#' Fills missing values by Peptide Identity Propagation (PIP)
#' Peptide identity (sequence and charge) is propagated from MS-MS or PASEF identified features in evidence.txt to
#' MS1 features in allPeptides.txt that are detected but not identified. A confidence score (probability)
#' is assigned to every propagation. The confidence scores can be used as observation-level weights
#' in \code{limma::lmFit} to account for uncertainty in inferred peptide intensity values.
#' @details
#' Data completeness is maximised by Peptide Identity Propagation (PIP) from runs where
#' a peptide is identified by MSMS or PASEF to runs where peptide is not fragmented
#' (hence MS2 information is not available), but is detected at the MS1 level. \code{mspip} reports a
#' confidence score for each peptide that was identified by PIP. The intensity values of PIP peptides
#' can be used to reduce missing values, while the reported confidence scores can be used to
#' weight the contribution of these peptide intensity values to variance estimation in linear models fitted in
#' \code{limma}.
#' @param path_txt character. The path to MaxQuant \code{txt} directory
#' @param k numeric. The \code{k} nearest neighbors to be used for identity propagation. default to 10.
#' @param thresh numeric. The uncertainty threshold for calling a Identity Transfer as confident. Sequence to peptide
#' feature assignments with confidence score (probability) above a threshold (specified by \code{thresh}) are
#' considered as confident assignments.The rest of the assignments are discarded and not reported in the output.
#' @param skip_weights logical. If TRUE, the propagation confidence scores are also reported.
#' The confidence scores can be used as observation-level weights in \code{limma} linear models
#' to improve differential expression testing. default to FALSE.
#' @param tims_ms logical. Is data acquired by TIMS-MS? default to FALSE.
#' @param group_restriction A data.frame with two columns named Raw.file and group, specifying run file and the (experimental) group to which the run belongs.
#' Use this option for Unbalanced PIP
#' @param nlandmarks numeric. Number of landmark peptides used for measuring neighborhood/coelution similarity. Default to 50.
#' @author Soroor Hediyeh-zadeh
#' @seealso evidenceToMatrix
#' @importFrom dplyr anti_join semi_join
#' @importFrom FNN get.knnx
#' @importFrom utils read.delim
#' @export
mspip <- function(path_txt, k = 10, thresh = 0, skip_weights = TRUE, tims_ms = FALSE, group_restriction = NULL,
nlandmarks = 50){
evidence_path <- list.files(path=path_txt, pattern = "evidence.txt", full.names = TRUE)
allPeptides_path <- list.files(path=path_txt, pattern = "allPeptides.txt", full.names = TRUE)
if(!isTRUE(file.exists(evidence_path)) | !isTRUE(file.exists(allPeptides_path))) stop("Required MaxQuant tables are not found in the specified directory")
message("Reading evidence table")
evidence <- read.delim(evidence_path,
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# create peptide id
evidence$PeptideID <- paste0(evidence$Modified.sequence, evidence$Charge)
# remove mbr idents as they could be erroneous
# evidence <- evidence[grepl("MULTI-MSMS|MULTI-SECPEP", evidence$Type),]
# keep only the most intense feature?
message("Reading allPeptides table")
allPeptides <- read.delim(allPeptides_path,
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
message("Extracting unidentified MS1 peptide features")
