#' Add Performance Calculations to a ClassifyResult Object or Calculate for a
#' Pair of Factor Vectors
#' If \code{calcExternalPerformance} is used, such as when having a vector of
#' known classes and a vector of predicted classes determined outside of the
#' ClassifyR package, a single metric value is calculated. If
#' \code{calcCVperformance} is used, annotates the results of calling
#' \code{\link{crossValidate}}, \code{\link{runTests}} or \code{\link{runTest}} with one of the user-specified performance measures.
#' All metrics except Matthews Correlation Coefficient are suitable for
#' evaluating classification scenarios with more than two classes and are
#' reimplementations of those available from Intel DAAL.
#' \code{\link{crossValidate}}, \code{\link{runTests}} or \code{\link{runTest}} was run in resampling mode, one performance
#' measure is produced for every resampling. Otherwise, if the leave-k-out mode was used,
#' then the predictions are concatenated, and one performance measure is
#' calculated for all classifications.
#' \code{"Balanced Error"} calculates the balanced error rate and is better
#' suited to class-imbalanced data sets than the ordinary error rate specified
#' by \code{"Error"}. \code{"Sample Error"} calculates the error rate of each
#' sample individually. This may help to identify which samples are
#' contributing the most to the overall error rate and check them for
#' confounding factors. Precision, recall and F1 score have micro and macro
#' summary versions. The macro versions are preferable because the metric will
#' not have a good score if there is substantial class imbalance and the
#' classifier predicts all samples as belonging to the majority class.
#' @aliases calcPerformance calcExternalPerformance calcCVperformance
#' calcExternalPerformance,factor,factor-method calcExternalPerformance,Surv,numeric-method
#' calcCVperformance,ClassifyResult-method
#' @param result An object of class \code{\link{ClassifyResult}}.
#' @param resultsList A list of modelling results. Each element must be of type \code{\link{ClassifyResult}}.
#' @param performanceTypes Default: \code{"auto"} A character vector. If \code{"auto"}, Balanced Accuracy will be used
#' for a classification task and C-index for a time-to-event task. If using \code{easyHard}, the default is
#' \code{"Sample Accuracy"} for a classification task and \code{"Sample C-index"} for a time-to-event task.
#' Must be one of the following options:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{"Error"}: Ordinary error rate.}
#' \item{\code{"Accuracy"}: Ordinary accuracy.}
#' \item{\code{"Balanced Error"}: Balanced error rate.}
#' \item{\code{"Balanced Accuracy"}: Balanced accuracy.}
#' \item{\code{"Sample Error"}: Error rate for each sample in the data set.}
#' \item{\code{"Sample Accuracy"}: Accuracy for each sample in the data set.}
#' \item{\code{"Micro Precision"}: Sum of the number of correct predictions in
#' each class, divided by the sum of number of samples in each class.}
#' \item{\code{"Micro Recall"}: Sum of the number of correct predictions in each
#' class, divided by the sum of number of samples predicted as
#' belonging to each class.}
#' \item{\code{"Micro F1"}: F1 score obtained by calculating the
#' harmonic mean of micro precision and micro recall.}
#' \item{\code{"Macro Precision"}: Sum of the ratios of the number of correct predictions
#' in each class to the number of samples in each class, divided by the number of classes.}
#' \item{\code{"Macro Recall"}: Sum of the ratios of the number of correct predictions in each
#' class to the number of samples predicted to be in each class, divided by the number of classes.}
#' \item{\code{"Macro F1"}: F1 score obtained by calculating the harmonic mean of macro precision
#' and macro recall.}
#' \item{\code{"Matthews Correlation Coefficient"}: Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC). A score
#' between -1 and 1 indicating how concordant the predicted classes are to the actual classes. Only defined if
#' there are two classes.}
#' \item{\code{"AUC"}: Area Under the Curve. An area ranging from 0 to 1, under the ROC.}
#' \item{\code{"C-index"}: For survival data, the concordance index, for models which produce risk scores. Ranges from 0 to 1.}
#' \item{\code{"Sample C-index"}: Per-individual C-index.}
#' }
#' @param actualOutcome A factor vector or survival information specifying each sample's known outcome.
