# An Interface for glmnet Package's glmnet Function. Generalised linear models with sparsity.
penalisedGLMtrainInterface <- function(measurementsTrain, classesTrain, lambda = NULL, ..., verbose = 3)
if(!requireNamespace("glmnet", quietly = TRUE))
stop("The package 'glmnet' could not be found. Please install it.")
if(verbose == 3)
message(Sys.time(), ": Fitting elastic net regularised GLM classifier to data.")
# One-hot encoding needed.
measurementsTrain <- MatrixModels::model.Matrix(~ 0 + ., data = measurementsTrain)
fitted <- glmnet::glmnet(measurementsTrain, classesTrain, family = "multinomial", weights = as.numeric(1 / (table(classesTrain)[classesTrain] / length(classesTrain))), ...)
# Inverse class size weighting needed to give decent predictions when class imbalance.
if(is.null(lambda)) # fitted has numerous models for automatically chosen lambda values.
{ # Pick one lambda based on resubstitution performance. But not the one that makes all variables excluded from model.
lambdaConsider <- colSums(as.matrix(fitted[["beta"]][[1]])) != 0
bestLambda <- fitted[["lambda"]][lambdaConsider][which.min(sapply(fitted[["lambda"]][lambdaConsider], function(lambda) # Largest Lambda with minimum balanced error rate.
classPredictions <- factor(as.character(predict(fitted, measurementsTrain, s = lambda, type = "class")), levels = fitted[["classnames"]])
calcExternalPerformance(classesTrain, classPredictions, "Balanced Error")
attr(fitted, "tune") <- list(lambda = bestLambda)
attr(fitted, "featureNames") <- colnames(measurementsTrain)
attr(fitted, "featureGroups") <- measurementsTrain@assign
attr(penalisedGLMtrainInterface, "name") <- "penalisedGLMtrainInterface"
# model is of class multnet
penalisedGLMpredictInterface <- function(model, measurementsTest, lambda, ..., returnType = c("both", "class", "score"), verbose = 3)
# ... just consumes emitted tuning variables from .doTrain which are unused.
returnType <- match.arg(returnType)
# One-hot encoding needed.
measurementsTest <- MatrixModels::model.Matrix(~ 0 + ., data = measurementsTest)
# Ensure that testing data has same columns names in same order as training data.
# Remove those annoying backquotes which glmnet adds if variables have spaces in names.
measurementsTest <- measurementsTest[, gsub('`', '', rownames(model[["beta"]][[1]]))]
if(!requireNamespace("glmnet", quietly = TRUE))
stop("The package 'glmnet' could not be found. Please install it.")
if(verbose == 3)
message("Predicting classes using trained elastic net regularised GLM classifier.")
if(missing(lambda)) # Tuning parameters are not passed to prediction functions.
lambda <- attr(model, "tune")[["lambda"]] # Sneak it in as an attribute on the model.
measurementsTest <- measurementsTest[, rownames(model[["beta"]][[1]])]
classPredictions <- factor(as.character(predict(model, measurementsTest, s = lambda, type = "class")), levels = model[["classnames"]])
classScores <- predict(model, measurementsTest, s = lambda, type = "response")[, , 1]
classScores <- classScores[, model[["classnames"]]]
else # Leave-one-out cross-validation likely used and glmnet doesn't have consistent return types.
classScores <- t(classScores[model[["classnames"]]])
switch(returnType, class = classPredictions, # Factor vector.
score = classScores, # Numeric matrix.
both = data.frame(class = classPredictions, classScores, check.names = FALSE))
# Get selected features (i.e. non-zero model coefficients)
# Note: Need to convert back to actual features when factors were expanded into
# multiple columns using indicator variables.
penalisedFeatures <- function(model)
# Floating point numbers test for equality.
whichCoefficientColumn <- which(abs(model[["lambda"]] - attr(model, "tune")[["lambda"]]) < 0.00001)[1]
if(is.list(model[["beta"]])) # Categorical data
coefficientsUsed <- sapply(model[["beta"]], function(classCoefficients) classCoefficients[, whichCoefficientColumn])
featureScores <- rowSums(abs(coefficientsUsed))
} else { # survival data
featureScores <- model[["beta"]][, whichCoefficientColumn]
featureGroups <- attr(model, "featureGroups")[match(names(featureScores), attr(model, "featureNames"))]
groupScores <- unname(by(featureScores, featureGroups, max))
rankedFeaturesIndices <- order(groupScores, decreasing = TRUE)
selectedFeaturesIndices <- which(groupScores != 0)
list(rankedFeaturesIndices, selectedFeaturesIndices)
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