# ms1_anchors_pasef <- c("Raw.file","Charge", "Intensity",
# #"Number.of.isotopic.peaks",
# "Ion.mobility.index")
# ## MSMS types are problematic here. They aren't proper idents though, so all good.
# ms1_anchors_msms <- c("Raw.file","Charge", "Intensity",
# # "Number.of.isotopic.peaks",
# "Number.of.scans")
# ms1_anchors <- ms1_anchors_msms
# if(tims_ms) ms1_anchors <- ms1_anchors_pasef
# identified_peptides <- dplyr::semi_join(evidence, allPeptides,
# # by = ms1_anchors
# by = c("Raw.file", "Charge", "Intensity")
# )
evidence$Raw.file.id <- as.numeric(as.factor(evidence$Raw.file))
allPeptides$Raw.file.id <- as.numeric(as.factor(allPeptides$Raw.file))
# LC-MS of identified features
# identified_peptides <- dplyr::semi_join(allPeptides, evidence,
# # by = ms1_anchors
# by = c("Raw.file", "Charge",
# "Number.of.isotopic.peaks",
# "Intensity")
# )
lc_ms_anchors <- c("Raw.file.id", "Charge","m.z", "Mass", "Intensity","Retention.time")
attr_msms <- c(lc_ms_anchors[grep("Raw.file", lc_ms_anchors, invert=TRUE)]
# "Min.scan.number",
# "Max.scan.number",
# "Retention.length",
# "Retention.length..FWHM."
attr_pasef <- c(lc_ms_anchors[grep("Raw.file", lc_ms_anchors, invert=TRUE)],
# "Retention.length",
# "Retention.length..FWHM.",
anchors <- attr_msms
if(tims_ms) anchors <- attr_pasef
evidence <- evidence[complete.cases(evidence[,lc_ms_anchors]),]
allPeptides <- allPeptides[complete.cases(allPeptides[,lc_ms_anchors]),]
# identified_peptides <- evidence
# identified_peptides$Raw.file.id <- as.numeric(as.factor(identified_peptides$Raw.file))
# pep_ids <- as.numeric(as.factor(identified_peptides$PeptideID))
# # pep_f <- as.factor(identified_peptides$PeptideID)
dists <- FNN::get.knnx(allPeptides[, lc_ms_anchors], evidence[,lc_ms_anchors], k = 1)
identified_peptides <- allPeptides[dists$nn.index, tolower(colnames(allPeptides)) %in% tolower(c("Raw.file.id", anchors))]
identified_peptides$PeptideID <- evidence$PeptideID
# do we need RT for matching here? not in PASEF
# LC-MS of unidentified features
unidentified_peptides <- dplyr::anti_join(allPeptides, identified_peptides,
by = lc_ms_anchors)
unidentified_peptides <- unidentified_peptides[, tolower(colnames(unidentified_peptides)) %in% tolower(c("Raw.file.id", anchors))]
landmark_idents <- evidence[,c("PeptideID", "Raw.file")]
landmark_idents <- landmark_idents[!duplicated(landmark_idents),]
landmark_idents <- table(landmark_idents$PeptideID)
landmark_idents <- names(landmark_idents)[landmark_idents == max(evidence$Raw.file.id)]
# landmarks are randomly selected subset of data points
landmark_idents <- landmark_idents[sample(seq_along(landmark_idents), nlandmarks, replace = FALSE)]
landmark_lcms <- identified_peptides[identified_peptides$PeptideID %in% landmark_idents,
tolower(colnames(identified_peptides)) %in% tolower(c(anchors, "Raw.file.id"))]
query_data <- unidentified_peptides
message("Computing distance of idents to landmarks")
mapping_features <- grep("Intensity", anchors, invert=TRUE, value = TRUE)
identified_peptides$index <- 1:nrow(identified_peptides)
