get_dim_reduction_from_clustassess_app <- function(app_folder,
dim_type = c("pca", "umap"),
dim_key = "PC_",
stable_feature_set_size) {
dim_type <- dim_type[1]
expr_path <- file.path(app_folder, "expression.h5")
stab_path <- file.path(app_folder, "stability.h5")
if (!file.exists(expr_path)) {
stop(paste0("The expression.h5 file does not exist in the provided app_folder: ", app_folder))
if (!file.exists(stab_path)) {
stop(paste0("The stability.h5 file does not exist in the provided app_folder: ", app_folder))
cell_names <- as.character(rhdf5::h5read(expr_path, "cells"))
available_configs <- rhdf5::h5read(stab_path, "feature_ordering/stable")
available_ftypes <- names(available_configs)
if (!stable_feature_type %in% available_ftypes) {
stop(paste0("The provided stable_feature_type: ", stable_feature_type, " is not available in the app.\nAvailable options: ", paste(available_ftypes, collapse = ", ")))
available_fsizes <- available_configs[[stable_feature_type]]
if (!stable_feature_set_size %in% available_fsizes) {
stop(paste0("The provided stable_feature_set_size: ", stable_feature_set_size, " is not available in the app.\nAvailable options: ", paste(available_fsizes, collapse = ", ")))
prefix <- paste0(stable_feature_type, "/", stable_feature_set_size)
stab_structure <- rhdf5::h5ls(stab_path)
avail_options <- stab_structure$name[stab_structure$group == paste0("/", prefix)]
if (!(dim_type %in% avail_options)) {
stop(paste0("The provided dim_type: ", dim_type, " is not available in the app.\nAvailable options: ", paste(avail_options, collapse = ", ")))
dim_emb <- rhdf5::h5read(stab_path, paste0(prefix, "/", dim_type))
rownames(dim_emb) <- cell_names
colnames(dim_emb) <- paste0(dim_key, seq_len(ncol(dim_emb)))
get_clusters_from_clustassess_app <- function(app_folder,
stable_clustering_method) {
stab_path <- file.path(app_folder, "stability.h5")
if (!file.exists(stab_path)) {
stop(paste0("The stability.h5 file does not exist in the provided app_folder: ", app_folder))
available_configs <- rhdf5::h5read(stab_path, "feature_ordering/stable")
available_ftypes <- names(available_configs)
if (!stable_feature_type %in% available_ftypes) {
stop(paste0("The provided stable_feature_type: ", stable_feature_type, " is not available in the app.\nAvailable options: ", paste(available_ftypes, collapse = ", ")))
available_fsizes <- available_configs[[stable_feature_type]]
if (!stable_feature_set_size %in% available_fsizes) {
stop(paste0("The provided stable_feature_set_size: ", stable_feature_set_size, " is not available in the app.\nAvailable options: ", paste(available_fsizes, collapse = ", ")))
prefix <- paste0(stable_feature_type, "/", stable_feature_set_size)
cl_mb_prefix <- paste0(prefix, "/clustering_stability/split_by_k/mbs/", stable_clustering_method)
cl_ecc_prefix <- paste0(prefix, "/clustering_stability/split_by_k/ecc")
available_n_clusters <- names(rhdf5::h5read(stab_path, cl_mb_prefix))
}, error = function(e) {
stop(paste0("The provided stable_clustering_method: ", stable_clustering_method, " is not available in the app."))