#' @param predictedOutcome A factor vector or survival information of the same length as \code{actualOutcome} specifying each sample's predicted outcome.
#' @return If \code{calcCVperformance} was run, an updated
#' \code{\linkS4class{ClassifyResult}} object, with new metric values in the
#' \code{performance} slot. If \code{calcExternalPerformance} was run, the
#' performance metric value itself.
#' @author Dario Strbenac
#' @examples
#' predictTable <- DataFrame(sample = paste("A", 1:10, sep = ''),
#' class = factor(sample(LETTERS[1:2], 50, replace = TRUE)))
#' actual <- factor(sample(LETTERS[1:2], 10, replace = TRUE))
#' result <- ClassifyResult(DataFrame(characteristic = "Data Set", value = "Example"),
#' paste("A", 1:10, sep = ''), paste("Gene", 1:50), list(paste("Gene", 1:50), paste("Gene", 1:50)), list(paste("Gene", 1:5), paste("Gene", 1:10)),
#' list(function(oracle){}), NULL, predictTable, actual)
#' result <- calcCVperformance(result)
#' performance(result)
#' @include classes.R
#' @rdname calcPerformance
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setGeneric("calcExternalPerformance", function(actualOutcome, predictedOutcome, ...)
#' @rdname calcPerformance
#' @exportMethod calcExternalPerformance
setMethod("calcExternalPerformance", c("factor", "factor"),
function(actualOutcome, predictedOutcome, # Both are classes.
performanceTypes = "auto")
if(length(performanceTypes) == 1 && performanceTypes == "auto") performanceTypes <- "Balanced Accuracy"
if(length(levels(actualOutcome)) > 2 && performanceTypes == "Matthews Correlation Coefficient")
stop("Error: Matthews Correlation Coefficient specified but data set has more than 2 classes.")
if(is(predictedOutcome, "factor")) levels(predictedOutcome) <- levels(actualOutcome)
sapply(performanceTypes, function(performanceType)
.calcPerformance(list(actualOutcome), list(predictedOutcome), performanceType = performanceTypes)[["values"]]
#' @rdname calcPerformance
#' @exportMethod calcExternalPerformance
setMethod("calcExternalPerformance", c("Surv", "numeric"),
function(actualOutcome, predictedOutcome, performanceTypes = "auto")
if(length(performanceTypes) == 1 && performanceTypes == "auto") performanceTypes <- "C-index"
sapply(performanceTypes, function(performanceType)
.calcPerformance(actualOutcome, predictedOutcome, performanceType = performanceType)[["values"]]
#' @rdname calcPerformance
#' @exportMethod calcExternalPerformance
setMethod("calcExternalPerformance", c("factor", "tabular"), # table has class probabilities per sample.
function(actualOutcome, predictedOutcome, performanceTypes = "auto")
if(length(performanceTypes) == 1 && performanceTypes == "auto") performanceTypes <- "AUC"
sapply(performanceTypes, function(performanceType)
.calcPerformance(actualOutcome, predictedOutcome, performanceType = performanceType)[["values"]]
calcCVperformance <- function(results, ...)
lapply(results, calcCVperformance)
#' @rdname calcPerformance
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setGeneric("calcCVperformance", function(result, ...)
#' @rdname calcPerformance
#' @exportMethod calcCVperformance
setMethod("calcCVperformance", "ClassifyResult",
function(result, performanceTypes = "auto")
actualOutcome <- actualOutcome(result) # Extract the known outcome of each sample.
actualOutcomeOrdered <- actualOutcome[match(result@predictions[, "sample"], sampleNames(result))]
if(length(performanceTypes) == 1 && performanceTypes == "auto")
performanceTypes <- "Balanced Accuracy"
if(all(levels(actualOutcome) %in% colnames(predictions(result))) && "fold" %in% colnames(result@predictions) && max(result@predictions[, "fold"]) < length(result@originalNames)) # Class scores present.
performanceTypes <- c(performanceTypes, "AUC")
} else performanceTypes <- "C-index"
# Allow calculation of multiple metrics at once.
for(performanceType in performanceTypes)
### Group by lowest level of test set.
if(!performanceType %in% c("Sample Error", "Sample Accuracy"))
if("fold" %in% colnames(result@predictions)) # k-Fold or repeated k-Fold cross-validation.