# landmarklcms <- landmark_lcms[, c(mapping_features,"Raw.file.id")]
# landmarklcms <- cbind(landmarklcms, one_hot(as.factor(landmarklcms$Raw.file.id)))
# landmarklcms$Raw.file.id <- NULL
# idents <- identified_peptides[, c(mapping_features,"Raw.file.id")]
# idents <- cbind(idents, one_hot(as.factor(idents$Raw.file.id)))
# idents$Raw.file.id <- NULL
# ident_dist_to_landmarks <- FNN::get.knnx(landmarklcms, idents, k = nlandmarks)$nn.dist
ident_list <- list()
landmark_lcms <- landmark_lcms[, tolower(colnames(landmark_lcms)) %in% tolower(c(mapping_features,"Raw.file.id"))]
for (run in unique(evidence$Raw.file.id) ) {
landmarklcms <- landmark_lcms[landmark_lcms$Raw.file.id %in% run,]
idents <- identified_peptides[, tolower(colnames(identified_peptides)) %in% tolower(c(mapping_features,"Raw.file.id"))]
ident_index <- identified_peptides[identified_peptides$Raw.file.id %in% run, "index"]
idents <- idents[idents$Raw.file.id %in% run, ]
ident_dist_to_landmarks <- FNN::get.knnx(landmarklcms, idents,
k = nlandmarks)$nn.dist
colnames(ident_dist_to_landmarks) <- paste("N_", 1:nlandmarks, sep="")
ident_list[[run]] <- cbind(ident_dist_to_landmarks, index = ident_index)
ident_list <- do.call(rbind, ident_list)
ident_list <- ident_list[match(identified_peptides$index,ident_list[,"index"]),]
# message("Computing one-hot encoding of identifications")
# one_hot_idents_encoding <- model.matrix(~ 0 + pep_f)
# C1 <- dplyr::bind_cols(identified_peptides[ , # no keep_idents for rows as what to retain idents in same run as query run
# c("Retention.time",
# # "Charge",
# #"m.z",
# #"Mass",
# "Raw.file.id")],
# as.data.frame(one_hot_idents_encoding))
transfered_idents <- list()
message(paste("Propagating Peptide Identities within", k, "nearest neighbors per run"))
for (run_id in unique(evidence$Raw.file)){
id <- unique(evidence$Raw.file.id[evidence$Raw.file %in% run_id])
missing_idents <- setdiff(identified_peptides$PeptideID[!identified_peptides$Raw.file.id %in% id & !is.na(identified_peptides$Intensity)],
identified_peptides$PeptideID[identified_peptides$Raw.file.id %in% id & !is.na(identified_peptides$Intensity)])
if(!is.null(group_restriction)){ # group_restriction is the name of the column in evidence table specifying group/batch names (e.g. the Experiment column)
experiments <- group_restriction
reference_runs <- experiments$Raw.file[experiments[,"group"] == experiments[experiments$Raw.file == run_id, "group"]]
reference_runs_ids <- unique(evidence$Raw.file.id[evidence$Raw.file %in% reference_runs])
missing_idents <- setdiff(identified_peptides$PeptideID[identified_peptides$Raw.file.id %in% reference_runs_ids & !is.na(identified_peptides$Intensity)],
identified_peptides$PeptideID[identified_peptides$Raw.file.id %in% id & !is.na(identified_peptides$Intensity)])
# run_idents <- unique(identified_peptides$PeptideID[identified_peptides$Raw.file %in% run_id & !is.na(identified_peptides$Intensity)])
message("Number of missing idents")
keep1 <- (identified_peptides$PeptideID %in% missing_idents) & (!identified_peptides$Raw.file.id %in% id)
# keep2 <- complete.cases(identified_peptides[,anchors])
# keep_idents <- keep1 & keep2
keep_idents <- keep1