df_list <- lapply(available_n_clusters, function(k) {
mb <- factor(as.integer(rhdf5::h5read(stab_path, paste0(cl_mb_prefix, "/", k))))
ecc <- as.numeric(rhdf5::h5read(
paste0(cl_ecc_prefix, sprintf("/%06d;%s", as.integer(k), stable_clustering_method))
ecc_order <- as.numeric(rhdf5::h5read(
paste0(cl_ecc_prefix, sprintf("_order/%06d;%s", as.integer(k), stable_clustering_method))
temp_df <- data.frame(mb, ecc[ecc_order])
colnames(temp_df) <- c(paste0("stable_", k, "_clusters"), paste0("ecc_", k))
return(, df_list))
get_metadata_from_clustassess_app <- function(app_folder) {
metadata_df <- readRDS(file.path(app_folder, "metadata.rds"))$metadata
metadata_values <- colnames(metadata_df)
metadata_values[which(metadata_values == "sample_name")] <- "sample_names"
colnames(metadata_df) <- metadata_values
get_expression_matrix_from_clustassess_app <- function(app_folder,
use_all_genes = FALSE) {
expr_path <- file.path(app_folder, "expression.h5")
stab_path <- file.path(app_folder, "stability.h5")
if (!file.exists(expr_path)) {
stop(paste0("The expression.h5 file does not exist in the provided app_folder: ", app_folder))
available_configs <- rhdf5::h5read(stab_path, "feature_ordering/stable")
available_ftypes <- names(available_configs)
if (!stable_feature_type %in% available_ftypes) {
stop(paste0("The provided stable_feature_type: ", stable_feature_type, " is not available in the app.\nAvailable options: ", paste(available_ftypes, collapse = ", ")))
available_fsizes <- available_configs[[stable_feature_type]]
if (!stable_feature_set_size %in% available_fsizes) {
stop(paste0("The provided stable_feature_set_size: ", stable_feature_set_size, " is not available in the app.\nAvailable options: ", paste(available_fsizes, collapse = ", ")))
gene_names <- as.character(rhdf5::h5read(expr_path, "genes"))
if (!use_all_genes) {
used_genes <- as.character(rhdf5::h5read(stab_path, paste0(stable_feature_type, "/feature_list")))
used_genes <- used_genes[seq_len(as.integer(stable_feature_set_size))]
expr_matrix <- rhdf5::h5read(expr_path, "expression_matrix")
rownames(expr_matrix) <- gene_names
expr_matrix <- expr_matrix[used_genes, , drop = FALSE]
gene_names <- used_genes
} else {
expr_matrix <- rhdf5::h5read(expr_path, "expression_matrix")
rownames(expr_matrix) <- gene_names
colnames(expr_matrix) <- as.character(rhdf5::h5read(expr_path, "cells"))
get_info_from_clustassess_app <- function(app_folder,
info_type = c("expression_matrix", "metadata", "dim_reduction", "clusters"),
stable_n_clusters = NULL,
dim_type = c("pca", "umap"),
dim_key = "PC_",
use_all_genes = FALSE) {
info_type <- info_type[1]
if (!(info_type %in% c("expression_matrix", "metadata", "dim_reduction", "clusters"))) {
stop(paste0("The provided info_type: ", info_type, " is not available."))
if (info_type == "expression_matrix") {
if (info_type == "dim_reduction") {
clusters_df <- get_clusters_from_clustassess_app(
if (info_type == "clusters") {
metadata_df <- get_metadata_from_clustassess_app(app_folder)
if (is.null(stable_n_clusters)) {
return(cbind(metadata_df, clusters_df))
for (k in stable_n_clusters) {
if (!(paste0("stable_", k, "_clusters") %in% colnames(metadata_df))) {
metadata_df[[paste0("stable_", k, "_clusters")]] <- clusters_df[[paste0("stable_", k, "_clusters")]]
metadata_df[[paste0("ecc_", k)]] <- clusters_df[[paste0("ecc_", k)]]
#' Create monocle object
#' @description Use a normalized expression matrix and, potentially, an already
#' generated PCA / UMAP embedding, to create a Monocle object.
#' @param normalized_expression_matrix The normalized expression matrix
#' having genes on rows and cells on columns.
#' @param count_matrix The count matrix having genes on rows and cells on
#' columns. If NULL, the normalized_expression_matrix will be used.
#' @param pca_embedding The PCA embedding of the expression matrix. If NULL, the
#' pca will be created using the `monocle3` package (default parameters).
#' @param umap_embedding The UMAP embedding of the expression matrix. If NULL, the
#' umap will be created using the `monocle3` package (default parameters).
#' @param metadata_df The metadata dataframe having the cell names as rownames.
#' If NULL, a dataframe with a single column named `identical_ident` will be
#' created.
