#' Fit simplified Poisson log-normal model
#' \code{poisson_lognormal} uses maximum composite likelihood estimation to fit
#' Poisson log-normal models to each sample.
#' @import dplyr
#' @import batchtools
#' @importFrom magrittr %>% %<>%
#' @importFrom Matrix cov2cor
#' @export
#' @param df_samples_subset Data frame or tibble with proteins counts,
#' cell condition, and group information
#' @param protein_names A vector of column names of protein to use in the analysis
#' @param condition The column name of the condition variable
#' @param group The column name of the group variable
#' @param ncores Number of CPU cores
#' @param slurm_settings Path to slurm cluster template for \code{\link[batchtools]{batchtools}}
#' @return A list of class \code{cytoeffect_poisson_mcle} containing
#' \item{tb_args}{output tibble of model fits}
#' \item{protein_names}{input protein names}
#' \item{condition}{input condition variable}
#' \item{group}{input group names}
#' \item{df_samples_subset}{input df_samples_subset table}
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' df = simulate_data(n_cells = 10)
#' str(df)
#' fit = poisson_lognormal_mcle(df,
#' protein_names = names(df)[3:ncol(df)],
#' condition = "condition",
#' group = "donor",
#' ncores = 1)
poisson_lognormal_mcle = function(df_samples_subset,
ncores = 1,
slurm_settings = "slurm_batchtools.tmpl") {
# some checks
if(sum(names(df_samples_subset) == condition) == 0)
stop("condition column missing")
if(sum(names(df_samples_subset) == group) == 0)
stop("group column missing")
if(nrow(df_samples_subset) == 0)
stop("no observations")
if(df_samples_subset %>% pull(condition) %>% nlevels != 2)
stop("condition variables should have two levels")
tb_args = df_samples_subset %>%
group_by_at(vars(group, condition)) %>%
Y_list = lapply(1:nrow(tb_args), function(i) {
df_samples_subset %>%
filter(.data[[group]] == pull(tb_args, group)[i]) %>%
filter(.data[[condition]] == pull(tb_args, condition)[i]) %>%
select_at(protein_names) %>%
tb_args %<>% add_column(Y = Y_list)
current_time = Sys.time() %>%
str_replace_all(":","") %>%
str_replace_all("-| ","_")
reg = makeRegistry(file.dir = paste0("registry_",current_time),
conf.file = NA,
packages = "cytoeffect")
if(file.exists(slurm_settings)) {
# run on cluster using batchtools
reg$cluster.functions = makeClusterFunctionsSlurm(slurm_settings,
scheduler.latency = 30,
fs.latency = 30)
batchMap(fun = cytoeffect::fit_poilog,
args = tb_args %>% ungroup %>% dplyr::select(Y),
more.args = list(ncores = ncores))
submitJobs(resources = list(ncpus = ncores, # cores per job
memory = 4000, # MB memory per job
walltime = 360 # minutes per job
# expires only after 7 days to handle cluster instability
waitForJobs(sleep = 60, expire.after = 10080)
# by setting missing.val to NULL, we impute failed jobs with NULL
fit_list = reduceResultsList(missing.val = NULL)
# collect
tb_args %<>% add_column(fit = fit_list)
save(tb_args, file = "tb_args.Rdata")
} else {
# run locally
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
reg$cluster.functions = makeClusterFunctionsSocket(ncpus = ncores)
} else {
reg$cluster.functions = makeClusterFunctionsMulticore(ncpus = ncores)
batchMap(fun = cytoeffect::fit_poilog,
args = tb_args %>% ungroup %>% dplyr::select(Y),
more.args = list(ncores = ncores))
fit_list = reduceResultsList(missing.val = NULL)
tb_args %<>% add_column(fit = fit_list)
# cleaning up
# create cytoeffect_poisson_mcle class
obj = list(tb_args = tb_args,
df_samples_subset = df_samples_subset,
protein_names = protein_names,
condition = condition,
group = group)
class(obj) = "cytoeffect_poisson_mcle"
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