# compute width of Random Walk
# sigma <- matrixStats::rowMedians(FNN::get.knn(identified_peptides[keep_idents,
# c("Retention.time","Charge",
# "m.z","Mass",
# "Mod..peptide.ID",
# "Number.of.isotopic.peaks","Intensity")],
# k = 5)$nn.dist)
# message("sigma")
# message(sqrt(sigma))
# C2 <- query_data[query_data$Raw.file %in% run_id, c("Raw.file.id","Retention.time")]
# one_hot_encoding_query <- matrix(0,nrow(C2), max(pep_ids))
# C2 <- cbind(C2, one_hot_encoding_query)
# elutions <- rbind(C1,C2)
# coelutions <- dbscan::sNN(elutions, k = 5, kt = 5)
# message("Building sNN graphs")
# elutions <- identified_peptides[keep_idents , c("Retention.time", "Raw.file.id")]
# snn_elutions_donor_runs <- dbscan::sNN(elutions, k = 5, kt = 3)
# coelute_idents <- matrix(pep_ids[keep_idents][snn_elutions_donor_runs$id],
# byrow=FALSE,
# nrow = nrow(snn_elutions_donor_runs$id),
# ncol = ncol(snn_elutions_donor_runs$id))
# coelute_idents[is.na(coelute_idents)] <- 0
# coelute_mz <- matrix(identified_peptides$m.z[keep_idents][coelutions$nn.index],
# byrow=FALSE,
# nrow = nrow(coelutions$nn.index),
# ncol = ncol(coelutions$nn.index))
# coelute_rt <- matrix(identified_peptides$Retention.time[keep_idents][coelutions$nn.index],
# byrow=FALSE,
# nrow = nrow(coelutions$nn.index),
# ncol = ncol(coelutions$nn.index))
# identifications
run_prototypes <- identified_peptides[keep_idents, tolower(colnames(identified_peptides)) %in% tolower(anchors)]
# run_prototypes <- cbind(run_prototypes, coelute_idents)
ident_dist_to_landmarks <- ident_list
ident_dist_to_landmarks_run <- ident_dist_to_landmarks[keep_idents, grep("index", colnames(ident_dist_to_landmarks), invert = TRUE)]
# run_prototypes <- cbind(run_prototypes, ident_dist_to_landmarks_run)
# ident_dist_to_landmarks_run <- (ident_dist_to_landmarks_run - rowMeans(ident_dist_to_landmarks_run))/matrixStats::rowSds(ident_dist_to_landmarks_run)
# run_prototypes <- cbind(run_prototypes, exp(-(0.5/0.1)*(ident_dist_to_landmarks_run^2)))
# sigma <- 0.01
# A_idents <- exp(-0.5*((ident_dist_to_landmarks_run^2)/sigma))
A_idents <- exp(-0.5*((ident_dist_to_landmarks_run^2)/matrixStats::rowSds(ident_dist_to_landmarks_run^2)))
M_idents <- A_idents/rowSums(A_idents, na.rm=TRUE)
run_prototypes <- cbind(run_prototypes, M_idents)
ident_labels <- identified_peptides[keep_idents, "PeptideID"]
prototype_charges <- as.numeric(run_prototypes$Charge)
# detected features
query_embedding <- query_data[query_data$Raw.file.id %in% id, tolower(colnames(query_data)) %in% tolower(anchors)]
query_charge <- as.numeric(query_embedding$Charge)
message("Computing distance of queries to landmarks")
# query_run_dist_to_landmarks <- FNN::get.knnx(landmark_lcms[, c(mapping_features,"Raw.file.id")],
# query_data[query_data$Raw.file.id %in% id, c(mapping_features,"Raw.file.id")],
# k = nlandmarks)$nn.dist
# # query_run_dist_to_landmarks <- (query_run_dist_to_landmarks - rowMeans(query_run_dist_to_landmarks))/matrixStats::rowSds(query_run_dist_to_landmarks)
# #
# # query_embedding <- cbind(query_embedding, exp(-(0.5/0.1)*(query_run_dist_to_landmarks^2)))
# A_query <- exp(-0.5*((query_run_dist_to_landmarks^2)/matrixStats::rowSds(query_run_dist_to_landmarks^2)))
# M_query <- A_query/rowSums(A_query, na.rm=TRUE)
# query_embedding <- cbind(query_embedding, M_query)
landmarklcms_q <- landmark_lcms[landmark_lcms$Raw.file.id %in% id,]
