#' @importFrom igraph E V E<- V<-
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot guides guide_legend aes rel element_text
#' element_rect element_blank
#' @import methods
#' Plot PPI network for gene-set clusters identified using vissE
#' This function plots the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network for a
#' gene-set cluster identified using vissE. The international molecular exchange
#' (IMEx) PPI is used to obtain PPIs for genes present in a gene-set cluster.
#' @param ppidf a data.frame, containing a protein-protein interaction from the
#' IMEx database. This can be retrieved from the [msigdb::getIMEX()] function.
#' @param threshConfidence a numeric, specifying the confidence threshold to
#' apply to determine high confidence interactions. This should be a value
#' between 0 and 1 (default is 0).
#' @param threshFrequency a numeric, specifying the frequency threshold to apply
#' to determine more frequent genes in the gene-set cluster. The frequecy of a
#' gene is computed as the proportion of gene-sets to which the gene belongs.
#' This should be a value between 0 and 1 (default is 0.25).
#' @param threshStatistic a numeric, specifying the threshold to apply to
#' gene-level statistics (e.g. a log fold-change). This should be a value
#' between 0 and 1 (default is 0).
#' @param threshUseAbsolute a logical, indicating whether the `threshStatistic`
#' threshold should be applied to absolute values (default TRUE). This can be
#' used to threshold on statistics such as the log fold-chage from a
#' differential expression analysis.
#' @inheritParams plotMsigNetwork
#' @inheritParams plotGeneStats
#' @return a ggplot object with the protein-protein interaction networks plot
#' for each gene-set cluster.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(hgsc)
#' ppi = msigdb::getIMEX(org = 'hs', inferred = TRUE)
#' plotMsigPPI(ppi, hgsc, grps)
plotMsigPPI <-
geneStat = NULL,
statName = 'Gene-level statistic',
threshConfidence = 0,
threshFrequency = 0.25,
threshStatistic = 0,
threshUseAbsolute = TRUE,
topN = 5,
nodeSF = 1,
edgeSF = 1,
lytFunc = 'graphopt',
lytParams = list()) {
#check params
checkNumericRange(nodeSF, 'nodeSF', 0)
checkNumericRange(edgeSF, 'edgeSF', 0)
#compute combined graph
gr = computeMsigGroupPPI(
#plot base graph
lytParams = c(list(graph = gr, layout = lytFunc), lytParams)
p1 = do.call(ggraph::ggraph, lytParams) +
aes(colour = weight),
show.legend = FALSE,
colour = '#666666',
lwd = 0.5
) +
ggraph::geom_node_point(aes(size = Degree, text = label), colour = '#FFFFFF') +
ggraph::geom_node_text(aes(label = Label), repel = TRUE)
if (all(is.na(as.data.frame(gr)$geneStat))) {
#if all empty, skip node drawing
warning('no PPIs found for any group')
} else {
#if at least one graph is non-empty - draw
p1 = p1 +
aes(fill = geneStat, size = Degree),
alpha = 0.75,
shape = 21,
stroke = 0.2 * nodeSF
#choose colour scale
if (is.null(geneStat)) {
p1 = p1 +
ggplot2::scale_fill_manual(values = c('A' = 1), na.value = 'orchid')
} else {
if (threshUseAbsolute & !all(geneStat >= 0)) {
lims = c(-1, 1) * stats::quantile(abs(geneStat), 0.99)
palname = 'vik'
} else {
lims = stats::quantile(abs(geneStat), c(0.01, 0.99))
palname = 'tokyo'
p1 = p1 +
scico::scale_fill_scico(palette = palname, na.value = 'orchid', limits = lims, oob = scales::squish) +
ggplot2::labs(fill = 'statName')
#node sizes
p1 = p1 + ggplot2::scale_size_continuous(range = c(0.1, 6) * nodeSF)
p1 = p1 +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ Group, scales = 'free') +
guides(size = guide_legend(ncol = 2)) +
bhuvad_theme() +
legend.position = 'bottom',
plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = rel(1.5)),
panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#FFFFFF', colour = '#000000'),
strip.background = element_rect(colour = '#000000'),
axis.text = element_blank(),
axis.title = element_blank()
computeMsigGroupPPI <- function(ppidf,
geneStat = NULL,
threshConfidence = 0,
threshFrequency = 0.25,
threshStatistic = 0,
threshUseAbsolute = TRUE,
topN = 5) {
#check params
checkGenesetCollection(msigGsc, 'msigGsc')
checkGroups(groups, names(msigGsc))
if (!is.null(geneStat)) checkGeneStat(geneStat)
checkNumericRange(threshConfidence, 'threshConfidence', 0, eq = TRUE)
checkNumericRange(threshFrequency, 'threshFrequency', 0, eq = TRUE)
checkNumericRange(topN, 'topN', 0, eq = TRUE)
#retrieve cols for ID type from PPI
idType = msigdb::getMsigIdType(msigGsc)
if (is(idType, "SymbolIdentifier")) {
colnames(ppidf)[colnames(ppidf) %in% c("SymbolA", "SymbolB")] = c("from", "to")
} else {
colnames(ppidf)[colnames(ppidf) %in% c("EntrezA", "EntrezB")] = c("from", "to")
#compute group-specific PPIs
ppi_list = lapply(names(groups), function(grpname) {
gs = groups[[grpname]]
genes = table(unlist(lapply(msigGsc[gs], GSEABase::geneIds)))
ig = computeMsigPPI(names(genes), ppidf, threshConfidence)
#remove unconnected nodes
ig = igraph::induced_subgraph(ig, V(ig)$name[igraph::degree(ig) > 0])
#if graph is not empty
if (length(V(ig))> 0) {
V(ig)$label = V(ig)$name
V(ig)$Freq = genes[V(ig)$name] / length(gs)
#select frequent nodes
isFreq = V(ig)$Freq >= threshFrequency
#add gene-stats if present
if (!is.null(geneStat)) {
V(ig)$geneStat = geneStat[V(ig)$name]
#filter nodes
gst = V(ig)$geneStat
if (threshUseAbsolute)
gst = abs(gst)
keepStat = !is.na(gst) & gst >= threshStatistic
} else {
V(ig)$geneStat = NA
keepStat = TRUE #keep all nodes
#create unique node names for each group
keep = isFreq & keepStat
V(ig)$name = paste(V(ig)$name, grpname, sep = '_')
if (any(keep)) {
ig = igraph::induced_subgraph(ig, V(ig)$name[keep])
#remove unconnected nodes
ig = igraph::induced_subgraph(ig, igraph::degree(ig) > 0)
} else {
ig = igraph::graph_from_data_frame(data.frame(numeric(), numeric()))
#convert to data.frames
names(ppi_list) = names(groups)
nodedf = plyr::ldply(ppi_list, igraph::as_data_frame, what = 'vertices', .id = 'Group')
edgedf = plyr::ldply(ppi_list, igraph::as_data_frame, what = 'edges', .id = 'Group')
#create NA entry for empty graphs
nagrps = setdiff(names(groups), nodedf$Group)
if (length(nagrps) > 0) {
nodedf = rbind(
'Group' = nagrps,
'name' = NA,
'Degree' = NA,
'label' = NA,
'Freq' = NA,
'geneStat' = NA
#add labels
#identify outliers
nodedf = plyr::ddply(nodedf, 'Group', function(x) {
if (all(is.na(x$name))) {
x$Rank = Inf
x$Label = ''
#rank genes for labelling
st = rank(x$Degree) * rank(x$Freq)
if (!is.null(geneStat)) {
gst = geneStat[x$label]
st = st * rank(abs(gst))
#add rank for webserver
x$Rank = rank(-st)
islab = !is.na(st) & rank(-st) <= topN
x$Label = ''
x$Label[islab] = x$label[islab]
#plot base graph
gr = tidygraph::tbl_graph(nodedf, edgedf, node_key = 'name')
computeMsigPPI <- function(genes, ppidf, threshConfidence = 0) {
colnames(ppidf)[colnames(ppidf) %in% c('Confidence')] = c('weight')
#identify the organism and use the subset PPI
ppidf = ppidf[ppidf$from %in% genes &
ppidf$to %in% genes &
ppidf$weight >= threshConfidence, , drop = FALSE]
ppidf = ppidf[ppidf$from != ppidf$to ,]
#create igraph
edgecols = c('from', 'to', 'weight')
ppidf = ppidf[, union(edgecols, colnames(ppidf)), drop = FALSE]
ppi_ig = igraph::graph_from_data_frame(ppidf)
igraph::V(ppi_ig)$Degree = igraph::degree(ppi_ig)
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