#' @return A Monocle object of the expression matrix, having the stable number
#' of clusters identified by ClustAssess.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(2024)
#' # create an already-transposed artificial expression matrix
#' expr_matrix <- matrix(
#' c(runif(20 * 10), runif(30 * 10, min = 3, max = 4)),
#' nrow = 10, byrow = FALSE
#' )
#' colnames(expr_matrix) <- as.character(seq_len(ncol(expr_matrix)))
#' rownames(expr_matrix) <- paste("feature", seq_len(nrow(expr_matrix)))
#' # uncomment to create the monocle object
#' mon_obj <- create_monocle_default(
#' normalized_expression_matrix = expr_matrix,
#' pca_emb = NULL,
#' umap_emb = NULL,
#' metadata_df = NULL
#' )
#' }
create_monocle_default <- function(normalized_expression_matrix,
count_matrix = NULL,
pca_embedding = NULL,
umap_embedding = NULL,
metadata_df = NULL) {
if (is.null(count_matrix)) {
count_matrix <- normalized_expression_matrix
} else {
count_matrix <- count_matrix[rownames(normalized_expression_matrix), colnames(normalized_expression_matrix)]
# check if normalized expression matrix is sparse
if (!inherits(normalized_expression_matrix, "dgCMatrix")) {
normalized_expression_matrix <- methods::as(normalized_expression_matrix, "dgCMatrix")
gene_names <- rownames(normalized_expression_matrix)
cell_names <- colnames(normalized_expression_matrix)
if (is.null(metadata_df)) {
metadata_df <- data.frame(
one_level = rep("one", ncol(normalized_expression_matrix)),
row.names = cell_names
} else {
if (nrow(metadata_df) != ncol(normalized_expression_matrix)) {
stop("The number of rows in metadata_df should be equal to the number of cells in normalized_expression_matrix")
rownames(metadata_df) <- cell_names
monocle_cds <- monocle3::new_cell_data_set(
expression_data = count_matrix,
cell_metadata = metadata_df,
gene_metadata = data.frame("gene_short_name" = gene_names, row.names = gene_names)
monocle_cds <- monocle3::preprocess_cds(
cds = monocle_cds,
num_dim = ifelse(is.null(pca_embedding), 30, ncol(pca_embedding)),
norm_method = "none",
scaling = FALSE
monocle_cds@assays@data$normalized_data <- normalized_expression_matrix
if (!is.null(pca_embedding)) {
rownames(pca_embedding) <- cell_names
colnames(pca_embedding) <- paste0("PC_", seq_len(ncol(pca_embedding)))
monocle_cds@int_colData$reducedDims$PCA <- pca_embedding
if (!is.null(umap_embedding)) {
rownames(umap_embedding) <- cell_names
colnames(umap_embedding) <- paste0("UMAP_", seq_len(ncol(umap_embedding)))
monocle_cds@int_colData$reducedDims$UMAP <- umap_embedding
} else {
monocle_cds <- monocle3::reduce_dimension(
cds = monocle_cds,
reduction_method = "UMAP",
umap.n_neighbors = 25,
umap.min_dist = 0.3,
umap.metric = "cosine"
#' Create monocle object from a ClustAssess object
#' @description Use the object generated using the ClustAssess
#' `automatic_stability_assessment` function to create a Monocle object
#' which has the stable number of clusters.
#' @param normalized_expression_matrix The normalized expression matrix
#' having genes on rows and cells on columns.
#' @param count_matrix The count matrix having genes on rows and cells on
#' columns. If NULL, the normalized_expression_matrix will be used.
#' @param clustassess_object The output of the `automatic_stability_assessment`.
#' @param metadata_df The metadata dataframe having the cell names as rownames.
#' If NULL, a dataframe with a single column named `identical_ident` will be
#' created.
#' @param stable_feature_type The feature type which leads to stable clusters.
#' @param stable_feature_set_size The feature size which leads to stable
#' clusters.
#' @param stable_clustering_method The clustering method which leads to stable
#' clusters.
#' @param stable_n_clusters The number of clusters that are stable. If NULL,
#' all the clusters will be provided. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param use_all_genes A boolean value indicating if the expression matrix
#' should be truncated to the genes used in the stability assessment. Defaults
#' to `FALSE`.