grouping <- result@predictions[, "fold"]
if("permutation" %in% colnames(result@predictions))
grouping <- paste(result@predictions[, "permutation"], grouping, sep = ':')
} else if("permutation" %in% colnames(result@predictions)) # Monte Carlo cross-validation.
grouping <- result@predictions[, "permutation"]
else { # Leave-k-out or independent train and test set, such as created by runTest function.
grouping <- rep(1, nrow(result@predictions))
### Performance for survival data
if(performanceType %in% c("C-index", "Sample C-index")) {
samples <- factor(result@predictions[, "sample"], levels = sampleNames(result))
performance <- .calcPerformance(actualOutcome = actualOutcomeOrdered,
predictedOutcome = result@predictions[, "risk"],
samples = samples,
performanceType = performanceType,
grouping = grouping)
if(grepl(':', names(performance[["values"]])[1])) # Then average for each permutation.
performance[["values"]] <- by(performance[["values"]], sapply(strsplit(names(performance[["values"]]), ':'), '[', 1), mean)
result@performance[[performance[["name"]]]] <- performance[["values"]]
if(performanceType == "AUC") {
performance <- .calcPerformance(actualOutcomeOrdered,
result@predictions[, levels(actualOutcome)],
performanceType = performanceType, grouping = grouping)
if(grepl(':', names(performance[["values"]])[1])) # Then average for each permutation.
permuteID <- sapply(strsplit(names(performance[["values"]]), ':'), '[', 1)
performance[["values"]] <- by(performance[["values"]], permuteID, mean)
names(performance[["values"]]) <- unique(permuteID)
result@performance[[performance[["name"]]]] <- performance[["values"]]
### Performance for data with classes
if(performanceType %in% c("Balanced Accuracy", "Balanced Error", "Error", "Accuracy",
"Micro Precision", "Micro Recall", "Micro F1", "Macro Precision",
"Macro Recall", "Macro F1", "Matthews Correlation Coefficient",
"Sample Error", "Sample Accuracy"))
if(length(levels(actualOutcome)) > 2 && performanceType == "Matthews Correlation Coefficient")
stop("Error: Matthews Correlation Coefficient specified but data set has more than 2 classes.")
classLevels <- levels(actualOutcome)
samples <- factor(result@predictions[, "sample"], levels = sampleNames(result))
predictedOutcome <- factor(result@predictions[, "class"], levels = classLevels)
actualOutcome <- factor(actualOutcomeOrdered, levels = classLevels, ordered = TRUE)
performance <- .calcPerformance(actualOutcome, predictedOutcome, samples, performanceType, grouping)
result@performance[[performance[["name"]]]] <- performance[["values"]]
#' @importFrom survival concordance
.calcPerformance <- function(actualOutcome, predictedOutcome, samples = NA, performanceType, grouping = NULL)
# Make splitting by group safe.
if(is(predictedOutcome, "DataFrame")) predictedOutcome <- as.data.frame(predictedOutcome, optional = TRUE)
if(performanceType %in% c("Sample Error", "Sample Accuracy"))
sampleMetricValues <- sapply(levels(samples), function(sampleID)
consider <- which(samples == sampleID)
if(performanceType == "Sample Error")
sum(predictedOutcome[consider] != as.character(actualOutcome[consider]))
sum(predictedOutcome[consider] == as.character(actualOutcome[consider]))
performanceValues <- as.numeric(sampleMetricValues / table(samples))
names(performanceValues) <- levels(samples)
return(list(name = performanceType, values = performanceValues))
actualOutcome <- split(actualOutcome, grouping)
predictedOutcome <- split(predictedOutcome, grouping)
if(length(samples) > 1 || !is.na(samples))
allSamples <- levels(samples)
samples <- split(samples, grouping)
if(performanceType == "Sample C-index")
performanceValues <- do.call(rbind, mapply(function(iterationSurv, iterationPredictions, iterationSamples)
do.call(rbind, lapply(iterationSamples, function(sampleID)
sampleIndex <- which(iterationSamples == sampleID)
otherIndices <- setdiff(seq_along(iterationSamples), sampleIndex)
concordants <- discordants <- 0
iterationSurv <- as.matrix(iterationSurv)
for(compareIndex in otherIndices)
if(iterationSurv[sampleIndex, "time"] < iterationSurv[compareIndex, "time"] && iterationPredictions[sampleIndex] > iterationPredictions[compareIndex] && iterationSurv[sampleIndex, "status"] == 1)
{ # Reference sample has shorter time, it is not censored, greater risk. Concordant.
