SWAN <- function(data, verbose = FALSE)
SWAN.MethyLumiSet <- function(data, verbose = FALSE){
cat("[SWAN] MethyLumiSet -> MethylSet\n")
M <- methylated(data)
U <- unmethylated(data)
mSet <- MethylSet(Meth = M, Unmeth = U, colData = DataFrame(phenoData(data)@data),
annotation = annotation(data))
mSet@preprocessMethod <- c(rg.norm = "Raw (no normalization or bg correction)",
minfi = as.character(packageVersion("minfi")),
manifest = as.character(packageVersion("IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest")))
SWAN.default(data = mSet, verbose = verbose)
SWAN.RGChannelSet <- function(data, verbose = FALSE){
cat("[SWAN] RGChannelSet -> MethylSet\n")
mSet <- preprocessRaw(data)
SWAN.default(data = mSet, verbose = verbose)
SWAN.default <- function(data, verbose = FALSE){
if(!is(data, "MethylSet")) stop("'data' should be a 'MethylSet'")
cat("[SWAN] Preparing normalization subset\n")
if(annotation(data)["array"] == "IlluminaHumanMethylation450k"){
manifest <- IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest
manifestName <- "IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest"
} else if (annotation(data)["array"] == "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC") {
manifest <- IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICmanifest
manifestName <- "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICmanifest"
CpG.counts <- rbind(data.frame(getProbeInfo(manifest, type = "I")[, c("Name", "nCpG")], Type="I"),
data.frame(getProbeInfo(manifest, type = "II")[, c("Name", "nCpG")], Type="II"))
inBoth <- intersect(getManifestInfo(manifest,type="locusNames"),
CpG.counts <- CpG.counts[CpG.counts$Name %in% inBoth,]
subset <- min(table(CpG.counts$nCpG[CpG.counts$Type == "I" & CpG.counts$nCpG %in% 1:3]),
table(CpG.counts$nCpG[CpG.counts$Type == "II" & CpG.counts$nCpG %in% 1:3]))
xNormSet <- vector("list", 2)
xNormSet[[1]] <- .getSubset(CpG.counts$nCpG[CpG.counts$Type=="I"], subset)
xNormSet[[2]] <- .getSubset(CpG.counts$nCpG[CpG.counts$Type=="II"], subset)
data <- data[inBoth, ]
methData <- getMeth(data)
unmethData <- getUnmeth(data)
normMethData <- matrix(NA_real_, ncol = ncol(methData), nrow = nrow(methData))
normUnmethData <- normMethData
cat("[SWAN] Normalizing methylated channel\n")
normMethData <- sapply(1:ncol(data), function(i){
if(verbose) cat(sprintf("[SWAN] Normalizing array %d of %d\n", i, ncol(data)))
.normalizeTypes(methData[CpG.counts$Name[CpG.counts$Type=="I"], i],
methData[CpG.counts$Name[CpG.counts$Type=="II"], i], xNormSet)})
cat("[SWAN] Normalizing unmethylated channel\n")
normUnmethData <- sapply(1:ncol(data), function(i){
if(verbose) cat(sprintf("[SWAN] Normalizing array %d of %d\n", i, ncol(data)))
.normalizeTypes(unmethData[CpG.counts$Name[CpG.counts$Type=="I"], i],
unmethData[CpG.counts$Name[CpG.counts$Type=="II"], i], xNormSet)})
normSet <- MethylSet(Meth = normMethData, Unmeth = normUnmethData, colData = colData(data),
annotation = annotation(data))
featureNames(normSet) <- featureNames(data)
sampleNames(normSet) <- sampleNames(data)
normSet@preprocessMethod <- c(rg.norm = sprintf("SWAN (based on a MethylSet preprocessed as '%s')",
minfi = as.character(packageVersion("minfi")),
manifest = as.character(packageVersion(manifestName)))
.getSubset <- function(counts, subset){
x <- unlist(lapply(1:3, function(i) sample(which(counts == i), subset)))
return(1:length(counts) %in% x)
.normalizeTypes <- function(intensityI, intensityII, xNormSet) {
xTarget <- .aveQuantile(list(intensityI[xNormSet[[1]]], intensityII[xNormSet[[2]]]))
xNorm <- unlist(.subsetQuantileNorm(list(intensityI, intensityII), xNormSet, xTarget))
.aveQuantile <- function(X) {
nbrOfChannels <- length(X)
if (nbrOfChannels == 1) {
nbrOfObservations <- unlist(lapply(X, FUN = length), use.names = FALSE)
maxNbrOfObservations <- max(nbrOfObservations)
if (maxNbrOfObservations == 1) {
## nbrOfFiniteObservations <- rep(maxNbrOfObservations, times = nbrOfChannels)
quantiles <- (0:(maxNbrOfObservations - 1))/(maxNbrOfObservations - 1)
xTarget <- vector("double", maxNbrOfObservations)
for (cc in 1:nbrOfChannels) {
Xcc <- X[[cc]]
Scc <- sort(Xcc)
nobs <- length(Scc)
if (nobs < maxNbrOfObservations) {
## tt <- !is.na(Xcc)
bins <- (0:(nobs - 1))/(nobs - 1)
Scc <- approx(x = bins, y = Scc, xout = quantiles,ties = "ordered")$y
xTarget <- xTarget + Scc
rm(Scc, Xcc)
xTarget <- xTarget/nbrOfChannels
.subsetQuantileNorm <- function(x, xNormSet, xTarget) {
bgMin <- min(unlist(x)[unlist(x) != 0])
if(bgMin < 100) bg <- bgMin else bg <- 100
for(i in 1:length(x)){
n <- length(x[[i]])
nTarget <- length(xTarget)
nNormSet <- sum(xNormSet[[i]])
if(nNormSet != nTarget){
targetQuantiles <- (0:(nTarget - 1))/(nTarget - 1)
r <- rank(x[xNormSet[,i], i])
xNew <-(r - 1)/(nNormSet - 1)
xNew <- xNew[order(xNew)]
xNorm <- approx(x = targetQuantiles, y = xTarget, xout = xNew, ties = "ordered", rule = 2)$y
} else {
xNorm <- xTarget
r <- rank(x[[i]])
xNew <- (r - 1)/(n - 1)
quantiles <- xNew[xNormSet[[i]]]
quantiles <- quantiles[order(quantiles)]
xmin <- min(x[[i]][xNormSet[[i]]]) #get min value from subset
xmax <- max(x[[i]][xNormSet[[i]]]) #get max value from subset
kmax <- which(xNew > max(quantiles))
kmin<- which(xNew < min(quantiles))
offsets.max <- x[[i]][kmax] - xmax
offsets.min <- x[[i]][kmin] - xmin
x[[i]] <- approx(x = quantiles, y = xNorm, xout = xNew, ties = "ordered")$y #interpolate
x[[i]][kmax] <- max(xNorm) + offsets.max
x[[i]][kmin] <- min(xNorm) + offsets.min
x[[i]] <- ifelse(x[[i]] <= 0, bg, x[[i]])
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