## This function finds transcription factor high accumulation DNA zones (TFHAZ).
## Two different methods for the search of TF high accumulation DNA zones
## are available, with two possible methods to find the threshold value.
## input:
## accumulation: list of four elements containing: a sparse vector with
## accumulation values (e.g.,obtained with the accumulation function),
## the accumulation type, a chromosome name, and the half-width of the
## window used for the accumulation count.
## method: a string with the name of the method used to find high
## accumulation zones: "binding_regions" or "overlaps".
## data a GRanges object containing coordinates of TF binding regions and
## their TF name. It is needed in the case of "binding regions" method
## threshold: a string with the name of the method used to find the threshold
## value: "std" or "top_perc".
## k: an integer with the percentage (with the top_perc method) or the
## number of std deviations (with the std method) to be used in order to
## find the threshold.
## output: A list of nine elements:
## zones: a GRanges object containing the coordinates of the high
## accumulation zones.
## n_zones: an integer containing the number of high accumulation zones
## obtained.
## n_bases: an integer containing the total number of bases belonging to
## the accumulation zones obtained.
## lengths: a vector containing the considered threshold value and min,
## max, mean, median and standard deviation of the accumulation
## zone lengths obtained.
## distances: a vector containing the considered threshold value and min,
## max, mean, median and standard deviation of the distances between adjacent
## accumulation zones obtained.
## TH: a number with the threshold value found.
## acctype: a string with the accumulation type used.
## chr: a string with the chromosome name associated with the
## accumulation vector used.
## w: an integer with half-width of the window used to calculate the
## accumulation vector.
## Furthermore, a ".bed" file with the chromosome, genomic coordinates and
## accumulation values of the found accumulation zones and a ".png" file with
## the plot of the TFHAZ found along the chromosome (only if the "accumulation"
## in input is calculated for a single chromosome) can be created.
high_accumulation_zones <- function(accumulation, method = c("overlaps",
"binding_regions"), data, threshold =
c("std", "top_perc"), k = 2, writeBed =
FALSE, plotZones = FALSE)
if (!is.list(accumulation))
stop("'accumulation' must be an object of type 'list'.")
if (class(accumulation$accvector) != "Rle" & class(accumulation$accvector)
!= "SimpleRleList")
stop("'accvector' element of the list 'accumulation' must be of class
if (!is.character(method))
stop("'method' must be an object of type 'character'.")
if (!is.character(threshold))
stop("'threshold' must be an object of type 'character'.")
## input accumulation vector
acc_tf <- accumulation$accvector
if(accumulation$chr != "all") {
acc_regions <- GRanges(seqnames = rep(accumulation$chr,
length(ranges(acc_tf))), ranges = ranges(acc_tf), score =
} else {
acc_regions <- as(acc_tf,"GRanges") }
if (method == "binding_regions") {
if (missing(data))
stop("argument data is missing")
if (accumulation$w != 0)
stop("in binding regions method w must be equal to 0")
acc_reg <- reduce(acc_regions[score(acc_regions) > 0])
tf <- unique(elementMetadata(data))[,1]
count_list <- list()
for(i in seq_along(tf)) {
data_tf <- data[elementMetadata(data)[,1] == tf[i]]
count_list[[i]] <- countOverlaps(acc_reg, data_tf)
count_list[[i]][count_list[[i]] > 1] <- 1
count_list <- Reduce("+", count_list)
acc_regions <- GRanges(acc_reg, score = count_list)
if (method == "overlaps") {
acc_regions <- acc_regions[score(acc_regions) > 0]
## finding the threshold
if (threshold == "top_perc") {
stop("argument k is missing")
if (!is.numeric(k))
stop("'k' must be an object of type 'numeric'.")
if (k < 0 || k >= 100)
stop("'k' must be >= 0 and <= 100.")