concordants <- concordants + 1
} else if(iterationSurv[sampleIndex, "time"] > iterationSurv[compareIndex, "time"] && iterationPredictions[sampleIndex] < iterationPredictions[compareIndex] && iterationSurv[compareIndex, "status"] == 1)
{ # Reference sample has longer time, the comparison sample is not censored, lower risk. Concordant.
concordants <- concordants + 1
} else if(iterationSurv[sampleIndex, "time"] < iterationSurv[compareIndex, "time"] && iterationPredictions[sampleIndex] < iterationPredictions[compareIndex] && iterationSurv[sampleIndex, "status"] == 1)
{ # Reference sample has shorter time, it is not censored, but lower risk than comparison sample. Discordant.
discordants <- discordants + 1
} else if(iterationSurv[sampleIndex, "time"] > iterationSurv[compareIndex, "time"] && iterationPredictions[sampleIndex] > iterationPredictions[compareIndex] && iterationSurv[compareIndex, "status"] == 1)
{ # Reference sample has longer time, the comparison sample is not censored, but higher risk than comparison sample. Discordant.
discordants <- discordants + 1
data.frame(sample = sampleID, concordant = concordants, discordant = discordants)
}, actualOutcome, predictedOutcome, samples, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
sampleValues <- by(performanceValues[, c("concordant", "discordant")], performanceValues[, "sample"], colSums)
Cindex <- round(sapply(sampleValues, '[', 1) / (sapply(sampleValues, '[', 1) + sapply(sampleValues, '[', 2)), 2)
names(Cindex) <- names(sampleValues)
Cindex[is.nan(Cindex)] <- NA # The individual with the smallest censored time might not have any useful inequalities in some results but rarely do.
return(list(name = performanceType, values = Cindex))
if(!is(actualOutcome, "list")) actualOutcome <- list(actualOutcome)
if(!is(predictedOutcome, "list")) predictedOutcome <- list(predictedOutcome)
if(performanceType %in% c("Accuracy", "Error")) {
performanceValues <- unlist(mapply(function(iterationClasses, iterationPredictions)
# Columns are predicted classes, rows are actual classes.
confusionMatrix <- table(iterationClasses, iterationPredictions)
totalPredictions <- sum(confusionMatrix)
correctPredictions <- sum(diag(confusionMatrix))
diag(confusionMatrix) <- 0
wrongPredictions <- sum(confusionMatrix)
if(performanceType == "Accuracy")
correctPredictions / totalPredictions
else # It is "error".
wrongPredictions / totalPredictions
}, actualOutcome, predictedOutcome, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
} else if(performanceType %in% c("Balanced Accuracy", "Balanced Error")) {
performanceValues <- unlist(mapply(function(iterationClasses, iterationPredictions)
# Columns are predicted classes, rows are actual classes.
confusionMatrix <- table(iterationClasses, iterationPredictions)
classSizes <- rowSums(confusionMatrix)
classErrors <- classSizes - diag(confusionMatrix)
if(performanceType == "Balanced Accuracy")
mean(diag(confusionMatrix) / classSizes, na.rm = TRUE)
mean(classErrors / classSizes, na.rm = TRUE)
}, actualOutcome, predictedOutcome, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
} else if(performanceType == "AUC") {
performanceValues <- unlist(mapply(function(iterationClasses, iterationPredictions)
classesTable <- do.call(rbind, lapply(levels(iterationClasses), function(class)
totalPositives <- sum(iterationClasses == class)
totalNegatives <- sum(iterationClasses != class)
uniquePredictions <- sort(unique(iterationPredictions[, class]), decreasing = TRUE)
rates <- do.call(rbind, lapply(uniquePredictions, function(uniquePrediction)
consideredSamples <- iterationPredictions[, class] >= uniquePrediction
truePositives <- sum(iterationClasses[consideredSamples] == class)
falsePositives <- sum(iterationClasses[consideredSamples] != class)
TPR <- truePositives / totalPositives
FPR <- falsePositives / totalNegatives
data.frame(FPR = FPR, TPR = TPR, class = class)
rates <- rbind(data.frame(FPR = 0, TPR = 0, class = class), rates)
classesAUC <- .calcArea(classesTable, levels(actualOutcome[[1]]))
mean(classesAUC[!duplicated(classesAUC[, c("class", "AUC")]), "AUC"]) # Average AUC in iteration.
