#' Functional annotation test
#' Conducts functional annotation using Fisher exact test
#' @param annotlist - list contains terms as keys and direct annotations as values
#' @param realnames - GO terms full names
#' @param namespaces - GO terms namespaces
#' @param inputgeneset - vector of query genes
#' @param gene_amount_border - minimal number of genes annotated to a term (1 by default)
#' @param fisher_alternative - fisher exact test alternative,
#' possible values: "greater", "less", "two.sided" ("greater by default)
#' @param p_adjust_method - method for multiple testing correction (to see all possible methods print: p.adjust.methods)
#' @return - dataframe contains functional annotaion for gene set
#' @examples
#' # data - dataframe contains gene IDs in first column and fold-change values in second column
#' data(up_genes, annot_data, package = "fsgor")
#' gene_sets <- div_genes_to_quantiles(up_genes, 6)
#' func_annot_test_internal(annot_data$annot_data, annot_data$real_names, annot_data$namespaces, gene_sets$'1')
func_annot_test_internal <- function(annotlist,
gene_amount_border = 1,
fisher_alternative = "greater",
p_adjust_method = "BH") {
# extract background genes set from annotation list
# and calculate the amount
bggenes <- unique(unlist(annotlist))
bgtot <- length(bggenes)
# delete genes from query genes set that are not presented
# in the background and calculate the amount
inputgeneset <- intersect(inputgeneset, bggenes)
qtot <- length(inputgeneset)
annotlist_names <- names(annotlist)
qit_list <-
lapply(annotlist, function(x)
intersect(inputgeneset, x))
names(qit_list) <- annotlist_names
qit_ints <- lengths(qit_list)
qit_list <- qit_list[qit_ints >= gene_amount_border]
qit_ints <- lengths(qit_list)
annotlist <- annotlist[match(names(qit_list), names(annotlist))]
annotlist_names <- names(annotlist)
bg_ints <- lengths(annotlist)
values_matrix <-
cbind(qit_ints, rep(qtot, length(qit_ints)),
bg_ints, rep(bgtot, length(qit_ints)))
fisher_matrix <-
values_matrix[, 1],
values_matrix[, 2] - values_matrix[, 1],
values_matrix[, 3] - values_matrix[, 1],
values_matrix[, 4] - values_matrix[, 2]
- values_matrix[, 3] + values_matrix[, 1]
pvalues <-
apply(fisher_matrix, 1, function(x)
stats::fisher.test(matrix(x, nrow = 2), fisher_alternative)$p.value)
real_names <-
unlist(realnames[match(names(annotlist), names(realnames))])
name_spaces <-
unlist(namespaces[match(names(annotlist), names(namespaces))])
genes <-
unlist(lapply(qit_list, function(x)
paste(x, collapse = "/")))
padj <- stats::p.adjust(pvalues, method = p_adjust_method)
outdf <- data.frame(
"GO_id" = annotlist_names,
"namespace" = name_spaces,
"name" = real_names,
"qit" = values_matrix[, 1],
"qtot" = values_matrix[, 2],
"bgit" = values_matrix[, 3],
"bgtot" = values_matrix[, 4],
"pval" = pvalues,
"padj" = padj,
"qit_genes" = genes,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# sort output df by p-values in ascending order
outdf <- outdf[order(outdf$pval), ]
# add row numbering to output data frame
rownames(outdf) <- seq(nrow(outdf))
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