#' Summarise interactions between defined anchors
#' Calculate the number of of paired-end reads mapping between a defined set of
#' anchors. This function will ignore counts present in the input data.
#' @return A GInteractions object with annotated counts between anchors
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname countsBetweenAnchors-methods
#' @export
setGeneric("countsBetweenAnchors", function(x, y, ...) {
#' @param x A GInteractions object
#' @param y A GenomicRanges object
#' @param ignore_overlaps Allow overlapping anchors. Use this when you have
#' overlapping anchors but be careful with multi-mapping. The 'within' option
#' can help with this.
#' @param ... Extra parameters to pass to findOverlaps
#' @rdname countsBetweenAnchors-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @importFrom IRanges overlapsAny
#' @export
setMethod("countsBetweenAnchors", list("GInteractions", "GRanges"), function(x, y, ignore_overlaps = FALSE, ...) {
# check anchors are unique
if (ignore_overlaps == FALSE && any(countOverlaps(y, y) > 1)) {
stop("anchors are not unique")
# this can probably be more efficient! to do: rewrite
one <- overlapsAny(anchorOne(x), y, ...)
two <- overlapsAny(anchorTwo(x), y, ...)
x.valid <- x[one & two]
hits <- list()
hits$one <- findOverlaps(anchorOne(x.valid), y, select = "first")
hits$two <- findOverlaps(anchorTwo(x.valid), y, select = "first") # select produces matrix not Hits
interactions <- paste(hits[[1]], hits[[2]], sep = ":")
tabulated <- table(interactions)
pairs_list <- strsplit(names(tabulated), ":")
pairs_one <- vapply(pairs_list, function(x) as.integer(x[1]), FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
pairs_two <- vapply(pairs_list, function(x) as.integer(x[2]), FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
anchor_one <- y[pairs_one]
anchor_two <- y[pairs_two]
counts <- as.integer(tabulated)
final_counts <- GenomicInteractions(anchor1 = anchor_one, anchor2 = anchor_two, counts = counts)
#' Remove all but one occurences of a duplicated interaction
#' Removes all but the first occurence of a duplicated interaction (defined as
#' having identical coordinates for both anchors). N.B. this does not summarise
#' the total counts of all the duplicates. It is designed for removing potential
#' PCR duplicates after reading in .bam files.
#' @param GIObject A GInteractions object.
#' @return A GInteractions object that is a subset of the input object.
#' @export
removeDups <- function(GIObject) {
if (any(interactionCounts(GIObject) != 1)) {
warning("Some interactions have counts > 1: has the data already been summarised?\n", "Will return first occurence of any duplicates not considering interactionCounts().")
idx <- which(!duplicated(GIObject))
reads_removed <- length(GIObject) - length(idx)
percent_removed <- signif(100 * reads_removed/length(GIObject), 3)
message(paste0("Removing ", reads_removed, " duplicate PETs (", percent_removed, "%)"))
#' Tests whether anchors have the same strand.
#' This is designed for processing .bam files.
#' @param GIObject A GInteractions object
#' @return A logical vector denoting with TRUE if both anchors of an interaction
#' are on the same strand and FALSE otherwise.
sameStrand <- function(GIObject) {
return(strand(regions(GIObject)[GIObject@anchor1]) == strand(regions(GIObject)[GIObject@anchor2]))
#' Get self ligation threshold with SD method from Heidari et al
#' This function calculates a self ligation threshold according to the method
#' published in Heidari et al., Genome Research, 2014. Briefly, paired reads are
#' divided into in evenly sized bins. For each bin, the log2 ratio of reads that
#' are aligned to opposite strand vs to the same strand is calculated. Twice the
#' standard deviation of this ratio at high distances is used a cutoff to
#' determine which bins are likely to contain mostly self-liagted reads.
#' @param GIObject a GInteractions object of paired end reads
#' @param bins Number of evenly sized bins to use.
#' @param distance_th The threshold, in base pairs, to use as a cutoff to pick
#' which bins to use to determine the standard deviation.
#' @param plot TRUE by default. Whether to plot the log2ratio of opposite to
#' same strand reads vs distance.
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate_ group_by_ n summarise_
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @return The cutoff in base pairs below which an interaction is likely to be a
#' self ligation.
