## ............................................................................
## MC Dimensionality Reduction ####
#' Run DiffusionMap on MCA cell and feature coordinates
#' @param X Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param reduction Which dimensionality reduction to use, must be based on MCA.
#' @param features Character vector of feature names to subset feature coordinates. If not specified will take all features available from specified reduction Loadings.
#' @param dims A vector of integers indicating which dimensions to use with reduction embeddings and loadings for distance calculation.
#' @param reduction.name name of the created dimensionlaity reduction, default set to "mca" for Seurat and "MCA" for SCE.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to methods or DiffusionMap
#' @return Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object with MCDMAP stored in the reduction slot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' seuratPbmc <- RunMCA(seuratPbmc, nmcs = 5)
#' seuratPbmc <- RunMCDMAP(seuratPbmc, dims = seq(5))
function(X, reduction, features, dims, reduction.name, ...) {
UseMethod("RunMCDMAP", X)
#' @rdname RunMCDMAP
#' @param assay Seurat Asssay slot name.
#' @export
RunMCDMAP.Seurat <-
function(X, reduction = "mca", features = NULL, dims = seq(50), reduction.name = "mcdmap", assay = DefaultAssay(X), ...) {
GeneCellCoordinates <-
X = X,
reduction = reduction,
dims = dims,
features = features
GeneCellCoordinates[duplicated(GeneCellCoordinates), ncol(GeneCellCoordinates)] <- GeneCellCoordinates[duplicated(GeneCellCoordinates), ncol(GeneCellCoordinates)] + runif(min = 10^-6, max = 10^-5, n = sum(duplicated(GeneCellCoordinates)))
destiny::DiffusionMap(data = GeneCellCoordinates, suppress_dpt = TRUE, ...)
Emb <- MCDMAP@eigenvectors
rownames(Emb) <- rownames(GeneCellCoordinates)
cellEmb <- Emb[rownames(Emb) %in% rownames(Embeddings(X, reduction)), ]
geneEmb <- Emb[!rownames(Emb) %in% rownames(Embeddings(X, reduction)),]
X <-
X = X,
cellEmb = cellEmb,
geneEmb = geneEmb,
assay = assay,
reduction.name = reduction.name
#' @rdname RunMCDMAP
#' @export
RunMCDMAP.SingleCellExperiment <-
function(X, reduction = "MCA", features = NULL, dims = seq(50), reduction.name = "MCDMAP", ...) {
GeneCellCoordinates <-
X = X,
reduction = reduction,
dims = dims,
features = features
destiny::DiffusionMap(data = GeneCellCoordinates, ...)
Emb <- MCDMAP@eigenvectors
rownames(Emb) <- rownames(GeneCellCoordinates)
geneEmb <- Emb[!rownames(Emb) %in% rownames(reducedDim(X, reduction)),]
cellEmb <- Emb[rownames(Emb) %in% rownames(reducedDim(X, reduction)), ]
X <-
X = X,
cellEmb = cellEmb,
geneEmb = geneEmb,
reduction.name = reduction.name
#' Run TSNE on MCA fetures and cells coordinates
#' @param X Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param reduction Which dimensionality reduction to use, must be based on MCA.
#' @param features Character vector of feature names to subset feature coordinates. If not specified will take all features available from specified reduction Loadings.
#' @param dims A vector of integers indicating which dimensions to use with reduction embeddings and loadings for distance calculation.
#' @param reduction.name name of the created dimensionlaity reduction, default set to "mca" for Seurat and "MCA" for SCE.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to methods or Rtsne::Rtsne
#' @return Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object with MCTSNE stored in the reduction slot
#' @importFrom Rtsne Rtsne
#' @export
#' @examples
#' seuratPbmc <- RunMCA(seuratPbmc, nmcs = 5)
#' seuratPbmc <- RunMCTSNE(seuratPbmc, dims = seq(5))
function(X, reduction, dims, features, reduction.name, ...) {
UseMethod("RunMCTSNE", X)
#' @rdname RunMCTSNE
#' @param assay Seurat assay slot. When not specified set with DefaultAssay(X)
#' @export
RunMCTSNE.Seurat <-
function(X, reduction = "mca", dims = seq(50), features = NULL, reduction.name = "mctsne", assay = DefaultAssay(X), ...) {
GeneCellCoordinates <-
X = X,
reduction = reduction,
dims = dims,
features = features
message("\nrunning TSNE\n")
X = GeneCellCoordinates,
pca = FALSE,
check_duplicates = FALSE,
message("\nreturning seurat object\n")
rownames(Emb) <- rownames(GeneCellCoordinates)
geneEmb <- Emb[!rownames(Emb) %in% rownames(Embeddings(X, reduction)),]
cellEmb <- Emb[rownames(Emb) %in% rownames(Embeddings(X, reduction)), ]
X <-
X = X,
cellEmb = cellEmb,
geneEmb = geneEmb,
assay = assay,
reduction.name = reduction.name
#' @rdname RunMCTSNE
#' @export
RunMCTSNE.SingleCellExperiment <-
function(X, reduction = "MCA", dims = seq(50), features = NULL, reduction.name = "MCTSNE", ...) {
GeneCellCoordinates <-
X = X,
reduction = reduction,
dims = dims,
features = features
message("\nrunning TSNE\n")
X = GeneCellCoordinates,
pca = FALSE,
check_duplicates = FALSE,
message("\nreturning Single Cell Experiment object\n")
colnames(Emb) <- paste0(reduction.name, seq(ncol(Emb)))
rownames(Emb) <- rownames(GeneCellCoordinates)
geneEmb <- Emb[!rownames(Emb) %in% rownames(reducedDim(X, reduction)), ]
cellEmb <- Emb[rownames(Emb) %in% rownames(reducedDim(X, reduction)), ]
X <- setDimMCSlot(
X = X,
cellEmb = cellEmb,
geneEmb = geneEmb,
reduction.name = reduction.name
#' Run UMAP on MCA fetures and cells coordinates
#' @param X Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object
#' @param reduction Which dimensionality reduction to use, must be based on MCA.