}, actualOutcome, predictedOutcome, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
} else if(performanceType %in% c("C-index")) {
performanceValues <- unlist(mapply(function(x, y){
y <- -y
survival::concordance(x ~ y)$concordance
}, actualOutcome, predictedOutcome, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
} else { # Metrics for which true positives, true negatives, false positives, false negatives must be calculated.
performanceValues <- unlist(mapply(function(iterationClasses, iterationPredictions)
confusionMatrix <- table(iterationClasses, iterationPredictions)
truePositives <- diag(confusionMatrix)
falsePositives <- colSums(confusionMatrix) - truePositives
falseNegatives <- rowSums(confusionMatrix) - truePositives
trueNegatives <- sum(truePositives) - truePositives
if(performanceType == "Average Accuracy")
return(sum((truePositives + trueNegatives) / (truePositives + trueNegatives + falsePositives + falseNegatives)) / nrow(confusionMatrix))
if(performanceType %in% c("Micro Precision", "Micro F1"))
microP <- sum(truePositives) / sum(truePositives + falsePositives)
if(performanceType == "Micro Precision") return(microP)
if(performanceType %in% c("Micro Recall", "Micro F1"))
microR <- sum(truePositives) / sum(truePositives + falseNegatives)
if(performanceType == "Micro Recall") return(microR)
if(performanceType == "Micro F1")
return(2 * microP * microR / (microP + microR))
if(performanceType %in% c("Macro Precision", "Macro F1"))
macroP <- sum(truePositives / (truePositives + falsePositives)) / nrow(confusionMatrix)
if(performanceType == "Macro Precision") return(macroP)
if(performanceType %in% c("Macro Recall", "Macro F1"))
macroR <- sum(truePositives / (truePositives + falseNegatives)) / nrow(confusionMatrix)
if(performanceType == "Macro Recall") return(macroR)
if(performanceType == "Macro F1")
return(2 * macroP * macroR / (macroP + macroR))
if(performanceType == "Matthews Correlation Coefficient")
return(unname((truePositives[2] * trueNegatives[2] - falsePositives[2] * falseNegatives[2]) / sqrt((truePositives[2] + falsePositives[2]) * (truePositives[2] + falseNegatives[2]) * (trueNegatives[2] + falsePositives[2]) * (trueNegatives[2] + falseNegatives[2]))))
}, actualOutcome, predictedOutcome, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
list(name = performanceType, values = performanceValues)
#' @rdname calcPerformance
#' @param aggregate Default: \code{"median"}. Can also be \code{"mean"}. If there are multiple values, such as for repeated
#' cross-validation, then they are summarised to a single number using either mean or median.
#' @export performanceTable
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
performanceTable <- function(resultsList, performanceTypes = "auto", aggregate = c("median", "mean"))
aggregate <- match.arg(aggregate)
actualOutcome <- actualOutcome(resultsList[[1]]) # Establish outcome type.
if(length(performanceTypes) == 1 && performanceTypes == "auto")
if(is.factor(actualOutcome)) performanceTypes <- c("AUC", "Balanced Accuracy") else performanceTypes <- "C-index"
names(performanceTypes) <- performanceTypes
do.call(rbind, lapply(resultsList, function(result)
performances <- lapply(performanceTypes, function(performanceType)
if(!performanceType %in% names(performance(result)))
performance <- performance(calcCVperformance(result, performanceType))[[performanceType]]
performance <- performance(result)[[performanceType]]
if(aggregate == "median") median(performance) else mean(performance)
DataFrame(tidyr::pivot_wider(as.data.frame(result@characteristics), names_from = characteristic, values_from = value), performances, check.names = FALSE)
#' @rdname calcPerformance
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
setGeneric("easyHard", function(measurements, result, assay, performanceType, ...)