queries <- query_data[query_data$Raw.file.id %in% id, tolower(colnames(query_data)) %in% tolower(c(mapping_features,"Raw.file.id"))]
query_run_dist_to_landmarks <- FNN::get.knnx(landmarklcms_q, queries,
k = nlandmarks)$nn.dist
colnames(query_run_dist_to_landmarks) <- paste("N_", 1:nlandmarks, sep="")
# query_embedding <- cbind(query_embedding, query_run_dist_to_landmarks)
A_query <- exp(-0.5*((query_run_dist_to_landmarks^2)/matrixStats::rowSds(query_run_dist_to_landmarks^2)))
M_query <- A_query/rowSums(A_query, na.rm=TRUE)
query_embedding <- cbind(query_embedding, M_query)
### add coelution for query LC-MS features
# C1 <- identified_peptides[(identified_peptides$Raw.file %in% run_id) & is.finite(identified_peptides$Retention.time),
# c("Raw.file.id","Retention.time")]
# # query_coelutions <- FNN::get.knnx(query_elutions,
# # query_data[query_data$Raw.file %in% run_id, c("Raw.file.id","Retention.time")],
# # k = 5)
# C2 <- query_data[query_data$Raw.file %in% run_id, c("Raw.file.id","Retention.time")]
# query_elutions <- rbind(C1, C2)
# snn_elutions_query <- dbscan::sNN(query_elutions, k = 5, kt = 3)
# snn_elutions_query_ids <- snn_elutions_query$id[(nrow(C1) + 1):nrow(query_elutions),]
# # NA indicies or those larger than nrow C1 are unidentified sNN and should be removed
# snn_elutions_query_ids[snn_elutions_query_ids > nrow(C1) | is.na(snn_elutions_query_ids)] <- NA
# query_coelute_idents <- matrix(pep_ids[(identified_peptides$Raw.file %in% run_id)][snn_elutions_query_ids],
# byrow=FALSE,
# nrow = nrow(snn_elutions_query_ids),
# ncol = ncol(snn_elutions_query_ids))
# query_coelute_idents[is.na(query_coelute_idents)] <- 0
# query_coelute_mz <- matrix(identified_peptides$m.z[identified_peptides$Raw.file %in% run_id][query_coelutions$nn.index],
# byrow=FALSE,
# nrow = nrow(query_coelutions$nn.index),
# ncol = ncol(query_coelutions$nn.index))
# query_coelute_rt <- matrix(identified_peptides$Retention.time[identified_peptides$Raw.file %in% run_id][query_coelutions$nn.index],
# byrow=FALSE,
# nrow = nrow(query_coelutions$nn.index),
# ncol = ncol(query_coelutions$nn.index))
# query_embedding <- cbind(query_embedding, query_coelute_idents)
message("Number of detected features available for PIP in the run")
# knn_prototypes <- FNN::get.knnx(run_prototypes[, grep("Intensity", colnames(run_prototypes), invert = TRUE)],
# query_embedding[, grep("Intensity", colnames(query_embedding), invert = TRUE)], k = 10) # nsamples - 1
### data can contain nan or missing values
query_features <- query_embedding[, grep("Intensity", colnames(query_embedding), invert = TRUE)]
# query_features <- apply(query_features, 1, FUN=function(x) x/sqrt(sum(x^2)))
# query_features <- t(query_features)
reference_features <- run_prototypes[, grep("Intensity", colnames(run_prototypes), invert = TRUE)]
# reference_features <- apply(reference_features, 1, FUN=function(x) x/sqrt(sum(x^2)))
# reference_features <- t(reference_features)
message("Computing prototype-query distances")
knn_prototypes <- FNN::get.knnx(
# Propagation on Euclidean space
# query_embedding[, grep("Intensity", colnames(query_embedding), invert = TRUE)],
# run_prototypes[, grep("Intensity", colnames(run_prototypes), invert = TRUE)],
# On Cosine vector space
k = k) # nsamples - 1