#' @return A Monocle object of the expression matrix, having the stable number
#' of clusters identified by ClustAssess.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(2024)
#' # create an already-transposed artificial expression matrix
#' expr_matrix <- matrix(
#' c(runif(20 * 10), runif(30 * 10, min = 3, max = 4)),
#' nrow = 10, byrow = FALSE
#' )
#' colnames(expr_matrix) <- as.character(seq_len(ncol(expr_matrix)))
#' rownames(expr_matrix) <- paste("feature", seq_len(nrow(expr_matrix)))
#' autom_object <- automatic_stability_assessment(
#' expression_matrix = expr_matrix,
#' n_repetitions = 3,
#' n_neigh_sequence = c(5),
#' resolution_sequence = c(0.1, 0.5),
#' features_sets = list(
#' "set1" = rownames(expr_matrix)
#' ),
#' steps = list(
#' "set1" = c(5, 7)
#' ),
#' umap_arguments = list(
#' # the following parameters have been modified
#' # from the default values to ensure that the function
#' # will run under 5 seconds
#' n_neighbors = 3,
#' approx_pow = TRUE,
#' n_epochs = 0,
#' init = "random",
#' min_dist = 0.3
#' ),
#' n_top_configs = 1,
#' algorithms_clustering_assessment = 1,
#' save_temp = FALSE,
#' verbose = FALSE
#' )
#' # uncomment to create the monocle object
#' # mon_obj <- create_monocle_from_clustassess(
#' # normalized_expression_matrix = expr_matrix,
#' # clustassess_object = autom_object,
#' # metadata = NULL,
#' # stable_feature_type = "set1",
#' # stable_feature_set_size = "5",
#' # stable_clustering_method = "Louvain"
#' # )
#' }
create_monocle_from_clustassess <- function(normalized_expression_matrix,
count_matrix = NULL,
stable_n_clusters = NULL,
use_all_genes = FALSE) {
gene_names <- rownames(normalized_expression_matrix)
cell_names <- colnames(normalized_expression_matrix)
if (is.null(gene_names)) {
stop("The expression matrix should contain gene names as rownames.")
if (is.null(cell_names)) {
stop("The expression matrix should contain gene names as colnames.")
if (!use_all_genes) {
used_genes <- clustassess_object[[stable_feature_type]]$feature_list[seq_len(as.integer(stable_feature_set_size))]
normalized_expression_matrix <- normalized_expression_matrix[used_genes, ]
if (!is.null(count_matrix)) {
count_matrix <- count_matrix[used_genes, ]
gene_names <- used_genes
clustassess_object <- clustassess_object[[stable_feature_type]][[as.character(stable_feature_set_size)]]
available_n_clusters <- names(clustassess_object$clustering_stability$split_by_k[[stable_clustering_method]])
if (is.null(stable_n_clusters)) {
stable_n_clusters <- available_n_clusters
} else {
stable_n_clusters <- as.character(stable_n_clusters)
which_present <- which(available_n_clusters %in% stable_n_clusters)
if (length(which_present) != length(available_n_clusters)) {
warning(paste0("Only the n clusters of ", paste(available_n_clusters[which_present], collapse = " "), " are obtained for the provided configuration."))
stable_n_clusters <- available_n_clusters[which_present]
if (! || nrow(metadata_df) == 0) {
metadata_df <- data.frame(
one_level = rep(1, length(cell_names)),
row.names = cell_names
} else {
metadata_values <- colnames(metadata_df)
metadata_values[which(metadata_values == "sample_name")] <- "sample_names"
colnames(metadata_df) <- metadata_values
for (k in stable_n_clusters) {
metadata_df[[paste0("stable_", k, "_clusters")]] <- factor(clustassess_object$clustering_stability$split_by_k[[stable_clustering_method]][[k]]$partitions[[1]]$mb)
metadata_df[[paste0("ecc_", k)]] <- clustassess_object$clustering_stability$split_by_k[[stable_clustering_method]][[k]]$ecc
#' Create monocle object from a ClustAssess shiny app
#' @description Use the files generated in the ClustAssess app to create a
#' Monocle object which has the stable number of clusters.
#' @param app_folder Path pointing to the folder containing a ClustAssess app.
#' @param stable_feature_type The feature type which leads to stable clusters.
#' @param stable_feature_set_size The feature size which leads to stable
#' clusters.
#' @param stable_clustering_method The clustering method which leads to stable
#' clusters.
#' @param stable_n_clusters The number of clusters that are stable. If NULL,
#' all the clusters will be provided. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param use_all_genes A boolean value indicating if the expression matrix
#' should be truncated to the genes used in the stability assessment. Defaults
#' to `FALSE`.
#' @return A Monocle object of the expression matrix, having the stable number
#' of clusters identified by ClustAssess.