get_self_ligation_threshold <- function(GIObject, bins = 100, distance_th = 400000, plot = TRUE) {
# get df
stranded_df <- data.frame(Distance = calculateDistances(GIObject), SameStrand = sameStrand(GIObject))
stranded_cis_df <- stranded_df[complete.cases(stranded_df), ]
stranded_cis_df <- stranded_cis_df[order(stranded_cis_df$Distance), ]
# bin data
bin_n <- nrow(stranded_cis_df)/bins
cuts <- seq_len(bins) * bin_n
breaks <- stranded_cis_df$Distance[cuts]
stranded_cis_df$Bin <- as.numeric(as.character(cut(stranded_cis_df$Distance, breaks = c(0, breaks), labels = seq_along(breaks) - 1,
include.lowest = TRUE)))
byBin <- group_by_(stranded_cis_df, "Bin")
# summarise by bin
sum_byBin <- summarise_(byBin, Total = quote(n()), SameStrand = quote(sum(SameStrand)))
sum_byBin <- mutate_(sum_byBin, OppStrand = quote(Total - SameStrand), log2Ratio = quote(log2((OppStrand + 1)/(SameStrand + 1)))) #pseudocount to avoid NaN errors
sum_byBin <- mutate_(sum_byBin, OppPercent = quote(100 * OppStrand/Total), SamePercent = quote(100 * SameStrand/Total))
# get cutoff of log2ratio
longrange_mean_log2 <- mean(sum_byBin$log2Ratio[sum_byBin$Bin > distance_th])
longrange_sd_log2 <- sd(sum_byBin$log2Ratio[sum_byBin$Bin > distance_th])
lower <- longrange_mean_log2 - 2 * longrange_sd_log2
upper <- longrange_mean_log2 + 2 * longrange_sd_log2
bp_cutoff <- min(sum_byBin[sum_byBin$log2Ratio > lower & sum_byBin$log2Ratio < upper, "Bin"])
if (plot) {
print(ggplot(sum_byBin, aes_string(x = "Bin", y = "log2Ratio")) + geom_line() + geom_point() + geom_hline(aes_string(yintercept = lower)) +
geom_hline(aes_string(yintercept = upper)) + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 20000)) + geom_vline(xintercept = bp_cutoff, linetype = "dashed") +
xlab("Distance (bp)") + ylab("log2 ratio opposite strand pairs / same strand pairs"))
#' get self ligation threshold with binomial test
#' This function calculates a self ligation threshold according to
#' a method based on that of Heidari et al., Genome Research, 2014.
#' Briefly, paired reads are divided into in evenly spaced bins. For
#' each bin, the number of reads that are aligned to opposite strand
#' vs to the same strand is calculated. A binomial test is used to test
#' if this is significantly different from the 50:50 ratio expected by
#' chance if all reads are real interactions.
#' @param GIObject a GInteractions object of paired end reads
#' @param bin.size Bin size in base pairs.
#' @param max.distance The maximum distance to consider between reads.
#' Reads further apart than this distance should be very unlikely to be
#' self ligations.
#' @param p.cutoff P value cut off for a significant difference from 50:50. Default: 0.05
#' @param adjust Method to use to adjust p values. Default: fdr. See `help(p.adjust)` for
#' accepted values. Can also be NA for no adjustment.
#' @param plot TRUE by default. Whether to plot the percentage of reads
#' on opposite strands vs difference and the binomial test p value vs distance.
#' @importFrom stats binom.test complete.cases p.adjust sd
#' @export
#' @return The cutoff in base pairs below which an interaction is likely to be a self ligation.
get_binom_ligation_threshold <- function(GIObject, max.distance = 20000, bin.size = 500, p.cutoff = 0.05, adjust = "fdr", plot = TRUE) {
# make data frame
stranded_df <- data.frame(Distance = calculateDistances(GIObject), SameStrand = sameStrand(GIObject))
stranded_cis_df <- stranded_df[complete.cases(stranded_df), ]
stranded_cis_df <- stranded_cis_df[order(stranded_cis_df$Distance), ]
stranded_cis_df <- stranded_cis_df[stranded_cis_df$Distance < max.distance, ]
# bin data
bins <- cut(stranded_cis_df$Distance, breaks = seq(0, max.distance, by = bin.size), include.lowest = TRUE)
stranded_cis_df$Bin <- bins
byBin <- group_by_(stranded_cis_df, "Bin")
sum_byBin <- summarise_(byBin, Total = quote(n()), SameStrand = quote(sum(SameStrand)))
# get and adjust p values
sum_byBin$p.value <- vapply(seq_len(nrow(sum_byBin)), function(x) {
binom.test(sum_byBin$SameStrand[x], sum_byBin$Total[x])$p.value
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
if (!is.na(adjust)) {
sum_byBin$p.value <- p.adjust(sum_byBin$p.value, method = adjust)
# get cutoff
bp_cutoff <- seq(0, max.distance, by = bin.size)[min(which(sum_byBin$p.value > p.cutoff))]
if (plot) {
# data for plotting
sum_byBin <- mutate_(sum_byBin, OppStrand = quote(Total - SameStrand), OppPercent = quote(100 * OppStrand/Total))
sum_byBin$Bin <- bin.size * as.numeric((sum_byBin$Bin))
# plot % opposite strand reads and cutoff
print(ggplot(sum_byBin, aes_string(x = "Bin", y = "OppPercent")) + geom_line() + geom_point() + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, max.distance)) +
geom_vline(xintercept = bp_cutoff, linetype = "dashed") + ylab("Opposite Strand Percentage"))
# plot p values, p value cutoff and distance cutoff
print(ggplot(sum_byBin, aes_string(x = "Bin", y = "p.value")) + geom_line() + geom_point() + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, max.distance)) +
geom_hline(xintercept = p.cutoff, linetype = "dashed") + geom_vline(xintercept = bp_cutoff, linetype = "dashed") + ylab("p value") +
xlab("Distance (bp)"))
# return distance cutoff
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