# probs <- exp(-0.5*((knn_prototypes$nn.dist^2))) # i.e. sigma = 1
# probs <- exp(-0.5*((knn_prototypes$nn.dist^2)/sigma))
# ww <- matrix(prototype_charges[knn_prototypes$nn.index], nrow = nrow(probs), ncol = ncol(probs))
# charge <- matrix(query_charge, nrow = nrow(ww), ncol = ncol(ww), byrow = FALSE)
probs <- exp(-0.5*((knn_prototypes$nn.dist^2)/matrixStats::rowSds(knn_prototypes$nn.dist^2)))
# probs <- exp(-0.5*(knn_prototypes$nn.dist^2))
# probs <- 1 - knn_prototypes$nn.dist^2
# probs <- exp(-0.5*((knn_prototypes$nn.dist^2)/matrixStats::rowMedians(knn_prototypes$nn.dist^2)))
ww <- matrix(query_charge[knn_prototypes$nn.index], nrow = nrow(probs), ncol = ncol(probs))
charge <- matrix(prototype_charges, nrow = nrow(ww), ncol = ncol(ww), byrow = FALSE)
w <- ifelse(ww==charge, 1, 0)
wprobs <- w*probs
p1 <- wprobs
p2 <- wprobs/rowSums(probs)
p3 <- wprobs/rowSums(wprobs)
normalised_probs <- p3
if(sum(!complete.cases(normalised_probs)) > 0 ) {
message("Warning: No MS1 feature was found for some identifications.You may wish to increase k.")
valid_features <- rowSums(is.finite(normalised_probs)) > 1
normalised_probs <- normalised_probs[valid_features,]
nn_indices <- knn_prototypes$nn.index[valid_features,]
idxs <- apply(normalised_probs, 1, FUN= function(x) {
z <- logical(length(x)); z[which.max(x)] <- TRUE; return(z)
idxs <- matrix(as.vector(idxs), nrow = nrow(normalised_probs),
ncol = ncol(normalised_probs),
byrow = FALSE)
max_probs <- t(normalised_probs)[idxs]
query_max_probs <- t(nn_indices)[idxs]
df_query_idents <- cbind(
Raw.file = run_id,
query_embedding[query_max_probs, grep("[1-9]", colnames(query_embedding), invert = TRUE)],
data.frame(probability = max_probs, PeptideID = ident_labels[valid_features])
# hist(df_query_idents$probability)
rownames(df_query_idents) <- NULL
transfered_idents[[run_id]] <- df_query_idents
transfered_idents <- do.call(rbind, transfered_idents)
message(paste("Discarding", sum(!(transfered_idents$probability > thresh)),
"low-confidence PIPs at threshold", thresh))
evidence_pip <- rbind(evidence[,c("Raw.file","PeptideID", "Intensity")],
transfered_idents[transfered_idents$probability > thresh,
c("Raw.file","PeptideID", "Intensity")])
evidence_pip <- rbind(
cbind(evidence[,c("Raw.file","PeptideID", "Intensity")], weight = 1),
cbind(transfered_idents[transfered_idents$probability > thresh,
c("Raw.file","PeptideID", "Intensity")],
weight = transfered_idents$probability[transfered_idents$probability > thresh])
meta_anchors <- c( "PeptideID", "Sequence", "Length", "Modifications",
"Leading.razor.protein","Gene.Names", "Protein.Names",
evidence_colnames <- tolower(colnames(evidence))
# genes <- evidence[,match(tolower(meta_anchors), evidence_colnames)]
genes <- evidence[, evidence_colnames %in% tolower(meta_anchors)]
genes <- genes[!duplicated(genes),]
evidence_pip <- cbind(evidence_pip, genes[match(evidence_pip$PeptideID, genes$PeptideID),
grep("PeptideID", colnames(genes), invert=TRUE)])
message("PIP completed")
one_hot <- function(x){
h <- matrix(0, length(x), nlevels(x))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(h))){
h[i, levels(x) == x[i]] <- 1
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