#' @export
create_monocle_from_clustassess_app <- function(app_folder,
stable_n_clusters = NULL,
use_all_genes = FALSE) {
if (!dir.exists(app_folder)) {
stop(paste0("The provided app_folder: ", app_folder, " does not exist."))
expr_path <- file.path(app_folder, "expression.h5")
stab_path <- file.path(app_folder, "stability.h5")
gene_names <- as.character(rhdf5::h5read(expr_path, "genes"))
cell_names <- as.character(rhdf5::h5read(expr_path, "cells"))
# expr_matrix <- Matrix::Matrix(
# rhdf5::h5read(expr_path, "expression_matrix"),
# sparse = TRUE,
# dimnames = list(gene_names, cell_names)
# )
expr_matrix <- rhdf5::h5read(expr_path, "expression_matrix")
rownames(expr_matrix) <- gene_names
colnames(expr_matrix) <- cell_names
available_configs <- rhdf5::h5read(stab_path, "feature_ordering/stable")
available_ftypes <- names(available_configs)
if (!stable_feature_type %in% available_ftypes) {
stop(paste0("The provided stable_feature_type: ", stable_feature_type, " is not available in the app.\nAvailable options: ", paste(available_ftypes, collapse = ", ")))
available_fsizes <- available_configs[[stable_feature_type]]
if (!stable_feature_set_size %in% available_fsizes) {
stop(paste0("The provided stable_feature_set_size: ", stable_feature_set_size, " is not available in the app.\nAvailable options: ", paste(available_fsizes, collapse = ", ")))
if (!use_all_genes) {
used_genes <- rhdf5::h5read(stab_path, paste0(stable_feature_type, "/feature_list"))
used_genes <- used_genes[seq_len(as.integer(stable_feature_set_size))]
expr_matrix <- expr_matrix[used_genes, , drop = FALSE]
gene_names <- used_genes
prefix <- paste0(stable_feature_type, "/", stable_feature_set_size)
cl_mb_prefix <- paste0(prefix, "/clustering_stability/split_by_k/mbs/", stable_clustering_method)
cl_ecc_prefix <- paste0(prefix, "/clustering_stability/split_by_k/ecc")
metadata_df <- readRDS(file.path(app_folder, "metadata.rds"))$metadata
available_n_clusters <- names(rhdf5::h5read(stab_path, cl_mb_prefix))
}, error = function(e) {
stop(paste0("The provided stable_clustering_method: ", stable_clustering_method, " is not available in the app."))
if (is.null(stable_n_clusters)) {
stable_n_clusters <- available_n_clusters
} else {
stable_n_clusters <- as.character(stable_n_clusters)
which_present <- which(available_n_clusters %in% stable_n_clusters)
if (length(which_present) != length(available_n_clusters)) {
warning(paste0("Only the n clusters of ", paste(available_n_clusters[which_present], collapse = " "), " are obtained for the provided configuration."))
stable_n_clusters <- available_n_clusters[which_present]
metadata_values <- colnames(metadata_df)
metadata_values[which(metadata_values == "sample_name")] <- "sample_names"
colnames(metadata_df) <- metadata_values
for (k in stable_n_clusters) {
metadata_df[[paste0("stable_", k, "_clusters")]] <- factor(as.integer(rhdf5::h5read(stab_path, paste0(cl_mb_prefix, "/", k))))
ecc <- as.numeric(rhdf5::h5read(
paste0(cl_ecc_prefix, sprintf("/%06d;%s", as.integer(k), stable_clustering_method))
ecc_order <- as.numeric(rhdf5::h5read(
paste0(cl_ecc_prefix, sprintf("_order/%06d;%s", as.integer(k), stable_clustering_method))
metadata_df[[paste0("ecc_", k)]] <- ecc[ecc_order]
rhdf5::h5read(stab_path, paste0(prefix, "/pca")),
rhdf5::h5read(stab_path, paste0(prefix, "/umap")),
# TODO create this funciton
update_seurat_object <- function(original_seurat_object,
seurat_assay = "SCT") {
#' Create Seurat object
#' @description Use a normalized expression matrix and, potentially, an already
#' generated PCA / UMAP embedding, to create a Seurat object.
#' @param normalized_expression_matrix The normalized expression matrix
#' having genes on rows and cells on columns.
#' @param count_matrix The count matrix having genes on rows and cells on
#' columns. If NULL, the normalized_expression_matrix will be used.
#' @param pca_embedding The PCA embedding of the expression matrix. If NULL, the
#' pca will be created using the `Seurat` package (default parameters).
#' @param umap_embedding The UMAP embedding of the expression matrix. If NULL, the
#' umap will be created using the `Seurat` package (default parameters).
#' @param metadata_df The metadata dataframe having the cell names as rownames.
#' If NULL, a dataframe with a single column named `identical_ident` will be
#' created.
#' @return A Seurat object of the expression matrix, having the stable number
#' of clusters identified by ClustAssess.
