#' Function read
#' It reads a GMQL dataset, as a folder containing some homogenus samples on
#' disk or as a GRangesList, saving it in Scala memory in a way that can be
#' referenced in R. It is also used to read a repository dataset in case of
#' remote processing.
#' @importFrom rJava J .jnull .jarray
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @param dataset folder path for GMQL dataset or dataset name on repository
#' @param parser string used to parsing dataset files.
#' The Parsers available are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{BedParser}
#' \item{BroadPeakParser}
#' \item{NarrowPeakParser}
#' \item{CustomParser}
#' }
#' Default is CustomParser.
#' @param is_local logical value indicating local or remote dataset
#' @return GMQLDataset object. It contains the value to use as input
#' for the subsequent GMQLDataset method
#' @details
#' Normally, a GMQL dataset contains an XML schema file that contains
#' name of region attributes. (e.g chr, start, stop, strand)
#' The CustomParser reads this XML schema;
#' if you already know what kind of schema your files have, use one of the
#' parsers defined, without reading any XML schema.
#' If GRangesList has no metadata: i.e. metadata() is empty, two metadata are
#' generated:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{"provider" = "PoliMi"}
#' \item{"application" = "RGMQL"}
#' }
#' NOTE:
#' The folder layout must obey the following rules and adopt
#' the following layout:
#' The dataset folder can have any name, but must contains the
#' sub-folders named: "files".
#' The sub-folder "files" contains the dataset files and
#' the schema xml file.
#' The schema files adopt the following the naming conventions:
#' - "schema.xml"
#' - "test.schema"
#' The names must be in LOWERCASE. Any other schema file
#' will not be conisdered, if both are present, "test.schema" will be used.
#' @examples
#' ## This statement initializes and runs the GMQL server for local execution
#' ## and creation of results on disk. Then, with system.file() it defines
#' ## the path to the folder "DATASET" in the subdirectory "example"
#' ## of the package "RGMQL" and opens such folder as a GMQL dataset
#' ## named "data" using CustomParser
#' init_gmql()
#' test_path <- system.file("example", "DATASET", package = "RGMQL")
#' data = read_gmql(test_path)
#' ## This statement opens such folder as a GMQL dataset named "data" using
#' ## "NarrowPeakParser"
#' dataPeak = read_gmql(test_path,"NarrowPeakParser")
#' ## This statement reads a remote public dataset stored into GMQL system
#' ## repository. For a public dataset in a (remote) GMQL repository the
#' ## prefix "public." is needed before dataset name
#' remote_url = "http://www.gmql.eu/gmql-rest/"
#' login_gmql(remote_url)
#' data1 = read_gmql("public.Example_Dataset_1", is_local = FALSE)
#' @name read_gmql
#' @rdname read-function
#' @export
read_gmql <- function(
parser = "CustomParser",
is_local = TRUE
) {
WrappeR <- J("it/polimi/genomics/r/Wrapper")
parser_name <- .check_parser(parser)
if(is_local) {
stop("folder does not exist")
dataset <- sub("/*[/]$","",dataset)
if(basename(dataset) !="files")
dataset <- file.path(dataset,"files")
schema_XML <- .retrieve_schema(dataset, TRUE)
schema_matrix <- .jnull("java/lang/String")
url <- .jnull("java/lang/String")
coords_sys <- .jnull("java/lang/String")
type <- .jnull("java/lang/String")
} else {
if(!exists("GMQL_credentials", envir = .GlobalEnv))
stop("You have to log on using login function")
credential <- get("GMQL_credentials", envir = .GlobalEnv)
url <- credential$remote_url
stop("You have to log on using login function")
if(identical(parser_name,"CUSTOMPARSER")) {
list <- show_schema(url, dataset)
coords_sys <- list$coordinate_system
type <- list$type
schema_names <- vapply(
list$fields, function(x){ x$name },character(1)
schema_type <- vapply(
list$fields, function(x){ x$type },character(1)
schema_matrix <- cbind(schema_names,schema_type)
if(is.null(schema_matrix) || !length(schema_matrix))
schema_matrix <- .jnull("java/lang/String")
schema_matrix <- .jarray(schema_matrix, dispatch = TRUE)
schema_matrix <- .jnull("java/lang/String")
schema_XML <- .jnull("java/lang/String")
response <- WrappeR$readDataset(
error <- strtoi(response[1])
data <- response[2]
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @importFrom rJava J .jarray
#' @param samples GRangesList
#' @name read_gmql
#' @rdname read-function
#' @export
read_GRangesList <- function(samples) {
stop("only GrangesList")
meta <- S4Vectors::metadata(samples)
if(is.null(meta) || !length(meta)) {
#repeat meta for each sample in samples list
len <- length(samples)
"No metadata.\nWe provide two metadata for you:
\n1.provider = PoliMi\n2.application = RGMQL\n"
index_meta <- rep(seq_len(len),each = len)
rep_meta <- rep(
c("provider","PoliMi", "application", "RGMQL"),
times = len
meta_matrix <- matrix(rep_meta,ncol = 2,byrow = TRUE)
meta_matrix <- cbind(index_meta,meta_matrix)
} else {
unlist_meta <- unlist(meta)
names_meta <- names(unlist_meta)
group_names <- gsub(".*_([0-9]*)\\..*","\\1", names_meta)
names(unlist_meta) <- NULL
meta_matrix <- cbind(group_names,names_meta,unlist_meta)
df <- data.frame(samples)
df <- df[-2] #delete group_name
len_df <- dim(df)[1] # number of rows
col_types <- vapply(df,class,character(1))
col_names <- names(col_types)
#re order the schema?
# if GTF, change
if("phase" %in% col_names) {
col_names <- plyr::revalue(
col_names,c(type = "feature", phase = "frame", seqnames = "seqname")
schema_matrix <- cbind(toupper(col_types),col_names)
schema_matrix<- schema_matrix[
setdiff(rownames(schema_matrix), c("group","width")),]
} else {
col_names <- plyr::revalue(
c(start = "left", end = "right", seqnames = "chr")
schema_matrix <- cbind(col_names,toupper(col_types))
df$start = df$start - 1
schema_matrix<- schema_matrix[
region_matrix <- as.matrix(vapply(df, as.character,character(len_df)))
region_matrix[is.na(region_matrix)] <- "NA"
region_matrix <- region_matrix[,setdiff(colnames(region_matrix),"width")]
rownames(schema_matrix) <- NULL
colnames(schema_matrix) <- NULL
schema_matrix <- .jarray(schema_matrix,dispatch = TRUE)
meta_matrix <- .jarray(meta_matrix,dispatch = TRUE)
region_matrix <- .jarray(region_matrix,dispatch = TRUE)
WrappeR <- J("it/polimi/genomics/r/Wrapper")
response <- WrappeR$read(
.check_parser <- function(parser) {
parser <- toupper(parser)
parsers <- c(
if(!parser %in% parsers)
stop("parser not defined")
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