n_regions <- length(acc_regions)
ul <- unique(score(acc_regions))
max_index <- max(ul)
ul <- sort(ul,decreasing = FALSE)
up_perc <- n_regions * (1 - (k * 0.01))
for(i in seq_along(ul)){
data_ACC <- acc_regions[score(acc_regions) == ul[i]]
ACC_count[i] <- length(data_ACC)
if (i == 1) {
sum_ACC_count[i] <- ACC_count[i]
} else {
TH <- ul[which(sum_ACC_count > up_perc)[1]]
if (threshold == "std") {
k <- 2
acc <- score(acc_regions) * width(acc_regions)
mean_acc <- sum(acc) / sum(width(acc_regions))
std_reg = width(acc_regions) * (score(acc_regions) - mean_acc)^2
std_acc <- sqrt(sum(std_reg) / (sum(width(acc_regions)) - 1))
TH <- ceiling(mean_acc + k * std_acc)
ul <- unique(score(acc_regions))
max_index <- max(ul)
## finding high accumulation zones
zones_old <- reduce(acc_regions[score(acc_regions) >= TH])
acc_regions <- acc_regions
zones <- reduceKeepAttr(acc_regions[score(acc_regions) >= TH],
keep.names = TRUE, with.revmap = TRUE)
indexes <- as.numeric(zones@elementMetadata@listData[["revmap"]]@partitioning@end)
acc_val <- score(acc_regions)[indexes]
## finding the number of bases belonging to the zones
n_bases <- sum(width(zones))
## finding the number of zones
n_zones <- length(zones)
if (accumulation$chr != "all" & plotZones == TRUE) {
## finding the bases belonging to the zones
bases <- Rle()
for (i in seq_along(zones)) {
bases <- append(bases, start(zones)[i]:end(zones)[i])
## plot
png(filename = paste("high_accumulation_zones_TH_", round(TH, digits =
1), "_", accumulation$acctype, "_acc_w_",
accumulation$w, "_", accumulation$chr, ".png",
sep = ""))
plot(accumulation$accvector, type = "l", xlab = "base", ylab = paste
("# of ", accumulation$acctype, "s", sep = ""))
points(bases, rep(0, length(bases)), col = "red", pch = 15)
abline(h = TH, col = "red")
legend("topleft", legend = c("threshold", "HOT\nzones"),
col = "red", pch = c(NA, 15), lty = c(1, NA), bty='n')
if (writeBed == TRUE) {
## writing on files chromosome and positions of starting and ending points
write.table(data.frame(seqnames(zones), start(zones) - 1, end(zones), acc_val),
file = paste(accumulation$acctype, "_acc_w_", accumulation$w,
"_", accumulation$chr, "_dense_zones_th_", round(TH, digits = 1)
, ".bed", sep = ""), row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE, sep = "\t") }
## finding elements of length dataframe
length_zone_min <- min(width(zones))
length_zone_max <- max(width(zones))
length_zone_mean <- mean(width(zones))
length_zone_median <- median(width(zones))
length_zone_sd <- sd(width(zones))
## calculating distances of dense zones
if (length(zones) > 1) {
dist_zone <- start(zones)[-1] - end(zones[-length(end(zones))])
dist_zone_min <- min(dist_zone)
dist_zone_max <- max(dist_zone)
dist_zone_mean <- mean(dist_zone)
dist_zone_median <- median(dist_zone)
dist_zone_sd <- sd(dist_zone)
} else {
dist_zone <- NA
dist_zone_min <- NA
dist_zone_max <- NA
dist_zone_mean <- NA
dist_zone_median <- NA
dist_zone_sd <- NA
## vectors creation
lengths <- c(TH, n_zones, length_zone_min, length_zone_max,
length_zone_mean, length_zone_median, length_zone_sd)
names(lengths) = c("TH", "n_zones", "length_zone_min", "length_zone_max",
"length_zone_mean", "length_zone_median", "length_zone_sd")
distances <- c(TH, n_zones, dist_zone_min, dist_zone_max, dist_zone_mean,
dist_zone_median, dist_zone_sd)
names(distances) <- c("TH", "n_zones", "dist_zone_min", "dist_zone_max",
"dist_zone_mean", "dist_zone_median", "dist_zone_sd")
return(list(zones = zones, n_zones = n_zones, n_bases = n_bases, lengths =
lengths, distances = distances, TH = TH, chr = accumulation$chr,
w = accumulation$w, max_accumulation_index = max_index, acctype = accumulation$acctype))
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