#' @param features Character vector of feature names to subset feature coordinates. If not specified will take all features available from specified reduction Loadings.
#' @param dims A vector of integers indicating which dimensions to use with reduction embeddings and loadings for distance calculation.
#' @param reduction.name name of the created dimensionlaity reduction, default set to "mca" for Seurat and "MCA" for SCE.
#' @param ... other arguments passed to methods or Rtsne::Rtsne
#' @return Seurat or SingleCellExperiment object with MCUMAP stored in the reduction slot
#' @importFrom reticulate py_module_available
#' @importFrom umap umap
#' @export
#' @examples
#' seuratPbmc <- RunMCA(seuratPbmc, nmcs = 5)
#' seuratPbmc <- RunMCUMAP(seuratPbmc, dims = seq(5))
function(X, reduction, dims, features, reduction.name, ...) {
UseMethod("RunMCUMAP", X)
#' @rdname RunMCUMAP
#' @param assay Seurat assay slot to assign MCUMAP. When not specified set to DefaultAssay(X)
#' @export
RunMCUMAP.Seurat <-
function(X, reduction = "mca", dims = seq(50), features = NULL, reduction.name = "mcumap", assay = DefaultAssay(X), ...) {
GeneCellCoordinates <-
X = X,
reduction = reduction,
dims = dims,
features = features
message("\nrunning UMAP\n")
if (py_module_available("umap")) {
method <- "umap-learn"
else {
message("\numap-learn not detected\n")
method <- "naive"
MCUMAP <- umap(d = GeneCellCoordinates, method = method, ...)
message("\nreturning Seurat object\n")
Emb <- MCUMAP$layout
rownames(Emb) <- rownames(GeneCellCoordinates)
cellEmb <- Emb[rownames(Emb) %in% rownames(Embeddings(X, reduction)), ]
geneEmb <- Emb[!rownames(Emb) %in% rownames(Embeddings(X, reduction)), ]
X <- setDimMCSlot(
X = X,
cellEmb = cellEmb,
geneEmb = geneEmb,
assay = assay,
reduction.name = reduction.name
#' @rdname RunMCUMAP
#' @export
RunMCUMAP.SingleCellExperiment <-
function(X, reduction = "MCA", dims = seq(50), features = NULL, reduction.name = "MCUMAP", ...) {
GeneCellCoordinates <-
X = X,
reduction = reduction,
dims = dims,
features = features
message("\nrunning UMAP\n")
if (reticulate::py_module_available("umap")) {
method <- "umap-learn"
else {
message("\numap-learn not detected\n")
method <- "naive"
MCUMAP <- umap(d = GeneCellCoordinates, method = method, ...)
message("\nreturning Single Cell Experiment object\n")
Emb <- MCUMAP$layout
rownames(Emb) <- rownames(GeneCellCoordinates)
cellEmb <- Emb[rownames(Emb) %in% rownames(reducedDim(X, reduction)), ]
geneEmb <- Emb[!rownames(Emb) %in% rownames(reducedDim(X, reduction)), ]
X <-
X = X,
cellEmb = cellEmb,
geneEmb = geneEmb,
reduction.name = reduction.name
#' Get coordinates of both cells and features in a matrix
#' @param X Seurat or SingleCellExperiment Object
#' @param reduction Which dimensionality reduction to use, must be based on MCA.
#' @param dims A vector of integers indicating which dimensions to use with reduction embeddings and loadings for distance calculation.
#' @param features Character vector of feature names to subset feature coordinates. If not specified will take all features available from specified reduction Loadings.
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @return A matrix with gene and cell coordinates of MCA
GetGeneCellCoordinates <- function(X, reduction, dims, features) {
UseMethod("GetGeneCellCoordinates", X)
GetGeneCellCoordinates.Seurat <-
function(X, reduction, dims, features) {
message("\ngetting feature and cell coordinates\n")
check <-
reduction = reduction,
dims = dims,
features = features
features <- check$features
cells <- check$cells
dims <- check$dims
GeneCoordinates <- Loadings(X, reduction)[features, dims]
CellCoordinates <- Embeddings(X, reduction)[cells, dims]
GeneCellCoordinates <-
rbind(GeneCoordinates, CellCoordinates)
GetGeneCellCoordinates.SingleCellExperiment <-
function(X, reduction, dims, features) {
message("\ngetting feature and cell coordinates\n")
check <-
reduction = reduction,
dims = dims,
features = features
features <- check$features
cells <- check$cells
dims <- check$dims
GeneCoordinates <-
attr(reducedDim(X, reduction), "genesCoordinates")[features, dims]
CellCoordinates <- reducedDim(X, reduction)[, dims]
GeneCellCoordinates <-
rbind(GeneCoordinates, CellCoordinates)
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