#' @importFrom igraph E V E<- V<-
#' Compute gene set overlap
#' Compute overlap between gene sets from a GeneSetCollection using the Jaccard
#' index or the overlap coefficient. These values can then be used to compute a
#' network of gene set overlaps.
#' @param msigGsc1 a GeneSetCollection object.
#' @param msigGsc2 a GeneSetCollection object or NULL if pairwise overlaps are
#' to be computed.
#' @param thresh a numeric, specifying the threshold to discard pairs of gene
#' sets.
#' @param measure a character, specifying the similarity measure to use: `ari`
#' for the Adjusted Rand Index, `jaccard` for the Jaccard Index and
#' `ovlapcoef` for the Overlap Coefficient.
#' @return a data.frame, containing the overlap structure of gene sets
#' represented as a network in the simple interaction format (SIF).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(hgsc)
#' ovlap <- computeMsigOverlap(hgsc)
computeMsigOverlap <- function(msigGsc1, msigGsc2 = NULL, thresh = 0.25, measure = c('ari', 'jaccard', 'ovlapcoef')) {
#param checks
checkGenesetCollection(msigGsc1, 'msigGsc1')
if (!is.null(msigGsc2)) checkGenesetCollection(msigGsc2, 'msigGsc2')
#check threshold
measure = match.arg(measure)
#combine genesets
gsc = msigGsc1
is1 = rep(TRUE, length(msigGsc1))
if (!is.null(msigGsc2)) {
#get sets unique to msigGsc2
gsc2 = msigGsc2[setdiff(names(msigGsc2), names(gsc))]
gsc = GSEABase::GeneSetCollection(c(gsc, gsc2))
is2 = names(gsc) %in% names(msigGsc2)
#compute incidence matrix and split
imat = GSEABase::incidence(gsc)
if (is.null(msigGsc2)) {
ovlap = tcrossprod(imat)
len1 = len2 = rowSums(imat)
} else {
ovlap = tcrossprod(imat[is1, , drop = FALSE], imat[is2, , drop = FALSE])
len = rowSums(imat)
len1 = len[is1]
len2 = len[is2]
#overlap coef
total = ncol(imat)
if (measure %in% 'ari') {
mat = overlap.ari(len1, len2, ovlap, total)
} else if (measure %in% 'jaccard') {
mat = overlap.jaccard(len1, len2, ovlap, total)
} else {
mat = overlap.ovlapcoef(len1, len2, ovlap, total)
#convert to data.frame
mat = reshape2::melt(mat, varnames = c('gs1', 'gs2'), value.name = 'weight')
mat$gs1 = as.character(mat$gs1)
mat$gs2 = as.character(mat$gs2)
mat = mat[mat$weight >= thresh, , drop = FALSE]
if (is.null(msigGsc2)) {
#remove symmetric values
mat = mat[mat$gs1 < mat$gs2, , drop = FALSE]
rownames(mat) = NULL
overlap.ari <- function(len1, len2, ovlap, total) {
# n = length(v1) # total genes
# x = sum(v1 & v2) # intersection
# a = sum(v1) # length of geneset 1
# b = sum(v2) # length of geneset 2
# sum_a = c(a, n - a)
# sum_a = sum(sum_a * (sum_a - 1))
# sum_b = c(b, n - b)
# sum_b = sum(sum_b * (sum_b - 1))
# prod_ab = sum_a * sum_b / (n * (n - 1))
# sum_nij = c(x, n - (a + b - x), a - x, b - x)
# sum_nij = sum(sum_nij * (sum_nij - 1))
# (sum_nij - prod_ab) / ((sum_a + sum_b) / 2 - prod_ab)
#define components of the equation
n = total # total genes
x = ovlap # intersection of gene-sets
a = len1 # lengths of the first gene-set
b = len2 # lengths of the second gene-set
#compute sums of pairs within and outside each gene-set (first)
