#' Fold-specific GO terms recognition
#' Recognizes fold-specific GO for each fold change interval versus differentialy expressed genes annotation,
#' returns list contains dataframe with fold-specific GO terms data and not fold-fold-specific GO terms data
#' accessible by fs and nfs keys correspondingly
#' @param p_adjust_method method name for correction on multiple correction, type "p.adjust.methods" in R Console
#' to obtain all possiple values
#' @param fdr2step value for fdr step 2
#' @param fdr3step value for fdr step 3
#' @param listoftables list contains GO output tables as dataframes and interval names as leys
#' @param wholeintname key for whole interval table specified in listoftables
#' @param listofcolnames list of column names, must contain the following keys: "GO_id" - GO term identifier
#' "name" - GO term name
#' "namespace" - namespace of GO term
#' "qit" - number of genes annotated to a term in query list
#' "qtot" - number of genes in a query list
#' "padj" - adjusted p-values, if you don't use any corrections on multiple testing assign the name of raw p-values column to this key
#' (column names of internal annotation used as default value)
#' @param fisher_alternative indicates the alternative hypothesis and must be one of "two.sided", "greater" or "less". You can specify just the initial letter. Only used in the 2 by 2 case.
#' @return list contains dataframe with fold-specific and not fold-fold-specific GO terms data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(up_annot, package = "fsgor")
#' recognize_fs_terms(up_annot, "1-6", fsgor::colnameslist, "BY", 1, 0.05)
recognize_fs_terms <-
function (listoftables,
listofcolnames = fsgor::colnameslist,
fisher_alternative = "greater") {
if (!requireNamespace("tidyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("tidyr package needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
call. = FALSE)
# extract dataframe for whole interval annotation
# and cut it by FDR step 2 threshold
df <- listoftables[[wholeintname]]
if (fdr2step < 1) {
df <- subset(df, df[[listofcolnames$padj]] < fdr2step)
# leave only GO_id, qit and qtot columns
# and rename qit and qtot to wqit and wqtot where w means whole interval
df <-
df[, c(listofcolnames$GO_id,
names(df)[names(df) == listofcolnames$qit] <- "wqit"
names(df)[names(df) == listofcolnames$qtot] <- "wqtot"
# create empty dataframe for merging all dataframes by GO_id
resdf <- data.frame()
# extract interval names form list of dataframes names
# and delete the name of whole interval
filenames <- names(listoftables)
filenames <- filenames[!filenames %in% wholeintname]
# extract dataframe for each interval except whole
# add column with interval name
# merge data by GO_id's from whole interval data frame
# bind all dataframes in resdf
for (i in 1:length(filenames)) {
data <- listoftables[[filenames[i]]]
data$filename <- rep(filenames[i], nrow(data))
data <- data[, c(
resdf <-
rbind(resdf, merge(data, df, by = listofcolnames$GO_id))
# create matrix with rows contains qit, qtot, wqit, wqtot for each GO term
cutdf <-
resdf[, c(listofcolnames$qit, listofcolnames$qtot, "wqit", "wqtot")]
mat <- matrix(unlist(cutdf), nrow = nrow(cutdf))
# calculate Fisher exact test for each GO term
resdf$pvalues <-
apply(mat, 1, function(x)
x[1], x[2] - x[1], x[3] - x[1], x[4] - x[2] - x[3] + x[1]
), nrow = 2),
alternative = fisher_alternative)$p.value)
genes_df <- resdf[, c(
# leave only GO_id, filename and pvalues rows in resulting dataframe
# and convert it to wide format
resdf <-
resdf[, c(
resdf <- tidyr::spread(resdf, "filename", "pvalues")
genes_df <- tidyr::spread(genes_df, "filename", "qit_genes")
# move GO_ids from first column to rownames
rownames(resdf) <- resdf[, 1]
resdf[, 1] <- NULL
go_ids <- rownames(resdf)
go_names <- resdf[, 1]
go_namespaces <- resdf[, 2]
resdf <- resdf[, c(-1, -2)]
# find minimal p-values for each GO term and corresponding interval name
minp <-
apply(resdf, 1, function(x)
c(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), colnames(resdf)[which.min(x)]))
# from table with genes delete all intervals that are not in minp
genes <-
sapply(c(1:length(genes_df[, 1])), function(x)
genes_df[x, which(colnames(genes_df) == minp[2, ][x])])
# apply correction on multiple testing
# and separate GO terms into fold-specific and not fold-specific groups
# using fdr step 3 threshold
padj <- stats::p.adjust(minp[1, ], method = p_adjust_method)
fsinds <- which(as.numeric(padj) < fdr3step)
nfsinds <- which(as.numeric(padj) >= fdr3step)
# create dataframes for fold specific and
# not fold specific terms containing GO_ids, minimal p adjusted values,
# real names, interval names
fs <- data.frame(
ids = go_ids[fsinds],
namespace = go_namespaces[fsinds],
name = go_names[fsinds],
padj = padj[fsinds],
interval = minp[2, ][fsinds],
genes = genes[fsinds],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
if (length(fsinds) != 0) {
rownames(fs) <- c(1:length(fsinds))
nfs <- data.frame(
ids = go_ids[nfsinds],
namespace = go_namespaces[nfsinds],
name = go_names[nfsinds],
padj = padj[nfsinds],
interval = minp[2, ][nfsinds],
genes = genes[nfsinds],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
if (length(nfsinds) != 0) {
rownames(nfs) <- c(1:length(nfsinds))
# create output list
output <- list("fs" = fs, "nfs" = nfs)
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