#' @export
create_seurat_object_default <- function(normalized_expression_matrix,
count_matrix = NULL,
pca_embedding = NULL,
umap_embedding = NULL,
metadata_df = NULL) {
if (is.null(count_matrix)) {
count_matrix <- normalized_expression_matrix
} else {
count_matrix <- count_matrix[rownames(normalized_expression_matrix), colnames(normalized_expression_matrix)]
if (!inherits(normalized_expression_matrix, "dgCMatrix")) {
normalized_expression_matrix <- Matrix::Matrix(normalized_expression_matrix, sparse = TRUE)
cell_names <- colnames(normalized_expression_matrix)
if (is.null(metadata_df)) {
metadata_df <- data.frame(
one_level = rep("one", ncol(normalized_expression_matrix)),
row.names = cell_names
} else {
if (nrow(metadata_df) != ncol(normalized_expression_matrix)) {
stop("The number of rows in metadata_df should be equal to the number of cells in normalized_expression_matrix")
rownames(metadata_df) <- cell_names
seurat_obj <- Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(
counts = count_matrix, = metadata_df
seurat_obj <- Seurat::NormalizeData(seurat_obj)
seurat_obj@assays$RNA@layers$data <- normalized_expression_matrix
seurat_obj <- Seurat::ScaleData(seurat_obj)
seurat_obj <- Seurat::FindVariableFeatures(seurat_obj, selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 2000)
seurat_obj <- Seurat::RunPCA(seurat_obj)
if (!is.null(pca_embedding)) {
rownames(pca_embedding) <- cell_names
colnames(pca_embedding) <- paste0("PC_", seq_len(ncol(pca_embedding)))
seurat_obj$pca <- SeuratObject::CreateDimReducObject(
embedding = pca_embedding,
key = "PCA"
seurat_obj <- Seurat::RunUMAP(seurat_obj, reduction = "pca", dims = 1:30)
if (!is.null(umap_embedding)) {
rownames(umap_embedding) <- cell_names
colnames(umap_embedding) <- paste0("UMAP_", seq_len(ncol(umap_embedding)))
seurat_obj$umap <- SeuratObject::CreateDimReducObject(
embedding = umap_embedding,
key = "UMAP"
#' Create Seurat object from a ClustAssess shiny app
#' @description Use the files generated in the ClustAssess app to create a
#' Seurat object which has the stable number of clusters.
#' @param app_folder Path pointing to the folder containing a ClustAssess app.
#' @param stable_feature_type The feature type which leads to stable clusters.
#' @param stable_feature_set_size The feature size which leads to stable
#' clusters.
#' @param stable_clustering_method The clustering method which leads to stable
#' clusters.
#' @param stable_n_clusters The number of clusters that are stable. If NULL,
#' all the clusters will be provided. Defaults to `NULL`.
#' @param use_all_genes A boolean value indicating if the expression matrix
#' should be truncated to the genes used in the stability assessment. Defaults
#' to `FALSE`.
#' @return A Seurat object of the expression matrix, having the stable number
#' of clusters identified by ClustAssess.
#' @export
create_seurat_object_from_clustassess_app <- function(app_folder,
stable_n_clusters = NULL,
use_all_genes = FALSE) {
normalized_expression_matrix = get_info_from_clustassess_app(
info_type = "expression_matrix",
stable_feature_type = stable_feature_type,
stable_feature_set_size = stable_feature_set_size,
stable_clustering_method = stable_clustering_method,
stable_n_clusters = stable_n_clusters,
use_all_genes = use_all_genes
pca_embedding = get_info_from_clustassess_app(
info_type = "dim_reduction",
dim_type = "pca",
dim_key = "PC_",
stable_feature_type = stable_feature_type,
stable_feature_set_size = stable_feature_set_size,
stable_clustering_method = stable_clustering_method,
stable_n_clusters = stable_n_clusters
umap_embedding = get_info_from_clustassess_app(
info_type = "dim_reduction",
dim_type = "umap",
dim_key = "UMAP_",
stable_feature_type = stable_feature_type,
stable_feature_set_size = stable_feature_set_size,
stable_clustering_method = stable_clustering_method,
stable_n_clusters = stable_n_clusters
metadata_df = get_info_from_clustassess_app(
info_type = "metadata",
stable_feature_type = stable_feature_type,
stable_feature_set_size = stable_feature_set_size,
stable_clustering_method = stable_clustering_method,
stable_n_clusters = stable_n_clusters
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.