Man pages for Danis102/seqpac
Seqpac: A Framework for smallRNA analysis in R using Sequence-Based Counts

add_reannoGenerates biotype annotation from reannotation object
annoanno(PAC) Access the annotation table in S4 PAC
as.PACConverts an S3 PAC into a S4 PAC
as.reannoConverts an S3 reanno into a S4 reanno
colnamessample names
create_PACWrapper for creation of PAC object
filtsep_binBinary converter for PAC_filtsep
import_reannoImports annotation from reannotation mapping
lengthnumber of objects in PAC
make_convCreate reference genome conversion table
make_countsMake a count table
make_cutadaptTrims/filter fastq using external...
make_PACMake PAC
make_phenoMake Phenotype File
make_reannoMakes annotation from R imported reannotation mapping
make_trimMake trimmed and quality filtered fastq files
map_rangetypeInterval classification.
map_reannoAligning sequences against references using bowtie
merge_lanesMerge fastq lane files
namesnames of objects in reanno
ncolnumber of samples
nrownumber of sequences
PACS4 object for PAC
PAC_checkChecks PAC format
PAC_covplotPlot sequence coverage over a reference
PAC_deseqA wrapper to DESeq2 that apply differential expression...
PAC_filterFilter a PAC object on sequence size and coverage
PAC_filtsepGenerates filtered sequence name list seperated on group
PAC_gtfAnnotate against a GTF file
PAC_jitterPlots jitter plot from PAC object
PAC_mapperAdvanced sequence mapping of a PAC object
PAC_nbiasGenerates a nucleotide bias analysis from a PAC object
PAC_normGenerates normalized values from a PAC object
PAC_pcaPrinciple component analysis with scatterplots from PAC
PAC_piePie plot from PAC
PAC_saturationFilter a PAC object on sequence size and coverage
PAC_sizedistGenerates size distribution plots from a PAC object
PAC_stackbarPlot stackbars from PAC
PAC_summarySummarizes PAC objects
PAC_trnatsRNA analysis of PAC object
reannoS4 object for reanno output
rownamessequence names
simplify_reannoGenerates one-hit hierarchial biotype annotation
tRNA_classClassify tsRNA/tRFs from PAC object
Danis102/seqpac documentation built on Aug. 26, 2023, 10:15 a.m.