sum_a = cbind(a, n - a) * cbind(a - 1, n - a - 1)
sum_a = sum_a[, 1] + sum_a[, 2]
sum_b = cbind(b, n - b) * cbind(b - 1, n - b - 1)
sum_b = sum_b[, 1] + sum_b[, 2]
sum_ab = outer(sum_a, sum_b, '+')
prod_ab = outer(sum_a, sum_b, '*') / (n * (n - 1))
#compute sums of shared pairs within or outside two gene-sets
sum_nij = x * (x - 1)
tmp = n - outer(a, b, '+') + x
sum_nij = sum_nij + (tmp * (tmp - 1))
tmp = a - x
sum_nij = sum_nij + (tmp * (tmp - 1))
tmp = t(b - t(x))
sum_nij = sum_nij + (tmp * (tmp - 1))
ari = (sum_nij - prod_ab) / ((sum_ab) / 2 - prod_ab)
overlap.jaccard <- function(len1, len2, ovlap, total) {
mat = ovlap / (outer(len1, len2, '+') - ovlap)
overlap.ovlapcoef <- function(len1, len2, ovlap, total) {
mat = ovlap / outer(len1, len2, pmin)
#' Compute a network using computed gene set overlap
#' Computes an igraph object using information on gene sets and gene sets
#' computed using the [computeMsigOverlap()] function.
#' @param genesetOverlap a data.frame, containing results of an overlap analysis
#' computed using the [computeMsigOverlap()] function.
#' @param msigGsc a GeneSetCollection object, containing gene sets used to
#' compute overlap.
#' @return an igraph object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(hgsc)
#' ovlap <- computeMsigOverlap(hgsc)
#' ig <- computeMsigNetwork(ovlap, hgsc)
computeMsigNetwork <- function(genesetOverlap, msigGsc) {
#check params
checkGenesetCollection(msigGsc, 'msigGsc')
if (!nrow(genesetOverlap) > 0)
stop("'genesetOverlap' should not be empty")
#check for unknown gene-set names
ovlapnames = c(genesetOverlap$gs1, genesetOverlap$gs2)
unknownSets = setdiff(ovlapnames, sapply(msigGsc, GSEABase::setName))
if (length(unknownSets > 0)) {
unknownSets = paste(unknownSets, collapse = ', ')
stop("the following gene-set names in 'genesetOverlap' are missing 'msigGsc': %s", unknownSets)
#select genesets in the network
setnames = setdiff(ovlapnames, unknownSets)
msigGsc = msigGsc[setnames]
#check Broad collection
isBroad = sapply(msigGsc, function(x)
GSEABase::collectionType(GSEABase::collectionType(x)) %in% 'Broad')
#compute nodedf
ovNodes = data.frame(
'Name' = setnames,
'Size' = sapply(lapply(msigGsc, GSEABase::geneIds), length),
'Category' = 'custom',
'SubCategory' = NA
ovNodes$Category[isBroad] = unlist(sapply(sapply(msigGsc[isBroad], GSEABase::collectionType),
ovNodes$SubCategory[isBroad] = unlist(sapply(sapply(msigGsc[isBroad], GSEABase::collectionType),
#create igraph
msig_ig = igraph::graph_from_data_frame(genesetOverlap, directed = FALSE, vertices = ovNodes)
getMsigNeighbour <- function(srcsig, ig, thresh = 0.15) {
if(!srcsig %in% V(ig)$name)
stop(sprintf("'%s' missing in the graph", srcsig))
#select surrounding network
sub_ig = igraph::induced_subgraph(ig, vids = igraph::neighborhood(ig, nodes = srcsig)[[1]])
if (all(E(sub_ig)$weight <= thresh))
#extract confident edges
sub_ig = igraph::subgraph.edges(sub_ig, E(sub_ig)[E(sub_ig)$weight > thresh])
if (!srcsig %in% V(sub_ig)$name)
return(igraph::neighbors(sub_ig, srcsig)$name)
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