode) {
sel <- gene_symbols == gene & !is.na(gene_symbols)
if (sum(sel) > number_barcode) {
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