#' @rdname calcPerformance
#' @exportMethod easyHard
#' @importFrom broom tidy
#' @param assay For \code{easyHard} only. The assay to use to look for associations to the per-sample metric.
#' @param useFeatures For \code{easyHard} only. Default: \code{NULL} (i.e. use all provided features). A vector of features to consider of the assay specified.
#' This allows for the avoidance of variables such spike-in RNAs, sample IDs, sample acquisition dates, etc. which are not relevant for outcome prediction.
#' @param fitMode For \code{easyHard} only. Default:\code{"single"}. Either \code{"single"} or \code{"full"}. If \code{"single"},
#' an ordinary GLM model is fitted for each covariate separately. If \code{"full"}, elastic net is used to automatically tune the non-zero model coefficients.
#' @return For \code{easyHard}, a \code{\link{DataFrame}} of logistic regression model summary.
setMethod("easyHard", "MultiAssayExperimentOrList",
function(measurements, result, assay = "clinical", useFeatures = NULL, performanceType = "auto",
fitMode = c("single", "full"))
if(!requireNamespace("glmnet", quietly = TRUE))
stop("The package 'glmnet' could not be found. Please install it.")
if(!assay %in% names(measurements)) stop("'assay' is not one of the names of 'measurements'.")
fitMode <- match.arg(fitMode)
if(is(measurements, "MultiAssayExperiment"))
if(assay == "clinical")
assay <- colData(measurements)
else assay <- t(measurements[, , assay]) # Ensure that features are in columns.
} else {assay <- measurements[[assay]]}
if(!is.null(useFeatures)) assay <- assay[, useFeatures]
if(performanceType == "auto")
if("risk" %in% colnames(predictions(result)))
performanceType <- "Sample C-index"
} else {performanceType <-"Sample Accuracy"}
if(!performanceType %in% names(performance(result)))
warning(paste(performanceType, "not found in result. Calculating it now."))
result <- calcCVperformance(result, performanceType)
samplePerformance <- performance(result)[[performanceType]]
keep <- !is.na(samplePerformance)
assay <- assay[keep, ]
samplePerformance <- samplePerformance[keep]
assay <- assay[names(samplePerformance), ] # Just in case.
assayOHE <- MatrixModels::model.Matrix(~ 0 + ., data = assay)
if(fitMode == "single")
as(do.call(rbind, lapply(colnames(assay), function(featureID)
covariate <- assay[, featureID]
fitted <- glm(samplePerformance ~ covariate, family = binomial, weights = rep(100, length(samplePerformance)))
summaryDF <- broom::tidy(fitted)
summaryDF[2:nrow(summaryDF), "term"] <- paste(featureID, levels(covariate)[2:length(levels(covariate))], sep = ": ")
} else {summaryDF[, "term"] <- featureID}
summaryDF[2:nrow(summaryDF), ]
})), "DataFrame")
} else { # Penalised regression.
samplePerformanceM <- matrix(c(1 - samplePerformance, samplePerformance), ncol = 2)
fitted <- glmnet::glmnet(assayOHE, samplePerformanceM, family = "binomial")
lambdaConsider <- colSums(as.matrix(fitted[["beta"]])) != 0
bestLambda <- fitted[["lambda"]][lambdaConsider][which.min(sapply(fitted[["lambda"]][lambdaConsider], function(lambda) # Largest Lambda with minimum balanced error rate.
predictions <- predict(fitted, assayOHE, s = lambda, type = "response")
sum(abs(samplePerformanceM[, 2] - predictions))
useVariables <- abs(fitted[["beta"]][, fitted[["lambda"]] == bestLambda]) > 0.00001
useVariables <- colnames(assay)[unique(assayOHE@assign[useVariables])]
dataForModel <- data.frame(assay, performance = samplePerformanceM[, 2])
fitted <- glm(performance ~ . + 0, data = dataForModel, family = binomial(), weights = rep(100, nrow(dataForModel)))
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